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My script:

According to the Department of Cultural Heritage, Vietnam’s 40,000 historical and

cultural relics and scenic spots include 10,000 provincial and municipal level relics,
3,600 national relics, and 130 special national relics. Vietnam has some 8,000
festivals that celebrate local customs, practices, performing arts, crafts, cuisine,
and costumes.

Many museums constructed at the end of the 19th century, Vietnam has
developed a modern museum system that includes 180 institutions that collectively
house more than 4 million artifacts, relics, and antiques reflecting local, regional,
or national culture.

Vietnam has had 33 world heritages acknowledged by UNESCO over the past 30
years, 30 of them designated as cultural heritage. These cultural treasures are a
priceless legacy left by our ancestors that attests to the enduring nature of
Vietnamese culture. These heritages show to the world the visual, spiritual, and
historical depth and significance of Vietnamese culture past and present.

I think TRAVEL must be responsible for this problem, as you can see, there is no
recent tourism promotion campaign so people rarely know about attractive culture
heritages in Vietnam, then there is few individuals have little knowledge or
awareness of protecting them.

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