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Founder(s) [Name]

Company [Name} (the “Company”)

Investor(s) Outsized Ventures SCSp (and any existing shareholders who elect to participate
or other syndicate members)

Investment EUR 1,500,000 (plus any amounts contributed by existing shareholders or other
syndicate members)

Instrument SAFE or Advanced Subscription Agreement or equivalent (the “Instrument”)

Equity Financing The Instrument will convert on the next good faith equity financing of the
Company into the class of share being issued in that financing at a price per
share equal to the lower of:

(i) a 20% discount on the price per share of that financing; and

(ii) a post money valuation cap of EUR [•] million divided by the fully diluted
issued share capital immediately prior to such equity financing (including the
conversion of all outstanding options, the Instrument and other convertibles, and
assuming a minimum number of unissued and unpromised options equal to [10]%
of the fully diluted issued share capital before the equity financing and before
conversion of this Instrument and other convertible investment instruments).

Exit and Investor to receive the higher of (a) the investment amount (or, to the extent
Dissolution Event there are insufficient funds, an amount calculated treating the Instrument as
having a 1x non-participating preference on a par with other convertible
investments and preferred stock), (b) an amount calculated as per limb (i) of an
Equity Financing conversion and (c) an amount calculated as per limb (ii) of an
Equity Financing conversion (provided that the assumed option pool shall only
include issued and promised options only).

Company During the first three months post-closing of the investment, the Company shall
Redemption have the option to redeem in good faith the Outsized investment at cost where
Outsized does not conduct itself in a manner which it indicated it would.

Other Outsized has the right to a board observer seat.

Most favoured nation – Outsized shall benefit from any better terms offered to
investors in any subsequent SAFE (or equivalent instruments) issued prior to the
next equity financing.

Information Rights Quarterly financial information, annual accounts, cap table on request and details
of any offers.
Pre-emption rights Outsized to have the right to invest in the next equity financing, where such right
is calculated assuming its investment has converted into equity immediately prior
to that next equity financing on the terms above.

Founder It is assumed that provisions regulating the shares of any departing founders are
Departure already in place. If not, it is expected that suitable provisions will be put in place
prior to an investment.

Costs Outsized to pay for its own legal fees.

Confidentiality Except as required by law, the Company and the Founder(s) will not discuss the
and Status terms of this term sheet with any person other than key officers, members of the
Board of the Company, the Company’s accountants or counsel or existing
shareholders who may wish to invest. Save for this provision, the other
provisions of this term sheet are merely an expression of the parties’ current
intentions and are expressly not intended to be legally binding.

Agreed and signed on ….….…….…….…...……….

Outsized Ventures GP S.a r.l., acting as
general partner of Outsized Ventures SCSp

[Name of Company]

[Name of Founder(s)]

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