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Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

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Nanosensor platforms for detection of milk adulterants

Himshweta a, Minni Singh b, *
Biosensor Development Group, Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab, 147002, India
Functional Food and Nanotechnology Group, Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab, 147002, India


Keywords: Milk is a substrate for adulteration, and it is crucial to identify adulterants, and their quantities in milk products.
Nanomaterials In order to safeguard consumers from fake products and health risks, authenticity of milk products is in high
Electrochemical nanosensors demand. Analytical tools that are comprehensive, quick, and sensitive are necessary to monitor milk quality and
Optical nanosensors
screen for any undesirable substances. The traditional methods for the detection of adulterants in milk products
Milk products
are experiencing more difficulties due to their poor selectivity, sensitivity, and unsuitability for complex
Adulterants matrices. The researchers are paying close attention to nanomaterial based sensing systems, which are seen to be
among the most effective alternatives to the traditional approaches. This review focuses on optical and elec­
trochemical nanosensors including mechanisms and performances, in relation to their benefits, drawbacks, and
applicability to milk products. It also addresses new developments in the field of nanoemsembles platforms for
the rapid detection of adulterants in dairy products. A section of particular interest is the detection of milk
authenticity, as it is known that milk from different animal species are intermixed.

1. Introduction techniques are available to store milk for future use.

Due to the growing demand for fresh, genuine, and flavourful
Food product adulteration is quickly increasing, posing a threat to products among consumers, the dairy business is rapidly expanding.
consumer safety and the shelf life of products. Nowadays, food adul­ Milk and dairy products are more in demand and more expensive than
teration has become widespread in numerous food items, including other food items in the market. Unfortunately, milk is easily adulterated
milk, meat, cereals, packaged foods, honey, vegetable oils, fruit juices, to reduce costs or extend the shelf life of dairy products. Milk adulter­
and alcoholic drinks [1]. Adulteration of food is a well-known issue in ation is defined as intentional reduction of milk quality through
the food processing industry. To address this, the food standards and blending or the addition of inferior substances prior to sale. Due to their
safety regulatory authority has established standard rules for all food great nutritional value, widespread production and consumption, both
products under various acts and laws in the majority of the world’s raw milk and lacteous derivatives are susceptible to adulteration
nations. These rules are meant to verify the genuineness of the product through the addition of foreign chemicals or cheap additives [4]. The
and ensure its safety. Unfortunately, companies often adulterate food dairy industry is predicted to experience steady growth until 2025, with
with less expensive substitutes to maximize their profits. Milk and dairy annual increases of 2.1% for whole milk powder and 2.0% for skim milk
products have become a staple food in the global diet because they are powder, in addition to 1.7% for butter and 1.4% for cheese, respectively
essential for creating and maintaining a balanced diet for individuals of [5]. Adulteration of milk occurs primarily through the addition of less
all ages [2]. Since milk is a good source of high-quality proteins, lipids, expensive substitutes to increase its fat and protein content, as well as
vitamins, and minerals, it contains casein and whey proteins that are volume and shelf life [6]. Since the presence of adulterants may cause
crucial for human nutrition and the necessary supply of amino acids. major health problems, it is imperative to properly evaluate the quality
Milk is easily absorbed and digestible, making it particularly crucial for of milk and dairy products both before and after packaging. Milk and
newborns, nursing mothers, kids, and the elderly. Additionally, milk other dairy products are commonly adulterated with melamine, urea,
proteins provide the amino acids required for both adults and children’s formaldehyde, starch, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), vegetable oil, water,
normal growth [3]. Cheese and butter are examples of dairy products and detergents [7–10] as illustrated in Fig. 1.
that have historically been consumed in large quantities. Many In 2011, Spink and Moyer [11] noted that the Food and Drug

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Himshweta), (M. Singh).
Received 31 October 2022; Received in revised form 30 April 2023; Accepted 11 May 2023
Available online 12 May 2023
2666-0539/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

Administration had classified economically motivated adulteration analytes present in food, biological and environmental samples [18,19].
(EMA) as a sub-category of food that poses threat to public health on a Nanomaterials can be integrated with specific analytical methods to
global scale. EMA is defined as the fraudulent act of intentionally monitor analytes effectively.
substituting or adding materials to a product to enhance its perceived In recent years, sensor based approaches have emerged as a prom­
value or reduce its manufacturing costs for economic gain [11]. There­ ising solution to overcome the limitations of instrumental analysis and
fore, it is important to have appropriate procedures for distinguishing conventional methods. Although these techniques are useful for trace
between adulterated and original milk to offer consumers with pure and analysis and offer the advantages of cost effectiveness, minimum sample
wholesome milk, both from the dairy sector’s perspective but also for requirement, sensitivity, and portability, their stability must be
the benefit of consumers [12]. From an economic standpoint, milk improved in some cases before they can be effectively applied in the
adulteration has become a prevalent practice, challenging every aspect commercial market. The development of portable nanosensors for the
of the dairy industry worldwide. The 2008 Chinese milk scandal, which detection of adulterants without sample preparation or pre-treatment
highlighted the melamine adulteration in infant formula, brought the has gained significant attention in recent years. Hence, a holistic re­
issue to the forefront. It served as an eye opener for regulatory bodies view of nanomaterial-based sensors is necessary to guide future research
worldwide, prompting them to establish rigorous framework guidelines towards the highly efficient and rapid detection of adulterants in dairy
to combat food adulteration. However, despite these efforts, milk fraud products. In this review we survey the nanoensembles based platforms
continues to persist and remains a significant problem. This is due to the for detection of dairy adulterants, specifically those using metallic
lack of the effective and prompt detection technology for milk nanoparticles, aptamers, quantum dots, carbon dots, nanocomposite,
adulteration. nanocrystals, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, molecularly imprinted
Various analytical techniques have been developed to address the polymers as shown in Fig. 2. Based on the advanced functions and
detrimental effects of food adulterants in dairy products and foods. synthesis of nanomaterials integrated optical and electrochemical
Several chromatographic techniques, including High Performance nanosensors are discussed in detail.
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Ultra High Performance Liquid Chro­
matography/Tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC/MS/MS) and gas chro­ 2. Nanosensors for monitoring dairy adulterants
matography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), as well as spectroscopic
techniques such as Fourier transform near-IR (FT-NIR) spectroscopy, Milk and dairy products are staple foods consumed worldwide on
mid infrared (MIR), ultraviolet–visible (UV– Vis), and Raman spectros­ daily basis [20]. Nascimento et al. classified the milk adulterants into
copy, are among them [13–17]. While these chromatographic and mass four types of adulterations: 1) with nitrogen contents, 2) fat content of
spectrometric methods are characterized by outstanding sensitivity and milk and addition of detergents, 3) with water and other substances, 4)
precision, they are costly, complex to operate, require qualified opera­ to enhance the shelf life of dairy product [4]. Economically motivated
tors, and are not suitable for field applications. The surge in the number adulteration, which involves the addition of vegetable protein, milk
of publications on the identification of adulterants in dairy products from various species, water, and whey, is among the most common
underscores the global importance of this issue. Therefore, it has become forms of milk adulteration [21,22] although, these adulterations do not
essential to develop cost-effective and real-time detection probes. result in serious health issues. Although, some milk adulterants such as
Among the various types of probes available these probes, urea, melamine, formalin, detergents, ammonium sulphate, benzoic
nanomaterial-based sensors are highly valued for their potential appli­ acid, salicylic acid, H2O2, and sugars, can pose serious health risks and
cations in food and dairy products. They are preferred due to their facile should not be ignored [23]. From an economic perspective, adulterating
synthesis, large surface area, easy surface functionalization, higher milk with a mixture of substances can be harmful. While adding water to
sensitivity and stability make them ideal candidate for detection. milk does not pose any health risks as long as the water is not polluted, it
Additionally, the nanomaterials exhibit unique optical, electrical, and does lower the nutritional value of milk. The quality of milk is deter­
magnetic properties can be employed for the analytical applications mined by various factors, including the total Solid-Not-Fat (SNF) con­
such as extraction, sample preparation and preconcentration of various tent. Adulterants are often added to increase the SNF concentration, but

Fig. 1. Adulterants in milk.

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

Fig. 2. Nanomaterials employed as platforms for sensing adulterants.

this changes the natural purity and quality of the milk [23]. content of milk [21].Although melamine has low acute toxicity, its
In addition to the concerns over food adulteration, there are specific intake above the established limit can result in renal failure due to the
adulterants that are particularly worrisome. One such adulterant is formation of insoluble cyanurate crystals in the kidney [29].
melamine (1, 3, 5-triazine-2, 4, 6-triamine), an organic compound that Adulteration of milk and dairy products with ammonium sulfate is a
has been widely used in the manufacturing industry. Due to the presence common practice to increase the protein content artificially. Adding
of exocyclic amino groups (-NH2) and three endocyclic hybrid nitrogen ammonium sulfate to milk can also help in retaining the density of
rings in melamine it act as nucleophilic reagents [24]. The chemical diluted milk while raising the lactometer reading, making it appear
industry utilizes melamine, formaldehyde and additives to synthesize richer in quality [30]. However, this practice can be hazardous to human
melamine resin, a synthetic polymer used in the production of home health as consuming excessive amounts of ammonium sulfate can lead to
appliances, plastics, board or wood coatings, and adhesives. It is also various health issues like respiratory distress, gastrointestinal irritation,
used in inks, pesticides and fertilizers. However, this compound is often and even death in severe cases. Furthermore, ammonium sulfate adul­
misused by being added to various food products to enhance their pro­ teration can also affect the quality and texture of the dairy products,
tein levels due to its high nitrogen content, which makes up 66% of its leading to a decline in their nutritional value. The use of preservatives
total mass [25]. The nitrogen-rich substance, melamine, has been added like formalin, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, and H2O2 in dairy products is a
to food and milk to falsely elevate the protein content. However, mel­ common adulteration practice [22]. These chemicals can extend the
amine is a poisonous compound, and consuming excessive amounts of it shelf life of milk by preventing spoilage and delaying the onset of mi­
in food or milk can lead to kidney and bladder issues, as well as death. crobial growth. However, their prolonged consumption can lead to
Consequently, the detection of melamine in food and milk is highly various health hazards such as cancer, asthma, skin allergies, and
desirable, and various types of detection techniques have been devel­ digestive disorders. Formalin, a strong disinfectant, is particularly
oped for this purpose. Melamine gained notoriety as a food fraud in harmful and can cause severe health issues such as liver and kidney
China in 2008 when it was illegally added to milk and milk-based damage. Similarly, salicylic acid and benzoic acid can cause irritation
products, leading to kidney damage and even death in many infants. and inflammation of the digestive system, while H2O2 can cause respi­
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have set the limit for ratory distress and chemical burns on the skin [22]. Due to the high cost
melamine in infant formula at 1 mg/kg body weight, while the limit for of milk fat, some milk and dairy product producers opt to remove it and
other dairy products is 2.5 mg/kg [26,27]. Nonetheless, the World replace it with non-dairy fats like vegetable oil for financial reasons
Health Organization (WHO) has also established a daily limit for mel­ [31]. To emulsify and dissolve the oil, detergents are added to the milk.
amine intake of 0.2 mg/kg of body weight [21,28]. Since the 2008 However, the presence of peroxides and detergents in milk can both
incident in China, melamine has been found in a wide variety of contribute to gastrointestinal issues that can lead to gastritis and
milk-based products, with reported melamine levels ranging from 0.09 inflammation of the intestines. Excessive amounts of starch in milk can
to 6200 mg/kg. In addition to melamine, a number of other chemical cause diarrhoea due to the actions of undigested starch in the colon.
compounds such as urea, amidinourea, ammeline, cyanamide, dicyan­ However, stored starch in the body might pose a danger to individuals
diamide, 3-aminotriazole, 4-aminotriazole, guanidine, biuret, triuret, with diabetes [32].
and cyromazine have been used as adulterants to increase the nitrogen Urea is a common adulterant that is added to milk to increase its

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

nitrogen content and thereby make it appear more protein-rich. Urea is a electrochemical, thermal, mechanical, optical, gravimetric, piezoelec­
naturally occurring nitrogenous compound found in urine as a metabolic tric, and magnetic [37,38]. Electrochemical nanosensors rely on the
by-product. It affects the kidney as a large portion of urea content is principle of electrochemistry. By using nanomaterial on carbon based
removed by them. Carbamide, another name for urea, can be produced electrode or glassy carbon electrode, they can measure the electro­
synthetically. It serves as both a fertiliser and a raw material for the chemical reaction with analyte, either by formation or utilising ions or
production of plastics. Carbon dioxide and liquid ammonia are used to electrons with higher efficiency and selectivity. Optical nanosensors use
prepare urea in large quantities. These two substances are combined at nanomaterials to detect and analyze light, allowing them to detect and
high pressure and temperature to form ammonium carbamate. At low measure a range of physical, chemical, and biological parameters. Op­
pressure, ammonium carbamate breaks down to form urea and water. tical nanosensors are small analytical device that detects an analyte by
Urea can also be used to produce barbiturates. However, when used to measuring changes in optical signals using optical transducers with the
adulterate milk, it has a number of negative effects on humans and other enhanced optical properties of nanomaterials such as metallic nano­
milk consumers. Addition of urea increases the nitrogen content in milk. particles, up-conversion nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes and quantum
The significant portion of non-protein nitrogen in milk is contributed by dots [36,39]. Fig. 3 is a classification of nanosensors used for detection
urea, which is a main component of milk. of milk adulterants based on transducers used- optical and
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) act of 2006 electrochemical.
and the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act (PFA) rules of 1955 state
that the upper allowable limit of urea in milk is 15.39 µM [33]. Urea can 2.1. Optical nanosensors
have harmful effects on human health beyond the threshold, leading to
cancer, indigestion, ulcers, urinary tract blockage, and renal failure. Optical nanosensors produce the optically generated light after the
Urea can contaminate milk in two ways: by intentionally addition of analyte binds to the receptor. The light is then measured by using
more urea and by addition of synthetic milk to pure milk. Therefore, various optical transducers such as absorbance, fluorescence, polar­
regular checking of urea in milk quantitatively is crucial and can be isation, colorimetric, chemiluminescence, phosphorescence, biolumi­
useful in certain ways since, above the permissible limit, it can be nescence, and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) [40]. There are two
harmful to humans [32]. types of optical nanosensors: label-free and label-based. In the label-free
Furthermore, the use of additives such as carbonates and bi­ method, the analytes contact with the transducer directly results in the
carbonates in dairy products can also have adverse effects. Research has detection of a signal. Label-based nanosensors, in contrast, use a label to
shown that these additives can interfere with hormone signalling that generate an optical signal through colorimetric, fluorescent, Localised
controls growth and reproduction [22,23]. As such, monitoring the Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR), Surface Enhanced Raman Scat­
concentration of urea in milk and limiting the use of additives are both tering (SERS) or luminescent techniques [41,42]. Table 1 summarizes
critical for ensuring the safety and quality of dairy products for human the different nanomaterials based optical sensors, their target analyte,
consumption. Currently, the detection of adulterants can only be carried detection method and limit of detection. Optical nanosensors offers
out on small sample sizes [34], and this can only be achieved by significant advantages over traditional analytical methods as they
high-throughput methods in centralized laboratories. However, this is a enable the direct and real time detection of various biological and
expensive exercise in terms of both time and resources. Therefore, the chemical compounds without the need for labels. Their benefits include
need for rapid on-site detection methods is essential. excellent sensitivity due to the nanoscale size of the sensor, which allows
Emerging nanosensor technologies have been increasingly applied to for the detection of even small amounts of analytes. They are
satisfy the growing demands of different areas. With the advancements cost-effective and highly specific, enabling the detection of a specific
in nanotechnology and nanoscience, the nanosensor technology has target analyte while minimizing false positives [41]. The following
flourished even further. Moreover, recent developments in nano­ sections address several types of optical sensors used for milk adulter­
materials and nanotechnology demonstrated their potential for devel­ ants analysis, including chemiluminescence, SERS, fluorescence, color­
oping novel detection methods. Nanomaterials find applications in a imetric and LSPR nanosensors.
wide range of fields due to their simple synthesis, facile surface chem­
istry, and low cost. They are often used as labels and reporters owing to 2.1.1. Chemilumniscence sensors
their unique properties, which can be utilized to design novel nano­ In chemilumniscence (CL) method, a chemical compound gets elec­
sensors. Nanosensors are highly sophisticated, accurate, and sensitive tronically excited and returning to its ground state, which results in the
systems that can identify one or more specific physical or chemical spontaneous generation of light. This phenomenon leads to emission of
processes based on a specific signal. Compared to traditional methods, light and provides certain advantages, like low background noise, a
these nanometer-scale sensors offer significant improvements in speed, broad liner range, higher sensitivity, cost effectiveness and controlled
selectivity, and sensitivity [35]. Nanosensors are usually constructed by emission rate. In contrast to fluorescence, CL generates energy through
combining a receptor with a transducer. The receptor can be made of chemical reactions. Two distinct mechanisms govern the two types of
any organic or inorganic material that interacts with the analyte or its CL. These are: direct CL and indirect CL. Direct CL occurs when a
derivatives. On the other hand, the transducer’s function is to converts molecule undergoes a chemical reaction and produces light as a result.
the response into a measurable signal, such as electrical, electro­ This process involves the direct conversion of chemical energy into light
chemical, or optical signals. It acts as a sensing platform and is often without the need for an external energy source.Here, the excited state of
made of nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, gra­ the molecule is generated by the energy released during the chemical
phene oxide, metallic gold, iron oxide particles, and electrospun poly­ reaction, and the excess energy is then emitted as light. This type of CL is
meric nanofibers. The applications of nanomaterials in sensors and commonly observed in reactions involving highly reactive species such
biosensors increase the efficiency and sensitivity of assays [35]. The as radicals and excited states of molecules. Examples of direct CL include
unique properties of nanomaterials, such as their flexible shape, the reaction of luminol with hydrogen peroxide and the reaction of
improved optical, mechanical, electrical, and thermal characteristics, fireflies with oxygen. These two extensively studied luminogenic sub­
high specific surface area, and nanoconfinement, significantly enhance stances are susceptible to oxidation by H2O2 and superoxide radical
the transducing ability of signals [36]. When evaluating nanosensors, anion (O•–2 ). The changes in the chemical structure of the chemiexcited
several key factors are considered, including their selectivity, which intermediates produced by these molecules result in the emission of light
describes how well the system can distinguish the analyte from other [43]. During the indirect CL, the transfer of energy occurs when a
sample components. Nanosensors are classified based on the transducer chemiexcited molecule (as energy donor, D) transfers energy to a second
mechanism used for generating output signals, such as electrical, molecule (as acceptor, E), which becomes further excited during the

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

Fig. 3. Classification of nanosensors used for detection of milk adulterants based on transducers used- optical and electrochemical.

process. result, the absorption band of aggregated gold nanoparticles does not
The process of indirect charge transfer in CL involves the transfer of overlap with CL spectrum. This prevents the CRET, and restores the
energy, leading to the excitation of a fluorophore or photosensitizer. The signal. This enables the determination of melamine with a detection
excited molecule can then act independently. If molecular oxygen (O2) is limit of 3 × 10− 7 µM in adulterated milk samples [45].
present, the photosensitizer can produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) is a process that involves the
such as O•–2 , hydroxyl radicals (HO ), or O2 and the reactivity of these

emission of light as a result of a chemical reaction that occurs on an
species with biomolecules spans a wide spectrum [43]. There are three electrode surface. In ECL, an electrochemical reaction produces excited
types of CL based on their energy source: 1) ordinary CL occurs when a species that can emit light as they return to their ground state. ECL is
chemical reaction produces excited-state species that emit light as they similar to other types of luminescence, such as fluorescence and phos­
return to their ground state. This type of chemiluminescence can be seen phorescence, but it differs in that it requires an electrochemical reaction
in a variety of chemical reactions, such as the reaction between luminol to produce light. Chen and co-workers developed an ECL sensor for
and hydrogen peroxidase, 2) biochemiluminescence (BCL) which in­ melamine detection in milk sample. The sensor uses a composite film
volves the use of enzymes to produce luminescence. BCL is a type of modified electrode consisting of Ru(bpy)2+3 doped silica nanoparticles
indirect luminescence, and it can be further classified based on the type (RUDS)/carboxylic acid functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes
of enzyme used, and 3) electrochemiluminescence (ECL) involves the (CMWCNTs)/Nafion. The CMWCNTs promote higher electron transfer
use of an electrochemical reaction to produce luminescence. CL gener­ and electrical conductivity in the composite film. Moreover, CMWCNTs
ally involves multiple oxidation reactions to produce an excited state, increase the availability of more Ru(bpy)2+ 3 for ECL reaction, therefore
followed by transitioning to the ground state and emitting light. In this enhancing the ECL intensity. The relative ECL signal was found to be
process, organic compounds like lumino, lucigenin, lophine, and oxalate proportional to the melamine concentration in the range of 5.0 × 10− 7 to
peroxide esters are often used [44]. One of the key approaches in the 0.1 µM, with a detection limit of 1.0 × 10− 7 µM [46]. Building upon this
area of optical sensing for melamine, identified by researchers, is the use work, a simple label-free aptamer-DNAzyme coupled nanosensors was
of CL-based sensors, which is particularly fascinating. developed for the detection of melamine in raw milk. Aptamers are short
Melamine is a harmful substance that can cause kidney damage and single-stranded DNA molecules that can bind to a specific target mole­
other serious health problems, especially in infants and young children. cule with high affinity and specificity. DNAzymes, on the other hand, are
However, its presence in food has become a serious public health synthetic DNA molecules that can catalyze specific chemical reactions in
concern due to its toxic properties. Detecting melamine is also important a manner similar to enzymes. Aptamers and DNAzymes can be combined
for maintaining consumer confidence in the safety and quality of the to create a new type of biosensor, called an "aptazyme" or "apta­
food supply. Melamine is not an approved food additive and is not safe mer-DNAzyme coupled sensor". In these sensors, the aptamer is used as
for human consumption. Therefore, it is essential to identify and prevent the recognition element to selectively capture the target molecule, while
its presence in food products. Therefore, detection and prevention of the DNAzyme is used as the signal transducer to generate a detectable
food adulterants are crucial for protecting public health and ensuring signal. In order to develop an aptamer-DNAzyme conjugated sensor,
that consumers can trust the food products they purchase. Du and co- suitable aptamers were first identified using microarray analysis, and
workers studied a turn-on chemiluminescence resonance energy trans­ then the aptamer properties were optimised to lower background noise
fer (CRET) method for melamine detection by reacting bis (2, 4, 6-tri­ and improve performance. This was achieved by increasing the
chlorophenyl) oxalate, H2O2, fluorescein as a donor and dispersed signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the screened sensor. The screening process
gold nanoparticles as an acceptor. The presence of gold nanoparticles involved microarray-based screening and CL detection of the melamine.
significantly reduced the CL signal of the bis (2, 4, 6-trichlorophenyl) The sensor showed maximum signal intensity at 2 £ 103 µM melamine
oxalate- H2O2-fluorescein reaction. This is due to the absorption band (S/N ratio, of 20.2) in raw milk [47].
of the dispersed gold nanoparticles overlaps with the CL spectrum. H2O2 is a chemical compound that is commonly used as a disinfec­
Melamine causes gold nanoparticles to aggregate, which leads to a tant, bleaching agent, and oxidizer. It is also found in trace amounts in
redshift in the absorption band of the dispersed gold nanoparticles. As a nature, including in milk. When hydrogen peroxide is present in milk, it

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

Table 1
Optical nanosensors for the detection of adulterants in dairy products.
Sample Nanomaterial Target analyte Detection method LOD (µM) References
Raw milk Aptamer-DNAzyme Melamine Chemiluminescence 2 £ 10 [47]
Milk AuNPs Melamine CRET 3 × 10− 7 [45]
Milk samples Single-stranded DNA ssDNA/g-C3N4 H2O2 Electrochemiluminescence 3.3 × 10− [51]
nanosheets hybrid
Milk Acid-modified silver nanoparticles (SAA- Melamine Colorimetric 0.01 [116]
Milk Triton X-100-AuNPs Melamine Colorimetric with smartphone 5 × 10− [126]
Milk Gold nanoparticles suspended in Tollen’s Formalin Colorimetric NA [138]
Milk AuNPs Anionic detergents Colorimetric SDBS- 66 and commercial [123]
ADs- 319
Milk Iron doped copper tin hydroxide CuSn H2O2 Colorimetric 9.49 [130]
(OH)6 microspheres
Fresh milk Copper phosphate modified by hydrophilic H2O2 Colorimetric 79 [134]
Dairy milk products Zero valent manganese nanoparticles (ZV- H2O2 Colorimetric 0.2 [133]
Mn NPs)
Milk sample FePt-Au Ternary Metallic Nanoparticles H2O2 Colorimetric 12.33 [129]
with Au(I)
Milk Optical fiber -based localized surface Melamine Colorimetric 0.033 [145]
plasmon resonance of AuNPs
Milk AgNPs Melamine Colorimetric 0.032 [121]
Milk samples AgNPs using cellulose nanowhiskers H2O2 Colorimetric 14 and [131]
(CNW) 112
Liquid milk samples Acacia Gum–Stabilised Silver H2O2 Colorimetric - [144]
Cow milk Molybdenum disulfide quantum dots Formaldehyde Colorimetric NA [137]
(MoS2 QDs)
Milk Microfluidic paper-based analytical Urea and H2O2 Colorimetric Urea and H2O2 were 2.4 × [139]
devices (mPADs) 103 and 100
Milk Novel pincer zinc complex stabilized gold Melamine Colorimetric 0.019 [128]
Pasteurized milk β-Cyclodextrin-functionalized silver Melamine Colorimetric 4.98
samples nanoparticles
Pre-treated milk Citrate-capped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs Melamine Colorimetric 2.37 × 10 [118]
− 3
Processed raw milk Asymmetrically modified gold Melamine Colorimetric 1.05 × 10 [127]
Liquid milk AuNPs Melamine Colorimetric 0.238 [119]
Raw milk AuNPs Melamine Colorimetric 0.56 [110]
Milk Sodium D-gluconate stabilised silver Melamine Colorimetric 0.5 [120]
Milk Label-free Ag NPs Melamine Colorimetric 2.32 × 103 [108]
Milk H2O2–Au nanoparticles Melamine Colorimetric 400 [117]
Milk AuNPs-Aptamer Melamine Colorimetric 11.89 and 3.9 [114]
Milk AgNPs Melamine Colorimetric 0.01 [24]
Raw milk AgNPs Melamine Colorimetric 3.96 [109]
Raw milk and milk Au-NP-H2O2-TMB Melamine Colorimetric 2 £ 10− 6 [113]
Milk AgNPs Melamine Colorimetric 0.07 [124]
Milk Ag-rutin, Ag-curcumin Melamine Colorimetric 0.079 and 1.9 [125]
Cow milk Lab-made apps (PhotoMetrix®, and Starch, H2O2, and NaClO Colorimetric coupled to NA [132]
RedGIM®) Smartphone Image Analysis
Milk Zirconium-based metal-organic Melamine Fluorescence 0.09 [99]
frameworks composite
Zr-based MOFs
Raw milk AuNPs-CdS QDs system Melamine Fluorescence 3.17 [88]
Cow milk and infant Glutathione stabilized gold nanoclusters Melamine Fluorescence 28.2 [91]
formula (AuNCs)
Pure milk and milk Dual emissive fluorescent silica Melamine Fluorescence 0.018 [101]
powder nanohybrid
Milk powder Acrylate citric acid (ACA) based polymeric melamine Fluorescence 2.32 × 10− [107]
membrane sensor
Dairy product AuNPs on the CsPbBr3 NCs@BaSO4 Melamine Fluorescence 4.2 × 10− [96]
Milk Ds DNA template copper nanoparticles Melamine Fluorescence 0.79 [95]
Milk Graphene Quantum Dots Melamine Fluorescence 0.12 [100]
Raw milk AgNPs Melamine Fluorescence 0.03 [92]
Milk Au@Carbon quantum dots Melamine Fluorescence and Smartphone 4 × 10− [94]
Milk Graphene oxide (GO) with 2,7 H2O2 Fluorescence 1 × 107 [122]
-dichlorfluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA)
Milk CdS QDs Melamine Fluorescence 1.11 [103]
(continued on next page)

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

Table 1 (continued )
Sample Nanomaterial Target analyte Detection method LOD (µM) References

Milk Fluorescent copper nanoparticles Melamine Fluorescence 0.79 [97]

templated by dsDNA
Raw milk and milk Aminofunctionalized carbon dots (C-dots) Melamine FRET 0.036 [89]
powder and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)
Raw milk Polydopamine-glutathione nanoparticles Melamine FRET 0.023 [93]
(PDA-GNPs) and AgNPs
Milk Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) and Graphene Melamine FRET 3.6 × 10− [102]
quantum dots (GQDs)
Raw milk AuNPs Melamine FRET 0.018 [90]
Milk ZnO nanorods Urea UV-Visible 1.185 × 103 [140]
Diluted milk Silver nanocubes Formaldehyde UV-Visible 12.7 [146]
Milk Urease/ZnFe2O4 nanocomposites Urea UV-Visible 10 [112]
Milk AgNPs Urea UV-Visible Capped nanoparticles 3.23 [141]
and uncapped nanoparticles
Mozzarella and feta Monolithically integrated silicon chips Bovine milk UV-Visible 0.5 and 0.25% (w/w) [211]
Milk samples Optical fibre tip coated with the Formaldehyde UV-Visible 6.7 and 16.6 [136]
polyoxometalate salt
4 4
Milk Janus-type Au-mesoporous silica Urea UV-Visible 2.35 × 10 and 4.35 × 10 [106]
nanoparticles functionalized with a
Infant formula Chondroitin Sulfate-Reduced Gold Melamine UV-Visible 0.1 [57]
Yogurt samples Gold nanoparticles conjugated to Bovine species in sheep- UV-Visible 1.6 × 10− 9 for PCR product [208]
streptavidin (SA-AuNPs) and goat-derived products specific to cow and goat, and
(yogurt) 3.1 × 10− 9 for sheep-
specific PCR product
Liquid milk Cysteamine functionalized core-shelled Sodium thiocyanate and SERS Sodium thiocynate- 0.37; [79]
nanoparticles benzoic acid benzoic acid- 80.25
Milk Silver-coated gold nanoparticles Urea and ammonium SERS Urea- 830 and ammonium [78]
(Au@AgNPs) sulfate sulphate- 0.38
- Ag metasurface on SiO2-Au-coated silicon Melamine SERS 0.001 [85]
Infant formula AgNPs Melamine SERS 79.28 [80]
Milk Fe/N-codoped carbon dots (CDFeN) Urea FL, SERS, and RRS 0.001 [83]
Milk Silver nanosol (AgNP) Urea SERS 4.92 × 10− 3 [75]
- Au nanostructured gold-coated ITO Melamine SERS and electrochemical 1.18 £ 10− 6, 1.89 £ 10− 10
Au nanostructures on ZnO NWs-coated CF and 5.74 £ 10− 5
Liquid infant Ag micro- and nanostructures Melamine SERS 39.64 [54]
Skimmed milk Spherical magnetic-core gold shell Melamine SERS 390 [53]
nanoparticles (AuNPs) and rod-shaped
gold nanoparticles (nanorods)
Milk powder, infant Citrate coated gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) Melamine SERS 0.79 for lactose and milk [55]
formula, lactose, powder; and 1.59 for infant
whey protein formula
Milk AgNPs Melamine SERS and Colorimetric 0.4 [82]
Milk AgNPs Melamine SERS 5.15 and 7.92 (instrument [77]
detection limit)
Infant formula milk Silver film over nanospheres (AgFON) Melamine SERS 0.79 [76]
powder solution
Milk Ag nanorods (NRs) Melamine SERS 0.001 and 1.0 £ 10− [72]
Milk Au@SiO2 NPs Melamine SERS 7.92 [67]
Milk AgNPs Melamine SERS 2.1 [71]
Milk Portable pipette-Ag-NPs-basil-seed Melamine SERS 0.85 [70]
Milk and milk Cyclodextrin-decorated silver Melamine SERS 2.37 × 104 [58]
powder nanoparticles CD-AgNPs
Milk Silver nanostructures (AgNS) Melamine and urea SERS 1.69 × 103 for melamine; [84]
480 for urea
2% reduced fat raw AuNPs Melamine SERS and Colorimetric 1.98 [61]
Milk liquid and AgNPs Melamine SERS 15.9 [62]
powder samples
Liquid milk AuNPs Melamine SERS 1.34 [60]
Milk powder Silver nanoparticles coated amino Melamine SERS 0.019 [56]
modified polystyrene microspheres (PS-
NH2/Ag NPs)
Milk AgNPs with MIP Melamine SERS 16.5 [68]
Milk Gold Nanoparticles namely Gold Nano Melamine SERS 0.87 [74]
Spheres (GNSs), Gold Nanorods (GNRs)
and Triangular Gold Nanoprisms (GNPrs)
on porous monolith scaffold
Raw milk and milk Silver nanoparticles and covalently bonded Melamine SERS 1.0 × 10− [69]
powder 2-nitro-5-mercaptobenzoic acids (TNBs)
(continued on next page)

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

Table 1 (continued )
Sample Nanomaterial Target analyte Detection method LOD (µM) References
Milk Poly-thymine (T) aptamer to the gold Melamine SERS 7.93 × 10− [65]
nanoparticles thymine-rich aptamers were
modified on AuNPs
Milk Au-Capped Si Nanopillar Melamine SERS 0.079 in PBS and 2.37 in [81]
Cow, camel, goat, Cit-AgNP Fat, casein, urea, and SEIRA and ANN Fat -1.07 × 104 [213]
buffalo, and lactose of cow, camel, goat, Casein -2.681
infants’ formula buffalo, and infants’ Lactose -2.30
powdered milk formula powdered milk Urea -349.65

Abbreviation:Gold nanoparticles- AuNPs; AgNPs-silver nanoparticles; gold-silicon oxide nanoparticles- Au@SiO2 NPs; Gold nanoparticle-hydrogen peroxide-3,3′ ,5,5′ -
Tetramethylbenzidine- Au-NP-H2O2-(TMB); sodium hypochlorite- NaClO; barium sulfate-coated perovskite nanocrystals-(CsPbBr3NCs@BaSO4); zinc ferrite- urease/
ZnFe2O4; Surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy- SEIRA; Artificial neural networking –ANN, SERS-surface enhanced Raman scattering;FL-fluoresence;
RRS- Resonance Rayleigh scattering; Fluorescence resonance energy transfer-FRET; Sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate –SDBS; Anionic detergents-AD; Chem­
iluminescence resonance energy transfer- CRET; Phosphate buffer saline –PBS; MOF-metal organic framework; Molecularly imprinted polymers-MIP; citrate silver
nanoparticles- Cit-AgNP; Iron tin oxide- ITO; ZnO-Zinc oxide; CdS QDs- cadmium sulphide quantum dots.

can react with enzymes called catalases to produce water and oxygen This method is highly sensitive for increase of Raman signal intensities
gas. This reaction is important because it helps to protect the milk from by enhancement factor of 10-11 folds [34]. The SERS sensor exhibited
spoilage by harmful microorganisms and ensuring the safety of the milk. significant enhancement by utilizing the plasmonic properties of metal
While it is naturally present in milk in trace amounts, adding it as a nanoparticles. The intensity enhancement of the SERS signal can reach
preservative requires strict regulation and adherence to guidelines to up to 14 folds [52]. Moreover, this method is suitable for label-free
ensure that it is safe for human consumption. However, excessive pro­ identification of biochemical and chemical compounds. Probes in this
duction of H2O2 can lead to various diseases such as cancer and Alz­ technique are metallic nanoparticles either in colloidal form or tagged/
heimer’s disease [48]. Therefore, it is important to accurately detect and encapsulated with Raman active molecules. In last few years, different
monitor H2O2 levels in various food and environmental samples. An ECL types of nanomaterials have been used as substrates for signals
sensor for H2O2 with an extremely low detection limit has been pro­ enhancement in SERS technique for detection of food adulterants.
duced using a hybrid of polypyrrole-dodesylbenzen sulfate-cerium oxide Nanoparticles can significantly enhance the signal intensities and
nanocomposite (PPy-DBS-CeO2) on a platinum (Pt) electrode. The therefore widely used to increase the detection limit. Laser light excites
addition of CeO2 nanoparticles to the composite matrix improved the the nanoparticles, driving the surface charge and creating a highly
ECL signal. The sensor demonstrated linear correlation between the localized plasmonic-enhanced field. When an analyte is absorbed or
signal and the logarithm of the H2O2 concentration ranging from 5 × positioned closer to this field, a greater enhancement in the Raman
10− 10 to 50 µM (R2= 0.9922) and exhibited a very low detection limit of spectra is observed [34]. So, SERS property of nanoparticles is used for
1.2 × 10− 10 µM. Moreover, the sensor showed good stability and developing sensing assay for the determination of dairy adulterants.
reproducibility making it useful for detecting H2O2 in milk and water Melamine adulteration in food and pharmaceutical products is a
samples [49]. Another simple and inexpensive approach for the detec­ serious problem, and there is an increasing need to safeguard the public
tion of H2O2 concentrations in semi-fat milk samples, involves the use of from exposure to such adulterated items. To address this concern, one
a hydroxyethyl cellulose sensitive membrane and a photodetector to effective way is to develop a portable technique for on-site and fast
measure CL. The reaction between luminol and H2O2 is catalysed by testing to reduce the risk of adulterated items. For the quick detection of
cobalt hydroxide, resulting in the detection of H2O2 in milk at concen­ melamine, a novel approach based on surface-enhanced Raman spec­
tration of 852.6 µM [50]. However, the detection limit of this method is troscopy has been devised. In order to establish a complex with the
relatively high, which may limit its usefulness in certain applications. melamine molecules, spherical magnetic-core gold shell nanoparticles
H2O2 is commonly used as a fungicide in food and as a disinfectant (AuNPs) and rod-shaped AuNPs (nanorods) tagged with Raman-active
and antiseptic additive in food. However, for humans, it can be carci­ molecules were used. 5, 5′ -Dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) was selected
nogenic, accelerate ageing, and leads to cardiovascular disease. Here, a as the Raman active molecule because it can easily form a self-assembled
novel non-enzymatic ECL sensor using single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)/g- monolayer (SAM) on the surface of a gold nanoparticle and exhibits high
C3N4 nanosheets (NS) was developed to address the demand for rapid Raman scattering due to the symmetric NO2 stretch. A detection limit of
and accurate detection of H2O2 in food. The g-C3N4 NS and ssDNA so­ 390 µM for milk samples was achieved. Analysis was completed just in
lution were mixed to synthesize ssDNA/g-C3N4 NS hybrid. To increase 15 minutes [53]. Galvanic displacement reaction of copper (Cu) by sil­
the luminescence signal, the ssDNA/g-C3N4 NS was modified on a glassy ver (Ag) is also a good way to develop portable sensing platform for
carbon electrode. This modification catalyzes the ECL reaction of melamine detection. The low cost and highly portable surfaces of Cu
luminol- H2O2. The suggested sensor displayed great sensitivity across tape and Cu coin, with silver nanostructures were used to develop the
wide dynamic range of 1 × 10− 10 to 1 × 104 µM with lowest detection sensor. AgNPs as SERS substrates were able to detect 39.64 µM of mel­
limit of 3.3 × 10− 11 µM for H2O2 [51]. This detection limit is substan­ amine in baby formula milk within 15 minutes [54].
tially lower than that achieved with previous methods. Using this The colorimetric and Raman responses of citrate coated AuNPs were
technique, milk samples can respond to H2O2 in just one min. Therefore, examined. The addition of isopropanol (IPA) results in agglomerations
this method stands out as one of the best ECL based sensing technique for of AuNPs, which increases the melamine-specific Raman signal and
detection of H2O2 in food stuffs. remove matrix interference for substrate synthesis. Through the AuNPs
agglomeration, Raman signal for melamine was enhanced by 5 folds,
2.1.2. Surface enhanced Raman scattering sensors resulting in melamine detection at 0.79 µM for lactose and milk powder,
Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) is a laser based sensing while for infant formula it was 1.59 µM [55]. Thus, this portable SERS
technique used to amplify the weak Raman signals generated by mole­ sensor is a useful tool for on- site analysis of melamine adulteration in
cules on a metallic surface. The amplification is achieved by the inter­ various food and pharmaceutical matrices, such as milk powder, infant
action between the laser light and the surface plasmons of the metal, formula, lactose, povidone, whey protein, wheat bran, and wheat
which can enhance the Raman signal up to several orders of magnitude. gluten.

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

A highly active SERS-coated amino modified polystyrene micro­ when interacting with melamine. However, in the presence of inter­
sphere (PS-NH2/Ag NPs) with homogeneous surface morphology has fering substances, the colorimetric approach generates imprecise and
been produced. Nanojets are used for non-destructive analysis of analyte falsely positive quantitative signals. The SERS approach, which can
adsorbed on the smooth gold or glass surface. Due to efficient coupling directly use the AuNPs from the colorimetric method, was used as a
of surface plasmonic resonance, a 10 folds increase in Raman signal quick validation tool to minimise these effect. Three sizes of AuNPs (15,
intensities was observed between PS-NH2/Ag NPs and gold surface 30, and 50 nm) were investigated to maximise the integration of these
compared to glass surface. These microsphere SERS substrates were able two methods. The 30 nm Au NPs were found to be the optimal size for
to detect 2-mercaptopyridine as low as 0.001 µM concentrations. In both the colorimetric and SERS approaches based on detection limit and
order to create SERS encoded PS-NH2/Ag NPs microspheres, four the ability to quantify melamine. The proposed colorimetric-SERS assay
distinct thiol compounds have been successfully used as tags. A linear has a detection limit of 1.98 µM in milk, and it takes approximately 20
correlation was found between SERS intensity and melamine concen­ min, making it a rapid and sensitive method for the detection of analytes
trations (0.1-10 µM) with detection limit of 0.019 µM [56]. This detec­ in milk samples [61].
tion limit is significantly lower than the standard set by US Food Drug SERS technique is broadly used to identify the adulterations in dairy
Administration (FDA) of 0.02 µM. This research has shown promising products. Following the dilution of milk with varying volumes of water
results in the development of gold nanoparticles synthesized by the AgNPs coated on a cylindrical support could detect 5 µL of diluted
glycosaminoglycan and chondroitin sulphate as reducing agents for the sample, without any drying steps. The outcomes revealed that, in the
detection of melamine in baby formula. Chondroitin sulfate and Au3+ absence of dilution, the potent matrix effect of the milk sample entirely
were mixed together and heated. The conversion yield of Au3+ to Au0 suppressed the melamine peaks. This phenomenon may be attributed to
was determined to be 80.1% using inductively coupled plasma-atomic either the robust affinity of milk constituents to occupy the active sites of
emission spectroscopy. This analytical technique is widely utilized for AgNPs or the obstruction of laser penetration by the opaque milk solu­
the precise quantification of metal ions and has proven to be a reliable tion. Moreover, a detection limit of 0.019 µM was obtained for melamine
method for the determination of the yield of Au3+ to Au0. The high in water. In addition, the dilution approach is effectively used to mini­
conversion yield observed in this study indicates the efficiency of the mize the impact of matrix effects from original samples for the detection
reduction process and suggests that the chondroitin sulfate-reduced gold of melamine in both liquid and powder forms of milk. It is noteworthy
nanoparticles could be a promising tool for various applications, that these findings suggest a dilution factor of 75 can significantly
including the detection of melamine in milk products. As the concen­ diminish the matrix effect, though with a slight variation in detection
tration of melamine in the gold nanoparticle solution increased, the sensitivity. In real sample, the detection limit is increased to 15.9 µM,
characteristic surface plasmon resonance band of gold nanoparticles at which is near to the permitted levels as specified in milk products [62].
530 nm decreased, and a new peak emerged at 620 nm indicating the This work describes the development of disposable and portable
formation of larger gold-melamine complexes.This red shift in the conductive substrates for dual detection of organic toxicants using SERS
absorbance spectrum indicates a change in the morphology and size of and electrochemistry. Gold nanostructures were electrodeposited on
the gold nanoparticles, which is likely due to the interaction between three substrates bare indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode, ITO coated with
melamine and the gold nanoparticles. The observed changes in the plane gold and carbon fibre (CF) covered with ZnO nanowires (ZnO
absorbance spectrum suggest that the absorbance ratio (A620/A530) can NWs) and their sensitivities were improved by adding a gold layer and
be utilized for rapid detection of melamine even at lower concentrations. ZnO nanowires. The substrates bare indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode,
The suggested method can measure melamine spiked in baby formula up ITO coated with plane gold and carbon fibre (CF) covered with ZnO NWs
to 0.1 µM within 13 min [57]. Melamine nanosensing using chondroitin showed good SERS signal reproducibility and were able to detect mel­
sulfate-reduced gold nanoparticles might be a potential technology for amine at low concentrations 1.18 × 10− 6, 1.89 × 10− 10, and 5.74 × 10− 5
rapid on-site melamine screening of milk products. µM, respectively [63].
Conventional silver mirror reaction with α-cyclodextrin (CD), is used Aptamers are oligonucleotides (single stranded) bind the target
to synthesize AgNPs embellished with CD. In order to identify melamine, moiety with higher specificity and affinity. These aptamers are
CD-AgNPs are used as SERS substrate. The 704 cm− 1 intensity of the commonly screened using a combinatorial technique called systematic
Raman band is used for detection of melamine in milk and milk powder. evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment. Aptamers offer several
The electromagnetic field and the chemical or electronic enhancement advantages over antibodies, such as their ease of synthesis, desirable
effect of AgNPs on the triazine ring of melamine, exhibit a 28 cm− 1 red storage properties, and the ability to be easily modified. Due to these
shift of the melamine peak at 704 cm− 1 compared to the solid melamine inherent advantages, aptamers are widely used as recognition elements
peak. Using CD-AgNPs as the SERS substrate instead of traditional in biosensor construction and are highly effective in detecting a diverse
AgNPs significantly enhances the sensitivity of the method, providing an range of substances, including metal ions, organic molecules, peptides,
enhancement in scattering efficiency by a factor of up to ~6 folds. So, a proteins, and even cells [64] . An aptamer-modified SERS nanosensor
detection limit of 2.37 × 104 µM, was achieved for the detection of and an oligonucleotide chip, has been created to detect trace amounts of
melamine in milk and milk powder [58]. Whereas, the detection limit of melamine in milk. The Raman tag and poly-thymine (T) aptamer are
traditional AgNPs was 3.96 µM with enhancement of 5 folds [59]. This attached to the surface of gold nanoparticles in order to produce the
improvement in sensitivity is due to the unique surface properties of SERS nanosensor. The study resulted in the formation of a structure
CD-AgNPs, provides a stronger electromagnetic field for SERS detection. known as "T-M-T" (thymine-melamine-thymine), which involved the
The interaction between AuNPs and analyte allows the quick detection creation of multiple hydrogen bonds between molecules of melamine
of melamine in liquid milk using SERS method. This interaction causes and thymine. During the measurement, as the concentration of mel­
the AuNPs aggregation which triggers SERS "hot spots" that significantly amine increases, the intensity of Raman signal also increases. Therefore,
enhance the melamine signals in the Raman spectrum. The detection able to determine the melamine with detection limit of 7.93 × 10− 6 µM
limit of sensor is 1.34 µM and it takes 30 min for detection [60]. which is much lower than the safety standard [65]. Although the mel­
Although this work is useful for melamine detection in milk matrices as amine detection using this method showed excellent sensitivity
per European law standards, further improvements are required to compared to previous methods, and requires 2 h incubation time to
reduce the analysis time of the procedure. achieve maximum SERS intensity.
Lang’s research group combines two approaches for detection of According to time-dependent density functional theory, the presence
melamine in milk: AuNPs with colorimetric and SERS based detection. of quantum effects like electron tunneling across the gap between
Rapid screening was obtained through colorimetric technique, which nanoparticles would result in a significant reduction of electromagnetic
has the advantage of AuNPs colour transition from red to blue or purple field enhancements at very short distances [66]. Gold nanoparticles

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

have been reported to affect the Raman signal due to their localized Once again, in 2017, a portable SERS based array was developed
surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) properties. The interaction of the using AgNPs coated on surface of cellulose paper. The paper was treated
incident light with the gold nanoparticles generates strong electromag­ with hexadecenyl succinic anhydride to provide a hydrophobic top
netic fields at their surface, leading to enhanced Raman scattering of layer, which can concentrate hydrophobic analyte like melamine by
nearby molecules [67]. However, this effect can be both constructive preventing the mostly aqueous sample from spreading across the paper,
and destructive depending on the size and shape of the nanoparticles thus enhancing the detection sensitivity. Afterward, a SERS sensor array
and the distance between the nanoparticle and the Raman-active has been used to produce patterns with AgNPs on hydrophobic paper
molecule. To minimize the distortion in Raman signals that arise from using the pen-writing method. The end product array exhibits excep­
charge transfer and electronic tunneling effects, SiO2 shell-isolated gold tional Raman scattering amplification, as shown for the fluorescent dye
nanoparticles (Au@SiO2NPs) were utilized for signal enhancement Rhodamine 6G, with a limit of detection 8.0 × 10− 5 µM without fluo­
instead of conventional Au NPs. When the Au@SiO2 NPs colloid is rescence interference. The pen written array can detect 2.1 µM of mel­
combined with the melamine solution or the melamine-treated milk, amine in milk and yogurt [71].
aggregation start occurring. In contrast to aggregated AuNPs, the A unique one-dimensional silver nanostructure has been designed for
aggregated Au@SiO2 NPs on a Cu substrate are capable of enhancing the melamine detection, using the inorganic polymer silver cyanide (AgCN).
Raman signals of melamine without distortion, by using the surface The high-yielding Ag nanorods (NRs) are developed from well-known
plasma effect. The time required for detection is 15 minutes with a –[Ag-CN]- chains of polymeric AgCN at room temperature. This hap­
detection limit of less than 7.92 µM [67]. Due to simplicity in operation, pens due to the colour shift from yellow to orange, to red and ultimately
this method can be applied for rapid detection of melamine in milk, to green. The as-synthesised Ag NRs preserve the parental 1D shape of
moreover the Au@SiO2 NPs have demonstrated stability in the envi­ AgCN. As a result, SERS is effectively conducted using the Ag NRs to
ronment for >2 months. detect melamine, down to picomolar levels. The stronger SERS signal
Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) synthesized through the observed at 1327 cm− 1 for lower melamine concentrations of 0.001 and
imprinting method, have the advantages of higher specificity, stability 1.0 £ 10− 6 µM indicates that the stretching of C-N (carbon-nitrogen)
and selectivity for target analyte. MIPs are widely used as recognition bond of melamine preferentially interacts with the surface of silver ions.
element in sensing platforms to enhance the selectivity of sensors. Hu However, the presence of the ’-NH2’ group and ring ’N’ on the melamine
and co-workers designed a AgNPs combined with MIPs-Raman spec­ molecule, attached to the AgNPs surface, suggests an adsorptive
troscopic-active substrate (MIPs-SERS) for melamine detection. MIPs behaviour at higher concentration range 1 × 103 to 0.1 µM [72]. Thus,
were synthesized by bulk polymerization, using melamine as the (tem­ the melamine binding to the Ag surface supports its fluxional (non-rigid
plate), methacrylic acid (functional monomer), ethylene glycol dime­ molecules undergo dynamics in which their atoms change positions at
thacrylate (cross-linking agent), and 2, 2′ -azobisisobutyronitrile symmetry-equivalent angles) behaviour.
(initiator). The specific affinity of MIPs-AgNPs for melamine and the Hui and co-workers developed a simple and cost-effective assay for
quick adsorption equilibration rate were confirmed by static and kinetic melamine detection using Ag nanoparticles as a SERS substrate. The
adsorption experiments. The melamine levels in tap water and skim milk nanoparticles were prepared by salt reduction in an aqueous solution at
is determined through SERS spectra. The detection limit for melamine in room temperature without the surfactant addition. The effect of
tap water was found to be 1.9 µM, while skim milk had a detection limit different morphologies of AgNPs on the SERS enhancement factor for
of 16.5 µM [68]. The method requires 26 min for melamine detection. To melamine was checked. The enhancement factor (EF) factor reached
make this technique more appealing to food industry professionals and nearly 106 for highly surface-roughened particles [73]. Although, mel­
government laboratories, the sample pre-treatment procedures can be amine was successfully measured using a SERS-based assay. The linear
simplified by modifying the synthesis of these conjugated MIPs-AgNPs ranges and limits were not clearly defined. Hence, more efforts are
or incorporating more effective SERS-active substrates. required for melamine detection.
A SERS-based approach for the detection of melamine is described, Gold nano spheres embedded monolith conjugates are capable of fast
which utilizes the charge-transfer phenomena caused by multi-hydrogen detection of melamine traces in milk. To produce the monolith, a silicon
bonding. In this method, a silver-2-nitro-5-mercaptobenzoic acid (Ag- wafer covered with gold was used for the polymerization of glycidyl
TNBs) is used as the melamine detecting probe. This approach depends methacrylate (GMA), ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA), cyclohexanol
on the formation of multiple hydrogen bonds between TNB and mel­ (porogen), and 2, 2-dimethoxy-2-phenylacetophenone (a photo-
amine, which result significant variations in the Raman frequency. initiator). Three different types of gold nanoparticles, including Gold
Additionally, it shows great selectivity for melamine when exposed to Nano Spheres (GNSs), Gold Nanorods (GNRs), and Triangular Gold
other potentially interfering milk components. The limit of detection is Nanoprisms (GNPrs), were mounted on monolithic surfaces and exam­
1.0 × 10− 6 µM, which is significantly lower than the levels approved by ined using the signal molecule Rhodamine to determine the impact of
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the USA [69].An inte­ the monolith on SERS signal activity (R6G). The maximum enhancement
grated portable system has been developed using a transfer pipette for factor was calculated for the three shapes incorporated with monoliths
flow injection, using a SERS sensor based on basil seeds and a plastic to monitor their Raman enhancement efficiency. Gold Nano Spheres
container. Using the transfer pipette, a tiny amount of liquid sample is integrated into a GMA-EDMA Monolith Sensor (GNS@GEMS) were
put onto the dry basil-seed based SERS sensor. The dried basil seed can proposed for melamine sensing in commercial milk, since GNSs were the
function as a sponge to hold the liquid sample, which allows the plas­ most effective of the three morphologies for the detection of R6G. The
monic AgNPs to remain in close contact with the analyte-containing limit of detection for the assay was found to be 0.87 µM and was ach­
liquid sample and increase the sensitivity of the instrument. The trans­ ieved within 10 min. This approach complies with the FDA tolerance
fer pipette will subsequently discharge the surplus liquid sample from limit in the USA and China 7.29 μM [74].
the plastic container, leaving the basil-seed-based SERS substrate Active silver nanosol (AgNP) synthesised from AgNO3 and sodium
exposed to the air. This process avoids the laborious task of removing citrate as a reducing agent was used as a substrate for Surface enhanced
melamine from milk and reduces interference from the opaque liquid Raman scattering (SERS). In the presence of AgNPs substrate, urea in­
sample on the SERS signal. The pipette-basil-seed based SERS system can teracts with dimethylglyoxime to create 4, 5-dimethyl-2-imidazole ke­
be used to detect melamine in milk with a detection limit of 0.85 μM and tone, resulting in a significant increase in the intensity of the SERS peak
methyl parathion in orange juice with a detection limit 0.1 μM [70]. A observed at 1320 cm− 1. A linear increase in SERS intensity was found
portable pipette-Ag-NPs@basil-seed device have many advantages such with increasing urea concentration from 0.008 to 0.825 µM with a
as low-cost, safe, disposable, and usable, making it deployable in the detection limit of 0.005 µM and a recovery rate of 97.4-101% [75].
field for the detection of food additive and pollutants. Using the SERS effect of silver film over nanospheres (AgFON), a direct

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

approach for detecting melamine in newborn formula milk powder so­ sensitivity, real-time calibration of SERS assays, and reusability of SERS
lution was developed. Vacuum magnetron sputtering and dip-coating chips. The detection limit achieved were 0.079 µM in phosphate buffer
techniques were used to create AgFON. Without any pre-treatments saline (PBS) and 2.37 µM in milk, and found below the maximum
steps, the SERS spectra of melamine in a newborn formula milk pow­ permitted levels [81]. It was observed that electrochemically active
der solution were directly detected using AgFON as a substrate. The analyte-surface interaction significantly improves detection sensitivity.
electric field distribution of AgFON’s was modelled using a finite dif­ A dual-mode readout sensing system that combines colorimetric
ference time domain solution, which demonstrated that the high-density analysis with SERS can effectively distinguish between actual and false-
hot spots of the substrate were responsible for the significant increase in positive signals of melamine in milk. The colorimetry analysis enables
Raman signals. The silver film over nanospheres showed good the plasmonic nanoparticles to change colour in the presence of mel­
enhancement ability and good stability [76]. amine. The silver colloids, with a diameter of 20 nm, proved to be
A hydrophobic-SERS based direct-droplet platform for melamine effective for both colorimetric and SERS techniques. However, the
detection was developed using functionalized commercially available presence of interfering substances may cause false-positive results when
filter paper and AgNPs. This innovative SERS substrate not only meets using the colorimetric approach. This limitation can be overcome with
the requirements for easy and large-scale preparation but also enables SERS spectroscopy, which direct and unaltered acquisition of signature
direct droplet detection with a reusable property [77]. Additionally, the spectra from the same plasmonic nanoparticles utilised in the colori­
technique was effectively used to find melamine in milk at a concen­ metric test. The limit of detection for melamine in milk was 0.4 µM [82].
tration of 5.15 µM after dilution, with an instrument detection limit Therefore, the colorimetric and SERS approach not only enables quick
(IDL) of just 7.92 µM in a linear range from 7.92 – 0.792 × 104 µM. preliminary screening of melamine with the naked eyes but also lowers
Furthermore, this SERS substrate could be effectively used in other areas false-positive signals significantly via surface selection methods.
such as pesticide (thiram) and dye (malachite green) detection in real Accurate and selective detection of urea in dairy products is essential
environment. for maintaining quality control and promoting health applications. To
Urea and ammonium sulfate are commonly used in food adulteration achieve ultra trace urea assay, a unique aptamer (Apt) turn-on tri-mode
to increase the nitrogen content of foods such as milk, which is often approach was developed. The Fe/N-codoped carbon dots (CDFeN) were
used as a measure of protein content. Urea is used to artificially increase produced hydrothermally using ammonium ferric citrate as a precursor.
the protein content of milk, while ammonium sulfate is used to dilute The oxidation of 3, 3′ , 5, 5′ -tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) by H2O2 is
milk and increase its volume. Both of these practices are illegal and can strongly catalysed by CDFeN, resulting in the formation of an oxidised
have negative health consequences for consumers. Detection methods tetramethylbenzidine (TMBox) probe with surface-enhanced Raman
such as surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) can help identify the scattering, resonance Rayleigh scattering, and fluorescence (SERS, RRS,
presence of these adulterants in food products. In the current study, level and FL) signals at 1,598 cm− 1, 370 nm, and 405 nm, respectively. The
of urea and ammonium sulphate in milk was simultaneously determined urea aptamer can inhibit the indicator reaction, thereby reducing the tri-
using SERS based on AuNPs and silver-coated gold nanoparticles signals. While, the addition of urea activates the indicator reaction,
(Au@AgNPs). Ammonium sulphate at a concentration of 0.38 µM and resulting in a linear increase in SERS/RRS/FL intensity, with the
urea up to 830 µM can be detected using AuNPs and bimetallic core detection limit for fluorescence and SERS were 0.005 µM and 0.001 µM,
shelled nanoparticles in combination with the coffee ring effect [78]. respectively [83]. Moreover, the catalytic Apt-CDFeN platform can also
According to this study, SERS based on the coffee ring effect has the detect trace amount of adenosine triphosphate and estradiol. This
potential to be further utilised for identifying other hazardous and method is simple in operation and demonstrates higher sensitivity for
prohibited adulterants in milk and milk products. Therefore, bi-metallic urea detection than previously reported SERS, fluorescence and elec­
nanoparticles can be used for real time examination of milk adulterants. trochemical methods.
SERS also offers quick detection of sodium thiocyanate (STC) and ben­ To create silver nanostructures (AgNS) on filter paper: P1, 0.01; P2,
zoic acid (BA) preservatives in liquid milk using by cysteamine func­ 0.1; and P3, and 0.2 M of AgNO3 (silver nitrate) for SERS substrates were
tionalized core shelled nanoparticle (Au@Ag-CysNPs). STC used. The in-situ one-step silver mirror reaction (SMR) was used for
concentrations from 6.17 to 120 µM and BA concentrations from 120 to detection of melamine and urea. The AgNS has grown in a
1.97 µM in milk samples were detectable using a spectrum covering the concentration-dependent manner, leading to the development of com­
350-2350 cm− 1 region. The results demonstrated that Au@Ag-CysNPs plex structures. The limit of detection for melamine and urea in milk
could detect STC up to 0.37 µM in the milk sample, with a limit of samples was found to be 0.169 × 104 and 480 µM, respectively [84]. As a
quantification 0.48 µM and a coefficient of determination (R2) of result, the paper-based SERS substrate can identify on-site chemical
0.9833. Up to 80.25 µM could be detected for BA with a quantification contaminants in water and milk samples, exhibiting good selectivity and
limit of 83.52 µM and R2 value of 0.9903 [79]. stability for upto 4 months.
Given their low cost, high productivity, and outstanding detection SERS is widely recognised as an ultrasensitive method for detecting
capability, SERS-active substrates are widely employed in food safety trace molecules. However, creating a sensitive and stable SERS substrate
and environmental monitoring. A high performance three-dimensional remains a significant challenge for practical applications. In this study, a
(3D) plasmonic structure has been developed as a SERS substrate for hexagonally packed silver metasurface on SiO2-Au-coated silicon (Ag/
melamine detection. A 3D biomimetic SERS substrate has been created SiO2/Au/Si) substrate that act as metal–insulator–metal (MIM) SERS
by depositing AgNPs onto cicada wing bioscaffold arrays using laser substrate has been developed. The etching process of a self-assembled
molecular beam epitaxy. This approach allowed for the synthesis of high nanosphere mask alters the geometry of Ag metasurface on the SiO2/
density of hotspots by depositing a large number of nanoparticles, with Au/Si substrate, which is responsible for wavelength matching of optical
an average diameters of 10 nm and nanogaps of sub-10 nm onto the absorbance and excitation laser wavelength between Ag/SiO2/Au/Si
surface of chitin nanopillars. The constructed 3D Ag/cicada SERS sub­ substrate. Additionally, an enhancement of Raman signals was
strate shows 0.1 µM limit of detection for Rhodamine 6G, a higher observed. The SERS performance for melamine was significantly
enhancement factor of 1.09 × 105, and outstanding signal uniformity of improved by spin-coating a thin layer of graphene oxide on the sub­
6.8%. Furthermore, the molecular fingerprints of melamine in baby strate, greatly increase the enhancement factor of 1.1 × 105 and a limit
formula has 79.28 µM limit of detection [80]. of detection of 0.001 µM [85].
A proposed approach for the real-time assay of melamine involves
the application of a highly uniform gold (Au)-capped Si nanopillar as a 2.1.3. Fluorescence sensors
SERS substrate in combination with electrochemistry. This Fluorescence assays use several analytical parameters such as, the
electrochemical-SERS platform act as a single chip, offering higher intensity, wavelength, fluorescence lifetime, and fluorescence

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

anisotropy of emission. However, various factors like changes in pH, presence of melamine, the fluorescence intensity increases at 430 nm,
charge, polarity, or viscosity can interfere with the driving signals. leading to “turn-on” effect. However, the induced aggregation and
Fluorophores such as organic dyes, carbon and graphene quantum dots subsequent emission quenching decrease the intensity to 610 nm.
(CDs and GrQDs), and semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are used in Despite the presence of interfering molecules such as alanine, glycine,
fluorescent sensors. These sensors have gained popularity due to simple, glucose and cysteine, the current probe successfully detected 28.2 µM
accessible, highly sensitive, high-output, fast response, and minimal melamine in cow milk [91]. Carbon dots can act as reducing and sta­
background noise. The limitation of these methods is that they require bilising agent for silver ions nanoparticles, enabling them to be com­
specific instrumentation, which may not be economically feasible [86]. plexed with silver nanoparticles as a fluorescent probe for the detection
Fluorescence sensors exhibit a phenomenon known as fluorescence of melamine in raw milk. The intrinsic fluorescence emission of C-dots is
resonance energy transfer (FRET). This non-radiative process occurs dramatically decreased by melamine, as the silver ions interact with
during energy transfer between donor molecule in an excited state to an nitrogen atoms and triazine groups of melamine. The visual detection of
acceptor in a ground state by dipole-dipole interactions [87]. This melamine by UV-Vis absorption and fluorescent method has a low
method has been widely used in various fluorescence applications such detection limit of 0.03 µM, as well as good selectivity [92].
as medical diagnostics, optical imaging and sensing. The FRET system is Polydopamine-glutathione nanoparticles (PDA-GNPs) can be used as
based on three features: the orientation of donor and acceptor; the dis­ reducing agent for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). Here
tance between acceptor and donor; the extent of spectral overlap be­ the PDA-GNPs act as energy donor, while the AgNPs serve as acceptor
tween the emission (donor) and absorption (acceptor) spectrum. molecule. Upon interaction with melamine and Ag (I), the fluorescence
Quantum dots, organic dyes and metal nanoparticles act as fluorescent of PDA-GNPs is reduced, leading to the formation of Ag (I)-melamine
probes for the detection of milk adulterants [64]. Gold nanoparticles complex. This complex prevents the synthesis of AgNPs but enhances the
exhibit greater quenching efficiency, stable and tunable optical prop­ fluorescence intensity. The fluorescence enhancement efficiency ex­
erties, as well as greater energy transfer distance than the Forster dis­ hibits a detection limit of 0.023 µM for melamine sensing. The suggested
tance (R0). In recent times, FRET assays have commonly been applied for approach is simple, time-saving, low-cost, and has been successfully
detection of analytes that can bind onto the surface of gold nano­ employed to detect melamine in real milk products [93]. Melamine in
particles. When gold nanoparticles are functionalized with specific milk can be evaluated visually using fluorescent gold
molecules, they can act as energy acceptors and can be used to modulate nanoparticles-carbon quantum dots nanocomposites (Au-CQDs). With
the FRET signal. This makes FRET assays highly sensitive and specific for an increase in melamine content, the Au-CQD fluorescent emission can
detecting the binding of analytes to the gold nanoparticle surface. be improved achieving a limit of detection 0.0036 µM. The fluorescence
Additionally, FRET assays can be designed to detect a wide range of standard array and smartphone are used to visually determine the
analytes. approximate concentration of melamine adulteration in milk samples
[94]. However, rapid detection using ds DNA templated copper nano­ Metal nanoparticles based sensor. Nanoparticles are often used particles, requires specialised detectors such as photomultiplier tubes
for the fluorometric detection of melamine in milk samples in two ways: due to the weak fluorescence emission. This restricts their applications
they are used as direct fluorescent probes or are attach/immobilize with for in situ analyte detection, which uses cost effective and more sensitive
antibodies/aptamers. The inner filter effect (IFE) of gold nanoparticles detectors. This paper reports the increase in fluorescence properties of ds
(AuNPs) on the fluorescence of CdS quantum dots (QDs) can be used as DNA templated copper nanoparticles by using a mixture of sodium
fluorescence labels for detection of melamine in raw milk. The L- ascorbate and Taq buffer. The fluorescence signal intensity of ds
cysteine (L-Cys)-capped CdS QDs fluorescence is noticeably reduced by DNA-templated copper nanoparticles increases 11 times, and the
AuNPs through IFE in the presence of citrate-stabilized AuNPs. When maximum fluorescence signal is reached 4 times faster with this method.
melamine is added, the fluorescence of the AuNPs-CdS QDs system is The method shows detection limit 0.79 µM for melamine in milk sam­
restored because melamine causes AuNPs to aggregate and decrease in ples. Compared to the conventional approach, the fluorescence
plasmon absorption at 522 nm, which "turned on" the CdS QDs IFE- enhancement technique also yields 2.95 times higher sensitivity for
fluorescence. The detection limit of 0.13 µM was obtained, which is melamine detection [95]. Barium sulfate-coated CsPbBr3 perovskite
substantially lower than the detection limit of HPLC method 3.17 µM nanocrystals (CsPbBr3 NCs@BaSO4) are highly stable and exhibit
coupled with a UV detector [88]. In this work, a FRET system between greater florescence in aqueous buffer. An ultrasensitive fluorescence
AuNPs and amino-functionalized carbon dots (C-dots) has been devel­ nanosensors was constructed for turn-on detection of melamine, using
oped. Here, AuNPs serve as energy acceptors while C-dots serve as en­ the CsPbBr3 NCs@BaSO4 as signal readout and the modulation of the
ergy donors. Melamine is identified using the fluorescence intensity of inner filter effect of citrate-protected AuNPs. The fluorescence of the
C-dots under optimum experimental conditions with a detection limit of CsPbBr3 NCs@BaSO4 was significantly reduced by the AuNPs due to the
0.036 µM and a response time of 5 min [89]. inner filter effect. Melamine-induced aggregation of the AuNPs leads to
The electrostatic interactions between AuNPs (negatively charged as a reduction in the inner filter effect, allowing for the recovery of fluo­
acceptor) and upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs positively charged as rescence in CsPbBr3 NCs@BaSO4 and a detection limit of 4.2 × 10− 4 µM
donor) lead to the aggregation of AuNPs in the presence of melamine. in dairy product samples was achieved [96]. This strategy can be used to
This enhances the fluorescence intensity of UCNPs. Under optimum indirectly detection of non-fluorescent species by using perovskite NCs
conditions, melamine can be detected with detection limit of 0.018 µM, as signal readouts.
in 12 min of incubation time in raw milk [90]. Compared to earlier Fluorescent dsDNA templated copper nanoparticles have gained
studies, this approach shown significant benefits, such as low cost, attention due to their wide range of applications in detecting various
simple operation and efficiently avoid the background interference. analytes. A portable handheld dsDNA templated copper nanoparticles
Gold nanoclusters (AuNCs) offer attractive features due to their based fluorometer is a preferable choice over the conventional methods,
distinct electrical and optical characteristics, such as fluorescence, as it can detect analytes in lower concentrations. This device uses an
tunable size, surface chemistry and aggregation state. As a result, AuNCs Ultraviolet Light-emitting diode (UV LED) for illumination and a posi­
have potential applications in various fields, including biosensors, bio­ tive intrinsic negative (PIN) photodiode for detection, both of which are
imaging, nanobiotechnology, medicine delivery, and diagnostics. A low-cost and readily available components used in the construction of a
novel nanosensor made up of glutathione stabilised AuNCs to detect portable fluorometer. The devised system can detect melamine in milk
melamine in cow milk has been developed. The hydrogen bond in samples up to a concentration of 0.79 µM [97]. To determine the pres­
melamine and AuNCs causes the nanoclusters to aggregate. In the ence of melamine or melamine-Cu(II) in milk products, the AgNC53-­
based "label-free" fluorescence technology is utilized. A modified

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

C3A-rich aptamer as a template is used to synthesize a novel luminous Üzek et al. found that coating cadmium sulphide quantum dots (CdS
DNA silver hydrocolloid (AgNC53), for detecting melamine and QDs) on molecularly imprinted shell by mini-emulsion polymerisation
metal-melamine species in milk products. The emission of AgNC53 at produced specific recognition sites on the surface of nanocomposite for
617 nm is sensitive to both melamine-Cu (II) and melamine, but it does melamine detection, greatly lowering the detection limit to 1.11 µM.
not respond to free Cu (II) ions. The AgNC53 is used to precisely detect The same nanocomposites also showed excellent reusability perfor­
the melamine concentration in milk, with a detection limit of 0.027 µM mance for 20 cycles. So, the nanosensor technology is a good alternative
[98]. Metal organic framework (MOFs)-based sensors have expanded to existing melamine detection technologies [103].
the applicability of nanomaterials in melamine detection for the first
time, surpassing previously reported carbon dots, quantum dots, metal Dye based sensors. Over the last decade, self-assembled fluo­
nanoclusters, nanocomposites, and other fluorescence sensors. Specif­ rescent nanoparticles based on small-molecule organic dyes have gained
ically, a zirconium-based metal–organic frameworks (Zr-based MOFs) is prominence in imaging and sensing applications. This is mainly because
coated by tris (2, 2-bipyridyl) ruthenium (II) chloride hexahydrate ([Ru they can combine the spectral characteristics, tunability, and biocom­
(bpy)3]2+) composite, termed as UiO-66-NH2@Ru, was synthesized and patibility of organic fluorophores with the brightness, chemical, and
evaluated for its ability to detect melamine using a ratiometric fluores­ colloidal stability of inorganic materials. The abundant flexibility of dye-
cence technique. The solvothermal approach was used to synthesise based nanomaterials allows for the creation of distinctive characteris­
UiO-66-NH2@Ru, which showed dual emission signals at 445 and 595 tics, ranging from small molecular aggregations to complex core-shell
nm upon a single excitation at 350 nm. The probe demonstrated a nanoarchitectures with hyperbranched polymers. However, the syn­
detection limit of 0.09 µM. The synthetic UiO-66-NH2@Ru probe thesis of efficient organic dye based nanoparticles, fluorescent molecules
quickly determined the presence of melamine in milk powder with great typically do not perform well, even in highly concentrated solutions, or
sensitivity and selectivity [99]. This work indicates the potential of much less in aggregates. They are particularly susceptible to self-
Zr-based MOFs as a substrate to encapsulate fluorescent dye for devel­ quenching due to processes like reabsorption and energy transmission
oping ratiometric sensors for the detection of melamine. [104]. Recently, AuNPs-based fluorescence resonance energy transfer
(FRET) assays have been developed for the study of small organic Quantum dots based sensors. Quantum dots, such as ZnS and Cd, compounds, such as melamine, which have a propensity to bond to the
are semiconductor nanomaterials that exhibit unique fluorescent prop­ AuNPs surface and interact with dyes to adsorb onto gold surfaces. It has
erties, such as higher quantum yield, size dependent spectrum, broad been suggested that dyes (such as fluorescein, rhodamine B, etc.) can be
excitation and narrow emission range, longer fluorescence time and electrostatically deposited onto the surface of raw or functionalized
higher photostability. Due to these features, quantum dots are prefer­ AuNPs. However, this leads to a significant reduction in fluorescence
ably used as fluorescent probes for sensing target analytes. Different through FRET between the dyes and the AuNPs. Due to the competitive
reports have been published on the monitoring of analytes with fluo­ adsorption of dyes and analytes on AuNPs surface, the fluorescence of
rescent probes, because they strongly enhance or quench the fluores­ the dyes would reappear in the presence of targets [64].
cence intensity according to presence or absence of analyte. Based on In this study, single-stranded DNA was used as a matrix for the
charge transfer quenching of the fluorescence for graphene quantum synthesis of blue-emitting silver nanoclusters (AgNCs) via ambient hy­
dots (GQDs) in the presence of Hg2+, a fast fluorescence detection device drothermal process. Sodium tetrahydridoborate (NaBH4) served as the
for melamine has been proposed. The synthesised GQDs have mostly reducing agent, whereas DNA was used as a stabiliser or coating agent.
aromatic sp2 domains and were strongly luminous. Melamine interacts The interaction between Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) and the synthesized
with mercury through nitrogen atoms in its amine and triazine groups, DNA-AgNCs resulted in the formation of a self-assembled complex of
bringing more Hg2+ to the surface of GQDs, hence reducing the GQDs DNA-AgNC and Rh6G. Fluorescence-resonance-energy transfer (FRET)
fluorescence. The quenching occurs due to the charge transfer from the from AgNCs (donor) to Rh6G simultaneously reduced the fluorescence
GQDs to Hg2+, with melamine acting as the linking agent. This sensing emission of AgNCs (acceptor). However, the addition of melamine
method has potential applications since the melamine showed a detec­ caused the self-assembled complex to break down, resulting in an anti-
tion limit of 0.12 μM, which is significantly below the regulation FRET effect. This caused the emission recovery of AgNCs and fluores­
threshold. The device also exhibited high melamine selectivity in the cence reduction of Rh6G in the DNA-AgNC-Rh6G complex. A good
presence of potential interferences [100]. linear relationship between ratiometric fluorescence intensities against
There is a high demand for the development of a fluorescent melamine concentration from 0.1-10 µM, with a detection limit of 0.025
nanoprobe that allows for high-sensitivity and direct visualisation µM was achieved. Ratiometric fluorescence intensity IAgNCs/IRh6G
enabling rapid analysis. For designing this fluorescent silica nanohybrid, response to melamine were selective relative to interfering molecules.
a unique assembly approach for implanting hydrophobic green and red Based on the DNA-AgNC-Rh6G complex, a unique dual-emitting ratio­
quantum dots (QDs) by thiol-metal coordination into silica scaffold was metric fluorescence sensor for melamine has been developed. Specif­
devised. This nanohybrid exhibited well-preserved fluorescence char­ ically, this sensor can visually detect melamine fluorescence in both
acteristic of original QDs, as well as robust optical/colloid stability aqueous solutions and on wet filter paper [105].
during alkylsilane mediated phase transition and outer silica shell For the designing of optical probes, a unique bio-inspired nano ar­
development. Combining spectra from two-colour fluorescent nano­ chitectonics methodology has been used. It is based on nanodevices that
hybrid with analyte-specific gold nanoparticles resulted in the devel­ combine an enzyme receptor subunit, a signalling subunit, and a
opment of an inner filter-based nanoprobe for visual measurement of mechanism of communication between the two locations, based on the
melamine [101]. Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) are an essential synthesis of chemical messengers by the enzymatic subunit to detach
member of the fluorescent compounds that exhibit great photostability, reporter molecules from the silica surface. An Alexa Fluor 647-labeled
anti-photobleaching, scintillation, strong biocompatibility and low oligonucleotide-based urea nanosensor has been created using enzyme
toxicity. In this work, a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) functionalized Janus gold mesoporous silica nanoparticles (Au-MSNPs).
biosensor based on protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) and GQDs was created for The urease enzyme is grafted onto gold face, while silica face is Janus
melamine detection. PpIX forms bond on the surface of GQDs to create AuMSNPs functionalized with amino groups to which the labelled
self-assembled nanosensors, and the FRET process occurred between oligonucleotide binds electrostatically. The enzyme-mediated hydroly­
GQDs and PpIX. However, in the presence of melamine, no FRET occurs. sis of urea to ammonia and subsequent deprotonation of amino groups
Based on the fluorescence intensity ratio of PpIX and GQDs, the FRET on the silica face enable the nanodevice to release fluorescent oligonu­
system could detect 3.6 × 10− 3 µM melamine in milk samples [102]. cleotide. This simple nano device has been used to detect urea in human

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

blood samples and to identify adulterated milk using fluorimetry [106]. immobilised by original ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles via electrostatic
With a wide variety of enzymes and reporter species to choose from, this adsorption and covalent conjugation during ZnFe2O4 growth. As a
concept can be applied to the design of various optical probes, making it result, the bioactive urease/ZnFe2O4 nanoparticle composites are
a suitable method for food and biochemical analysis. formed. This approach is anticipated to give the nanomaterials with new
Radical polymerization is a process used to synthesize polymers, features for various intriguing applications. The urea calibration curve
which involves the formation of free radicals that initiate and propagate in milk shows a linear response of 4 × 103 to 8.0 × 104 µM [112].
the polymerization reaction. This type of polymerization typically oc­ Although, the method is simple in operation, its sensitivity has not been
curs under high temperatures and pressures, and uses monomers that measured, making it unsuitable for real time monitoring of urea in milk.
contain a double bond, such as vinyl monomers. The applications of The peroxidase-like activity of bare AuNPs can be increased by the
radical polymerization are vast and varied, including the production of addition of melamine, which causes the AuNPs to aggregate in presence
plastics, adhesives, coatings, and composites. One example of the of melamine. The bare AuNPs help to catalyse 3, 3′ , 5, 5′ -tetramethly­
application of radical polymerization is the construction of a melamine- benzidine (TMB)-H2O2 reaction, causing the significant enhancement in
selective acrylate citric acid (ACA) based polymeric membrane sensor. absorbance for colorimetric reaction. Melamine in milk and milk pow­
This sensor displayed a focused fluorescence reaction to melamine (Ex/ der were detected using UV- Vis spectroscopy with a detection limit of
Em = 388/425 nm) with a response time of about 1 minute. The limit of 2.0 × 10− 6 µM and with naked-eye detection at 5.0 × 105 µM was found
detection and limit of quantitation were determined to be 2.32 × 10− 4 in raw milk and milk powder [113]. Furthermore, the proposed method
and 8 × 10− 4 µM, respectively [107]. This demonstrates how radical may improve the peroxidase-like activity of Au NPs, which could pro­
polymerization can be used to create innovative sensors with specific vide an idea for developing effective nanomaterials-based mimetic en­
target recognition, making it a valuable tool in various fields, including zymes, and applications for Au NPs in different fields.
food and environmental monitoring. To detect melamine, an aptamer is used as a recognition element and
AuNPs as a colour indicator, allowing for on-site detection using naked
2.1.4. Colorimetric sensors eyes or a UV-Vis spectrometer. The suggested approach was used to
Colorimetry is a simple and cost effective method of visual detection detect melamine in whole milk, with a detection limit of 11.89 µM using
that has received significant attention due to its simplicity in operation, naked eyes and 3.9 µM using a UV-Vis spectrometer [114]. Similarly,
equipment, and higher sensitivity compared to methods. Label-free AgNPs were successfully synthesized from leaves extract of Jatropha
detection of melamine can be achieved using AgNPs which aggregate gossypifolia. These biofunctionalised AgNPs in size range between 18-30
in the presence of melamine, resulting in a yellow-to-red colour shift. nm, act as a colorimetric probe and detect melamine up to 2 µM in raw
Melamine concentrations in raw milk can be detected by naked eyes or a milk [115].
UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The detection limit for melamine is 2.3 × Many articles have been reported for melamine detection, but only
10− 3 µM (3s) [108]. Such colorimetric sensors are termed as “turn off” handful methods shown sensitivities below 0.05 µM. One such method
sensors because melamine leads to nanoparticles aggregation, which involves the use of sulfanilic acid-modified silver nanoparticles (SAA-
change the signal intensity and therefore can be easily visualised. Later, AgNPs), for melamine detection in milk samples. The interaction of
a new method for detecting melamine at room temperature using melamine exocyclic amine group with SAA causes fast aggregation of
interference biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles was developed. The SAA-AgNPs, accompanied by a visible colour shift with naked-eye,
presence of melamine inhibits or partially synthesizes nanoparticles, resulting in quantification of melamine using a simple UV-visible spec­
leading to a colorimetric change that is detected spectrally. The limit of trometer. This method has a detection limit of 0.01 µM, which is below
detection was 3.96 µM in raw milk. The sensing was performed with the safety limits [116]. Another simple method, using H2O2-Au nano­
caffeic acid as a reducing agent, and the role of caffeic acid in interfer­ particles based technique is studied for melamine detection in dairy
ence biosynthesis-based sensing was confirmed [109]. products using naked eye or with a UV-Vis spectrometer. Melamine can
Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) possess unique physical and chemical be detected as 400 µM by visually and UV-Vis spectrometer [117].
properties such as easily-tunable optoelectronic potentials, outstanding Citrate-capped AuNPs of different sizes 15 nm (AuNPs-I), 30 nm (AuN­
biocompatibility, high extinction coefficient, and exceptional adapt­ Ps-II), and 40 nm (AuNPs-III) are effective for melamine detection. In the
ability for multi-functionalization. AuNPs are ideal option for the con­ presence of melamine, the AuNPs aggregated in aqueous solution,
struction of detecting sensors due to these distinctive characteristics. causing a visible colour shift from red to blue. This colour change caused
AuNPs-based colorimetric assays are valuable because the molecular the absorption peak for AuNPs-I, AuNPs-II, and AuNPs-III to move from
recognition events can easily be converted into colour changes that 527 nm, 526 nm, and 525 nm to 638 nm, 626 nm, and 680 nm,
result from the inter-particle plasmon coupling during AuNPs aggrega­ respectively. The AuNPs-II showed lowest detection limit for melamine
tion (red-to-purple or blue) or re-dispersion of AuNPs aggregate (purple- as 0.0237 µM, AuNPs-I (0.0337 µM) and AuNPs-III (0.0897 µM),
to-red). Unmodified AuNPs can detect melamine in raw milk, and the respectively. Therefore, AuNPs-II was selected for on-site melamine
colour shift from red to blue (or purple) can be seen by naked eye detection in pre-treated milk samples [118].
without specialised apparatus. The limit of detection for melamine in Xin and co-workers designed simple field-portable colorimetric
raw milk is 0.56 µM [110]. technique to detect melamine in liquid milk. Methanobactin (Mb) has
In addition to silver nanoparticles based sensors, β–cyclodextrin the potential to reduce Au (III) to Au (0) and hence enable the Au-NPs
functionalized silver nanoparticles, were used as probes for colorimetric synthesis. However, the interaction of melamine with oxazolone ring
sensing of melamine. The monodispersed and spherical-shaped silver of Mb, interferes the Au-NPs synthesis process. Melamine also promotes
nanoparticles had an average particle size of 10 nm, and the addition of the aggregation of Au-NPs, enabling detection of melamine in liquid
melamine cause nanoparticle aggregation. The hydrophobic cavities of milk using naked eyes with a detection limit of 5.56 µM. The detection
β-cyclodextrin-functionalized silver nanoparticles facilitated host-guest limit is further improved to 0.24 µM sing the UV-Vis method [119]. In
interactions with melamine, resulting in efficient detection of mel­ the presence of melamine, the sodium D-gluconate stabilised silver
amine at a concentration of 4.98 µM by the colorimetric reaction in nanoparticles agglomerate due to hydrogen bonding between sodium
pasteurized milk samples [111]. Although, this method can be used for D-gluconate and melamine, resulting in a colour shift. UV-Visible
real time monitoring of melamine, it requires pre-treatment steps that spectroscopy is used to monitor the aggregation-induced colour shift
increase the analysis time. from yellow to red. The detection limit is determined to be 0.5 µM, and it
This method offers a unique economical approach for designing is also used for real-time sample analysis [120]. In another study, a
bioactive enzyme-zinc ferrite (urease/ZnFe2O4) nanocomposites in a colorimetric method based on silver nanoparticles has been proposed for
single pot and single step by UV-Vis method. Urease molecules are the detection of melamine in milk. This approach is based on the idea

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

that melamine induces silver nanoparticles to aggregate, resulting in a indicating a disruption in the synthesis of AgNPs. The sensor shows limit
sharp shift from yellow to red. By analysing the silver nanoparticles of detection for melamine 0.079 µM and 1.9 µM by Ag-rutin and Ag-
absorption spectra with an UV-Vis spectrometer, it is possible to mea­ curcumin, respectively. The suggested sensor was successfully used to
sure the amount of melamine present in an adulterated sample. The identify melamine in raw milk samples [125]. Negatively charged cit­
current colorimetric approach, uses silver nanoparticles of 35 nm, and rate ions create an electrostatic coating on AuNPs, which keeps them
can detect melamine of 0.32 µM concentration [121]. stable and dispersed. Citrate-capped AuNPs modified with Triton X-100
Using graphene oxide (GO) and 2,7 -dichlorfluorescein diacetate become more resistant to the effects of high ionic strength and a wide pH
(DCFH-DA), Nanda and co-workers devised an analytical technique for range. Aggregation leads to colour shift from wine red to blue and a new
measuring H2O2 in milk. Under ultraviolet illumination at 365 nm, the absorption peak at 630 nm. Hence, Triton X-100-AuNPs can detect
method involves placing 1000 µL aliquots of 10-fold diluted samples of melamine at concentrations as low as 0.005 µM. Additionally, by con­
high and low-fat milk onto 100 µL of GO and 100 µL of 100 M DCFH-DA necting with a smartphone, a paper-based quantitative detection system
produced green colour. The suggested approach shown detection limit using this colorimetric probe is possible [126].
of 1 × 107 µM and acceptable sample recovery values [122]. Due to the Asymmetrically modified large sized AuNPs are synthesized for the
potential risk it poses to the public health, the detection of H2O2 in milk detection of melamine in raw milk. By increasing the size of AuNPs
is a significant concern. Current methods for detecting H2O2 are time (from 13 to 42 nm), the sensitivity of colorimetric detection of melamine
consuming and require specialised lab equipments. Chemical assays, on by citrate-stabilized AuNPs can be greatly enhanced (limit of detection
the other hand, are sensitive enough to identify a broad linear range of by visual observation: from 1.0 × 106 to 0.001 µM). However, AuNPs are
H2O2 concentration. The detection sensitivity of the system can be unstable in solution, and the accuracy of aggregation-based colorimetric
improved by optimizing experimental conditions and integrating detection method is greatly reduced, due to the quick evaporation of
microfluidic devices, so that the H2O2 can be detected as each event solution colour, induced by the precipitation of AuNPs aggregates after
occurs. Although it may be possible to detect H2O2 with the naked eye, adding melamine. To overcome this limitation, polyethylene glycol
but it is inherently challenging to precisely quantify its concentration. (PEG as stabilising agent) is added on the surface of AuNPs, to stabilise
Recent years have witnessed a rise in the instances of economically the AuNPs. As a result, the addition of melamine to asymmetrically
motivated adulteration (EMA) of milk and newborn milk formula with PEGylated AuNPs causes a colour shift from purple to blue, and colour
toxic substances such urea, melamine and detergents. Typically, deter­ change can last for a long period. This is primarily due to the formation
gent is utilized to mix low-cost non-dairy fats to create synthetic milk. of stable oligomers of AuNPs, which uses the asymmetrical modification
Anionic detergents (ADs) are frequently employed for this purpose. The of AuNPs with the PEG chain. The method significantly improves the
interaction of detergents with cell membrane proteins leads to the for­ long-term stability and detection range, from 0.001 to 1 × 103 µM, in
mation of micelles, which can cause damage to the cell membrane. As a processed milk, providing a new route for real-time sample detection
result, toxic effects such as acute renal failure, cardiac dysfunction, [127].
hemolysis, ventricular tachycardia, and coagulation dysfunctions can AuNPs stabilised by an unsymmetrical terpyridyl zinc complex,
occur [123]. Thus it is important to detect any adulterations in food linked to thymine fragment at one terminal and a quaternary ammo­
products for safety purposes. A new method has been developed for nium salt at the other end, provide a colorimetric based visual detection
detecting ADs in milk, which utilizes the optical and spectral charac­ of melamine in raw milk. Even in the absence of melamine or in the
teristics of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). In the presence of AD, the salt presence of trace amounts of melamine, a clear colour change from red
induced aggregation of AuNPs is prevented as AD shields the gold to blue was observed with naked eye. The change in AuNP aggregation,
nanoparticles and produces a red shift in surface plasmon resonance attributed to the selective binding of the thymine fragment and mel­
absorption. The technique is unique for AD detection and remains un­ amine via hydrogen bonding interactions, led to detection limit of 0.019
affected by other adulterants. The limit of detection for ADs such as µM for melamine [128].
sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS) and commercial ADs was In this study, iron platinum-gold (FePt- Au) nanocubes were used as
found 66 µM and 319 µM, respectively, in milk [123]. seeds to create FePt-Au ternary metallic hybrid nanoparticles (FePt-Au
The synthesis of stable colloidal silver nanoparticles with a mean HNPs), which were subsequently mixed with Au(I) precursor using the
diameter of 14.0±2.7 nm can be achieved using sodium borohydride as hydrothermal method. The FePt-Au HNPs also had outstanding
the reducing agent without the use of a stabilising agent. The spectro­ peroxidase-like activity, which quickly catalyse the oxidation of sub­
photometric analysis at 475 nm revealed a linear range of melamine strate 3,3′ ,5,5′ tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) to produce a blue colour
concentrations from 0.26 to 11.89 µM with a limit of detection of 0.07 that became visible to the naked eye after only 30 seconds. Notably, the
µM [124]. colour response occurred instantly as a result of rapid transfer of elec­
Melamine toxicity has gained worldwide attention as it causes renal trons between the substrate and H2O2, facilitated by FePt-Au HNPs. A
failure and mortality in people. A colorimetric detection of melamine in visual colorimetric sensor for ultrafast detection of H2O2, based on the
milk samples has been developed by in-situ production of AgNPs from catalytic mechanism of fast electron transfer and the intrinsic
tannic acid. Melamine can be selectively detected in vitro at concen­ peroxidase-like activity of FePt-Au HNP. This sensor had a large dy­
trations ranging from 0.05 to 1.4 μM with a limit of detection 0.01 μM, namic range of 20–700 μM. Furthermore, the limit of detection of 12.33
which is lower than the melamine safety criterion of 7.29 μM [24]. The μM was successfully applied to detect H2O2 in milk samples [129]. Liu
current approach is highly selective, with no noticeable interference and co-workers developed iron-doped copper tin hydroxide (CuSn(OH)6
from other chemicals such as urea, glucose, glycine and ascorbic acid. (Fe/CuSn(OH)6) microspheres using the co-precipitation method. For
This approach does not require organic co-solvents, enzymatic pro­ the first time, they were selected as a nanoenzyme to detect H2O2, by
cesses, light sensitive dye molecules, and specialised equipment, which employing the peroxidase substrate 3, 3′ , 5, 5′ -tetramethylbenzidine
addresses some limitations of other traditional methods. (TMB), which is catalytically oxidised by H2O2. Fe/CuSn(OH)6 micro­
The green method based colorimetric sensing of melamine, bio­ spheres exhibit high peroxidase-like activity. Colourless TMB may un­
polyphenols (rutin and curcumin) were used as reducing and stabilising dergo a blue colour shift to oxidised TMB (oxTMB) during the oxidation
agents for synthesizing AgNPs. However, the presence of melamine in process. The Fe/CuSn(OH)6 microspheres have a strong peroxidase
the reaction medium prevents the nanoparticle synthesis. This may be mimicking activity, which allowed researchers to effectively build a
due to the interaction of melamine with Ag+ ions and biopolyphenols. A novel and sensitive H2O2 colorimetric detection method. Experimental
pale red coloured solution was produced, due to the formation of findings showed that the Fe/CuSn(OH)6 microspheres nanoenzyme not
aggregated AgNP masses at low melamine concentrations. However, at only exhibited higher peroxidase-like activity than horseradish peroxi­
high melamine concentrations, a colourless solution was produced, dase but also enabled quick detection of H2O2 in the broad range (30 -1

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

× 103 μM), with a detection limit of 9.49 μM (S/N = 3). Therefore, the contact with formaldehyde. The sensor’s limit of detection for formal­
qualitative detection of H2O2 by this approach is a reliable method dehyde was 6.7 µM and the limit of quantification was 19.9 µM. These
[130]. values were lower than the permissible limit for food ingestion, while
In later study, a method was developed for creating AgNPs based being close to the values obtained through standard spectrophotometric
hybrid material consisting of cellulose nanowhiskers and nano­ method (6.7 µM and 16.6 µM, respectively). The sensor was successfully
structured polysaccharide, as a colorimetric probe for H2O2 detection. tested for formaldehyde measurement in milk, and the results were
These findings showed that AgNPs frequently undergo catalytic break­ statistically similar (α = 0.05) to the traditional method of formaldehyde
down when exposed to H2O2, resulting in a decrease in AgNPs at 410 nm analysis [136]. For at least eight days, the sensor has maintained its
in proportion to H2O2 concentration. The limits of detection were found sensitivity.
to be 0.014 μM and 112 μM, respectively, and were linearly dependent Another study introduces a novel colorimetric sensor array that uses
on H2O2 concentration in the ranges of 0.01-30 μM and 60-600 μM a combination of organic chemicals and molybdenum disulfide quantum
[131]. dots (MoS2 QDs). Aldehydes and ketones, which are oxygen-
The H2O2 sensor is easy to use and suitable for real sample analysis, functionalized volatile substances, are particularly and more strongly
even in the presence of other interfering compounds. The detection of favoured by MoS2 QDs. Using Linear Discriminate Analysis (LDA), this
milk adulterants using a colorimetric approach and smartphone image newly constructed sensor array is initially employed to classify eight
analysis is discussed here. This method involves finding starch, sodium distinct aldehydes and ketones. During the training and prediction
hypochlorite, and H2O2 in milk by observing colour difference for each phases, the classification accuracy of 96% and 83% were attained
substance. Utilizing lab-created software (PhotoMetrix® and RedGIM®) respectively. Next, formaldehyde in milk samples is semi-quantitatively
and the histograms of the red, green, and blue images, the partial least and quantitatively analysed using the newly invented colorimetric
squares regression was used to analyse the photos. The smartphone sensor array. The addition of formaldehyde to milk adulterates it and
camera is used to automatically calculate and process the image histo­ extends its shelf life. Formaldehyde was added to samples of cow milk
grams. The image histograms are handled within the app and auto­ that were obtained directly from dairy farmers and supermarkets, and
matically calculated using the smartphone camera. The outcomes have the concentration of formaldehyde ranged from 33.3 to 832.5 µM. The
demonstrated its capacity to estimate the concentration of the three partial least squares regression (PLS-R) approach was used to examine
adulterants, highlighting the potential of using digital photos and the sensor array’s response to these samples, and calibrate for formal­
smartphone apps in conjunction with chemometric techniques. This dehyde concentration. Formaldehyde in cow milk can be directly ana­
technique offers a quick, inexpensive, and portable solution to measure lysed using the suggested sensor without any sample pre-treatment step
adulterants in cow milk [132]. The colorimetric sensor is made of [137].
nanoparticles that replace the naturally occurring enzyme-based sensor. Despite formalin being illegal in the majority of nations for use in
The zero valent nanoparticles have transformed the field of optical milk or any other food product, it is still used since it may significantly
sensing, particularly because they are simple to prepare, easy surface extend food’s shelf life and its easy availability. However, formalin is a
modification, and readily shifted electron. Zero valent manganese toxic substance that can cause serious health problems when consumed
nanoparticles (ZV-Mn NPs) are synthesized using an easy approach, and in high amounts. The ingestion of formalin-adulterated milk can lead to
they are then treated with a novel kind of ionic liquid (IL). The absor­ health issues such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and
bance peak is also seen at 652 nm wavelength. The quick electron even death in severe cases. Formalin can also cause long-term health
transfer mechanism between the substrate and H2O2 was found to be the problems such as cancer and reproductive disorders. In a related study,
reason for increased catalytic activity of ZV-Mn NPs. By coating of IL on the addition of a small amount of gold nanoparticle solution to Tollen’s
ZV-Mn NPs, a linear range of 10-280 μM was achieved and a detection reagent improved its abilities, and caused a perceptible shift in colour
limit of 0.2 μM was possible. The H2O2 sensor was successfully applied due to the presence of trace amounts of formalin in the solution. Various
to dairy milk products, demonstrating its effectiveness [133]. milk samples were prepared with varying amounts of formalin in order
Hydrophilic phytic acid PA/Cu3(PO4)2.3H2O was used to modify the to develop this novel approach, and a colour shift was clearly seen
Cu3(PO4)2 .3H2O by a simple co-precipitation process. The following the reaction with gold nanoparticles in Tollen’s reagent. The
Cu3(PO4)2.3H2O and PA/Cu3(PO4)2.3H2O were shown to have UV-Visible Spectrophotometry was used to visualize the production of
peroxidase-like activity, and peroxidase catalyse the substrate 3,3,5,5- gold core, silver shell particles. [138]. This study offers a simple,
tetramethylbenzidine in the presence of H2O2. Since the catalytic ac­ affordable method for visually detecting formalin adulteration in milk,
tivity of PA/Cu3(PO4)2.3H2O is approximately four times more than that which could be used for quality control and subsequently developed for
of Cu3(PO4)2.3H2O, this suggests that the addition of PA can increase the use in testing other food products. However, the detection limit of
peroxidase activity. A colorimetric approach using PA/Cu3(PO4)2.3H2O method is not clearly defined.
electrode for the detection of H2O2 was developed with a linear range of This work describes the simultaneous colorimetric detection of urea,
100- 5 × 103 μM and a detection limit of 79 μM. Finally, the detection of H2O2, and pH in cow milk samples using alizarin and bromothymol blue
H2O2 in milk samples proved the applicability of the PA/ as indicator in microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (µPADs).
Cu3(PO4)2.3H2O designed electrode. The suggested method is built on Colorimetric examination was carried out using digital photographs
inorganic materials with improved peroxidase activity, which helps in taken by an office scanner. The quantity of 0.5 and 10 mL chromogenic
the detection of H2O2[134]. and sample solution was added into the detection and sampling zones,
Formaldehyde is a chemical compound that can be used to adulterate respectively. The detection limits for urea and H2O2 were found to be
dairy products. This harmful substance is added to milk to prevent 2.4 × 103 and 100 µM, respectively. Colorimetric assays for pH mea­
spoilage and extend its shelf life. However, the addition of formaldehyde surements enabled monitoring of solution pH with a resolution of 0.25
to dairy products can have severe health implications, such as respira­ units. The µPADs was used to identify target adulterants with good
tory issues, irritation of the eyes, throat, and skin, and even cancer. repeatability (RSD # 6.0%) and accuracy (91-102%) rate [139]. The
Previous reports on formaldehyde detection in milk have utilized proposed technique was successfully used for analyzing suspected
extrinsic fiber optic devices [135]. However, that detection relies on adulterants in sixteen milk samples, which were examined without any
refractive index alterations, which are seldom selective. To address this pre-treatment steps. Based on the findings, µPADs with colorimetric
issue, an optical sensor was designed for the detection of formaldehyde. sensing is useful tool for fast screening of suspected adulterants in milk.
The sensor consists of an optical fibre and open tip that is coated with the Urea is commonly employed for adulterating milk to increase the
decamolybdodivanadophosphate salt [(C4H9)4N]4 H[PMo10V2O40], solid-not-fat value (SNF), nitrogen content, and richness. However,
which is insoluble in water and shows changes in UV-Vis spectrum upon adulteration in milk has been a prevalent practise for economic gain,

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

which is immoral and harmful to health. The current work describes the indicator, but the detection limit for H2O2 sensing in liquid milk is
detection of urea, a frequent milk adulterant, using a fibre optic sensor missing.
based on Lossy mode resonance (LMR). The ZnO nanorods structure was The colorimetric detection of melamine in liquid milk samples by
formed on the fiber-optic probe using a hydrothermal technique, and an unmodified AuNPs using LSPR has been proposed. The biosensing sys­
extra enzymatic layer of urease was coated to detect the presence of urea tem includes an optical attenuator, three different types of 600 m pre­
in milk. Due to the extra urease layer, this sensor is selective in detecting mium optical fibres with Sub Miniature version A (SMA905)
the urea concentration in milk sample. A change in the refractive index connections, a broadband light source covering the spectral range of 200
is monitored, as the urea content in milk increases from 5.0 × 104 to 8.0 nm to 1700 nm, and a small spectrometer with a linear charge coupled
× 105 µM, resulting in redshifts in the peak wavelengths of absorbance device (CCD) array. Its operation is based on the fact that the addition of
spectra. The performance characteristics of the proposed sensor were melamine in Au NPs solution causes a colour change from wine-red to
estimated, using these peak shifts, and an 8-fold increase in sensitivity to blue due to the inter-particle coupling effects, which also results changes
the non-enzymatic sensor was found [140]. The sensor has 1.18 £ 103 in the wavelength and absorbance in the LSPR band [145]. The LSPR
µM detection limit and quick response time of 5-7 s. Moreover this biosensing device showed a linear response for melamine concentration
label-free and low cost sensor can be used for the pathophysiological from 0.1 to 0.9 μM, with a detection limit of 0.033 μM in liquid milk
examination of urea range in human. The identification of urea in milk is samples.
crucial in the dairy sector for the quality control operations. The amount The Ag nanocubes were fabricated using a sodium sulphide and
of urea in milk was measured using silver nanoparticles (both uncapped solvothermal technique. During the synthesis process, all edge-length
and citrate-capped) by UV-Vis spectroscopy. In presence of urea the nanocubes (32 and 44 nm) were produced at 145 and 155◦ C, respec­
nanoparticles change their colour from yellow to blue. The proposed tively. The refractive index sensitivity of nanocubes was examined using
model was capable of measuring urea concentrations of 3.23 and 5.02 a glucose aqueous solution, and the colloidal dispersion of nanocubes
µM (between 6 mg/dL and 90 mg/dL) in milk. It was verified by has a refractive index sensitivity of 161 nm per RIU (refractive index
para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (DMAB) method of Food Safety and unit). The sensitivity of the LSPR chip created by immobilising nano­
Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). This proposed study can help cubes on the (3- aminopropyl) trimethoxysilane modified glass coverslip
small dairy firms evaluate both qualitatively and quantitatively the urea was found to be 116 nm per RIU. Additionally, formaldehyde detection
concentration in milk [141]. The gold nanoparticles have been exten­ in water and milk samples was accomplished using nanocubes with edge
sively researched for their potential in nanosensing applications. Their lengths of 44 nm. The interaction between the aryl amine of 4-amino­
unique features, including aggregation, fluorescence quenching, wide thiophenol immobilised on the nanocubes and the electrophilic carbon
absorption at the surface plasmon band, and biocompatibility, make atom of the formaldehyde was used to detect formaldehyde, with a
them promising candidates for ensuring food safety. The gold nano­ detection limit of 37.96 µM. The formaldehyde sensitivity in water and
particles may replace the present conventional approach for detecting diluted milk was 0.62 and 0.29 nm µM− 1, respectively [146].
pollutants, pesticides, heavy metals, adulterants, and other contami­
nants that pose significant danger to food safety [142].
2.2. Electrochemical nanosensors
2.1.5. Localised surface plasmon resonance sensor
The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) occurs in materials, those have Due to their portability, affordable price, and simple instrumenta­
negative real and small positive imaginary dielectric constants. In tion, electrochemical nanosensors are extensively used for the detection
resonance, the electromagnetic fields stimulate surface conduction of milk adulterants, as summarised in Table 2. These sensors offer
electrons to oscillate coherently [143]. The SPR technique measures numerous benefits applicable to majority of analytical chemistry fields,
materials’ adsorption onto the surface of gold (Au) or silver (Ag) or including excellent sensitivity, selectivity, and extraordinary speed. To
metal nanoparticles. The oscillation of free electrons on the surface of create electrochemical sensors, several electrochemical techniques have
the dielectric/metal, produces the charge density of surface plasmon been investigated, with cyclic voltammetry (CV), popular due to its
polaritons (dipole-photon hybrid particles). Incident beam properties ability to understand electrode processes and redox mechanisms. Square
changes due to minute fluctuations in the refractive index such as phase, wave voltammetry (SWV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) are
wavelength, angle, and SPR excitation. Moreover, the sensing ability of very helpful in identifying small levels of electroactive molecules [147].
SPR can be enhanced by adding metal or magnetic nanoparticles and Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is an effective method for
carbon nanostructures, due to their higher sensitivity, label-free and studying a wide range of physiochemical processes both in solid and
multiplexing ability [38]. There is a resonant oscillation of conduction solutions phases. It has many uses in the development of batteries,
electrons on the surface of noble metal nanoparticles, which creates sensors, physical electrochemistry and can provide details on reaction
unique optical properties. This phenomenon is known as localized sur­ parameters, corrosion rates, the porosity and coating of electrode sur­
face plasmon resonance (LSPR). Researchers have revealed novel ap­ faces, mass transfer, and interfacial capacitance measurements.
plications that utilize LSPR and enable precise design and manipulation Another promising future technology is the inherent sensitivity and
of metallic structures on the nanoscale. broad linear range of the chemiluminescence method, which are com­
The objective of this study was to develop eco-friendly silver nano­ bined with electrochemistry to create electrochemiluminescent (ECL)
particles (SNPs) stabilised by acacia gum, which could be used as a LSPR tests. Electrochemical sensors are very adaptable and have a quick
colorimeter sensor for the detection of reactive oxygen species like response time. Generally nanoparticles like gold nanoparticles (AuNPs),
H2O2. Inorganic precursor silver nitrate solution (AgNO3), white sugar silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), cerium dioxide (CeO2) and magnetic
(reducing agent) and Acacia gum (stabilising agent) were used for the nanoparticles are used to modify the working electrodes because of their
silver nanoparticles synthesis. Upon the addition of H2O2 solution in distinct electrical, chemical and physical features. The output-electrical
Acacia gum-capped SNP dispersion, a change in the LSPR band was signals of electrochemical sensors are altered when targets molecules
observed at 407 nm, which facilitated the plasmon colorimetric sensing react with electrode-immobilized components. Electrochemical sensors
of H2O2. After the addition of H2O2 solution, the Acacia gum-stabilized can depend on several electrical characteristics and are divided into
SNPs eventually changed from yellow to transparent, with a notable potentiometric, amperometric, impedimetric, conductometric and vol­
change in the LSPR absorbance. This happened due to SNPs aggregation tammetric techniques [147]. However electrochemical sensors have
after the addition of H2O2 solution. This potential of the designed SNPs some limitations such as electrode fouling and charging which results in
can detect the presence of H2O2 in liquid milk sample [144]. Although, poor repeatability of the assay, but these limitations can be overcome by
the method is simple, cost effective and can be applied as a colour the applications of nanomaterials.

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

Table 2
Electrochemical nanosensors for the detection of adulterants in dairy products.
Sample Nanomaterial Target analyte Detection method LOD (µM) References
− 5
Infant formula Molecularly Imprinted Conducting Melamine Voltammetric 1.72 × 10 [162]
Polymer Composite
− 7
Milk sample Polymeric nanoparticles decorated Melamine EIS 5.6 × 10 [150]
multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Liquid milk, Au electrode modified with MIP poly (2- Melamine EIS 3 × 10− [149]
yogurt, mercaptobenzimidazole) (PMBI)
powder milk
Milk Ionic liquid/zinc oxide nanoparticles/ Melamine Voltammetric 9.6 × 10− [156]
chitosan/gold electrode
− 6
Milk Au@PANI Melamine Voltammetric 1.39 × 10 [158]
Milk sample Overoxidized Poly-(para–aminophenol) Melamine Voltammetric and 0.34 [163]
film on glassy carbon electrode (GCE/Ox- EIS
Milk OMC/GCE Melamine Voltammetric 2.0 × 10− 3 [161]
Milk samples (Co-ZIF)- (NiMWs) Urea Voltammetric 0.3 [165]
Cow milk Zinc oxide nanospheres modified Pt Melamine and urea Voltammetric 3 × 10− 6 and 1 × 10− 6
for melamine and [166]
electrode urea
Milk Nickel sulfide/graphene oxide on glassy Urea EIS ~3.79 [154]
carbon electrode (NiS/GO/MGCE)
Milk Conductive 2D Metal-organic Urea Amperometric 414, 6.188 and 0.471 [172]
Framework (Co, NiCo, Ni) Nanosheets
Milk Graphene–Polyaniline composite Urea Voltammetric 5.88 [164]
Milk Polyaniline (PANI) and graphitized Urea Amperometric 1165.5 and 832.5 [178]
nanodiamond (GND) nanocomposite
Milk NF/Ag-N-SWCNTs/GCE Urea Voltammetric 4.7 × 10− [168]
Milk GNPlt-CNT Urea Amperometric NA [175]
Milk Graphene nanoplatelet/graphitized Urea Conductometric 83.25 [176]
nanodiamond-based nanocomposite
Milk Electrospun nanofibers modified with Urea EIS 1.83 [167]
zinc oxide nanoparticles
Milk Fe3O4/MWCNT/PANI-Nafion Urea Voltammetric, EIS 67 [177]
nanocomposite and amperometric
Skimmed and Voltammetric electronic tongue of Formaldehyde, urea, melamine Voltammetric 1 × 104, 4.16 × 103, and 950 for [155]
semi- platinum, gold, and copper formaldehyde, urea, and melamine
milk sample
Milk AuNPs@PPy composites Formaldehyde Voltammetric and 400 [171]
− 3
Milk CuO nanoparticles Glucose, H2O2 and Amperometric 6.8 × 10 for glucose; [191]
formaldehyde hydrogen peroxide- 0.034; and for
formaldehyde- 0.026
Milk MnO2/graphene/carbon nanotubes H2O2 Amperometric 0.1 [180]
Milk samples GO-ESM H2O2 Amperometric 0.031 [181]
Milk Hybrid nano-interface of iron oxide H2O2 Amperometric 3.7 × 10− 3 [182]
nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes
Milk samples Nafion and bimetallic nanoparticles H2O2 Amperometric 0.7 µA [185]
reduced graphene oxide modified glassy
electrode (Nf/Pd@Ag/rGO-NH2/GC)
Milk samples N-doped carbon nanofibers (PtNi/ H2O2 Amperometric 0.0375 [186]
Milk samples L-proline assisted silver nanoparticles H2O2 Voltammetric 0.05 [169]
Milk samples Ferumoxytol and reduced graphene H2O2 Amperometric ~0.38 [188]
oxide decorated with platinum
Milk samples Monodisperse palladium nanoparticles H2O2 Amperometric 75 [179]
Milk sample Carbon paste electrode with CuFe2O4 H2O2 Voltammetric 0.064 [160]
Real milk Titanium dioxide conjugated gold H2O2 EIS 10 [153]
sample nanoparticles
Milk sample CuONPs H2O2 Voltammetric 0.03 [170]
Fresh liquid Cu- MOFs H2O2 Amperometric 0.35 [48]
milk samples
Skimmed milk Graphene/Ag nanoparticles H2O2 Amperometric 7.9 [187]
and whole
Milk Samples CuMn2O4 Spinel Nanoflakes/GCE H2O2 Amperometric 0.012 [199]
Bovine milk PEDOT:PSS-rGO-AuNPs H2O2 Amperometric 0.08 [184]
Milk samples PB nanoparticles doped (PEDOT) H2O2 Amperometric 0.16 [183]
Raw Cow Milk AuPt NPs H2O2 Voltammetric 4.8 in UHT milk (ultra-high temperature [173]
and UHT processing);
milk 2.5 in raw cow milk sample
Milk Ruthenium nanoparticles decorated on H2O2 Amperometric 0.468 [189]
nitride carbon
(continued on next page)

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

Table 2 (continued )
Sample Nanomaterial Target analyte Detection method LOD (µM) References

Milk PAMAM dendrimer encapsulated with H2O2 Amperometric 2.7 × 104 [192]
gold nanoparticles
Milk samples Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), reduced H2O2 Amperometric ~ 0.31 [193]
graphene oxide (RGO) and platinum
nanoparticles (Pt NPs) nanocomposite
Milk Pt/rGO-CNT hybrid H2O2 Amperometric 1.5 × 104 [195]
Milk sample GL-VS2 nanostructures H2O2 Amperometric 0.026 [197]
Raw milk Novel polypyrrole-graphene oxide-gold H2O2 Amperometric 5 [200]
samples nanocomposite
Milk PtNiCo-NPs H2O2 Amperometric 0.37 [196]
Milk AgNPs-Zn-MOF H2O2 Amperometric 0.067 [157]
Milk Porous carbon nanofibers embedded H2O2 Amperometric 10 [194]
with cobalt nanoparticles
Milk samples Copper Oxide Nanoparticle H2O2 Voltammetric 0.21 [159]
Milk samples Cu/Cu2O nanocomposites H2O2 Amperometric 0.04 [190]
Milk samples Fe-Cu (LDH)/ Fe3O4 nanoparticles H2O2 Voltammetric 0.6 [174]
Milk Cu2O/Ag nanocomposites H2O2 Amperometric 0.2 [198]
Milk Pt/teflon/SiO2/Si biosensor device Melamine, starch, urea, EIS 1.54 × 103 -urea, 6.22-melamine, 1.43 × [152]
allantoin, cyanuric acid, 10− 3-starch, 4.59- allantoin, 3.87-
benzoic acid, ammonium cyanuric acid, 7.28- benzoic Acid, 13.4-
sulphate and sodium ammonium sulphate, and sodium
bicarbonate bicarbonate-26.19
Cow Milk Lab on chip device Si-SiO2 Pt electrode Soap EIS ≥3.16 [151]

Abbreviations: Electrochemical impedence spectroscopy- EIS; gold polyaniline nanocomposites- Au@PANI; nafion- single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT’s)
decorated with silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) modified glassy carbon electrode-NF/Ag-N-SWCNTs/GCE; graphene nanoplatelets-carbon nanotubes (GNPlts-CNT);
ferric oxide multiwall carbon nanotubes polyaniline- (Fe3O4/MWCNT/PANI-Nafion) nanocomposite; MOFs-metal organic framework; cuprous manganite/glass
carbon electrode-CuMn2O4/GCE; polypyrrole reduced gold nanoparticles- AuNPs@PPy composites Amorphous carbon nanoparticles-CNPs; Cuprous oxide/silver
nanocomposites-Cu2O/Ag; Copper oxide nanoparticles on carbon cloth -CuO NPs/CC; Silver nanoparticles-zinc-metal organic framework -AgNPs-Zn-MOF; Copper/
cuprous oxide nanocomposites-Cu/Cu2O; Fe-Cu layered double hydroxide magnetic nanoparticles-(LDH)/Fe3O4; platinum nickel cobalt nanoparticles- PtNiCo-NPs;
Grass-like vanadium disulfide nanostructures-GL-VS2; platinum/reduced graphene oxide carbon nanotubes- Pt/rGO-CNT hybrid; Viologen-terminated polyamido­
amine –PAMAM; bimetallic gold-platinum nanoparticles -AuPt NPs; Graphene-based ternary nanocomposite of poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sul­
fonate, reduced graphene oxide and gold nanoparticles (PEDOT:PSS-rGO-AuNPs); Prussian blue nanoparticles doped poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) -PB-PEDOT;
Copper oxide nanoparticles –CuONPs; Graphene oxide doped eggshell membrane -GO-ESM; Ordered mesoporous carbon/glassy carbon electrode -OMC/GCE; Cobalt
zeolitic imidazolate framework (Co-ZIF)-nickel microwires (NiMWs).

2.2.1. Impedimetric sensors First, a poly (acrylic acid-co-(7-(4-vinylbenzyloxy)-4-methyl coumarin)-

One of the most significant electrochemical methods is electro­ co-ethylhexyl acrylate) amphiphilic copolymer (poly (AA-co-VMc-co-
chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), which measures the impedance EHA), PAVE) with photosensitive coumarin units was created. Then, the
in a circuit in ohms (as a resistance unit). EIS has several advantages photosensitive (MIP-MWCNTs) with "necklace-like" structures were
over other electrochemical techniques. It is a stable method that uses created by co-assembling the PAVE copolymers and MWCNTs in the
small signal analysis, can perform signal relaxations over a very wide presence of template molecules. After using the MIP-MWCNTs nano­
range of applied frequency, using commercially available electro­ hybrids to modify electrode surface and photo-polymerizing the nano­
chemical working stations [148]. The EIS can analyse the mass-transfer, hybrids coumarin units, a complex film with network architecture was
charge-transfer, and diffusion processes, and can investigate the created. The melamine MIP sensor was successfully created by
intrinsic characteristics of materials or particular processes that may electrolysis-based extraction of melamine molecules with detection limit
affect the conductance, resistance, or capacitance of an electrochemical 5.6 × 10− 6 µM for melamine in milk samples, milk powder, infant for­
system. Innovative electrode designs using nanomaterials can be engi­ mula, and animal feed [150]. Moreover, the MIP sensor was found stable
neered to functionalize the transducer surface, and receptors or recog­ for 30 days.
nition elements can be tethered to design electrochemical sensors. Adding pulverized soap to milk is a common method of milk adul­
In the current study, molecularly imprinted (MIP) impedimetric teration [151]. The soap is used to increase the volume of the milk and
sensor for detecting melamine was introduced. The gold (Au) electrode make it appear thicker and creamier than it actually is. However, this
was replaced with MIP poly (2-mercaptobenzimidazole) (PMBI) and practice is highly unethical and poses serious health risks to consumers.
synthesized by electrochemical polymerization of 2-MBI with cyclic When soap is added to milk, it can cause gastrointestinal problems such
voltammetry (CV) in the presence of the template (melamine) molecule. as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. In addition, it can also lead to skin
The π-donor-acceptor relationship between melamine and PMBI is the rashes and allergic reactions in some people. Moreover, the long-term
primary propelling factor behind recognition. The sensor shown detec­ consumption of adulterated milk can have adverse effects on health
tion limit of 0.003 µM in liquid milk, yogurt and milk powder samples and nutrition. Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) can be used to
[149]. This sensor is useful for monitoring analytes that are not elec­ detect and quantify soap adulterants in cow milk. It offers a quick,
trochemically active in food matrices. cost-efficient, and simple platform for monitoring the milk quality. This
The multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and nanosized study examined variations in impedance, capacitance, conductance, and
molecularly imprinted polymeric (MIP) nanoparticles (NPs) improve the current for soap adulteration in milk at concentrations of 0.1%, 0.3%,
electrode surface area and provide a high binding capacity for mel­ 0.5%, 0.7%, and 0.9% (w/w). It has been observed that with increased
amine. Additionally, the MWCNTs in MIP-MWCNTs nanohybrids act as in soap concentration in the milk, capacitance, conductance, and current
"electronic bridges" to speed up the flow of electrons inside the MIP film. was increased, while impedance decreased. The coefficient of sensitivity
In this work, melamine was used as a template, and self-assembled for the milk samples containing soap was determined and explained in
polymeric nanoparticles were used to decorate MWCNTs, resulting in terms of the conductance values [151]. The EIS and current measure­
molecularly imprinted nanohybrids with "necklace-like" nanostructures. ments, can detect the concentration of ≥ 3.16 µM soap in milk samples.

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

The current method uses EIS to demonstrate a unique diagrammatic melamine has led chronic renal and urinary tract failure. For the
method for the identification and measurement of polar and non-polar/ detection of melamine, a number of analytical techniques have been
ionic adulterants in milk. To conduct this study, regulated amount of developed. One unique electrochemical technique uses modified gold
commonly used milk adulterants, such as melamine, starch, urea, electrodes, zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs), and ionic liquids (1-
allantoin, cyanuric acid, benzoic acid, ammonium sulphate, and sodium ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate [EMIM][Otf])
bicarbonate, are added to a sample of pure milk. The mixture of silicon (AuE). Methylene blue was utilised as a redox indicator to increase
dioxide (SiO2) and Teflon layer thicknesses are tuned to produce the electron transport in electrochemical cells. In the presence of melamine,
proper hydrophobicity/dielectricity for the liquid milk samples during the electrochemical behaviour of the modified gold electrode was
the synthesis of a platinum Teflon silicon dioxide silicon (Pt/Teflon/ checked by cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry with
SiO2/Si) sensor. When non-polar/ionic adulterants are added under a detection limit of 9.6 × 10− 8 µM. The suggested approach is fast and
controlled conditions between 0.5 and 9 mg/g, the electrical impedance, simple for analysing the melamine level in milk powder products [156].
capacitance, and conductance for polar samples change in the opposite The selective and accurate measurement of H2O2 at physiological
direction from those of non-polar/ionic adulterants [152]. The detection pH, using an electrode modified with silver nanoparticles-zinc-metal
limit for different adulterants were calculated for polar adulterants such organic framework (AgNPs-Zn-MOF) was described. Drop casting was
as urea (1.54 × 103 µM), melamine (6.22 µM), starch (1.43 × 10− 3), used to modify the AgNPs-Zn-MOF on the glass carbon (GC) electrode.
allantoin (4.59 µM), cyanuric acid (3.87 µM); for non-polar/ionic adu­ Cyclic voltammetry (CV) of the AgNPs-ZnMOF modified electrode
letrants, benzoic acid (7.28 µM), ammonium sulphate (13.4 µM) and showed a high anodic peak at +0.20 V, corresponding to the oxidation of
sodium bicarbonate (26.19 µM), respectively. All the adulterants were Ag0 to Ag+, and a subsequent reduction peak at -0.50 V, corresponding
identified within 15 s of time. to the reduction of Ag+ to Ag0. No reaction was seen at GC, 3 GC/Zn-
The main contribution of this study is the development of an MOF, and GC/TA-AgNPs modified electrode, it displays a significant
impedimetric biosensor for H2O2 detection, employing gold nano­ decrease in peak for H2O2 at -0.67 V with a current of -21 µA. The
particles (AuNP) trapped within aminated titanium dioxide (TiO2) current response of H2O2 rise linearly from 1 to 5 × 103 µM, with a
particles. To modify the AuNPs trapped inside TiO2, an amide bond was correlation coefficient of 0.9915 and a limit of detection of 0.067 µM (S/
formed between the carboxyl end terminal of Hb and the amine terminal N=3). The proposed method was used to detect H2O2 in milk, human
from TiAu-APTS. Hemoglobin (Hb), which has peroxidase-like activity, urine, and blood serum samples [157]. Another study utilized gold and
was used as the bioreceptor for sensing of H2O2 in solution. Therefore, polyaniline composites (Au@PANI) deposited on the surface of glass
Hb was covalently bonded to the altered TiO2 surface. The biosensor had carbon electrode to enhance the sensitivity and intensity of signals for
a wide linear range response between 100 and 1.5 × 104 µM, and a the detection of melamine. Melamine form hydrogen bonds with
detection limit of 10 µM was achieved using an alternate impedance Au@PANI composite, this helps in the detection of melamine. Electro­
approach [153]. It is also interesting that no redox mediators were used chemical analysis by cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltam­
in the development of the impedimetric biosensor. In this method, nickel metry presents a detection limit of 1.39 × 10− 6 µM for melamine [158]
sulphide/graphene oxide NiS/GO was created using the superficial hy­ as shown in Table 2. The sensor was found stable for up to 4 weeks.
drothermal method and used to modify a glassy carbon electrode Kamyabi & Hajari have successfully developed an electrochemical
(NiS/GO/MGCE). The modified electrode showed a limit of detection sensor for H2O2 detection by electrodepositing copper oxide nano­
3.79 µM for urea in water using electrochemical and electrochemical particles on the activated pencil graphite electrodes. The modified
impedance spectroscopy modes, with the electrode process being electrode (CuO/APGE), significantly reduces the over potential of H2O2
diffusion-controlled [154]. oxidation upon the addition of H2O2 with a starting potential of around
+0.05 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). A quick chemical reaction at electrode surface
2.2.2. Voltammetric sensors occurs between H2O2 and CuO transform CuII to CuI and finally H2O2 to
Voltammetry entails measuring the current in relation to the applied oxygen. As CuI is released, it is electro-oxidized again to CuII and CuO,
potential. This method is based on the measurement of the output cur­ continues to catalyse the reaction. The electrocatalytic response of this
rent and the constantly changing applied potential differential. A vol­ sensor had a detection limit of 0.21µM (signal/noise = 3) and was
tammogram is a depiction of potential versus current, which can provide proportional to the H2O2 concentration. A low detection limit and a
information about the kinetics and process of electrochemical reactions strong signal were displayed by the H2O2 sensor [159]. In this study, a
[38].Voltammetry sensors are widely used for food quality evaluation highly sensitive voltammetric sensor, made of CuFe2O4 nanoparticles
and detecting pesticides, adulterants, vitamins, heavy metals and (RGO/CuFe2O4/CPE) was developed for the detection of H2O2. The
pharmaceuticals analytes. The advantages of using these nanosensors modified electrode displayed a quick amperometric response of <2s at
include higher sensitivity and its capability for analysing two or more pH 5, good linear range of 2 to 200 μM, and low detection limit of 0.52
analytes in a single sample through quantitative analysis methods. μM for the determination of H2O2. Additionally, H2O2 peak current for
The voltammetric electronic tongue is used to detect and distinguish differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) increased linearly in the concen­
hazardous compounds purposely added to milk to extend its shelf life or tration ranges from 2 to 10 μM and 10 to 103 μM, and the detection limit
increase protein content. The electronic tongue comprises three active for H2O2 is 0.064 μM. The developed sensor was successfully used for the
electrodes made of platinum, gold, and copper. The measuring princi­ measurement of H2O2 in biological and pharmaceutical samples, such as
ples entailed extracting data from cyclic voltammograms obtained in milk, green tea, hair dye cream, and mouthwash solution [160]. Guo and
pure and contaminated milk. The electrode response was investigated co-workers synthesized ordered mesoporous carbon/glassy carbon
using electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance to understand the electrode (OMC/GCE) for melamine detection in milk samples. They
mechanism by which the tongue could detect between the samples. The proposed an electroactive Cu-melamine complex that can detect mel­
main mechanisms are electrochemical formation and dissolution of ox­ amine by converting it from a non-electroactive melamine to electro­
ides and the reduction of a copper-melamine ionic pair on the surface of active state in presence of copper ions in 0.1 M (pH 9.0) borate buffer
the copper electrode. Furthermore, the electronic tongue was capable of containing 20% methanol (v/v) as the supporting electrolyte on an an
detecting adulterations in several types of milk (whole, skimmed, and OMC modified electrode. For surface characterisation of modified
semi-skimmed) and milk from various brands. For formaldehyde, urea, electrode the cyclic voltammetry (CV) has been used. The anodic peak of
and melamine, the concentration of adulterant was found 1 × 104, 4.16 Cu-melamine complex is linear with a detection limit of 2.0 × 10− 3 µM
× 10− 3, and 950 µM, respectively [155]. (based on S/N = 3) for melamine. The proposed sensor has been suc­
Melamine is added to food as an adulterant with the intention of cessfully applied for melamine detection in milk products [161].
inflating the total protein. Illicit adulteration of baby milk powder with This works describes a quick and sensitive electrochemical sensor

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

based on a molecularly imprinted composite thin-film, developed by in- modified with zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO). The fluorine doped tin
situ co-electropolymerization of aniline and acrylic acid with melamine oxide FTO/PA6/PPy/ZnO/urease electrode has great sensitivity for urea
as a template. The carboxylic group from acrylic acid and amine from detection with a limit of detection of 1.83 µM. The obtained results
aniline interact non-covalently with the template, which enhances the shown the potential of electrospun nanofiber-based electrodes for
sensitivity of sensor. Electrochemical measurements by cyclic voltam­ detection of adulterants in dairy products [167].
metry showed a limit of detection of 1.72 × 10− 5 μM for melamine in The enzyme-based techniques have certain drawbacks such as high
infant formula and raw milk [162]. The findings showed that the peak manufacturing costs and low stability, which has increased interest in
current remained 90% of its initial current for 20 days. The electro­ the construction of non-enzymatic sensors. In this study, a one-step
chemical measurement of melamine can be done by electro­ thermal reduction approach was used, using melamine as the nitrogen
polymerization as a preconcentration method. Here, melamine is source, to produce and use single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT’s)
preconcentrated on glassy carbon electrode modified with over oxidized decorated with silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs). The SWCNT’s character­
poly-(para-aminophenol) film (GCE/Ox-PPAP) by potentiodynamic istics were noticeably changes by the nitrogen doping, and it showed a
method. During the electrochemical reaction, non-electroactive mel­ greater affinity for Ag-NPs. The Ag-N-SWCNTs nanocomposite had
amine was changed into electroactive poly- (melamine) (PMel). The higher catalytic activity than N-SWCNTs and pristine-SWCNTs due to
preconcentrated melamine was measured by using square wave vol­ the integration of the large surface area and electrical characteristics of
tammetry (SWV) as the electro-analytical signal. The GCE/Ox-PPAP N-SWCNTs with Ag-NPs. The glassy carbon electrode (GCE) is modified
sensor displayed good calibration sensitivity of 4.718 μA L μM, and a with Ag-N-SWCNTs and a layer of Nafion (Nf) was used to construct a
limit of detection 0.34 μM (S/N = 3) in milk samples [163]. non-enzymatic electrochemical urea sensor. The sensor had a low limit
Detection of urea is critical in various industries such as food, dairy, of detection of 4.7 × 10− 3 and an improved sensitivity of 141.44 μA
and environmental monitoring. Traditional methods for urea detection mM− 1 cm− 2 for the detection of urea, with ~ 3 s response time [168]. As
are either costly and require specialised apparatus, or employ an enzy­ a result, this sensor may be used to detect urea in a variety of samples
matic approach. Graphene-polyaniline (Gr-PANi) based electrochemical from the food, fertiliser, and environmental industries. Additionally, the
sensor for non-enzymatic urea detection is proposed. Using the cyclic modified electrode demonstrated good stability up to 150 min under
voltammetry (CV) approach, a Gr-PANi composite was created by ambient conditions with no decrease in activity or storage.
electro-depositing PANi on the surface of a Gr modified glass carbon Using a one-step voltammetry technique, L-proline associated silver
electrode (GCE). The current response of the urea sensor was found to be nanoparticles were electrodeposited on a glassy carbon electrode. L-
4.74 times larger than a pure PANi-based sensor, and 67.2 times greater proline, acting as a stabiliser, plays a crucial role in reducing the rate of
than that of a pure Gr-based sensor. The modified sensor has limit of metallic silver oxidation and preventing aggregations. More signifi­
detection of 5.88 µM, in milk samples and remains stable for 10 days. cantly, L-proline resulted in a 200 mV change in potential towards a less
The linear range is 1 × 103 to 8 × 103 µM, which covers the physiological negative potential and an approximately two fold increase in sensitivity.
range of urea content in human blood. The limit of detection was found This low-cost, simple sensor is free from the many drawbacks of enzyme
to be 140 µM found in plasma and milk [164]. The peak current depends or noble based sensors and offers a good sensing performance for the
upon the analyte concentration which is helpful for urea detection. This electrochemical detection of H2O2. Compared to silver nanoparticles
Gr-PANi composite-based urea sensor is a simple, low-cost, and without L-proline, the resulting L-proline-stabilized silver nanoparticles
non-enzymatic method which has a wide range of applications. Urea showed a lower detection limit of 0.05 μM, a broader detection linear
plays crucial biological function in metabolism and helping to determine range from 0.1 to 5.14 × 103 μM, and higher selectivity in the presence
protein levels in the human body. Exceeding its prescribed limit can of interfering species like ascorbic acid, uric acid, L-glucose, glycine, and
cause heart failure, dehydration, cachexia, and liver failure, making lactose for H2O2 detection. The fast electron transfer kinetics of the
precise urea measurement crucial for diagnosis and treatment. In this metallic silver (Ag0) in L-proline stabilised silver nanoparticles
study, cobalt zeolitic imidazolate framework (Co-ZIF)-nickel microwires contribute to the outstanding H2O2 electrocatalytic properties. Addi­
(NiMWs) were produced using a simple one-pot solvothermal approach. tionally, the sensor was successfully used to detect H2O2 in milk samples
The sensor demonstrated a wide range determination of urea from 0.5 to [169]. The copper oxide nanoparticles and polyalizarin yellow R onto a
500 µM with limit of detection of 0.3µM. The sensor was successfully glassy carbon electrode (PAYR/CuONPs/ GCE sensor showed excellent
employed to quantify urea in human biological fluid and milk samples properties for detecting and measuring H2O2, with a linear range of
[165]. 0.1-140 μM, a sensitivity of 1.4154 μAcm− 2 μM− 1, and a detection limit
In humans, adulteration of cow milk with melamine and urea causes of 0.03 μM using the DPV technique [170].
indigestion, acidity, ulcers, and kidney stones. A highly sensitive For the detection of formaldehyde, an electrochemical sensor based
acetylcholinesterase cyclic voltammetric biosensor based on zinc oxide on polypyrrole (PPy)-reduced gold was constructed. To get PPy/GCE,
nanospheres modified platinum (Pt) electrode was successfully devel­ the pyrrole was potentiostatically transformed onto a glassy carbon
oped for simultaneous detection of melamine and urea in cow milk electrode. Following over potential treatment of the polypyrrole, AuNPs
sample. The bioelectrode showed 100% permeability for melamine and were coated onto the PPy/GCE. Due to high conductivity and
urea, which improved the selectivity of sensor. The platinum zinc oxide outstanding catalytic activity, the PPy/GCE modified by AuNPs
acetylcholinesterase chitosan (Pt/ZnO/AChE/Chitosan) bioelectrode demonstrated a massive current response. The formaldehyde detection
can detect melamine and urea up to 0.001 to 0.02 µM range, with sensor was built using AuNPs/PPy/GCE, and the quantitative determi­
detection limit of 3 × 10− 6 and 1 × 10− 6 µM, respectively. The sensor nation of formaldehyde was accomplished using DPV. The sensor can
revealed high recovery (99.96-102.22%), making it suitable for mel­ detect formaldehyde in pure water with a detection limit of 20 μM, while
amine and urea detection in cow milk samples [166]. The current the milk sample shown detection limit of 400 μM. The electrochemical
density tended to be nearly constant and maintained 94% of its consis­ sensor provides good selectivity, repeatability, and stability for form­
tency even after 24 days. aldehyde detection [171].
It is necessary to use analytical methods to assess dairy products, 2D metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) offer certain advantages for
particularly milk, to ensure food safety against adulteration. Urea is one electrocatalysis due to their higher mass transfer rate, larger surface area
of the compounds that might be used to adulterate milk, and this raises and faster charge transfer. So, proposed method utilizes three conduc­
serious concerns owing to its negative health consequences on con­ tive 2D MOFs based on metal carbonyl complex (Ni, NiCo, and Co).
sumers. A biosensing platform was created for electrochemical detection Cyclic voltammetry and the current-time techniques were used to
of urea. Polymeric electrospun nanofibers of polyamide 6 (PA6) and examine electrochemical oxidation and detection. Non-enzymatic Ni-,
polypyrrole (PPy) were used to create the sensing platform, and NiCo-, and Co-MOF sensors shown higher urea catalytic activity. Among

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

them, broader linear range (0.5-832.5 μM) is exhibited by Ni-MOF, a milk samples. Ferric oxide multiwall carbon nanotubes polyaniline
detection limit of 0.471 μM, and a faster reaction time compared to (Fe3O4/MWCNT/PANI-Nafion) nanocomposite has been used to elec­
NiCo- and Co-MOF. Additionally, Ni- and NiCo-MOF modified elec­ trochemically modify the glassy carbon electrode. Purified bacterial
trodes were successfully used to identify milk samples [172]. urease enzyme was adsorbed on to the nanocomposite-modified elec­
The adulteration of milk with H2O2 has a long history and is widely trode using glutaraldehyde as a cross linker. Various electrochemical
known throughout the world. However, the quick breakdown of H2O2 in methods, were applied to determine urea concentrations in buffer
raw cow milk makes its measurement very difficult. In this study, a non- media, including cyclic voltammetry (CV), differential pulse voltam­
enzymatic electrochemical sensor has been developed for spotting H2O2 metry (DPV), and chronoamperometry (CA), and detection limit of 67
in adulterated milk. The bimetallic gold-platinum nanoparticles (AuPt µM was attained [177]. The created biosensor showed a fast response
NPs) were employed as electrocatalysts to specifically increase the time of only 3 seconds and demonstrated good storage stability for up to
electrochemical signal of H2O2. The screen printed carbon electrode 60-days. In terms of fast time response this sensor is more suitable for
(SPCE) modified with the AuPt alloy NPs presents good electrocatalytic rapid detection of urea in milk. To detect urea without a mediator, a
activity toward electro-reduction of H2O2 in both Ultra-high tempera­ nanocomposite of polyaniline (PANI) and graphitized nanodiamond
ture (UTH) and raw milk samples. The sensor showed a sensitivity of (GNDs-PANI) was created at room temperature using interfacial poly­
152.9 µA mM− 1 cm− 2 and low limit of detection of 4.8 µM. Application merization. The nanocomposite showed good linearity, with limit of
of this sensor and portable electrochemical analyzer-simulator is shown detection values of 1165.5 µM (for PANI) and 832.5 µM (for GNDs-PANI)
by analysing a sample of raw cow milk for H2O2 adulteration. The sensor [178].
showed sensitivity of 155.5 µA mM− 1 cm− 2, a detection limit of 2.5 µM, A chronoamperometric sensor has been developed for the detection
and the linear response was found in the range of 2.5 to 5 × 103 µM of H2O2, using monodisperse palladium nanoparticles. Palladium
[173]. The synergistic electrocatalytic effect of bimetallic AuPt NPs on nanoparticles of 1.8, 2.0, and 3.0 nm diameter were produced by py­
SPCE surface is responsible for the high sensing efficiency. This sensor rolysis and thioether stabilised. With the help of organic linker, palla­
offers a highly sensitive and alternative way for on-site, real-time dium nanoparticles were immobilised on gold electrode surfaces. The
monitoring of H2O2 adulteration in raw milk. sensor showed good efficiency for detection of H2O2 in milk samples and
The objective of this study was to create a cutting-edge sensing phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution, achieving the detection limits
platform for measuring H2O2 in milk samples. The proposed sensor was of 45 µM and 75 µM, respectively. The lower sensitivity of sensor allows
created on glassy carbon electrode that was enriched with iron copper the detection of H2O2 below the permissible upper limit [179].
(Fe-Cu) layered double hydroxide magnetic nanoparticles A hybrid consisting of graphene, carbon nanotubes, and MnO2 was
(LDH@Fe3O4/GCE). The modified FeCu-LDH@Fe3O4/GCE electrode used as the sensing component in the construction of a non-enzymatic
exhibited high cathodic peak currents and higher electrocatalytic ac­ amperometric H2O2 sensor. The hybrid was created using a chemical
tivity for H2O2 electroreduction. The proposed sensor showed a limit of procedure in a single pot reaction. High electrocatalytic activity of the
detection of 0.6 µM, with wide linear range of 2 to 400 µM [174]. After electrode was observed due to oxidation of H2O2. The developed sensor
ten days, the signals in H2O2 had decreased by 6%, demonstrating the has a detection limit of 0.1 µM and a wide linear range of 1-1.03 × 103
excellent stability of the sensor. µM for H2O2 in milk samples (R = 0.9998) [180]. Later, a novel elec­
trochemical bioplatform was prepared with graphene oxide doped
2.2.3. Amperometric sensors eggshell membrane (GO-ESM). A simple sonication process was used to
An amperometric sensor detects the current response resulting from synthesize GO-ESM bioplatform using GO nano-sheets and ESM. Intro­
electrochemical oxidation or reduction processes to determine the ducing an O-ring to the surface of the carbon ceramic electrode (CCE),
concentration of an analyte. A constant potential is applied between the the GO- ESM electrochemistry was examined. Prussian blue (PB) was
working and reference electrodes, and the surface current on working added to the GO-ESM platform using a simple dip-coating technique.
electrode is proportional to the analyte present in the solution. This The resulting modified electrode (PB|GO-ESM|CCE) was then employed
technique provides quick and linear reaction, making it more appro­ as a novel H2O2 electrochemical sensor. The developed sensor shown
priate than potentiometric sensors. However, these sensors have some effective amperometric response to H2O2 over a concentration range of
drawbacks, such as weak selectivity and interference from other elec­ 0.125-195 µM, and a detection limit of 0.031 µM (S/N = 3). The PB|
troactive compounds. The application of amperometric sensors began GO-ESM|CCE has been applied for detection of H2O2 content in milk
initially in the field of clinical and diagnostic fields, but with the advent samples [181]. This designed bio-platform has good practical applica­
of nanofabrication technology has made amperometric sensors more tions due to its excellent stability, affordability, nontoxic nature, elec­
stable, affordable, and highly sensitive. This has enabled their use in trochemical properties, and biocompatibility.
therapeutics, food, environmental, and agricultural sectors [36,38]. Carbon nanotubes and nano iron oxide were used to create a hybrid
The detection of urea is very important for diagnosing renal disor­ interface, resulting in better performance for the detection of H2O2.
ders and milk adulteration. A low-cost urea sensing device based on Thermal co-precipitation method was used to create nano iron oxide,
graphene nanoplatelets (GNPlts) can proficiently detect the ions and it was dissolved in a nafionic solution. Multi-walled carbon nano­
(amperometric sensing) during the hydrolysis of urea. To increase tubes were adsorbed by the catalase enzyme and added to the mixture.
sensitivity of sensor, the GNPlts were linked with urease. For main­ The resulting solution was utilised to modify the electrode. Studies on
taining the graphitic activity of graphene planes, edge functionalized interference, repeatability, and stability were conducted, and yielded
GNPlts were utilised. The developed platform has high specificity and positive outcomes. The limit of detection and quantification were found
can detect urea concentration ranging from 1.67 to 1.33 × 104 µM in just as 3.7 × 10− 3 µM and 0.122 µM, respectively. This platform was suc­
15 seconds [175]. Furthermore, a novel direct current voltage cessfully applied for the detection of H2O2 in milk samples, attributed to
(IV)-based, mediator-free nanocomposite has been developed to detect the convincing findings achieved regarding the biosensor’s performance
urea. Nanocomposites comprises immobilised urease enzyme, graphene [182].
nanoplatelets, and graphitized nanodiamonds. Without any complicated In this study, Prussian blue (PB) nanoparticles doped with poly (3,4-
reactions, this nanocomposite is a sensitive and produces direct signal in ethylenedioxythiophene (PEDOT) was used to construct electrochemical
the form of current at 0 V. Compared to other similar methods, this sensor for the detection of H2O2.The PEDOT/PB composite with PB
platform shown high sensitivity and a limit of detection of 832.5 µM particles ensuring greater stability and increased electron transport
with 20 s response time [176]. As a result, using this nanocomposite during electrochemical reactions. The PEDOT/PB modified electrode
improves the sensing abilities and enzyme loading capacity. This work revealed good catalytic activity toward the electrochemical reduction of
describes an electrochemical biosensing method for urea detection in H2O2, and the sensor was used for the H2O2 determination in range of

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

0.5 to 839 μM, with a detection limit of 0.16 μM. The sensor showed On a glassy carbon electrode (GCE), various interfaces were built
excellent conductivity, outstanding repeatability, selectivity, and long- using platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs), ferumoxytol (Fer), and reduced
term stability, offering considerable potential for the designing of graphene oxide (rGO) to create a high-performance amperometric H2O2
H2O2 electrochemical sensors [183]. sensor. The composites (rGO, Fer, and Pt NPs) have a synergistic cata­
The specific optical, electrical, thermal, mechanical, and catalytic lytic effect on the various interfaces, resulting in higher electrocatalytic
properties of graphene-based nanocomposites make them versatile in activity toward the reduction of H2O2 with a low detection limit of
materials science. The current study, describes graphene-based ternary (~0.38 μM), a linear range (0.4-10, 7.5- 4.3 × 103, 4.9 × 103 -1.08 × 104
nanocomposite made of poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene μM) at working voltage of +0.1 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), and high sensitivity
sulfonate, reduced graphene oxide, and gold nanoparticles (PEDOT:PSS- (340 μA mM− 1 cm− 2, n= 4). After holding for 15 days at room tem­
rGO-AuNPs) for the detection of H2O2. Compared to each component of perature, the sensor maintained a sensitivity reaction to H2O2 of
electrode, the hybrid nanocomposite showed superior electrochemical approximately 97%. It was successfully used to measure H2O2 in milk
characteristics and greater stability, demonstrating the synergistic samples [188]. For both industrial and biological applications, the
interaction of PEDOT, rGO, and AuNPs. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) development of high-performance platinum (Pt)-free non-enzymatic
was used to assemble the nanocomposite, which was produced via a H2O2 sensors is crucial. Here, the pyrolysis of tris (2, 2′ -bipyridyl)
simple one-step process. The modified electrode has been used for the ruthenium(II) chloride (TBRC) with carbon to produce ultrafine,
amperometric detection of H2O2 and shown good linear range from 5 to surface-clean, evenly dispersed ruthenium nanoparticles and nitride
400 μM, and a low detection limit of 0.08 μM (S/N = 3). This biosensor carbon (Ru/NC) has been reported. To create ultrafine and highly
was stable and unresponsive to interfering compounds, and was useful distributed Ru NPs (1.20 nm in diameter) on nitride carbon substrate,
to detect H2O2 in tap water and bovine milk samples. The improved the nitrogen (N)-containing Ru complex of TBRC was used as the metal
sensing properties could be attributed to the close contact of AuNPs with precursor. The designed Ru/NC-800 sensor showed detection limit of
the rough surface of the PEDOT:PSS-rGO nanocomposite, which serves 0.468 µM for the non-enzymatic detection of H2O2. This study offers a
as an excellent substrate for the growth of nanoparticles due to its high simple method for simultaneously producing ultrafine metal nano­
electrical conductivity and wide surface area [184]. Only 5.9% of the particles and nitride carbon for electrocatalytic non-enzymatic sensing
current signal was lost after 7 days, demonstrating the good reliability of [189] .
PEDOT:PSS-rGO-AuNPs-HRP for detecting H2O2. To sensitively measure H2O2, copper/cuprous oxide (Cu/Cu2O)
In this study, nafion (Nf) and Pd@Ag bimetallic nanoparticles sup­ nanocomposites were electrodeposited on a fluorine doped tin oxide
ported on (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTES) functionalized (FTO) glass substrate. The Cu/ Cu2O nanocomposites were created on
reduced graphene oxide (rGO-NH2) glassy carbon (GC) electrode were FTO using magnetic agitation and a constant current density of 0.4 mA
used to construct a sensitive, selective, and stable electrochemical sensor cm− 2.The constructed Cu/Cu2O/FTO electrode shown outstanding
for the detection of H2O2. The powerful synergistic impact of Pd and Ag electrocatalytic activity for H2O2 oxidation due to synergistic effects of
nanoparticles led to a linear range for H2O2 determination of 2- 1.95 × Cu and Cu2O. By using linear sweep voltammetry and amperometry, the
104 µM, with a detection limit of 0.7 µA and sensitivity of 1307.46 µA electrocatalytic activity of Cu/Cu2O/FTO was assessed. The designed
mM− 1 cm− 2. The results demonstrated that H2O2 in real samples can be sensor had a linear range of 0.2-2 × 103 μM for H2O2, with a detection
determined using the novel Nf/Pd@Ag/rGO-NH2/GC sensor [185]. limit of 0.04 μM. The electrodeposited Cu/Cu2O nanocomposites are
For non-enzymatic electrochemical detection of H2O2, highly promising nanomaterials for electrochemical sensors, as shown by the
dispersed platinum (Pt) based nanoparticles with higher electrocatalytic successful use of the proposed H2O2 sensor for the measurement of H2O2
selectivity and stability are highly required. In this study, the platinum in milk samples [190].
nickel (PtNi) alloy nanoparticles immersed in N-doped carbon nano­ Researchers have placed a significant emphasis on non-enzymatic
fibers (PtNi/NCNFs) by pyrolyzing electrospun nanofiber composites electrochemical sensors for the simultaneous detection of glucose,
made of polyvinyl pyrrolidone and Pt/Ni-based salts. Compared to Pt/ H2O2, and formaldehyde. These sensors have quick response times,
NCNFs, Ni/NCNFs, and other PtNi/NCNFs samples, the electrochemical convenient operation, and excellent sensitivity. In this project, CuO
tests indicated that PtNi/NCNFs (3:1) exhibited the best electrocatalytic nanoparticles on carbon cloth (CuO NPs/CC) were promptly prepared
activity for H2O2 reduction. The proposed sensor displayed high selec­ using the flame synthesis, which combines the benefits of simple oper­
tivity and low detection limit of 0.0375 µM. Due to the uniformity of ation, reduced time, and low cost. The (CuO NPs/CC) was successfully
PtNi/NCNFs and the embedded structure, it prevents nanoparticle ag­ employed as a working electrode to create a non-enzymatic electro­
gregation, and showed acceptable recoveries for H2O2 detection in milk chemical sensor. The results reveal that glucose has a detection limit of
samples [186]. After 15 days, the sensor retained its 98.5% of the initial 6.8 × 10− 3 μM (S/N = 3) and sensitivity of 12,050 μm AM− 1 cm− 2, while
current response, indicating the good stability. This confirms that the H2O2 has a detection limit of 0.034 μM (S/N = 3) and a sensitivity of
embedding alloy nanoparticles into NCNFs could prevent detachment 1479 mM− 1 cm− 2. Additionally, the sensitivity of formaldehyde is 2406
and aggregation of PtNi alloy nanoparticles, thereby improve the sta­ μA mM− 1 cm− 2, and the detection limit is 0.026 μM (S / N = 3). It
bility of the nanocomposite. demonstrates that flame-synthesised CuO NPs/CC electrocatalysis offers
Similarly a non-enzymatic electrochemical sensor based on a laser- greater opportunities for the determination of glucose, H2O2, and
scribed graphene electrode embellished with silver nanoparticles formaldehyde [191].
(LSG-Ag) is used to detect H2O2. This inexpensive method, uses a Digital In order to meet the requirements in the fields of biology, medicine,
versatile disc (DVD) laser, enabled the direct production of graphene food production, and the environment, it is essential to develop tech­
oxide and reduces it into an electrochemical transducer with conductive, niques for monitoring H2O2. Here, the second (G2.0) and third genera­
light-weight, reduced, and flexible properties. The LSG-Ag sensor tion (G3.0) poly(amidoamine) PAMAM dendrimers were designed, and
demonstrated a strong catalytic reaction for H2O2 reduction at -0.5 V subsequently coated with gold nanoparticles to create G2.0 and G3.0
and a quick amperometric reaction time of 3 s. The sensor showed a Vio-PAMAM-AuNPs based sesnor. Glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was
detection limit of 7.9 µM, strong repeatability with reproducibility of 3% coated with the G2.0 and G3.0 Vio-PAMAM-AuNPs to create the cor­
and 4.5% relative standard deviation (RSD), respectively. Additionally, responding G2.0 and G3.0 Vio-PAMAM-AuNPs/GCE modified elec­
the LSG-Ag retained its function after being bent continuously for 40 trodes. A nonenzymatic sensor based on the G3.0 Vio-PAMAM-AuNPs/
times, but after 80 times 13% loss in current was recorded. The devel­ GCE for the detection of H2O2 has been produced, which showed
opment of electrochemical systems can be facilitated by the use of laser- outstanding electrocatalytic activity towards reduction of H2O2 and a
induced sensors, as they offer a suitable platform for flexible, depend­ greater current response compared to the G2.0 Vio-PAMAM-AuNPs/
able, sensitive, and selective detection of analytes [187]. GCE. With a detection limit of 2.7 × 104 μM and high sensitivity of

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

202.7 µmA mM− 1 cm− 2, the designed nonenzymatic sensor has exhibi­ reduction potential than unmodified GCE. The GL-VS2/GCE also dem­
ted good performance towards H2O2 detection in the wide linear range onstrates a broad linear response range (0.1-260 µM), sensitivity of (0.23
of 100 to 6.2 × 103 μM. The modified G3.0 Vio-PAMAMAuNPs/GCE µA µM− 1 cm -2), detection limit of 0.026 µM and great selectivity for
electrode with a dendritic structure contained a large number of viol­ H2O2 detection. The GL-VS2/GCE electrode is suitable for H2O2 detec­
ogen mediator and AuNPs. The sesnor demonstrated good operational tion in milk and urine samples [197]. The GL-VS2 electrochemical sensor
and long-time stability, and the quantification of H2O2 in real samples maintained 97.2% of its initial current response for 50 M H2O2 in 0.1 M
was confirmed by standard method [192]. Furthermore, the perfor­ NaOH solution for up to 8 days.
mance of the nonenzymatic sensor was monitored for 30 days in the An easy one-step method was employed to create cuprous oxide/
absence and presence of H2O2 to evaluate its long-term ability. silver (Cu2O/Ag) nanocomposites, which been used to build an elec­
By combining a 3D-structured glassy carbon electrode (GCE) with trochemical sensor for the detection of H2O2.In this procedure, glucose
carbon nanotubes (CNTs), reduced graphene oxide (RGO), and platinum was used to convert AgNO3 and Cu (NO3)2 to Cu2O/Ag nanocomposites
nanoparticles (Pt NPs), an enzyme-free H2O2 electrochemical sensor was in the presence of hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB).
created. The carbon-based nanocomposites (RGO/CNTs) and Pt NPs Cu2O/Ag nanocomposites with evenly dispersed and closely coupled
implanted 3D interfaces work synergistically to increase conductivity Cu2O and Ag nanoparticles were produced. The Cu2O and Ag particles
and catalytic ability, resulting in outstanding electrocatalytic properties had size of less than 20 nm and less than 100 nm, respectively. The
for H2O2 reduction. RGO/CNTs-Pt/GCE operates at a working voltage of Cu2O/Ag nanocomposites-based sensor shown good performance for
-0.2 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) and offers high sensitivity (347 5 μA mM− 1 cm− 2, n H2O2 base on electrochemical measurements, with a linear range of 0.2
= 3) with a linear range of 0.3- 18 μM and 10- 4 × 103, and a detection to 4000 µM, a high sensitivity of 87.0 µA mM− 1 cm− 2, and a detection
limit 0.31 μM. The sensor was successfully used to identify H2O2 in milk limit of 0.2 µM. The anti-interference capability tests have shown that
samples, which is significant for detecting the misuse of H2O2 in milk. this sensor has an excellent H2O2 selectivity. Additionally, the H2O2
Moreover, it is interference-resistant and retains long-term stability recovery experiments in diluted milk solution indicate that it can be
[193]. used for routine H2O2 analysis [198].
The High cost of precious metal electrocatalysts and in­ Cu-based metal organic frameworks (MOFs), have many metal sites,
strumentations has limits the applications of H2O2 electrochemical high surface area, and easy synthesis, are promising features of sensing
sensors. To address this issue, a highly active non-precious metal cobalt/ materials. In this study, a novel electrochemical sensor for H2O2, a novel
carbon nanocomposite electrocatalyst for effective H2O2 detection on a three-dimensional (3D) flower-like Cu-MOF was synthesised. It was
variety of sensor platforms, such as screen-printed electrodes (SPEs), coupled with ultra-thin MXene nanosheets. The structure properties of
free-standing film electrodes, and traditional glassy carbon electrodes MOFs, the nature of Cu-contained nanomaterials, high electrical con­
(GCEs) has been designed. The nanocomposite was produced by ductivity of MXene, and catalytic activity of Cu-MOF/MXene/GCE
carbonating electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers containing ZIF-67 during the electrocatalytic reduction of H2O2 resulting in the ultra-
(zeolitic imidazole framework) particles. The resulting hollow meso­ sensitive detection of H2O2. Using chronoamperometry at a detection
porous carbon particles and exposed cobalt nanoparticles, are contained potential of -0.35 V, the Cu-MOF/MXene/GCE demonstrated a broad
in a hierarchically porous nitrogen-doped carbon nanofiber film, which linear range from 1 to 6.129 × 103 µM, and the detection limit found to
are electrically highly conductive and possess enough mechanical be 0.35 µM. Due to the decreased detection potential and specific
strength to be used as a self-standing film. As a result, it displays catalysis of CuMOF to H2O2, the sensor offers strong selectivity, good
detection limit of 10 μM when evaluated using GCEs. The linear detec­ anti-interference properties. The electrochemical sensor can successfully
tion range increases to 5.0 × 104 μM when used as free-standing film detect H2O2 in milk and serum samples. The suggested sensor has sub­
electrodes. Additionally, when combined with a portable potentiostat stantial potential for real-time measurement and monitoring of H2O2 in
and a cell phone, it allows for the mobile detection of H2O2 on SPEs foods and biological samples due to its high sensitivity, quick detection,
[194]. and simple operation [48].
Here, a high surface area porous carbon hybrid made of reduced Recent advances in H2O2 detection has become a promising area of
graphene oxide nanosheets (rGO) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is study in electrochemical sensing. This study successfully created an
treated with cathodic polarisation to deposit ultralow mass loadings of enzymatic-free electrochemical sensor using cuprous manganite/glass
platinum (Pt) nanoparticles. With detection limit of 1 μM, linear carbon electrode (CuMn2O4/GCE). for The sensor showed good
detection up to 1.5 × 104 μM, and a high sensitivity of 2027 μA/ mM− 1 amperometric detection ability for H2O2 by synthesising CuMn2O4/GCE
cm− 2. The Pt/rGO-CNT hybrid exhibits good H2O2 sensing characteris­ spinel nanoflakes through coprecipitation and pyrolysis methods, and
tics compared to previoulsy reported Pt/carbon material based H2O2 drop coating them onto the surface of a bare glassy carbon electrode
sensors. This sensor can identify trace amounts of H2O2 in milk and juice (GCE). The CuMn2O4/GCE sensor displayed high sensitivity of 3.420
samples [195]. Non-enzymatic electrochemical sensor using Pt-based AM− 1 cm− 2 and a detection limit of 0.012 µM, compared to previously
nanoparticles was created for H2O2 detection. The nanomaterial was described spinel AB2O4-based electrocatalysts in phosphate buffer so­
synthesized on FTO (fluorine-doped tin oxide) electrode using a drop lution. The Spinel nanoflakes CuMn2O4 has high electrochemical ac­
casting process. The amperometric and cyclic voltammetric results tivity, porous structure and synergistic interaction between Cu and Mn,
revealed that PtNiCo-NPs shown greater electrochemical performance promotes electron transfer and increase active sites are the key features
than other mono- or bimetallic materials. With a good sensitivity of of the sensor. The presence of high levels of Cu+ and Mn3+ ions in the
1374.4 µA mM− 1 cm− 2 at a scan rate of 20 mV s− 1 (vs. Ag/AgCl), the nanocatalyst facilitate the capture and reduction of trace H2O2. Addi­
catalytic performance for H2O2 sensing on PtNiCo-NPs had a wide linear tionally, the CuMn2O4/GCE sensor displays an acceptable recovery in
range of 5 to 1.65 × 104 μM [196]. This study presents, a novel method monitoring H2O2 produced from rat blood, commercial milk, and dis­
for creating ternary nanomaterials for H2O2 sensing with outstanding infectants [199] .
electrochemical properties. In healthcare, processes, food, and other areas, qualitative or quan­
Researchers aim to design novel inorganic nanomaterials for the titative assessments of H2O2 are crucial due to its significant part in the
substantial low-level detection of food preservative compounds. In signalling pathways of many diseases, are extremely important. To
current study, sonochemical technique was used to create a novel grass- address this need, an electrochemical ultra-high nanocomposites made
like vanadium disulfide (GL-VS2) without the use of surfactants or of polypyrrole (PPy), graphene oxide (GO), and gold nanoparticles
templates. The electrocatalyst VS2 helps to reduce H2O2. In electro­ (AuNPs) has been developed for the detection of H2O2. The sensor can
chemical experiments, the glassy carbon electrode (GL-VS2/GCE) detect H2O2 at a negative potential in the range of -20 V vs. Ag/AgCl.
modified with GL-VS2 shows more electrocatalytic activity and a lower The created (PPy-GO-AuNPs/GCE) electrode demonstrated high

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

electrocatalytic activity towards H2O2. The nonenzymatic H2O2 sensor techniques. These methods aim to understand the relationships between
showed a higher sensitivity of 41.35 µA/mM amperometric response, chemical properties and the behavior of chemical systems. Examples of
from linear range between 2.5 × 103- 2.5 × 104 µM and detection limit chemometric methods include partial least squares (PLS) regression,
of 5 µM (S/N = 3). The nanocomposite sensor was successfully applied principal component analysis (PCA), and artificial neural networks.
for H2O2 sensing in milk sample [200]. Chemometric techniques in combination with descriptive sensory
One of the most common forms of adulteration is the replacement of testing can be applied to check the authenticity of milk due to the
high-valued species milk with lower-cost cow milk, and this is the most presence of cheese whey [204]. However, due to inconsistent results
prevalent form of milk adulteration where mixing of various kinds of found during the sample analysis, the efficiency of principal component
milk species For example, the addition of cow’s milk to buffalo’s milk is analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) for the identifi­
a common form of milk adulteration [201]. Cow’s milk may be used in cation of cheese whey in milk is not fully demonstrated.
adulteration because it is less expensive and produces more milk than Lateral flow method is useful for the identification of soymilk in
buffalos. This form of adulteration must be halted because the cow’s whole bovine milk. Here, soymilk protein in adulterated milk competes
milk protein leads to allergy to some individuals and particularly in soymilk protein at the test line compete for a limited number of rabbit
children; in addition, also have some adverse effects on human [202]. As anti-soy protein antibodies that are attached to AuNPs. Anti-rabbit IgG
a result, the purpose of this study is to explain the current and advanced was immobilised at the control line to ensure the flow characteristics of
analytical methods used for species verification of milk and dairy antibody-conjugated AuNPs. The presence of soymilk in milk is shown
products are discussed in below section. by the complete absence or faint band at the test line. The detection limit
for soymilk in whole bovine milk was 1.75% (v/v), and the results were
3. Milk adulteration with milk from different species obtained in 5 minutes. A built-in lateral flow device can be used to test
for soymilk in milk [205]. The present methods for identifying cow milk
The simplest way to adulterate milk is through blending the milk and goat milk adulteration are time consuming and labour intensive.
from other sources and different animal species. Due to genetic and non- However, the lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA can be used for detection
genetic variability, detecting adulterated milk quantitatively is signifi­ of cow milk aduletration in goat milk. By using a particular monoclonal
cantly more difficult [23]. Sheep, goats, and buffalo milk are more antibody (mAb) tagged with colloidal gold nanoparticles (GNPs) that
expensive than cow’s milk, so it has been a common practice for many bind to cow milk casein, a competitive lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA)
years to mix sheep, goats, and buffalo’s milk with cow’s milk. The strip was created. The detection limit for cow milk in goat milk was
Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) councils are highly concerned to found 0.07%, which offers greater sensitivity over commercial ELISA
ensuring the quality and authenticity of the cheese they produce. (Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay) kit that have detection limit of
Therefore, they rely on analytical tools to verify and control any adul­ 0.1% [206]. These findings imply that cow milk adulteration/ contam­
teration throughout the production process. In accordance with inter­ ination with goat milk can be monitored within 6 minutes by GNPs-LFIA
national standards, there are limited rapid methods that can be utilised strip. Hence, strip method can be used as fast screening assay for real
in the field due to their lack of verification. time monitoring of cow’s milk adulteration in goat milk.
Lateral flow immunochromatography is a diagnostic technique that This paper describes the first immunoplatforms used to detect
utilizes antibodies to detect the presence a specific protein or an antigen, adulteration of milk with milk or colostrum from other animals. The
in a sample. The sample is applied to a test strip, which contains a series electrochemical bioplatforms developed enable the accurate measure­
of membrane layers that capture and concentrate the target substance, ment of immunoglobulin G (IgG) from cows, sheep, or goats. The process
producing a visible signal, such as a colored line, when it is present. This involves sandwiching horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated and
technique is widely used in medical diagnostics, food safety, and envi­ unconjugated IgGs from each animal species onto magnetic microbeads
ronmental monitoring due to its simplicity, rapidity, and low cost [203]. (MBs) used as solid supports. Amperometric transduction is achieved
By applying this method, the study aimed to comply with the criteria set using the H2O2/hydroquinone system at disposable electrodes. The
by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), was to vali­ immunoplatforms provide detection limit of 0.0023, 0.0026 and 0.0020
date a quick test using lateral flow immunochromatography for the µM, for bovine, ovine, and caprine IgGs, respectively. The bioplatforms
identification of cow’s milk from other species milk, such as buffalo’s can be effectively used to identify the specific content of the target IgGs
milk. 146 known negative samples from various animals were analysed, in milk samples from various animals (cows, sheep, and goats) and types
and found no false-positive results. In all the batches, 0.5% of cow’s milk (colostrum, raw, and pasteurised), without any matrix impact, only after
adulteration was detected, confirming the threshold value set in the sample dilution. Additionally, used to find milk that had been adulter­
probability of detection (POD) study, i.e. 1.00 (0.94–1.00). Such a level ated with other species milk at 0.1% level lower than those mandated by
is below the permissible limit set by European Commission Regulation European law (1.0%, v/v). The method relies on measuring the total
(EC) for cow’s milk in other species milk, which is 1%. This quick test for amount of the three target IgGs in raw milks and can be used to identify
detecting cow’s milk in other species milk has been proven to be an milk adulterated with colostrum. The proposed method provides
appropriate method for routine analysis of milk. This type of test is essential information about the milk sample, such as its animal origin, if
relatively simple to execute and can be done by untrained personnel it had heat treatment, and its adulteration with milk or colostrum from
during milk collection at the farm or upon arrival at dairies. other species, all within 30 min [207]. Compared to previously reported
Additionally, sensometric methods are also useful for the monitoring methods, the current method is an effective procedure for detecting milk
of the sensory characteristics of milk samples that have been adulterated adulteration with milk from other animals. However, its higher time
with whey. Sensometric methods are used to evaluate and analyze requirement and detection limits still need improvement.
sensory data, such as data obtained from human taste panels or con­ Using dairy products as a paradigm, a paper-based DNA biosensor for
sumer preferences. These methods aim to understand the relationships food authenticity was developed. DNA was extracted from milk samples,
between the sensory properties of products and their acceptability by and by specific DNA probes, species-specific DNA sequences were
consumers. Examples of sensometric methods include principal amplified and recognised by the biosensor. Gold nanoparticles were
component analysis (PCA), discriminant analysis, and cluster analysis. A used for optical detection. Three species, namely cow, sheep, and goat
sensometric approach combines quantitative descriptive analysis with PCR product, were detected using the biosensor. The detection limit was
chemometric methods to identify characteristics that enable the detec­ 1.6 × 10− 9 µM for cow, and 3.1 × 10− 9 µM for sheep, respectively.
tion of intentional adulteration of raw fluid milk with cheese whey. Furthermore, based on binary mixtures of cows’, ewes’ and goats’ milk
Chemometric methods, on the other hand, are used to analyze chemical yogurts, adulteration down to 0.01% was detected, whereas ewes’ and
data, such as data obtained from spectroscopic or chromatographic goats’ yogurts contained 0.01 to 5% cows’ yogurt. The method can also

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

be used to find the contaminants in beef, olive oil, and beans food k-casein tagged with streptavidin-conjugated CdSe/ ZnS quantum dots
products [208]. The biosensor works quickly and ends within 10–15 (QDs) on the surface of the screen-printed working electrode, and (ii)
minutes after sample application. Results are visible by the naked eye, stripping voltammetric based detection of released Cd(II) after the acidic
and require less time than the electrochemical method described earlier. dissolution of Cd-based QDs. The detection limit of the sensor was found
For accurate labeling and quality assessment, authenticity of cow, to be 0.07% (v/v) cow’s milk in ewe/goat’s cheese [212] as summarised
goat, ewe, and buffalo milk is a prevalent problem globally. These milk in Table 3. The proposed sensor is an easy-to-build and ultrasensitive
species are commonly adulterated with cow milk, for great economic immunodetection device with broad application to various QDs-based
worth. Instead of DNA and protein-based techniques, non-invasive and bioassays. This is due to the synergistic combination of 3D printing,
rapid spectroscopic methods have become increasingly popular. Syn­ QD labeling, and in-situ production of nanostructured sensing surface.
chronized fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS) is considered a fast, non- Milk, being one of the most significant multicomponent super foods,
destructive, non-intrusive, and relatively economical analytical tech­ requires quality control throughout the production process, from the
nique. The key benefit of SFS is that it can simultaneously provide in­ farm to the finished goods. Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption
formation on structure and stability while analyzing fluorescent Spectroscopy (SEIRA) is a technique that combines the principles of
molecules at low concentrations. During SFS, spectra are acquired by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) and infrared absorption
scanning the excitation and emission monochromators simultaneously spectroscopy. It is used to enhance the sensitivity of infrared spectros­
with a specific wavelength difference (Δλ). Given its unique fingerprint copy for the detection of molecules adsorbed on metal surfaces, orien­
identification ability, SFS has been utilized for food sample analysis tation and conformation of molecules on the surface [213].Whereas,
[209]. Therefore, SFS method is used to distinguish between cow, goat, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are computational models that are
sheep, and buffalo milk species. The method is based on variations in the designed to simulate the behaviour of biological neurons in the brain.
type and amounts of fluorophore compounds in various milk species. In ANNs are composed of multiple layers of interconnected nodes, or
order to do this, SF spectra of milk species are captured in the excitation neurons, which can process and transmit information. So in this study, a
range of 250 and 550 nm wavelength. Following the identification of the localised surface plasmon resonance optical sensor based on glass sub­
binary mixture type (cow-cow, goat-cow, or ewe-cow), partial least strate coated with citrate-capped silver nanoparticles (Cit-AgNP) was
square (PLS) models have been established for quantifying cow milk in designed for the qualitative assessment of milk. The synthesis of this
other milk species. For goat-cow, ewe-cow, and buffalo-milk, the limit of sensor required the surface modification of glass slides before coating
detection values were found to be 3.52%, 4.06%, and 3.52%, respec­ them with Cit-AgNPs. To qualitatively distinguish cow, camel, goat,
tively [209]. In spite of this, much work needs to be done in order to buffalo, and babies formula powdered milk, the SEIRA sensor connected
reduce the detection limit of the method as per the European Commis­ to an ANN has been developed. Additionally, it may be used to quantify
sion, which is 1%. For the quick identification of cow-milk adulteration the major milk constituents, including fat, casein, urea, and lactose in
with buffalo milk, a competitive lateral flow immunoassay utilising each kind of milk. The newly designed sensor offers a number of benefits
amorphous carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) and non-immunoglobulin an­ over the established methods of milk analysis utilising MilkoScanTM (a
tigen has been developed. Purified polyclonal antibodies were conju­ device frequently used for determining the primary milk components,
gated to CNPs and sprayed on a conjugate pad against a particular milk abnormalities, and assessing the safety of milk products), ANN
buffalo milk protein fraction. The control line included anti-rabbit an­ enables the removal of pre-treatment processes, a small sample amount,
tibodies produced in goats (0.5 g/cm), whereas the test line was made up quick operation, and useful for on-site analysis, thus reducing waste
of buffalo’s skimmed milk proteins (1.6 g/cm). If there is no buffalo milk generation [213].
present in the sample, a black or grey test line would be visible. Test lines The first enzyme-free immunoassay (optical and electrochemical)
disappear when cow’s milk is 5% adulterated with buffalo milk. The test that may be employed as a detection bioplatforms of bovine IgG as goat
may be conducted on hot milk samples collected at milk collection milk adulterant is presented here. In a competitive colorimetric micro­
centers [210]. plate immunoassay, Prussian blue nanoparticles (PBNPs) were utilised
Two varieties of cheese, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana and Feta, as antibody catalytic labels. Due to the enhanced catalytic activity of
with Protected Designation of Origin and must be regularly examined to PBNPs compared to natural peroxidase, higher sensitivity was achieved
prevent fraudulent adulteration with bovine milk. This ensures that (0.01% cow/goat volume ratio), which is 100 times lower than the
consumers truly purchase these high-end goods and prevent health maximum permitted by European regulation at 1% (v/v). The remark­
problems associated with bovine milk allergy. For very first time, a able stability of the antibody-PBNP bioconjugates over 4 weeks (>94%
silicon-based photonic immunosensor has been used to detect the of the original reaction) further supports the effective anchoring of the
adulteration of feta and mozzarella cheese with cow’s milk. The pho­ antibodies to the surface of the PBNPs. However, for the detection of
tonic immunosensor utilises monolithically integrated Mach-Zehnder bovine IgG, a label-free voltammetric immunoassay was created. The
interferometers and corresponding light sources on a silicon chip. The redox pair of ferri-ferrocyanide and the screen-printed gold electrodes
competitive immunoassay occurred in three steps, involving a reaction modified with bovine IgG antibodies was used as a sensing principle.
with the antiserum, a biotinylated anti-rabbit IgG antibody, and strep­ Both immunoassays showed a selective response solely to bovine IgG,
tavidin. The antiserum used was a rabbit polyclonal antiserum produced when the selectivity of the generated immunoassays was tested using
against bovine-casein. This assay greatly reduced the non-specific signal other species milk with comparable composition [214]. Newly devel­
caused by the cheese matrix, and the test was completed in just 9 mi­ oped enzyme-free immunoassays have a variety of appealing features for
nutes. Moreover, it could measure bovine cheese in mozzarella or feta as the identification of milk adulteration. These immunoassay are different
low as 0.5 and 0.25% (w/w), respectively. Both quantification limits fall from conventional ones and can be applied to routine milk analysis in
below the European commission (EC) regulations. Moreover, the quality control laboratories (optical immunoassay) or on-site check­
maximum permissible content of bovine milk in mozzarella and feta points (electrochemical immunoassay) using wireless electrochemical
according to EC is 1% (w/w) [211]. Livas and co-workers have devel­ detectors.
oped a new electrochemical immunosensing device that combines a
3D-printed micro cell, two thermoplastic electrodes and a Sb2O5/S­ 4. Conclusion and future outlook
nO2-modified working electrode. The evaluation of the cheese adulter­
ation, specifically the addition of cow’s milk to cheese made from Milk is considered a balanced meal for newborns and children, as
ewe/goat’s milk, shows the relevance of the immunodevice for ana­ well as a good source of proteins and minerals for everyone. However, its
lysing complex matrices. The device works through two steps (i) poor quality is becoming an increasing concern, due to the widespread
developing a competitive immunoassay using biotinylated anti-bovine adulteration of milk with chemicals and other substances, in order to

Himshweta and M. Singh Sensors and Actuators Reports 5 (2023) 100159

Table 3
Adulteration of dairy products with milk of other species.
Sample Nanomaterial Target analyte Detection method LOD (%, v/v) References

Milk CNPs Cow’s milk with LFA No visible test line [210]
buffalo’s milk
Whole bovine milk Rabbit anti-soy protein antibodies conjugated soymilk in milk LFA 1.75 [205]
to gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)
Dairy products mAb labeled with colloidal gold nanoparticles Cow milk in goat milk LFA 0.07 [206]
Ewe/goat’s cheese Streptavidin-conjugated CdSe/ ZnS quantum Cow’s milk in ewe/ 0.07 [212]
dots (QDs) goat’s cheese
Milk PBNPs Cow’s milk into Voltammetric ≤0.1 [214]
goat’s milk immunoassay
Milk with milk from HRP-MBs Colostrum Amperometric 0.0023, 0.0026 and 0.0020 µM [207]
other animal species bovine, ovine, and caprine IgGs

Abbreviations: LFA-Lateral flow immunoassay; carbon nanoparticles- CNPs; Monoclonal antibody –mAb;CNPs-carbon nanoparticles;; horseradish peroxidase mag­
netic beads- HRP-MBs; Ab-Prussian blue nanoparticles – PBNPs.

serve their own interests. This necessitates the development of sensitive artificial neural networking (ANN), synchronous fluorescence spec­
and rapid testing technologies for commonly used milk adulterants. troscopy (SFS), lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) and immunoassay have
Nanotechnology is making a substantial contribution to the accurate and become more prevalent due to their benefits in sample preparation,
sensitive identification of adulterants in milk samples, as explained in rapidity, non-destructiveness, simple performance, and on-field use
this article. make them advantageous. However, the drawbacks of these techniques
In this review, we have summarised the nanoensembles platform as a could result in erroneous negative outcomes due to cross reactivity with
sensing material for the detection of illegal adulterants in dairy prod­ immunochemical tests, or reduced sensitivity with DNA-based tech­
ucts. Nanomaterials enable the signal amplification of sensors such as niques and other methods. Moreover, the need for costly machines in
optical and electrochemical sensors, thus enhancing the methods spectroscopic methods, sufficient databases, and multicomponent
sensitivity in the process. It is important to note that this review focuses analysis may prevent their application.
on assays of milk adulterants that use nanomaterials such as nanorods, Considering the future prospects in the field of detecting dairy
nanoclusters, nanoparticles, carbon dots, quantum dots, nano­ adulteration, we highlighted the interest in creating portable, simple-to-
composites, nanocrystals, fullernes, nanoplates, nanowires, and nano­ detect, real-time, and quick, in situ monitoring devices for large-scale
tubes. Furthermore, we have examined in detail various mechanisms in and on-field applications. Various novel nanosensors have been
adulterants detection, through optical mode of detection by fluorescence proved their efficacy for the detection of milk adulterants via different
resonance energy transfer (FRET), chemiluminescence, surface- assays. Majority of assays have good linear range and very low limit of
enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), colorimetric aggregation, inner detection, enabling the presence of adulterants at lower concentrations.
filter effect, and localised surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) based However, study should be more focused on the use of novel nano­
nanosensors. Additionally, we also discuss the different types of elec­ structures like nanocrystals, nanocubes and nanoflowers, nanowires,
trochemical nanosensors: impedimetric, voltammetric and ampero­ nanorods, and nanotubes, since the sensing assays are very fewer for
metric. According to research articles, gold nanoparticles and silver adulterants detection in dairy products. Nanoensembles offer a break­
nanoparticles based sensing, either by aggregation or H-bonding, seems through in dairy adulterations assay and enable the world to sustain a
to be a successful strategy. On the other hand, many scientists have safe and healthy environment. However, their development necessitates
developed various nanomaterials that address milk adulteration using good optimization techniques and sophisticated instruments. Addition­
optical sensors including colorimetric, SERS and SPR techniques. Aside ally, the scientific community is committed to the construction of
from the approaches mentioned above, a few papers have also explored nanoensembles based diagnostic platforms, that could transform the
FRET and eletrochemilumniscence, among others. The high recognition present scenario of the food sectors and meet the growing demands for
of specific molecular targets that aptamers naturally possess may in­ food safety and security.
crease the assay selectivity. Although, metal nanoparticle-based colori­
metric tests are quick and easy to perform, they have some drawbacks, Declaration of Competing Interest
including unstable functionalized metal nanoparticles, poor selectivity,
and limited availability. There are some limitations of fluorescence The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
sensors that need to be improved by enhancing the purification method interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
to increase their stability, uniform optical properties, better water sol­ the work reported in this paper.
ubility, easy surface functionalization, and improving characterization
methods. While, electrochemical nanosensors exhibits a quick response Data Availability
time, higher sensitivity and lower energy consumptions, however, some
of the adulterants are poor electroactive, which limits their utility in Data will be made available on request.
electrochemical sensors. So, it is required to design nanomaterials
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terants. Similarly, for immunoassay nanosensors are based on antigen-
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