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Democratic Party

One of two major political parties in the USA, the Democratic Party, was founded in 1828.
It was built by Martin Van Buren and was influenced by the ideals of Andrew Jackson and
his Democratic-Republican party. It is one of the oldest active political parties in the USA
and in the world. The party follows the ideology of Modern American Liberalism.
Historical Development of the Democratic Party
The Democratic Party of the USA is a faction of the left-wing Democratic-Republican party.
It emerged in opposition to the Federalist Party, which believed in a strong central
government and a tighter hold on the states. The Democratic-Republican party favored a
weak central government, greater autonomy for the states, and short-term limits on
people holding office.

It also supported the interest of the slave states, expansionism, and expansive
presidential power. However, in 1860 to 1910, the Democratic-Republican party split into
factions. The newly formed party opposed high tariffs and was in favor of progressive

Since Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency in 1932, the Democratic Party has evolved from a
New Deal coalition to a socially liberal platform, emphasizing programs like Social Security.
Over the years, shifts in the party’s core bases occurred, with Southern states leaning
Republican and Northeastern states favoring Democrats.
Additionally, the party moved towards market-based economic policies during Bill
Clinton’s presidency and achieved landmark legislation with the Affordable Care Act under
Barack Obama.
What Does The Democratic Party Believe in?
The Democratic party is often synonymous with progressive policies. It supports the
economic and social equality of all Americans. Additionally, Democrats fight for the civil
rights of minorities, universal health care, expanded social welfare programs, and
progressive tax reform systems. Additionally, Democrats support gun control, climate
change policies, and less severe immigration laws.

Current Features of the Democratic Party

1. Universal Healthcare for All
Democrats have been fighting for universal healthcare for all. Because of Democrats,
more than 100 million are able to benefit from the Affordable Care Act. Through programs
like Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies can not
discriminate against people based on their ethnicity or gender.
The Democratic party has vowed to improve upon the current health system and ensure a
reduction in the prices of drugs.

2. Reforming the Criminal Justice System

Democrats believe that the current criminal justice system is unable to deliver justice,
equivocally and without discrimination. The party has highlighted that more American
people are in jails than anywhere in the world, and this needs to change.
They call for a shift to the system so that black and Latino communities are not
disproportionately targeted, and every citizen can enjoy humane methods of punishment.
The Democrats also raised voices against police brutality in the recent George Floyd

3. Oppose Structural Racism

Democrats prioritize unity, rejecting President Trump’s divisive approach. They aim to
address deep-rooted societal inequities, including structural racism, misogyny, and
discrimination against people with disabilities, through ambitious measures that promote
healing and unity among the American people.

They are supported by parliamentarians like Alexandra Ohio Cortez who believe that
America treats its minorities in a discriminatory way.

4. Support for Climate Policies

One look at the list of the presidents of the USA, and you will realize that most Democratic
presidents have called for more aggressive policies to increase climate resilience. They
believe Climate change is a global emergency and needs to be sorted on a priority basis.
They highlight severe consequences of climate change like stronger storms, ecological
crisis, mass displacements, and rising sea levels.

5. Strengthening Democracy
Democrats believe that the government and elections should represent all Americans, not
just the wealthiest and largest corporations. They are committed to safeguarding the
fundamental right to vote, including challenging Republican-led efforts that have
marginalized people of color, youth, low-income individuals, and those with disabilities.

Additionally, they call for greater protection for civil servants and whistleblowers against
political retaliation.

6. Immigration Law
Immigration laws are often at the center of Political debates in the USA, with Democrats
calling for lenient immigration laws. Democrats believe America to be a compassionate,
diverse, and extremely welcoming country. The party is against the separation of children
and their families and calls for fairer treatment for all immigrants.

Moreover, they detest policies and organizations that reject immigrants and refugees
based on their faith, beliefs, or the color of their skin.

Who are The Prominent Democrats?

Both political parties in the USA boast of popular presidents. For Democrats, Prominent
Democrats in history encompass Franklin D. Roosevelt, the only president to secure four
White House terms, Barack Obama, the first African American president, and others like
John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Joe Biden.
Hillary Clinton achieved a historic feat in 2016 by becoming the first woman to earn a
major U.S. political party’s presidential nomination, although she did not win the election.
Additionally, Shirley Chisholm’s 1968 election to the U.S.

House marked the first African American woman’s congressional victory, and Nancy
Pelosi’s 2007 appointment as speaker of the House was groundbreaking as she became
the first woman to hold this position.
Republican Party
The roots of the republican party can be traced back to 1850 when antislavers joined
hands and called for an end to slavery. They were against the extension of slavery in the
Nebraska and Kansas territories. It was the efforts of the Republicans like Abraham
Lincoln that finally ended slavery.
In the status quo, the Republicans stand for more economic freedom and more
conservative social policies. Additionally, they oppose greater governmental regulation of
the economy and progressive reforms like affirmative action, but more on that later.

Historical Development of the Republican Party

One of the most influential political parties in the USA, The Republican party traces its
roots back to 1792. The term was adopted by the supporters of Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson believed in a decentralized government that had limited power to intervene in
matters of the state or the economy. Although the current political party has ideals similar
to that of Jefferson, the Jeffersonian party became the Democratic party in the 1830s.

The modern Republican party emerged in the 1850s as a response to growing tensions
over slavery in the United States. At its founding in Ripon, Wisconsin, the party attracted
anti-slavery activists, former Whigs, Free Soilers, and abolitionists who were determined to
oppose the expansion of slavery into newly acquired territories.

In 1860, the Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln as their presidential candidate, and
his election marked a turning point in the history of the party. During the Civil War and the
subsequent reconstruction era, the republican party played an important role in the
abolishment of slavery. After the war, it helped legislate and pass the Reconstruction Acts
which protected the newly, saved slaves.

In the decades that followed, the Republican Party evolved to embrace a broader
platform, including support for business interests, limited government intervention in the
economy, and conservative values. Over time, the GOP became associated with fiscal
conservatism, strong national defense, and conservative social values, shaping its role in
American politics to the present day.

What do Republicans Believe in?

Like all other political parties in the USA, The Republican party has evolved a great deal
since its formation in the 1800s. Here are the things that it believes in and fights for.

1. Limited Government
Republicans advocate for limited government and more power with the states. They
believe that it is not the government’s job to intervene in the economy or try and regulate
business activities. Additionally, they believe that governments should allow private
sectors to thrive and foster economic prosperity.
Curbs or restrictions on the private sector can hinder their progress and take away
Americans’ personal freedoms and individual liberties.

2. Fiscal Conservatism
Fiscal conservatism requires a careful balancing act, as it seeks to promote fiscal
responsibility without compromising essential government functions. Republicans believe
that reducing government waste and streamlining programs can help achieve these

By maintaining a focus on minimizing deficits and controlling spending while also ensuring
essential public services are preserved, the party aims to create an environment where
economic growth and fiscal stability can coexist harmoniously.

3. Lenient Gun laws

Republicans believe that it is highly unconstitutional for the government to impose gun
control laws. Their views are characterized by a commitment to protecting the Second
Amendment in the Constitution.
The 2nd commitment allows for the fundamental rights of all Americans. Republicans
characterize holding firearms as a constitutional right of the American people. They also
oppose universal background checks and limitations on magazine capacities. They argue
that these restrictions infringe upon law-abiding citizens’ rights and do not necessarily
prevent criminals from obtaining firearms.

4. Free-Market Capitalism
Republicans generally support free-market capitalism as the driving force behind the
American economy. They believe that competition and private enterprise are essential for
innovation, efficiency, and economic prosperity. The party tends to oppose excessive
government regulations and advocate for policies that promote entrepreneurship and
business success.

5. Strong National Defense Systems

Republicans place a high priority on a robust and well-funded national defense. They
advocate for a strong military and a proactive foreign policy to protect national security
interests. Republicans often prioritize maintaining a strong military presence, both
domestically and abroad, to deter potential threats and ensure the safety of the nation.

This is why Donald Trump’s presidency saw a rise in military involvement of the USA in
the South China Sea. Republicans also follow the ideals of Realism over liberalism.
6. Individual Liberty
Republicans champion individual liberty and personal responsibility. They believe that
individuals should have the freedom to make choices in their lives, including healthcare
decisions, education, and personal finances, with minimal government interference.

This is why Republicans are against the government imposing climate policies. Moreover,
they are also against progressive reforms like universal healthcare and education.

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