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By Erica Townsend Designs

Owner of Gracie’s Petals & Bows

Worsted weight yarn- I used Bernat super value, bright yellow, dark yellow and choc. Brown
Darning needle
3.5mm hook

9 sc x 11 rows = 2” x 2”
Bo- Bobble stitch. (This bobble stitch is made up with 3DC worked together as one stitch like a
decreased stitch in the same hole.)
Sc- single crochet
Slst- slip stitch
Repeat = *
dc- double crochet
tr- treble crochet or triple crochet
ch2 picot- chain 2 picot stitch
hdc- half double crochet

Round 1 Working in continuous rounds. Using Brown yarn and 3.5mm hook, ch 2. Work 8
sc in 2nd ch from hook. (8 sc)
Round 2 2 sc in every st around. (16 sc)
Round 3 *2 sc in next st, sc in next st.* Repeat from * to * around. (24 sc)
Round 4 *2 sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts.* Repeat from * to * around. (32 sc)
Round 5 *2 sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts.* Repeat from * to * around. (40 sc)
Round 6 *2 sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts.* Repeat from * to * around. (48 sc)
Round 7 *2 sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts.* Repeat from * to * around. (56 sc)
Round 8 Sc in every st around. (56 sc) Fasten off and switch to dark yellow yarn.
Round 9 Ch 1, sc in same as ch 1. *Bo in next st. Sc in next st.* Repeat from * to * around.
End with a slst in top of 1st sc. Fasten off.
Round 10 Attach bright yellow yarn to front loop only on one of the Bo sts from previous
round and work all sts from this round in front loops only. *Ch1, hdc in same as
ch1, work a dc and tr in next st, ch2 picot (image on next page on how to do
this). Tr and dc in next st, hdc and slst in next st. Slst to next st* Repeat from * to
* around. Fasten of and hide all ends.

Hope you enjoyed this pattern.

If you have any questions about my pattern, please contact me at

You can follow me on facebook at

copyright 2021 Erica Townsend

This pattern may not be copied, sold or given away without the express written permission of the
author. Products made using this pattern are the property of the maker and may be sold, traded or
given away and are not covered by this copyright.

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