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Common Challengesin Project:

Common challenges we have faced is in DB, we have two types of update operation, there is
dynamic üpdate and standard update. In dynamic update we no need to write the query
connectoDautomatically generates it in run time.
Where in standard updte we have to write the query of own. We have an issue with this, there
was an acCount for which Ihave added some details, now lets say there was a detail, account
employee. How many no.of employees in the account, lets say initially it was 500, 500 vwill be
passed to DB. After a year it changed to 1000and it willbe passed to DB. Lets say we smake that
field as NULL, NULL means empty no value.
So when we use dynamic insert,that null was not getting updated to the DB which wascreating
data Discrepency. Now in-order to overcome that we realized this null value is not updated in
dynamic insert and that is where we have to write our own query whích ensure that these nuil
values for fields which initially has some values gets synchronízed in the DB.
We have over come this by writing standard update and standard insert.
Workday services---Workday exposes many services, we have done the integration with revenue
management services with workday.
Behind the scene there will be SOAP/REST based API's,so here these API's will perfom the
upsert operation. Incase of DB, first checking whether Data is existing or not. Incase of workday,
it is not required if the data is already existing it will do an update. If the data is not existing it is
going to do insert. Here we need to caii that API.T


BOOMI Training by VENKAT -9900866782

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