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As the nymph, Gaia, walks in, she makes an enchanting entrance, leaving traces of her fine

scent as she passes by. Her dress, a shade of periwinkle blue, almost appearing as a violet color
in the dark. Wings that reflect an iridescent effect on starting eyes – What a fascinating view.
Everyone else around me gave off the simple yet resplendent definition of top class, it has
proven that not even I belonged in here, an unbelievably astonishing scene.
When entering the house, trapped under anxiety, my heart beats increase in each step, it
makes a sound as loud as a drum, I was worried about how late I was. The first thing my eyes
saw was the chandelier, with diamond-like crystals that you can almost see shining through the
lofty windows. They were placed in the middle of the room, making it seem as if it was double
its own size. It looked like it had gold dripping from the sky, leaving an immensely admirable
feeling of joy in my heart, making me calm down a bit.
The party took place in a three-story modern house, which was quite rare in town. A silent
neighborhood where even hushes whispers could be heard from far away. An after-party for
the queen’s daughter, Gaia’s wedding; who apparently wanted as much as people invited, so an
invitation was sent to the whole town.
Distracted in my thoughts, I come back to reality and started to really adore the view, really
how can they be inviting people like me?
‘’Excuse me, sir’’, said a man dressed up in a suit, almost the same color as mine, it seemed like
all the men in here had matching outfits – a navy blue color, a white or red tie matching the
outfit, and a watch as an accessory. The women all had dresses on – mostly between the colors
pink and light blue. Everyone dressed up so formally, perhaps it was because a lot of famous
people came to visit. Even the king himself took the day off from work to come here, not to
mention his unpredictably busy schedule.
‘’Excuse me, sir- ‘’, he repeats, this time in a bit off an aggressive way, snapping me out of my
thoughts. ‘’Apologies, yes, how may I help you?’’. I tried to maintain calm, and play it off cool.
The man wore white gloves, you could notice a handkerchief which popped out a bit from his
pocket, the same color as his gloves, he held a silver plate with drinks and was serving them. He
brings the silver plate closer to me, offering me a drink. I take one and happily join the others.
Before I realize it, the volume of the party increases rapidly, people crowding each other, like
how the waves of an ocean collide. The party was hitting the next level, everyone seemed to be
enjoying themselves, talking to one another. I examine the considerable amount of people in
the crowd, trying to find a familiar face. I unexpectedly bump into an acquaintance, an old
friend from my previous job who lives nearby me, he introduced me to a bunch of his friends.
We talked for the rest of the party, losing track of time, and there it was: the party has come to
an end..

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