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5 marks

1. Phagocytosis.
2. Homoeostasis.
3. Diffusion.
4. Transport across the cell membrane.
5. Functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum
6. Genetic Control of Protein synthesis.

2 marks

1. Tissue macrophages.
2. Sodium – Potassium pump.
3. Acidosis.
4. Deoxyribo Neuclic acid.
5. DNA.
6. Chromosomes.
7. Lysosomes.
8. Bone Marrow.
9. Membrane transport

15 marks.

1. Define blood. Explain in detail about the Erythropoiesis and the factors influencing it.
2. Define Anaemia. Explain in detail about the classification of anaemia and give a note on
megaloblastic anaemia.
3. Define Erythropoiesis. List the different stages of Erythropoiesis and explain in detail.
4. Explain in detail about Hematopoiesis. Mention the factors necessary for the same.
5. Define Anaemia and explain in detail about Haemolytic anaemia.
6. Define Coagulation. Explain in detail different pathways of coagulation.
7. Define Coagulation of Blood. Name the clotting factors and the mechanisms involved in
Coagulation of Blood.

5 marks

1. Blood groups.
2. Blood transfusion.
3. Rh factor.
4. Clotting mechanism.
5. Plasma proteins.
6. Erythroblastosis fetalis.
7. Natuaral killer cell.
8. Functions of spleen.
9. Lymph – its composition and function.
10. Cell mediated immunity
11. Erythropoiesis.
12. Functions of Reticulo-Endothelial system.
13. Iron deficiency anemia.
14. Rh incompatability.
15. Blood Volumes.
16. Functions of Platelets.
17. Name the plasma proteins, normal values and its functions.
18. Anticoagulants.
19. Define Anemia. Classify anemia and add a note on iron deficiency anemia.
20. Functions of WBC.
21. Fate of RBC.
22. Name the clotting factors involved in coagulation of blood. Add a note on bleeding disorders.
23. Leukopoiesis.
24. Hemostasis.

2 marks.

1. Lymph.
2. Rigor mortis.
3. Immunoglobulins.
4. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.
5. Types of antibodies
6. Latent period.
7. Motor Unit
8. Thrombocytopenic Purpura.
9. Anticoagulants.
10. Megaloblastic anemia.
11. Lifespan of RBCS with its fate.
12. Functions of WBC’s.
13. Innate immunity.
14. Define thrombosis
15. ESR.
16. Platelets.
17. Myosin.
18. Functions of Spleen.
19. Define Haematopoiesis.
20. Thrombocytopenia.
21. Reticulocytosis.
22. Blood Groupings.
23. Lymphocytes.
24. Sickle cell anemia.
25. Contractile Proteins.
26. Significance of ESR.
27. Polycythemia.
28. Scurvy
29. Pellagra
30. Immunity.
31. Oedema.
32. Antibody.
33. Hemoglobin.
34. Diapedesis.

15 marks

1. Define Glycolysis. Explain an aerobic glycolysis with its energetic and regulation.

5 marks.

1. Properties of skeletal muscle.

2. Neuro – muscular junction.
3. Sliding Theory of Muscular Contraction.
4. Excitation contraction coupling.
5. Structure and functions of Sarcotubular system.
6. Neuromuscular Transmission.
7. Krebs cycle or TCA cycle
8. Myasthenia gravis.
9. Summarize the Glycolytic pathway with its energetic.

2 marks

1. Rigor mortis
2. Contractile proteins
3. Myosin – 1,1,1
4. Sodium potassium pump
5. Sarcolemma
6. Neuro muscular junction.
7. Sarcomere.

15 marks.

1. Describe the composition, function and regulation of secretion of Pancreatic juice.

2. Explain the composition and functions of Gastric juice and give an account of Hormonal
regulation of Gastric secretion.
3. Describe the functions of small Intestine and its various movements.
4. Explain the composition, mechanism of secretion, functions and regulation of secretion
of gastric juice.

5 marks

1. Composition and functions of Saliva.

2. Movements of stomach.
3. Composition and functions of Bile.
4. Glands of stomach.
5. Ptyalin.
6. Jaundice.
7. Gastric emptying.
8. Gastrointestinal Hormones.
9. Digestion and absorption of protein.
10. Bile and its function.
11. Pavlov’s pouch.
12. Vomiting.
13. Lipoproteins.
14. Succus entericus.
15. Explain the mechanism of second stage of deglutition.
16. Gastric juice.
17. Deglutition.
18. Carbohydrate Metabolism.
19. Reverse peristalsis
20. Functions of Liver.
21. Briefly explain the movements of small intestine.

2 marks

1. Peristalsis.
2. Two differences between liver bile and gall bladder bile.
3. Cholecystokinin.
4. Mastication.
5. Pancreatic juices.
6. Bile pigments.
7. Gastric Emptying
8. Lipoproteins.
9. Pancreatic hormones.
10. Functions of HCL.
11. Bile salts.
12. Chylomicrons.
13. Deglutition.
14. Amylase.
15. Sham feeding.
16. Name the major salivary glands and its ducts
17. Name the gastrointestinal hormones.

15 marks.

1. Define Juxta glomerular apparatus, explain about the structure and function of Juxta glomerular
2. Describe about the process of formation of urine.
3. Define Glomerular filtration rate and explain in detail.
4. Explain the mechanism of Micturition.

5 marks.

1. Countercurrent mechanism
2. Juxtaglomerular apparatus.
3. Functions of skin
4. Rennin – angiotensin mechanism.
5. Renal failure.
6. Structure of skin.
7. Counter current multiplier.
8. Renal Function Test.
9. Micturation.
10. Micturition reflex.
11. Peculiarities of renal circulation.
12. Regulation of Body Temperature.
13. Glomerular filtration rate
14. Nephron and its functions.
15. Layers of the skin.
16. Artificial Kidney
17. Formation of Urine.
18. Hyperthermia and Hypothermia.
19. Peculiarities of renal circulation.
20. What are the factors affecting GFR?
21. Mechanism of concentration of urine.

2 marks

1. Hypothermia.
2. Plasma membrane.
3. Renal Failure.
4. Renal threshold
5. Counter – Current Exchanger.
6. Dialysis.
7. Normal human body temperature.
8. Types of nephrons.
9. Sweat gland.
10. Ketone bodies
11. Nephron.
12. Diuretics.
13. GFR.

15 marks.

1. Name the hormones secreted by the Pituitary gland. Explain in detail about the functions and
disorders of growth hormone.
2. Enlist the hormones secreted by Pancreas. Explain the Functions and Regulations of secretion of
3. Write the hormones secreted from the Adrenal Cortex. Explain Dysfunction of Adrenal cortex.
4. Describe the Synthesis, storage, release, transport, Functions and regulation of secretion of
thyroid hormones.
5. Describe in detail about the synthesis and functions of Anterior Pituitary Hormones.
6. Name the hormones secreted by the Pituitary gland. Describe the actions and regulation of
secretion of growth hormone. Add a note on hyper and hypo secretion of growth hormone.

5 marks.

1. Vitamin D.
2. Cretinism.
3. Tetany , Causes, important features of tetany and signs of latent tetany.
4. Synthesis of Thyroid Hormones.
5. Hypothyroidism.
6. Disorders of Anterior pituitary gland.
7. Parathormone.
8. Cushing syndrome.
9. Myxoedema.
10. Growth Hormone.
11. Actions of Catecholamines
12. Oxytocin – its secretion and actions.
13. Gigantism.
14. Diabetes insipidus.
15. Hypothalamo Hypophysial Portal System.
16. Disorders of Growth Hormone
17. Acromegaly.

2 marks

1. Define and Types of Receptors.

2. Anti – Stress hormones.
3. Insulin.
4. Diabetes insipidus.
5. Addisonian crisis.
6. Pheochromocytoma.
7. Anti Diuretic Hormone.
8. Adrenocortical hormones.
9. Catecholamines.
10. Gigantism.
11. Aldosterone escape.
12. Neuroendocrine reflex.
13. Diabetes Mellitus.
14. Local Hormones
15. Glucocorticoids.
16. Pheochromocytoma.
17. Rickets
18. Obesity.
19. Acromegaly.
20. Cretinism.
21. Gluconeogenesis.
22. Tetany.

15 marks

1. Enumerate descending tracts of Spinal cord. Explain in detail the origin course, termination,
function and effect of lesion of the Pyramidal tract.
2. Name the hypothalamic nuclei. Explain the connections, Functions and effects of lesions of
3. Define the nuclei and functions of the Hypothalamus.
4. Define and classify Reflexes and explain in detail about superficial reflexes, deep reflexes and
visceral reflexes.
5. Trace the Extrapyramidal tract and describe the functions of Extrapyramidal tract.
6. Enumerate the descending tracts of spinal cord. Describe in detail the pyramidal tracts. Write a
note on effects of upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron lesions.
7. Explain in detail about the structure and functions of Thalamus.

5 marks

1. Cerebrospinal fluid and its functions

2. Basal ganglia – components and disorders.
3. Functions of Hypothalamus.
4. Synapse and its classification.
5. Wallerian Degeneration.
6. Tracts of Goll and Burdach.
7. Receptors.
8. Functions of Basal Ganglia.
9. Physiology of sleep.
10. Functions of cerebellum.
11. Saltatory conduction.
12. Functions of thalamus
13. Basal ganglia.
14. Limbic System.
15. Disorder of Speech.
16. Parkinsonism-causes and features.
17. Define synapse. Explain synaptic transmission.
18. Spinal Cord.
19. Cerebellum.
20. Wallerian degeneration.

2 marks

1. Structure of neuron.
2. Neurotransmitters.
3. Saltatory Conduction.
4. Functions of Frontal lobe.
5. Reflex Arc.
6. Babinski’s sign.
7. Electroencephalogram.
8. Internal capsule.
9. Nerve of emptying.
10. Aphasia.
11. Cerebellar nuclei.
12. Astrocytes.
13. Adiadokokinensis.
14. Propagation of nerve impulse.
15. Kernicterus.
16. broca's area
17. Blood brain barrier.
18. Essential fatty acids.
19. Types of Neurons.
20. Neurilemma.
21. Saltatory conduction.
22. Aphasia.
23. Cutaneous receptors.

15 marks.

1. Define menstruation. Briefly describe the ovarian and uterine changes during menstruation.
2. Explain Menstrual cycle?
3. What is Menstrual cycle? Explain in detail about structural and hormonal changes during
Menstrual cycle.
4. Explain in detail about Ovulation cycle.

5 marks

1. Actions of testosterone.
2. Lactation. Add a note on the effect of Lactation on Menstrual cycle
3. Placenta and its functions
4. Parturition.
5. Secondary sexual characters in males.
6. Hormonal Regulation of Menstrual cycle.
7. Functions of Oestrogen
8. Spermatogenesis-stages and its regulation.
9. Female contraception.
10. Corpus Luteum
11. Ovarian changes during menstruation.

2 marks

1. Ovulation.
2. Contraceptive methods in Females.
3. Menopause.
4. Safe period.
5. Tubectomy.
6. MTP
7. Contraception.
8. Puberty.
9. Corpus luteum.
10. Action of Follicle Stimulating Hormones
11. Lactation.
12. Amenorrhea
13. Sex chromosomes.
14. Infertility.

15 marks.

1. What is Spirometer, explain in detail about the different volumes and capacities of lung?
2. Write in detail about regulation of respiration and mechanism of respiration.
3. Give the definition and normal values of lung volumes and lung capacities and explain the
measurement of the same.
4. Explain mechanism of respiration and explains ventilation and transport of respiratory gases.
5. Describe in detail about Carbon dioxide dissociation curve and its variations.
6. Explain the Pulmonary function tests and its measurement using spirometer.
7. Name the centers of respiration. Explain Neural Regulation of Respiration.

5 marks.

1. Surfactants.
2. Lung volumes.
3. Respiratory centre.
4. Oxygen dissociation curve.
5. Caisson’s disease.
6. Surface tension.
7. Spirometry.
8. Artificial respiration.
9. Oxygen – Hemoglobin dissociation Curve.
10. Hypoxia.
11. Periodic breathing.
12. Mechanics of Breathing.
13. Lung function test.
14. Nitrogen Narcosis.
15. Explain the nervous regulation of respiration.
16. Lung Volumes and Capacities.
17. Mountain sickness.
18. Causes, symptoms and prevention of decompression sickness
19. Chemical mechanism of regulation of respiration.
20. Dead space

2 marks

1. Periodic breathing
2. Peripheral pulses
3. Vital capacity.
4. Zona occludens.
5. Tidal volume
6. Cyanosis.
7. Placental hormones
8. Scuba
9. Dead space
10. Physiological importance of surface tension.
11. Sneezing Reflex.

15 marks.

1. Define cardiac cycle. Explain about the various events of Cardiac cycle.
2. Define cardiac output. Explain the variations factors regulating the cardiac output.
3. Define Heart rate and its variations and mechanism of regulation of heart rate.
4. Define arterial Blood Pressure. Describe the nervous regulation of arterial Blood Pressure.
5. Write an essay about heart sounds.
6. Define Cardiac output. Write in detail about the factors maintaining cardiac output and its
7. Define Arterial blood pressure. What are the determinants of Arterial blood pressure? Explain
the renal regulation of blood pressure.

5 marks.

1. Valves of the heart.

2. Elecro Cardio Gram.
3. Arterial pulse
4. Heart block
5. Define Cardiac output and Measurement of C.O. using Fick’s Principle.
6. Heart sounds.
7. Radial pulse
8. Lewis triple response.
9. Conductive systems of Heart.
10. Properties of Cardiac Muscle.
11. Regulation of Blood Pressure.
12. Briefly explain the events of cardiac cycle
13. Factors affecting cardiac output.
14. Leads and waves of electrocardiogram (ECG).
15. Cardiac Murmurs.
16. Fetal circulation.
17. Arterial pulse.

2 marks

1. Marey’s reflex.
2. Electro Cardiogram
3. Cardiac Muscle.
4. Different types of Pulse.
5. AV Node.
6. Heart block
7. Define pulse.
8. Heart sounds.
9. Stokes – Adams syndrome
10. Pacemaker.
11. Cutaneous receptors
12. Heat Stroke.
13. Auscultatory areas of heart.
14. Cutaneous receptors
15. Waves of ECG
16. Bain bridge reflex.
17. Lewis triple response
18. All or None law.

15 marks

1. Draw a Diagram of visual pathway and explain it. Indicate the effects of lesions at different
levels of optic pathway.

5 marks

1. Organ of Corti.
2. Colour blindness.
3. Nyctalopia
4. Colour blindness
5. Vitamin A.
6. Visual pathway.
7. Tests for hearing.
8. Olfactory Pathway.
9. Auditory pathway.
10. Errors of Refraction.
11. Mechanism of hearing.
12. Layers of Retina.

2 marks.

1. Olfactory pathway
2. Taste buds.
3. Tests for hearing.
4. Organ of Corti.
5. Webers test.
6. Visual receptors
7. Astigmatism.

2 marks

1. Protein energy malnutrition

2. Specific dynamic action
3. Bence Jones protein.
4. Enzymes
5. Thiamine.
6. Essential Amino acids.
7. Pellagra
8. Rods and cones.
9. Goitrogens.
10. Essential fatty acids.
11. Bohr Effect.
12. Balanced diet.
13. Vitamin A – Deficiency.
14. Co-enzyme
15. Ptyalin.( salivary alpha amylase)
16. Lipoproteins.

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