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Extended Epilogue


I glance around the poker table once again. Watching my brothers interact with one
another no longer makes me feel like the outsider I’d always felt like before her. I now have
something they have, too: someone. Someone who wants me for me, no matter how different
I may be.

“Are you fucking smiling?” Con quips in my direction with a huge smile
encompassing his face.
I frown instantly. Was I smiling? Paige often jokes that I am capable of it.

“You’re different now that you’re getting laid on the regular.” Finn grins a cocky
smirk with that damn toothpick hanging out of his mouth.
In a flash, Bren swipes the back of Finn’s head with the palm of his hand, making Finn fly
forward and sending his beer falling to the table in the process. “Have some goddamn fucking
respect. That’s his woman you’re talking about.” Bren’s face is beet red with rage, and the
veins in his temple are pulsating.

My fists clench and unclench under the table in irritation. I do not want to be here
tonight because Paige is ovulating. I quickly glance at my watch again. Exactly twenty
minutes ago, she entered the ovulation period, according to the app I researched and

But instead of filling my woman with my cum, I’m stuck here, having to rein in my
temper with the need to cause damage at the disrespectful way my brother talks.

Perhaps if I tell Paige we’re getting married, they’d take my relationship more

“Just fucking with you, Oscar.” Finn grins, completely undeterred by Bren’s outburst.

Con shuffles back and forth in his chair. “So, about the wedding…”

A collective bunch of moans and groans escape our lips at the mere mention of Con’s
wedding. Bren put him on a ban from even mentioning it in our company at all. Since Da was
killed six weeks ago, Con’s wedding was delayed yet again, but now that it’s getting closer,
you can feel the excitement vibrating off him.

“Just say what you want to say and then shut the fuck up about it,” Cal snaps,
completely annoyed with Con.

Con glares in Cal’s direction, a sneer on his lips. “You miserable bastard. It’s a
fucking wedding. You’re meant to be excited about it.”

Cal sighs dramatically, and he pinches the bridge of his nose and looks up at the
ceiling before exhaling and rolling his head to face Con. “Ecstatic,” he deadpans back.

Con crosses his arms over his chest and pouts like the spoiled man-child he is. “I was
going to tell you about the rollercoaster, but I’m not going to bother now.”

“You just fucking told us, dipshit.” Finn throws a chip at Con.

I hear the door behind me slowly creak open and know instantly that Reece has
entered the room before my brothers have even registered his arrival. I seem to have a sixth
sense where that kid is concerned.

Cal raises his head from his cards. “Reece, we’re trying to play poker.”

Reece approaches the table, and all eyes are on him. It’s a regular occurrence that
Reece interrupts our games, but normally he calls with some random bullshit. “Yeah, I can
see. I can also see you’ve got a shit hand because your face gives you away. You need to
work on that, Dad.”

Cal’s eyes bug out, and his jaw tics in frustration. He sharpens his stare at his son.
“What do you want?”

I take a drink of my beer as I watch their interaction, just as intrigued as Cal.

“I want to borrow Chloe this weekend.”

Cal jolts and furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “Why?”

Reece exhales, his face stoic. “I have a woman to impress, and I want to play the nice
brother card, so I want to take Chloe to meet her.”

“A woman?” Cal repeats, his words slow as he mulls them over.

“Girl,” Reece corrects. My eyes flick to his, knowing exactly who and what he’s
doing. His own eyes stare back at me, daring me to out him in front of his father.

I take another swig of my beer and glance at my cards.

“Well, take her tomorrow. Sunday, we’re at Ma’s, and she’s going to need cheering
up, so I want us all there.”

Reece’s expression changes slightly. To anyone else, you wouldn’t notice, but I know
him well enough, and I can see the confusion written on it. “Why does she need cheering

It’s a typical Reece comment. I mean, the woman has recently lost her husband, and
you’d think he’d understand that part, but coupled with the fact that it’s also her dead son’s
birthday, it’s going to be tough, even I can recognize that. Although, to be fair to Reece, he’s
unaware its Teddy’s birthday tomorrow.

“It’s Teddy’s birthday tomorrow.” Cal stares into space, clearly thinking about the
brother we never got to meet.

The table is silent.

“Oh.” Reece shuffles from foot to foot and begins to tug on his hair. He doesn’t do it a
lot anymore, so it’s a clear sign agitation is building inside him. Cal pushes his chair back, no
doubt attempting to calm him down.

Reece holds his hand out to stop him. “Shit. I just realized something.” His wild eyes
dart around us all. “Shit.” He almost chants the words then turns toward me; his blue eyes
penetrate me. “You should have fucking figured this out.” He points at me accusingly,
making my spine straighten in defense.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Bren pushes his chair back, demanding
answers at his outburst.

“He’s fucking alive!”

We all stare at Reece in confusion. “Shit. You dumb fucks. He’s alive! When I did the
DNA test to figure out which one of you was my dad, I got results back for matches close to
my own DNA. Another match was some guy who was only once registered at a hospital as
Theodore McGregor with a gunshot wound. No other details. I did a bit of digging, and he’s
part of an MC. Well, MC’s are shady as shit, so I’d much rather be Mafia.” He shrugs.

Reece’s words play over in my mind, completely disregarding his last absurd

“You think it’s possible?” Cal’s eyes flick to mine in question.

Bren scrubs a hand over his head. “Makes sense.”

“They didn’t find a body. Assumed he was dead in the fire,” Finn notes from the
previous documentation we read.

“So, what, he ran?” Con queries.

I stroke my palm over my jaw as my mind works overtime. “No, he was too young.
Someone placed him there for safekeeping.”

“Do you know what MC?” Bren stares at Reece.

He nods in response. “Yeah, I got it.”

“Good.” Bren sits back down, taking a pull of his beer.

“So, I’m taking Chloe tomorrow,” he repeats, while staring in Cal’s direction.

Cal nods, clearly dumbstruck with the new information we’ve just been dumped with.
Reece smiles to himself before turning and leaving the room, leaving behind him a new

“Well, I’m not changing my fucking wedding again. Dead or a-fucking-live,” Con
snipes out.

Bren exhales loudly. “Oscar, can you look into this tomorrow?”

I stare back at my brother, his eyes searching mine. “Sure.” I nod in agreement before
pushing my chair away from the table.

“You don’t have to start it now!” Bren shouts as I make my way toward the door.

I turn my head over my shoulder, latching my eyes onto his. “I’ve more important
projects to handle at the minute, Bren.” My lip quirks up as I leave the apartment.

Project “Inseminate Paige” is well underway.


Warm hands adjust my hips, and I snuggle back, expecting Oscar to pull me into his
hold, but instead of a comforting embrace, I feel the wet tip of his cock pushing into my

“Shhh. Go back to sleep, Paige.”

I moan in both a dreamy haze and at the sensation of Oscar entering me without
preparation; a bite to his forcefulness sends a flurry of arousal through me.

“You like me fucking you raw, don’t you, Paige?”

He holds the base of my neck into the pillow; my head is tilted at an awkward angle to
the side. My chest rises and falls with each slow movement, eager for him to fuck me hard.

My words come out muffled into the pillow, “Yes.”

“You like me fucking my cum into your pussy?”

He pulls back slowly, and I swear I can feel every ridge on his thick cock.


“Good girl. Taking my cock so I can fuck a baby into you. Such a good girl.”

A moan escapes me with his filthy words. My pussy clenches around him, forcing
him to lose control. He begins working his hips harder, faster. “My fucking woman to fill.”

“Yes, Os, yours.”

His grip on my neck tightens while the other hand holds my hip so firm, I know I will
wear the bruises tomorrow.

“Fuck. Your pussy is milking my cock.”

He guides a hand around my stomach and holds it there, and the action sends me into
a spiral of emotion, making me cry out in pleasure, “Please, Os! Fill me with your baby!”

He slams into me as my mouth drops open in a scream, and my orgasm is so intense,

my vision blurs. I give myself over to it as Oscar rams into me from behind.
“I’m going to make you swell with my child, Paige.” I feel him shudder. “Fuck. I’m
cumming inside you. Fucking filling you up.”

A gush of pleasure trails down my legs, and I’m absently aware I’ve squirted. It’s
something Oscar has been on a mission to achieve lately. That and impregnating me.

He falls on top of me but braces his weight on his forearms that are on either side of
my head. His lips gently caress my neck. “You’re so beautiful.”

I smile into the pillow at his words, and my stomach flutters with happiness.

So loving and calm.

He’s a whirlwind of emotions in a perfect storm.

“I’m leaving my cock inside you all night.” He kisses me again, and I can feel him
twitch deep inside me.

“I love you, Os.” I smile to myself.

“Mmm. I know you do.” His soft lips trail over my jawline. “And you know I do, too.”

Warmth spreads inside me.

My perfectly imperfect man is everything I need, everything I want.

“I can’t wait to meet our baby, Paige.” Oscar begins rocking back and forth, and my
hips meet his movement—they embrace it, willing him to succeed.

An emotion of hope stirs deep inside me; something tells me one child will not be
enough for Oscar, no matter how much he denies it.

No, Oscar O’Connell will want an army.

A generation of different.

A generation to step into the light.

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