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NSS : 101640313009 NPSN : 30404990, AKREDITASI A
Email :
Jln. H.Kasim RT. 15 Desa Gas Alam Badak Satu
Kecamatan Muara Badak Kode Pos : 75382
Nama : …………………… Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IV / II

A. Cross (x) a, b, c, or d for the correct answer !

1. Good morning, Siska.
It is the greeting when we meet someone in the …..
a. evening c. morning
b. afternoon d. night
2. See you tomorrow. In Bahasa Indonesia means …..
a. sampai ketemu besok c. selamat siang
b. selamat pagi d. selamat tinggal
3. Rika says ………. to Ajeng (selamat tinggal)
a. hello c. hi
b. good afternoon d. good bye
4. How are you? The bold word means …..
a. lama tak jumpa c. bagaimana kabarmu
b. Sampai ketemu besok d. sampai jumpa lagi
5. To introduce yourself, you says …..
a. my name is Qahira c. see you next time
b. good afternoon d. what is your name
6. One hundred
a. 100 c. 111
b. 200 d. 1000
7. I have … books (Sembilan)
a. eight c. nine
b. six d. eleven
8. House – my – number - is – twelve
Arrange these words …
a. twelve is number my house c. number house is my twelve
b. my house number is twelve d. twelve number is house my
9. Twenty times five is …
a. one hundred c. four
b. twenty five d. fifteen
10. She is a … (guru)
a. gardener c. headmaster
b. student d. teacher
11. Teacher office in Indonesian is …
a. ruang kelas c. kantor guru
b. kantin d. UKS
12. Kantin sekolah in English is …
a. school toilet c. school health unit
b. school canteen d. school yard
13. He is a … (Kepala sekolah)
a. headmaster c. gardener
b. student d. teacher
14. It is … (penghapus)
a. correction pen c. ruler
b. pen d. eraser
15. The students use … to write (menulis) on the book.
a. pencil c. choal
b. correction pen d. chalk
16. The Indonesian of “book” is …
a. buku c. penggaris
b. penghapus d. pulpen
17. Miss Thea, writes on the blackboard using …
a. marker c. chalk
b. pencil d. pen
18. He is sleeping (tidur).
He is in the …
a. living room c. dining room
b. bedroom d. kitchen
19. The thing you can find in the bathroom is …
a. tape recorder c. fork
b. spatula d. soap
20. They are having breakfast (sarapan pagi) in the …
a. living room c. dining room
b. bedroom d. kitchen
21. The thing you can find in the kitchen is …
a. stove c. toothbrush
b. television d. broom
22. He is my … (ayah)
a. grandfather c. aunt
b. cousin d. father
23. Diana is Santi’s … (saudara perempuan)
a. son c. sister
b. nephew d. daughter
24. N – o – s – a – n – d – g – r
The good arrangement is …
a. songrand c. grandnos
b. grandson d. Sondrang
25. Keponakan laki-laki in English is …
a. niece c. son
b. daughter d. nephew

B. Fill in the blanks using the works in the box !

(Isilah titik-titik berikut ini)
1. Ten minus two is …..
2. Before 47 is ….
3. G _ _ d e v _ n _ _ g
Complete the words ….
4. The students buy (membeli) food and drink in the …..
5. This is a ….. (meja)
6. Miss Riana sits (duduk) on her …..
7. People usually put sofa (meletakkan sofa) in their …..
8. The Indonesian of “pillow” is …..
9. I go to the zoo with my … (saudara laki-laki)
10. The son of my uncle (anak dari paman) is my …

C. Answer the questions correctly !

1. Write two expressions of greeting (salam) !
2. What is the number 200 ?
3. Translate these words into English !
a. Teacher
b. headmaster
4. Where do you usually sleeping (tidur) ?
5. Write three of parts rooms in your house !

A. Pilihan Ganda

1. C 16. A
2. A 17. C
3. D 18. B
4. B 19. D
5. A 20. C
6. A 21. A
7. C 22. D
8. B 23. C
9. A 24. B
10. D 25. D
11. C
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. A

B. Isian

1. Eight
2. 46
3. Good evening
4. Canteen
5. Table
6. Chair
7. Living room
8. Bantal
9. Brother
10. Cousin

C. Uraian

1. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, good bye (kebijaksanaan guru)
2. Two hundred
3. a. Guru
b. Kepala sekolah
4. Bedroom
5. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, veranda, dining room (kebijaksanaan guru)

PILIHAN GANDA : 25 X 1 = 25
ISIAN : 10 X 3 = 30
URAIAN : 5 X 5 = 25
TOTAL 80 x 1,25 = 100

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