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"Integration and Control: Electric Powered and Arduino-Based Inline-4 Cylinder

Engine Prototype "

Presented by:

Dinglasan, Louis Clyde A.

Din, Rodlyn Catherine M.

Deguzman Jr, Jonathan F.

Camacho Mark Ernest B.

Cabarles, Lester Gian N.

Patdu, Angelo S.

Presented to:
Engr. Renz Michael S. Magat

Date of Submission:
January 19, 2024

The research project demonstrates a study of Inline-4 Cylinder Engine. In

addition, the research also showcases the construction of an Inline-4 Cylinder Engine

prototype integrating a variety of smaller, simpler and cheaper materials and tools.

The developers also present a sequence of progressively building procedures of the

prototype starting from programming up unto the final steps of assembly. This study

allowed the developers to thoroughly study the theories and principles of an actual

Inline-4 Cylinder Engine also generating and concluding theoretical upgrades and

enhancements for the prototype.

I. Introduction

The Inline-4 Cylinder engine or straight-four engine is an internal combustion

engine with all four cylinders mounted in a straight line, or plane along the crankcase.

Natural gas, diesel, and gasoline are just a few of the fuels that may drive it. An engine

with an inline-four design has a simple mechanical design. Its basic engine balance is

essential. Compared to one-, two-, and three-cylinder engines, it runs smoother. It is

hence well-liked for economical cars. The Inline 4-cylinder engine stands as an iconic

and widely employed powerplant in the realm of automotive engineering, captivating

enthusiasts and serving as the beating heart of numerous vehicles on the road today.

The inline 4-cylinder engine’s smooth operation is credited to its fundamental

symmetry and harmonious combustion order, which makes it an ideal choice for a

variety of applications, including high-performance sports cars and compact sedans.

The objective of this project is to display or exhibit the mechanism and function of the

inline-4-cylinder engine. The engine's mechanical action drives the dynamo, which

produces electricity, to propel the engine. The engine's speed is therefore directly

affected by the potentiometer's precise control over the voltage applied to the dynamo,

which simulates the function of a throttle control in an actual internal combustion

engine by varying the electrical power supplied to the system.

II. Materials and Methodology

• Materials

Circuit Components:

Arduino Nano

12v DC Motor (for crankshaft rotation)

Motor Driver

Potentiometer (To control the rpm of the model)

I2C LCD (serves as the panel guide)

External Power source

Jumper Wires

USB type-C Connector

Mechanical Components:


Crank web



Mechanism Components:

Cylinder Syringe

Flattened PVC



• Methodology

The objective of this project is to make a prototype to mimic the principles of

the real inline-four cylinder. In creating the prototype, it incorporates a more active,

practical educational method. This project can serve as an excellent teaching tool to

illustrate the fundamentals of internal combustion engines. Here the sequence of the


3d Modelling:

Planning the whole setup of the prototype by drawing and identifying the parts

needed to design and build the prototype.

Circuit Analysis and Assembly:

Analyzing the whole project by combining the parts such as building the

Arduino connections on a breadboard with respect to the body of the project such as

the DC Motor, I2C LCD, Motor Driver and Potentiometer.


Writing the ideal code in the Arduino to control the operation of the engine.

The program controls the crankshaft and the cylinders with respect to the

Potentiometer, DC Motor and Motor Driver.

//Created by: MechKings

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_SH1106.h>

#define OLED_RESET 4
Adafruit_SH1106 display(OLED_RESET);

#define PWM1 3
#define AIN1 4
#define AIN2 5

int SpeedControl1 = A0;

int Speed = 0;
int pot;
int out;

void setup() {
display.begin(SH1106_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);


void loop() {

Speed = map(analogRead(SpeedControl1), 0, 1023, 0, 10000);

digitalWrite(AIN1,HIGH); //Motor A Rotate Clockwise

analogWrite(PWM1,out); //Speed control of Motor A


3D Printing:

Printing the components of the mechanism needed to perform the mechanical

movement of the cylinders which include the pistons, crank web, links and valve.
Mechanism and Circuit Testing:

Evaluating autonomously the certain parts of the prototype in the process that

it operates by using a trial-and-error method. It is to ensure if the parts are running

properly such as the Arduino connections to the body and frame, the lcd display, and

if the DC Motor inclined with the body and frame are operating smoothly.


Assemble the tested parts to build the modelled prototype and test it as a whole

mechanism. Also, several tests are performed by the developers right after the

assembly to guarantee that the prototype functions seamlessly as a whole.

II. Results

The extensive evaluation approach generated successful results. The

integration of Arduino and the entire circuit as the central power source stood out as

a demonstrative highlight, illuminating the seamless functionality of the system and

its underlying mechanisms. Our objectives were successfully achieved as we

displayed and exhibited system’s operation and its mechanisms. We created a

prototype that faithfully mimics and exercise the principles of a real combustion


III. Discussion

The process and method achieved by this project can contribute to the

understanding of control systems in the context of miniature engines. The

implications extend beyond this specific project, opening doors for continued

exploration and refinement in this dynamic and interdisciplinary field.

As we reflect on the successful implementation and findings of our Inline-4-

Cylinder Engine Prototype, it becomes evident that several recommendations can

enhance the scope and impact of this research. We recommend to:

• Integrate sensors for temperature, pressure, and RPM to provide more

realistic data feedback on the LCD.

• Implement a crankshaft position sensor to precisely control the timing of the

engine and simulate realistic combustion cycles.

• Add a data logging feature to record and analyze the engine performance

over time

• Enable wireless connectivity (Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) to allow users to monitor

and control the engine remotely through a mobile app or computer

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