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dd $ffi;p
PlqY led to

Clinic for
' jolly
frl$Mi: ffiffi
'Health Scrvices
' ' partv crtr ul ites. rniddle-
class houservives. \{omerl
dor:tols. diplonrats. solici'
tors and retitt'd pt'oPlc att:
among lhosc rvho h.ive i
paid 155 lol privalc tlcal-
incill al 1lr0 Rrilish Uniled
I'r'ovidertl A\sociatioll's
'ir'ii;"11.'.",-;;;. hit wife with l\Tltl,ffi*i'i*:1
\irit+.:i-:' ;rtt**'m
" special t:linic."
Opcned rix nl0ntlts ago
liing's Cross. il ii the onlv Pli-
rate t:linir: in Britdin Jor thr
,,ii[i qsi5,i,*:,i\\ :': i;.;'?"'d:''il'll;a
l\t*l$ffi,ffi ,.;'.il,liJ:il lif,":J l;:i I
---,rf$ry'i1;, I

rliagnosij anrl treatntent (rl

*""1il,i**j:l;:#;.',J piek-axe handtil\[,,{S_ld,*"1fi
l\rri#pt"',.1 -""',il+,fli.,ffi
icrrercal discrsc.
'With0ul c\(r'plion thrl are
irliv nitr.pc0ple." tltc doctof ; ;",?ff*if,,la'"u"iiii.i"1L-j *.",,;*i1*lnpl
in chat ge said. " f hese artr
ll" I must have childr -!'r"t*";'."x,1:l;"i'1,i"ll:
thorr)lrglrl\ (l( (.cil1 ntt'n and
*.it"dit]l"*t*m *',t*'ln"f*:?"'rtl*i \ ::l;
\\orncn. l( -l)0n{iblc ( ili/l'n{ yiTe ,".*

anrl rrroslll hilppjlJ nlarried. i-y,."r,r-:,,i,q,:"
" i\lanr lrt'corrt: inl'ecterl irt
thc l irr llirsl rrhcte il tratt bc
,rn irtsttll to lltt tr do\\'lr ]0ul
hust s oller ol a tlontun.'

Korea toPs list H*l;llrl

**g,1flfr1{"'iffiilfrll;';ffifr l.',m:,[.ll;r

ffiffi ffi ffiffi

Ol ht'ts sought tl eatll)(1,r1
aller',r i\ledilerrAnean sunlllet
i*:i1;ql;,t'";,"+',* :iiiir:l:*-'*'"''
hoiidur or skiing in S$itzer
land. \\'i\cs harl been inlectctl
hr lircir husbands as well as
tht0ugh cdsudl cncountel s,
\4cn irhtl trotnen halt ootltt
lo tlie rlinic ltotrt all orer
llr,iliti[. thOrrUh nto\t dfc { ront r'." rgzg@@@
thi. irrrrlh-rr<1. :lj;r[l' ill*il''l:]finil: l;ii""t'T"i"ir Press'January

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0 FI A R G E N T I i{
I A.Again the cloth.the softness of his i:J:: gi-azed in our
familyrtight unlt of fourrare seated at the lrrstiness. I look at the fleshy stains on the
TABLE. The rn"r1-p1e steams in i ts tin container, fly of my trousers BENEATH THE RAIL 0F' THE PEW.
the centre of the tableau. HELD. Beneath the His hand ls BEATEN' there. Little stains against
Jaggy ends. A bunch of plastic chrysanthemums, which,Lnto which and'upon whieh we find our
ethereal ln the STEAMT(rlcher sttll)lends more rounded identltles.
lmper1al majesty to ltlE occasion. The carp-lake, KETH/NEIL/JEREIr,a/EDWARD. we never thought to
hands ln the bolling water, ducklng down AFTER carve them. ( Penny is in the ereetion ) .
the holoeaustrsinged now In the acrld sand, Each 1ed away lnto the forest beyond the
tapped upon the wooded foot-bridge, burnt away perlmeter fencerinto the silenee of dew dripping
nowrwhere the chilclren bathed. The famlly from the boughs , the cathedral LIGHT. Temple death
smlles ITS sterile satlsfactlonrthe packeged agalnst the chimneys. HOLLOW POLESrshoved. The
d ellght . Both bendlng now in the afternoon. B0TI{ . I lmbl-ess CllILD, lnfl lcted.
Already nine-thlrtyrthe stem of my own lmplied We lns cribe our names as an lnheritance . !{e make
knowledge. They bathe now the ROCI{S, both, two . love for the moment, It has no PURPOSE. Pillow
TI{E CI{ILDREN. to purse.
0f course. He slts. NowrstiLl. He ls BESIDE the AtI, THE BUILDINGS 0F GREAT ROIvtE, tumbled in s chool
glase of the apartment. 0f eourse. He sits. boy delight.
I{ISSTED. The cattle push agains t the curly . 'fho is thls stubble-faced hero? Some flown lmage
Wlde-eyedrprlcked ln his multi-death. Cows of of Che? or She? SHE ltrHAT?
h ls TEIvTPLE . Knowledge , the belly-pas t. Bouneed away ln its own indlfference. 0f course.
Repose. His watch is a BRAND-mark.
THE CLACK 0F I1. If the Janltor had had the witrhe would have
Subver€lve ln my access to INFoRI,!ATIoN' not by mounted-these carved wooded testimonials upon the
deeirerby nature A TIIREAT. chapel wal1. His imagination ls as dult as hls
The. antlrnaca6sar leys upon the I tubbJ floorr pasir(the 30TH are the OTIIER r nelther) , what can he
stailedln-hls menoriesrthe axe-men that pursue Lxpeitt Drab as the role of honour against whlch
?croee thls pralrle. He drop6 a burnlng cigar- our names w6re a poetryr(and amongst whlch HE
brlt 9!!9- tle ng19gryryred corner.A.N.R. surely belonged),i to thoBe that' fell in the T,ltao
ARCENTINIAN NATIONAL, RAILITAYS.,Lest -we forget. 6REAT- WARS,may they etc.retc.,etc.,He had fallen,
Forgotten when we have KNoWN. {hreaded and his shell-struck mLnd and bomb beaten body acted
wovenrthe sllent ecrbam at the gate to the as a far HEALTIIIER reminder of THAT pnOp inan aiC
asylun. the empty names lllumlnated in Inrltation gold-
ll!9y nave their way." i Leaf upon the wetl. Names that nlnC.qf mud-clodded
1TIIS tlme. Not here a short-CIRCUIT. the paln .
bpotg , knee -deep they are ln ROTTED dORPSE. ::ge.etfr:r" -
ln the elde of ltff HEAD. Read before of the cars name i llmp flag. A- body bag. A folded envelope,
that,hitting Ice, race, uncontrolled, forward. llned in piinteis black,'C0l{8,. Forgotten in the
What is THB control? strlpped pockets and toothleBs deiay of, the
There lE no assunption to be nade of these out- lhe INTERIOR 16 a wooden box. AOIINST THE CHII4NEYS.
comes,(but the blackened bodles of the fN'fERIoR '/fould they waste the SHOVEL? PlIIar to p<ist.
tltaybe MAYH8 . SABELT (what le left now of lt'so The blood'floats ln pools of ol1. Ruts'
ravaged by lesser hands). Torn from other bltter indentatlons, warly cratorE. TtlE I,iOUNDS 0F !;ACHINE.
nomentsrYouRs ln the Jagged edged of the meat- Pools of oll that SUSPEND the bloodrspilled by
canra Julee that gagg. The seed ot MY bed. The uncarlng hands , BOTII, ( both hands uncar5,ng, hands
Ilnes in MY eyes. The Elender anfunal has llcked 5615 spllting oll and spilling bloodrUNCARINc).
away all traceg of my spern. I can't forget. Run on the baFen soil. Erectione on the Band.
The embroldered llne that runs acroas OUR Agaln and again and agaln.
desert. The paln tn ny head. The animals are so 1fr19 lnftnClON sutrnmR. She has learnt to iftovE.
effete. I'ly own flet,tlne and tine agaln bought BATHINC STILL IN those BLUB POOIS.
onto ny skull. Rlght withinrthe axe -nran of self. I draw my hanal forward over the folded skin of my
Who need€ the village bungalowe? I tear my halrl sqr.61um,- rerninded of the lirnbless TREE i:. the
NOT IN HANDFULLS, fron the scalp. Tlls graveyard, beaten agalnst the STONES. yV balls
contlnental nornent, reeLsted, when the windon- Erop Lack-between ily 1eg6. I am healthy enough,
sluttel! open to MY ex?osure. IT HI,NCS 0N, altawn to sleep.
TO BRUISE MANY DAYS LATER. Now the brulees form, 11" two boye ire demonetrating an averLce. They
llke blue' lnk-patches on my schoolboy desk' play wlth ihe chrome wlre of the blrd cage.
llttle etalns aglnst whlch and upon whlch we tge- fXsntfUtION OF LEARNIN6.
lnEcrlbe our namea. The brulsee now ewel1 up,wider on the fofeheAd
PoRTER/BUcHAl,lNAN,/BUTci{ERlser,ren. Run over for A'-r";-;i-w ;i;;p;i;; i-e6nntcotour chart of ny
the years. (Rlmbaud is NOT born?). Dnne-Rnf NltiON
He holds my prlck softly ln hls young hand, DEI CRATIS.
(never before TOUCHED, this purnplng part of me). This pREE eod.
"Don't both€r wlth mlner"hs Bays gently;"I'1I do The whlte and yelIow canary hops in feathery
tt." He works our prlcke ln tltne. We come teror aga!.nst- the whlte pitntia plywoo& bac|lng
together,(so calculateal hls tlrning). Our spelrn of the ciee,its timld song ls the rnonosytlabic
Bqulrts ln gobs ontd the red and gold danask of ehant of iiitfana sparrowl Swish of OAR in water'
the alter-cloth. Our love ls buttoned away in rattle of plastic beakers blown across the wann
the drab flannel of our school-unlform. SO tarmac that curvee off towarals the Iake.
LITTLE was SENSUAL that we CRIED, I saw hlm oncer'{hen do you stop? When do you stop asklng?
Btrlpped naked in the birch forest. Sappllng ,VHEN DoES fi{B I,|ENISC'IJS BREAK?
youth. LMoNCST fHE OTHER 3oDIES. He winks at ne 0n the furthest slde of !hi8 oily €xpans€ of
durlng nornlng prayer. I look for the stalng ln water, ( for€ver revolvingr lndependent) , an elderly
couple are drawn frcm thei.r dreams r ( a fug I on of the CONF'ORMITY. The self of supermarket store
regretsrlost youthrthe h'ar tlrat used i?)uby the that SLIDES upon the dance floorrtaboolessrEACH
sound of shovel in plt. The dry sand i;hrown in the FASCIST DICTATOR)rshow tham as purveyers of
HAIF-BI,ADES, from this ras get, shallow excavation, taste and dlserfuirlnation. The natrrre of the
eatehes the breeze and is earled ln swirls twentleth century technology has denled At{yOI{E
through the AIR. The smell of hamburger. ROASTED. that dlscretlon andras Vetrunlike the Japanese
One wall of the pit is a graiilte rock runnlng tea-master who hunts the rnarket stalls for
several feet below ground levelra momento of the FAULTY KOREAN tableware, ( Eno1as flnger clippings )
grand ambltlons of some Vlctorlan landscape cherlshing the mlstakes as acts of some other
artlsts determlnatlon to leave testlmony of hls power than DESIGN, they seek only PERFECTI0N. One
existence to those who FOLLOI{ED. fhe assumption sided depth. Perspectlverby whlch they are HELD
stands rgathering moss rby the lakeside. Nowrhls aB ldeas of themselves. STILI NOrrt'. Gracelese .
masterplecerlf that is what he suppoeed lt to be, All sensuality ls destroyed in the presslng shop,
is to becorne a tombstone. Granlte-rnarker, denled as ACCIDENT from those that eeek an
l,loorland pantomimes , REPEATED DAIIY. Urban ALTERNAfIVE. Not theirs. Punishment as
irrelevance. Abeaten chlld whoreven ln death, productlon fault. ,The masters of eveness have
seeks a saviour. f AM NOT HE. NO DOUBT.
tlprn.Dec 28,?8. Two men of medlum helght are The car swerves on a patch of o11 ejected
seen breaklng lnto the vaults of a well known several hours beforehand from the unservlced
CITY BANK ) . englne of a hearlr goods vehlcle. As yet the
TIVERPOOL Juggernaut has not been called. Ihe buLldozer on
lthe neon slgn is suspended in my bedroom. A the farmland, the lnmates stranded against the
frank and lucld descriptlon of my eexuallty. curly wire, So close to HOldErthe chicken beneath
Plece by piece the Jig-saw knitg. A delleate HIS ARM. Law denands that these vehicles comply
eoastal scene. Gulls swept across a surf-tlpped to s trlct safety gtandards, nature decreeg otlter-
oceanras ln the cats tail. Grey stone cottages wise. As the famlly iE hurtled into the concrete
CLINGTLlke frost on HAw mornlngsrto steep cliff- buttress of a highway bridgerat the speed of
FACES. AIl a granite-stone. The eldest boy nearly ?2mph.rthe drlver of the goods vehicle ig
sweeps his hand across the formica table-top. easlng the tallboard into a namow space left
These s lxteen years , Hi.s brother bends to reach between the badly parked cars along the verge of
pleces unbroken ln fall from table to floor. hls 0ttfN ghetto, The estatera bleak and urr-
A MODEI FAMIIYI :- imaginatlve blot on an architects desk, ts the
The famlly, tight rrnlt of four, stand on the cllff 1lfeblood of the massive industrlal complex
tops r amayedr amanged r looklng at the WAVES . A sltuated haLf a mlle to the west. The wet south-
small glrl, (she rrt€ars a yellow pLeated dress and westerly- wlnde camy raln and poll.ution from the
a turrluois e blouse ) , nolas her fathers hand ' faetory chinneys, ( the resldents assoclatlon has
fibdr the bdge of the clt llf , sand ls long slnce given up eomplalning about the
ln swlrls through the alrrbeneath the effeets thi.s has on their ENVIROI{ENT. Nearly AI*t
edge the oranga and brown of the nyJ.on carpet the residents of the estate are employed by
tufts up hls mothers legs. DRAIVN BY THB flrms withln the lndustrlal eomplex). Every
PLACENTA. Auschwitz has its Berkenau.
"Why? "as ks the boy. He is s t111 young . i{is I ask the right to TItt the fieIdrAWAY FROlii Ti{E
brother brlngs hls clenched hand hard onto the CHIMNEYSTto warm the bedrTHAf IS MINE'to sleep
back of hls neek. He falls rrnder the impact, onto beneath A R00F. lhe very ldea ls rhetorlcal.
the arm of the vinyl eouch. "Cunt, "he sayg, ocunt". Already I seek DE[{AND. What is it that we OPPOSE?
By 9.30pm all personnel will be clear of the "Bastards. 'He splts the butt of hls cigarette
bulldlng. All actlvity will cease between 9.31pm onto the r,vorn rubber rnat, the glowing tip
and 6,29am. GUARD DOGS WIIL PATROL 'fHE PERIMETER ilLumlnates the crumpled messages of last weeks
On the hlghway between the two citles'parallel 'SIATE OF EMERGENCY. A POSSIBILITY. '
to a defunct trunk-roadra famlly saloonrfour "Fucking bastardsrwhy can't they fucking park,. ri
doorrslx eyllnderrFord overdrlve r speeds its way He swlngs the tallboard gulckly around, onto the
f rorn center to center. The re r dug llke caverns grass verge, the wheels bounce on the concrete
from -the gLoorn of early industrlal boom housi.g, paving slabs, Jerking the truck back onto the
are the temples of C0NSUMERISM. Dwelllng plaee prlmrose yellow bonnet of an Austin A40 saloon.
of the U{IRD RICHE, Eaeh are ldentlealr(smtles The mud beneath the grass pushes up from the
are an aet of eomplaeency) , each a liormallsation wei$t , splashlng onto the pavement. A Jagged
of EVBRffHINc that has been, ( not a HIST0RY but a line on the paintwork. A black dog plsses agalnst
RECORD)rand a sterlllsatlon of everything that a bollard. "Fucklng bastards.'
WILL, ( mtght ls a drean of philosophers ) , BE. They The castrated body floats stlII upon the lake.
searchrthese highway famlliesrln the junkyards of The hair is- rlch with plankton.
thelr own greed. Cerebral reflections AGAINST THE A park bench has been mounted in concrete in the
PLATE-GIASS. Jetties of rellef in the drab con- center of one of the trlangles of grass that act
formlty of which they know nothlng. Prepared ln, as play areae for the dogs and children of the
and as, the plastie repllcas that they were glven estate. The brass plaquerinscribed wlth a
as chlldren. Th pretence that ls the crippled dedleation to the archltect of the housing and
guilt of parenthood and the abstract seed of lndus trlal complex, ( one of the same, BOTI{ ) , has
deslre. Toytown crucifixesr(does she not wear been torn from the back-rest. fwo treesrplanted
them st111? fn her cLeavage?) They search'out at the same time of the offlcial presentation of
trinkets that mlght, if tt were not so transparent the benchrstand limbless in the wire edges.
to anyone but thelr DUPIICATED TH0USANDST(that It is 5, 10pm, the boys slt in the vinyl couch
dupli cati on is , although reallsed religlously
o watchlng a'news reportr illurnlnation by the BIUS
ICN0RED'resistedrin the indivldual expressions of of the cathode-ray,
' . , . . hoping for a new year getaway to Spanish "Fueking get it off you llttle bastards. "
eoastal resorts were detained today at Gatwick "Do you want to eat now or later? "
airport because of strike action by maintalnance " Norv. Fucking helI r NOW . NOd . "
staff, they have been entertained by conjurors !y the edge of the lake seieral speeies of duqk
and eomedlans ernployed by the......' f_ight_ over bread scraps thrown to them by an
"Right you two,get it off,your father will be elder}y couple.
home soon and..... tt "Thats the same one,I know it ig."
'.,, ".&r€ coming ln of a multiple pile up on the 'Are you sure? 'r
highway between. ... . t "0f eourse I'm surerit's the same onerl know it.
f.. .. have swerved into a brldgerexplodlng "How do you know? "
"Get off....NOW".
"f just know.I can see lt is. "
on impactrseveral other.... t "How ean you know? How can you see it is? you
"LookrSet the bloody thing offrhow many times do eant t know".
It have to tell you? " "0f course I can. I know it is. Lookrlook,it is
... ..sgvgral deaths havg,. ... t th e samd orto . "
"Chrlst. " "WeIl I don't knowr l can't really tell. "
"'lf hat' s that fucking thing dolng on? " "Of - course yo! can, it is, f or goodness sake d,ear,
t...,.to gmgrggncy wards..... t can't you see? Look.Look".
"Offrget that fucking thing offrl donrt want to "It Lsnt t. '
knowrf 've been drlvlng all day and I don't want "Ign't what?rr
to know about stupld firckere who can't even. . . . . tThat. "
'.,...gurgeons have been deallng wlth the 'Tf hat lsn' t that? "
eeverely burnt and.. ..' 'It. It lsn't that. "
"Jegue Chrlstrtet lt off w111 you?n 'ft 18.'
" I t is what? "
", "What? "
,It is the same o'€. ,, \ "The duck. " - -

t'We11.,...,, "No,the Chall.."

"It is the sane one. It ls. It ls. Irm ,r telllns
vsr.r"6 lq-t:s. 1*19 ?a4e.'
yourrr rs." "whlch charr?'
;weil t sti11 don't know,you - can,t be sure. I Eln!1P19. Your favourl'te
do;;i ihfii-itlikeis.; - '":
;i"y -wtrat--vou I. . . . . , .-I. oh loolrr loohr over ::g[l:?:
theierarEni t they sweet?" "Pench^ th€n, bench ' "
,what?" "Where? "
"rnoJi enlrarenrover thereraren't they sweet?; "over there."
,wher€?. haven. t sat ln that chair before.,'
"over therertlrefe,oh lookrtlrere. " iBenchtand you- have" i
"where? where?,, 'I don't rernernber lt". . . *
"oii-i;,i';;-;iesea.-ttrem and.they were 80 sweetl :|rd:iY[:: vou do.
never mind dear; Noiy, you glve me your bag of
;;ra;s;i.;e-irnisiled'i"rneiina eo ina-ert-ovl-'T'eBt week.'
there ln your favourlte bench,I'Il flnish thi :11"t I9"I1:^ ,--
iilli"e;tfrIv;."*iJE-ri""erv ?;'d th€v nu't be-red.iH"ril3'irl3"Srttil
you know you don't llke feedlng the duckErgi liil:I3'i';;'ii*'iii""
breaking out ontb the
thero to merl.Il do lt. Look,ov€r th€rerovsl if,.""= red, tunbled {r}rreads eyeE- and let the retinal
Elt over
- there.- Oh for goodness sak€, ov€r tle;l' surfaces
' I -close-my
slnk back lnto mv head.
Vo,ir fi"ori*it" U"n"[.; fhe-chafed bodlee of\ the notory{ay -lncldent are
.iif,rEi-ttr""e. ,, pulled fron tle mang- Ibd wreckage -of thg fanlly
"tirriref" - saloon. Th€ Elx bodles ar9 burnt -beyond r€cog-
"iiiiiil, f oot. ttt""". " _ _- nitlon. thougb lt is pogeible to allscsflt thet

a.a .

I r. ,
ril li 4r,j,l;,.li
I F.i'

#, #,"'" '4 t4i.:

wi -qS;:,
&w 'ffiT,:&

,;:: ^




four were male and two female. more careful? Godrits awfulrthey ought to know
"Christ, the smell, lts fou1. " better,its so dePrePsing. "
'.,,,.severelyt burnt and reports coming in
I pop open my eyesrny legs form I line of to- indicate.....
(i ur"ir bfacX,tn6 eirlbur of death),pointing so depresslng,the news is so depressing. "
wards the glowing embers of tonights fire. I am "fts"Drink?'
aware only-of the silence of the windows and the
permanence of glase. "What? "
it is 5.l1pm. rIhe elderly gentleman sits in the '.....and the full death-count wilI.,..,. t

reelining lrmchalr watching a news reportt "Do you want a drink,it will cheer you uP. "
llluminated in the multicolours of the cathode- COLD.FUCKING COtD.FROZEI']

ray. "Depressingrrlornor l'II have one after the

' .: . . . . of a rnultiple plte up on the highway
weather reportrnot nowrno, The weather report
between London and..... t
will be on soon. "
"Terrlble. How terrLble. "
t . . . . . into a brldge. . . . t "Turn down the sound. "
"So depresslng,nolhlng good,so qepfggslng'' "What? Vlhat ? "
| . . . . .-cleaths f,ive been confirrned althou$h.. . .' "Tunn down the eoundruntil the weather report.'
"Oirttngr come and see thls rwhY aren't people 'llo , no , I llke to know wha tb happenlng. The news T
'But it always depresses you so. 'l " Now?

"But its the newsrl want to know whats golng onl "Now what?"
' . . . . .are blaming the terorist activit les for "The weather. "
thg. , . . . t "No,their coldsrlts the weather. "
"Oh please turn lt down." "Don't be sllly dearr they caught them ln Spain,
t.....death of the German banker...... t hollday, Spain. "
"What was that? What? Germans? What Gerltans? "Its onrthe weather report ls on. Now."
What are they talking about? " " Now?
"something about Gerrnans I think. " "Do you want to see 1t?'
"Yes, but whteh Germans? Temorists r bloody "Itll ring her now. rr

tefforig tg . " "[hey had glorious weather. A1l the time. "
PISTOL GRIP. My napples were bayonet sheaths "Hello...f€B its m€.. .. (nortts her.Weather?)..
for your bloody war. ALL 0F THEIT'!. somyr1r€sri-ts 49. . . .trr€srhello. . . .(oh for good-
The condition of the teethrnow'glaringly white ness sakerwhat?) . . , .hello. . , . . . ,,
against the black peeling flesh of the eyeless "What_I4urnrygs its meryes...rro...he just got in..
facesrsuggests that there were four adults. yeg. .I saw it. , . . terrib1e, . . he mlssed it-bv
"I'11 go and get your supper. ' s everal hours . . . f€s he I s been driving all- d,ay, .
"I just want the weather report. Rain. It I know, _. . ye:. . . oh-..
ye6 , they're better now, they
might rain. " g9t 99 bored...r(lts Mum)....thanks again fob
"Do you want to eat now or later. " the lifto. .$esrdad hates those big roids.....
"Again todaY. '! still he saw the aeroplanesrhe li[es that,
A YOUNG BOY. doesnt t he? . , _. . oh VBS r we r ve got some Loveiy
"You see they want you to keep yourself to snaps of the boys. . . . "
yourself, if you don'tr they'11 have Vour they're tit in the hollow flash of Hiroshima morning,
mean bastards llke that." the rivers run dry, the eherry trees mel-t in"ifre
It appears that the oecupants of the car were s econd dawn, multl colour layers of rnolten earth ,
on a shopplng expe.dition. The boot has remalned fleshy stains that were persons, ( unknown, burnt
reasonably unnaffected by the blaze affording beyond recognition)rfused away.i look foi the
protection to the large number of consumer stains ln the cloth, the'stains are BRANDED 0N
goods inside it. Several of the plastic ltems TI{E FLESH I
have melted in the heat spilling multicolour NAGASAKI
layers onto many of the other paekages. IN fitE FLASH OF IT.
"Its a matter of keeping a low profile." '....V€srwlth the new camerd. 1.. . (you tworstop
An expenslve Japanese camera,faultless,and a shoutlng or you can go to bed) . . . .'
flintless cigarette lighter. Wrapped in the hollow flesh of Treb!.inka nights,
"I suppose that sometlmes you have to stlck the sap ls gonerthe blrch forest is an un-
your nose out a bit." guarded morgue,the dogq plck at wlLlrbeyond the
The pages of a glossy nude album turn ln the perlmeter fence. He ls a shadow amongst THE
wake of passlng vehicles. The perfectLy Ltt OTIIER BODIES, ( unknovrn, burnt beyond recognition) r
bodles make a grotesque tableau against the roasted away. I look for the stalns on the
blackened cor?ses belng pulled from the cloth r the stains are BMNDED 0N THE I'LESH .
wreckage. As numbers.
"Vjhos e 16s -paf tV ls thls " ? A.N.R.
t ., ls proJected...... t BAYER
"Fueking bastardg. " The cattletnrcks are fulI. The cowboy slaughters
' . . . . . ean reasonably be expected to be ter- beef in Imperial Japan.
minated by.....t A U S C H W I 'T Z
"ft makes me want to puke." '..$es. ..f€s they are.. .they're playing with the
"The smell. The fucking smelL. " puzzle you gave them. . . .yeg, . . .trrog. "
' . . . . .arlny bomb disposal experts are being "Rai.n, Its goingo to raip. '
called ln to...... t "Weather
"Why cani t ttrey learn? It makes me want to . Rain. "
puke. " "Its going to rain. "
BTANKET IIN THE BODY-BAG. "Its golng to raln. "
'The stneJ-].. " SO VERY DEPRESSING.
At Gatwlick alr?ort a comedian tells a rascist I'J wlsh to offer my hunblest etc. , etc. €tC. I "
thlp prLmarlly can't

J oke to white , bored, audlehcs . "She have chiLdren. "

No one obJects. "Babies? Sterlle?"
nU'An '
"She cantt have one.'
C OS T A D E t S O I "It could be 1rou. "
"I do care. I want the weather report." "What? No. I can get lt uB alright. "
" I ' 1l- rlng her now. " "A11 the game. 'f
"Why? " "Easyrmakes tt good and easyrno worriesrstraight
"I want to seo lf the boys ana better. " uprwfiam wtram. No utomy. "
"Better?t " D E L S OL
'Coldg. "Want bables. I want babies. "
'Colde? " "You cant tryou cant t do ltr can you?'
"They've had coldg.' 'You shltrshltryou renlnd melalwatrns remlnd mer l
tYgg. t thlnk you're gladrVou don't care.rf
'Coldg. ' 'rI do care.. You canr t have chlldren. Yout re
'llhe weatherr lts thc wcather. ' stertle. Tough. "
"I hate that worcl, sterile, I hate iti' Bodies and bodles parts.Arms that reach against
"0.K, thenr impotent, " that other growth . Spring. Drawn back. Repress ed .
"Stop it, stop i.t." All this time .1,'LARX IS A CASH UPON Iyff iU0UTt[ .
''FRIGID. " 'I loveofVourwant
Vour need you. "(Contradictory
love as pervers ion) . Des olation s igns .
"Itm not, not."
"You can't have babiesr can You?" Neon notions on OUR hlghway. UPOI! HOLLOIf POLdS.
TI-TE SIIOVSL IN HALF-BLAD3S. Tnscribed, Shoved into the sterile soil. Reached
"Fair enough by m€r no problem. I've into the premature Nf G}IT.
got her on the pill though, just in caso. " "Cant t, the babi€s. "
;Sod that, I wouldn't have mine on the pill' "Its the weather rePort. "
any old fucker could get up her then' "I can't have babies. "
you never know, do you?" "Five minuteg. The weather report. "
"I cant t have babies. " " i4ine "
BABI ES,/BABIES/BABI OS . "V/ eather report . Mi ne too . "
"Five minuteg. " Baby . "
t'Rai.n. "
"!Vhat? Vihat? Five minutes ? Flve? ilhere
is lt? Where? Five minutes?" "lrff BABY. "
"FIVE. '' " Baby? "
"You said " "Unborn babigs. "
"Yes r Ves, " "A1l over. All again. Placenta, Wrapped in her
"The weather report. " placenta. Drawn out n'ith TiIiJSg BARBY forcep The
"i{eather report?Five rninutes?.then? " blood of your mother. "
"Ygs. Ygs. " "lllotherhood. "
He puts the f illed tea-eup has tlly orl the "l{other?tt "
coflee-table.The almost unsmoked cigarette burns "Not I.
in the ash tray. "Dead? "
"AIready. "
The acrid smell of the tobaeco fills the room. "The babies? "
The taps are turned. "Too, Deaci. in the monotony. Dead in the dust of
The body ls a vulnerable entity divided by
lts conients from everything around,The plastic "Dead in the soil of triviality. "
hand across her mouth. "The banner we have to bear. "
PE oPrE/P EOPLE /PE OP LE . "Cross, "
she throws the ehina plate onto the eoncrete "\Ve bgar. "
floor. "Bastards. " It smashes into many pieces. :'tY 0'rIi\ NII{ILISill.
we have to..... "
He sweeps up the pieces with the leaves I carpet "sometimes
" 0ver.
hairs and coal dust.
Better on the RHINE.This gold of HIS swastika, i/IY OI.fl N AI\ARCHY .
worn as a vtRIST wateh. She softly pats his
hand.He recoils wlth fifty years repressed "i,lmmm? "
hatred. "i''{ovg ovgr. "
:'I knorv better than you. " "I 'm already over r keeP t
"Babies. ' r ovtn side. "
The child's body is broken in }'LA.NY "Corne orlr move overr I
"The bind. The twist. This ].Si haven't any blankets '
it, " rnovg, comg on. "
b'It,1UDJUNG.Adoles- "Can't you iust rel
cence cf the I,iIND. Chris t , how the ftr"cl
"I think what you mean is can I relax? I'm
won t t. tt bloody freezing,
"Cant t babi€s, " now, move over t
"l{ave you any FURTHER prob- iIl you? "
Ierns I can deal wi th? " he snow, th
tsABIES risp whit
"Christ, the smell." snow.
"I'm not asking Vour I'm tel #
ling you. "
-tf$ ,

She opens her legs widert

s trains AGAII'IST the placen
Drab winter, blaekened forrn
of ice-1ci11ed roser sur-
florver too soft for finch anC
sparrow, clung in the aweful
breeze, YOUR I{EDICI Ng, Early
night, that ndO is infer-
tile. Indistinct. The garderi
harbours bodles, ( as be-
fore, )shapes that DESIGN to
opprdstlr Bhadows of PR.ll-,
l4El:;iORY saddened -by t'lY
O'ilil crreat.ive', hi.'s tori es,.
l.d''E *;
{, i.'s

"Come on fucking well move ov€f . 'f AGAINJ. DEl SOl . SOl O [,'IiO, !{IO APARTIIVIENTO.
I touch the dry whi te snow. C risp as I i'dIGHT "i'liee, JOs , very nice.
HAVE BEEN. My head is dried up now. The brulses ''T[L IT.
are now but a sharp pain. A silly self-infliction, "The boys. "
Itlaybe rati onalls ed away . GIRL
He pulls her across the bed forcing hls body be- Readlng this celebration, Shrinklng away. Now,Nou
tween her legs, "Nowlbloody we1l lie still will GiqI. l'ly breath is fou1..-.f.gpm stifled in thought
you? " A DIMENS ION . BASTARD . ldove , over. The ray. CATHODE .
The super^market is offerlng cut prlees on jams, The rays slice between these VISIONS. Bought out.
eondensed mllk and dog foods. All three are cheap. SOLD, I am named F0ul,nafled FOUL. Three pins.
+11 threermixed togetherrgently heated and poured THU VI RGI i{.
into a medlum size gockrcan be fucked. The_ two boys leap onto the body of the srnall girl
Cats ean be fucked in the arse. Larger anlmals, pools of blood pattern the turquoise blorrse, t[e
goatsrsheepreows etc.,ean be fueked in the cunt alter-eloth. The eldest bo,v takes out his priek,
and arg e. "Suek this fucker,suck this. "
"Its 9.3O, " HS{?,IHE C}{IID IS DEAD.
"Wel1? " The chrysanthemums r
"Itg 9.30. " The glass of the apartment miss ts 'in the cool of
She runs the tip of the vibrator across her the EVEI\iING. The cattle press against the
clltorlsrdownrpast her euntrto her arserthen baek. perimeter fence. lrly head contracts, The pain runs
"You, "she slghs, "Youi in sharp lines across the TEI'{PLES. I toubn the
'Cant t have them. ' tender eyelldsrtorn in stained vision. TTIIS CHURO
"I think what you mean to say is won't." 0l'CHR IST. You goodly s ouLs ,
" No, I can t, I mean can t t. ',
I The bodies are limblessreaten by the acid of time
"I think not. " The blackened flakes of cRrsP flesh are scattered
The small girl in the yellow pleated dress and in these DRY boxesrso deeply hidden.
turyuoise blouse, falls back onto the orange and COLD BY fHE GRANITE ROCK, Lost in the swirl of
brown carpet. The crack on her forehead purnps out sand, another cry r voice, PARODY.
a mlxture of blood and tissuerllluminated bt the The car, I wash the car. I have scoreil grains of
BLUE of the cathode-ra$. mud from the iIEADLIGi{TS illumination of these gre:
' . . . . . the German terrorist group responsible f,or. . ' threads that SPilttD US A,/AY. 'Ihe boCies lay STILL
The bland of eathocle-ray. The television that puplps in the vinyl mouldings of the interior. I RETUitl{,
as it SUCKS. Foetal rhythmsreontraetionsrthe CHILD at night.
TURNS IN THE Vi0lvlB. Crawllng into the othenrise TH}.:SACRAM E N T ._',#*;
unlit room. "Hold it there, there. "
"Bastards, fucking bastards. " Gulls mlrror the white that breaks upon the Cull
The hammer smashes into the back of the neekl the gfey oeean. She whistles a tune, SOBEI1.
head is severed from the SPINAI COI.,UMN,sprays of O lirlo
gorgrBrgyrredrbiue. Splashes of cathoderRAY,sperm, SOL The spi t is f orcerl through her teeth in the.
stains ln the nightmare. Splashes on the vinyi struggle for hlgher pitchrcaught and carried in
c orrcFl.
.'BASTAR)S'" the wind, AFTERNOOI{. Settled in the bankers haII
way. Again and again and again. Her FATHOR moves
"The srnelI , Chris t, the smell , ', quietly towards her through the soft green grass.
" ill
v{ John be home f or tea? ,' " I AM NOT l{E, "he s houts into her terri f i erl face,
"I don't know he's so unpredictable, " "Noic HE, "
"Over. 0ver you bastard,' "Those lovely child.renrsee thererthere., . rL00K. . . .
"DeI So1. that neangr r r rwhat does it mean?" 0H F 0R GooDl,tnss SAKE, L00K,
"It means sunrdoesn.t it?' "They Flay like lambs. "

"Yes I think it does. . , 0 . how clever Of you dear. ,' "Its the boys ,I'm womied about the boys . "
"!111 you be needlng this anymore? " The elderly man looks at the back of his hands,
"I havenIt been using it. " WEATHERED. "They o1d, they them. "
"1,Ie11 someone has and it wasn' t m€. " T I ME
The hammer !q plaqgd in the shed with the body- "You bastards , off,OFF. " They sllde away froro his
bag.0N 'fHE MEAT {00K. threatenlng gestures in the blue light of the
"Cos ta, " TEIEVIS I OiV s et .
"Cos ta? "
t,....a,f€ expected to meet sometime in the sprlng
"Cogta. wgstgrn power€ arg. , .'. . . t
F.U.C.K.E.D. Nowrgive it a restr ASTATEOFEI{ERG' E N,E Y
"LIB STITL,BASTARD. "Struggles ln the ECSfACY. YES.
"Bastard. " Itls hook.
"Mum, its me, I'm worrled about the boys. " I have bought and stood by them. The products.
The bruises cleared. DulI ache. Memory. Caught. They line the street where I walkrcaught tn their
Inflictetl. Sober metamorphosls by HIS ilIASTER- derislon. I SENSE a fear that perhaps these ARE
PIECE. f have no GRIP. SIid by the lakesiderby the reality of my existence. I sought to destroy
these animals. In indifference. I see illunination them, REDIRECT THEIR power, played with th.e lCea of
BEFORFI 'Itl$ PI{OEI'IIX, I draw foeus on the BRAIN, ARI{S , BULLETS , SHOT lrlto the rnayhern, defense agains t
lnterpreted, eyes that lnform, the interminable the sllent oppressor. I have publicly shouted out
dlstance between the BOTH. Suspended FORM. my distastera bitter BABEL that pucker^s THE IIOUTH
"The boyg. " A Splt. Now perhaps I etrlde out agaln into that
"Tirne and tlme agaln. " snow covered fleld to stand halfway between
'I ' \rE 'IoLD YOU." resting polnts. TO STAND BEWITDERED ACAIN AND
"If Itve told you once Itve told you ... o...., " ACAIN AND AGAIN.
"How tqany tl-mes do I have to......,." I feel the ice about my bootg.
Strapped to the wall of the asylrrm. AGAIN. CHRIST, ARROGANCE, I turn to you.
g ',;gf,*gifi*,*'m y# ;..H ::i ",,"



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The sqme qmount of trosh thqt's in front of this house
For a moment she wanted to hold them stlllrn€ver let them grow up.
Daves wife was recgverlng from a n6rvous breakdown sherd had two years earller on
reallslng that she would never have chlldren.
She would wear down her resistance, Women dld and her beauty was a powerful weapon.
Logan hadn't seened to care durlng thelr €etrangenent.
.f have to see yolr,. Karen Reilmores heart sank as she read the meseage thrust uncler
the door of her luxuriou8 London apartment.
The Flambeau ga8 1og effect fire ls shl61ded by a heatproof smoked-glags plllar .
through which-flarned can,be Eeen. lhe gla8s whsn framed with stainless stee] makes an
attractive feature ln any Lounge.
Her husband lvas beck. Thls nran uho so obviously felt nothing for her.
At the hall lisa adnltted she wes piegnant. Fertilisatlon haal b€en ar,hleved by arti-
ficlal lnsernlnatlon wlth her husbands sper:n which had been kept frozen for several
nonths after he dled of cancer.
"TeIt me the truth' " he grateal, then pulled her roughly into his arma' hl's care8gea
Thought1e86,she stepped off the pavoment.Th€re waa a squeallng of braksg.Shouts...
when--cons cI ouoness leturned she was ln the hospital.Een gave an impatlent nurner,
"I'11 teave you glr1s tci talk' ok?"
Karen noatdsd dully. she reverted to her brlttle artlflclal nanner of spsech.
"Have you told your nother?" Eh€ donranded. EII€6n loot€d aroundrher nouth tlght rith
lrnpatllnce. "Il only $e could all stop pr.trnatlng" sh€ thought. "She,lBnit vory
plaesod about lt t'mafraldr but for m thls has cotrd in tho nature of e blesg1ng.
i'vc bccn wondcrlng r,hat to do ulth ny8.1f for a rdrlle nou".
"I know ail lsn't quite as weLl between you and Ben as you'd both have me believe but
GoC irilllng, I shatl hold my flrst grandahild in rny arnB.Lets keep our fingdrs crossed

Cod puts temptation in our way in order to strengthen our faith and develop our
chapacters says Canon R.C. Stevens,
'.It doesn't rnatter" she saiC tonelessly. Hoir coul.d he taLk as if nothing had changed
?hey stlLl pretended even though only four nights ago he had flung all the sanre o1d
accusatlons at her ln his rage and loet control of his enotlons.
She was deterrnined not to give him the chance to touch her. It seemed inpossible for
thcrn to be together wlthout bitternese. So wasn't it better to be Bllent? She lacked
the Etrength to fight anymor6.
He iralted, hls face darkrset full of anger. The sLlence b€tween them was a tanglble
barrler. "Don't argue", he sald in a low hareh volcer'JuEt don't bother." But why,
why for tvto long endless years?
She threw the portable televislon at him and screamed that Ehe wanted to get rid of
the baby.
"I wad feellng guLlty. "
"It wa6 your hair, the way you used to wear lt when I flrgt met you. "
He her clothes, noney and jewels.Took her to parties and night c1ub6, anywhere
Ehe-cou1d be adnrlred.' Admiratlon had become a drug she could not do wlthout.
"lltarry her, .that whore?" Rose exploded.
"RoEe-, you'should not be go bitter" he explaLned softly,"there's going to be a baby.
"1{e have total control over the whole human rac€'rDr. wexford comnented.
"You will have everythlng you want. "
Except the things she loig-ea for. His love,a share df hls Ilfe and a chlfd of hls.
"I forget. "He lied.. ne. wai"tq-d-f,qr. the lash of her bltter tongue.Nlco1e llstened
blank1i.....She woultt get {n-d-ofd' fool ofi thd rhe arrlved.
But NlCole was kl11ed when Cavin Hepworth's fast car gkidded ori an alpln€ road. "She
was all,/a]'s ater, fatal, destructive and without a conscience."

The marriage was a disasterrit only lasted four montha. For the first time in roy
Ilfe there-waE nobody around to catch me when I fe1l. Consequently. I went into another
b;e-;;;i;e; ior exalt1y the sarne reasons. when that folded my fath6r said I was a
,'These dayE,"sald Janlce, toi{ard6 the end of the coffee mornlng, "my husband and my
ctiiia oornl iirBt,then ny'famlly and my health. Joe and I are so blessed with naterlal
thlngs .

"A11 the beautiful thlngs", Sandra explained to her neighbour whilst the kids were
watching T,V. ,rour marvellous kitchenrtne stereorthe colour televislon and the lovely
rugs and carpetsrand of course our key to freedom' the car and boat."
Sacon cones from plgs speeifically brecl for the purpose. The bacon is pink and 8o1d
only ln vacuun packs.
Beset wlth problerns I,d have to solve before the long hours were over and it wa6
tirne to slnk exhauEted lnto tears and s1eep.
A demantllng and dlffleult father, regardlng hls children not as individuals.rso much
as eii€nifins of hlm6el-f. Bobby 'fubula nave to excel ln all departments . Looks. Erains.
Athletlc abillty. Leadership. ind llnda, aLready obviously _rather cfever' would have
to grow up beauilful as weIl. After allrthey were His children, weren't they?
Roaemary is taII and rather caustLc. She'a been happily and auccessfull-y dlvorced
thr6e tlmes.
I alrew three people r mother. Josephlne and r/e tnree. E+c9p!.,....i added the
Jti"i rig"r" i man. rt-lookad much better nowrmore satisf;ring'1he family as it
really oight to be. .

',I turned on the te1Iy Just to cheer then up a bit..Bionlc womanlit'e thelr favourlte.
Alone in her hoteJ roomrAgetha unpacked her caEe. She took out a hot-water bottle, a
comb and two bottles of mediclnerone'of which was narked'poison'. 0n the bedside table
she set up a leather frarned photogrdph of her chiId. l{ou1d she evqr be released from
the pain?
"I an now nearing'the 'change of lifo' and I am womled about hovt long you should
$ait before stopping precaqtione.
Three girls at work have Left ln the last year to have babies. I flx a perpetual
emlle 6n my face,when a1!. the tirn€ I'D knotted up inside with Jealousy. "when are
you going to make your mum a granny then?"
It is.harde,st ln the beglnning when your fingers are still used to baby dolLs.
The .only perfulne I rea1Ly Like is 'Y', by YveE Strl€urent.It remlnds me of ny wlfe-
and wa have three chitdren to prove hgw I feel about it. tYhat wouLd I chooEe for my-
self?Again there is only one'Aramis'by EBtee Lauder the smeLl is nan1y, tangyl lt is
the only one I've founil that has -lnstant ser appeal.
I{e felt guilty.
You shouldn't shout at daddy.
They were back t6'not speaklng tq each other that. evening.
After an early lunch she swltched on the televlslon for the boys.Sarah g-ave herself.
a faclal,then- curled up. ln the big arnchair. She couldn't resist hdving iust one look
tb see if they were realIy love let-ters.
"uly dea{rit's the intlraacy I missrwaklng each norning, complaining about the weather
or= thd niwsrdiseussing th'e chlldren' burning the toastrlistening to the wireless -
argulng. . .

l{d raroly speak to each other now and when we alo it ls hardly worth it.I iust don't
know where I'11 go from here. I'n so insecure.
He twisteat the hoirk from the nackerel'8 g4splng nouth and baehed its head agalnst.the
side of the. pail.
'This is the real me' I pumed at the full Length mimor. I pale grey floating
chiffon, the exact colour of my eyes, my hair as smooth as silkr curling up at the ends
an-d hl_gh heeled sandaLs consisting of mere wisps of leather ribbons '


Happy, c
not onl*il{
many ye&i
"I supp
"My mot
at aborr
and thi
We were
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weII it
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door. 1o
o f fami
which o
arrneha i
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obvl ous
mothe r
urge toil
nise thi!
Depres s
exhaus t
The ehl
Her fa
They cu
0rrr Dsv
S o thin
"She ne
her up.
bash he

i fi ,i.dsi

': : ..{i ir.


- .t::.t, &..




resolution is PR0CESS'PR0CESS is HCRIZONTAI. subjugation you wear it for THElvl/there is N0

THERE is N0 absoLution in H0RIZONTAI time/spaee absolution because you seek resolve /there is no
It is TIIROUCH the seience of PERSPSCTtrVE that resolve becau$e you seek agreement in your owll
those mlllions have died/THE I THAT IS tttg LAI. schizophr:enia/because. you seek resolve in the
ABOVE NAT-.'RE.MAN ABOVE.ilIAN,iI{ A N . I{ A N I R0AIITY YOIJ PERCEIVE/you seek no answers il
}I..A.N I
though you delrrde yourself that that is yorrr

Man A bove Nature. Tl{E R00T 0F THE DOMINANCE/ .l

MASCUTINITY/MITITARY/iqATIONATIST/NAZI THAT IS aiffiou seek only the subjugated( fascist)agree-

I{AN ment( eompr.ornise ) froin your question( the nazi :4
ou*riora)/you do nob ieek iltumination/you do
i t
MAN not seek tb illuminate,/you sEEK T0 sHARil
MAN (promote)youR O'dN lead to the
forget the death-CAl1'1P5/they are as nothing death-camp because you are led there/there are
against that FINAL solution that is the man those ( THAT HAVE NoT ''il0RN THAT S[AR) that you
lFOvg nature/torn in HIS own NATURES/uIAN has would CAST OU'I ENtIREIY{not for them the dignity,
his final s oluti onA ootw 0RlH/Ic I/F0RD/REMSi'{BER/ of the cross and chamber)/ttrt THE EXPtOI'IATI0N ,

DEAT}I OF THOSE CAMPS ARE AS NOTHING AGAI}IST l,lODES(one agalnst tne othei,both in self and

AGAIN & AGAIN t AGAIN/your life ls a SE&UNTIC you hold your left hand in your r.ight and, ,

against this judenhetze/you STRUGCIE to PAY the IAUCHING, you walk to your death/CHRISf DIED.
ofnnlonns 0F 'iurs REGIiIE/you can never be free/ FoR r\l0 0NES SINS BUT HiS 0'i{N/Y0U BESI DE rlIM/


YOUR 0'rrN FASCISM is tlre seaL to itlYitijR SU'tsJUGA- THE SIN 0F resolution/nVnRYlody on THAT TRUdI(
TION/you are led BY Y0URSEIF to ftl0sE D00RS/ IS A CHRIST/every a chrisI/VICTII'{S 0t' THEIR
you al"e led in your aceeptance/CllltlsT TBADS/ 0'ilN FASCISM/so you sit before your overlords,
lmn x L3 ADS/P 0P S/ts ilD DH A/i{ I',ItE R/C AR',I0R/C ALTACHA I'll your churches, your templesr your schoolsr your
'IHEY [8AD within YOil/you are following BECAUSE eourts of law, your SMUTTY SURGCIRY, awaiting
YOU ALL0W, Y0URSEIF' to be BUT HAL]" 0F THEM'BUT , YOUR P|IIAL FR0m BAYER, your own VERY personal

IIALF 01.' Y0tl/the nouvear,l RXI(li{ are thc survivors POISON/you torture yourielves in your- temples
of the third riche/your avarice and clesire is of greed/ you stare at the goods behind the
the gas you r,vlll breathe, the bullwhip. that will PIATE-OLASS as those striped victims stared
mark your I'LESH, the fist, the SALUTS/Y0UR from the barbed sire/
wear your yello,w star to the HICH S'IREBI and CONFINNS OF, THE HIGH STREBT.
the strpnnsh0RE/you wear i t f or rffiulin

H E rGi{TS/RoyAr, FLAG -B sA RER/G oA T /stLl,t /t vour r
non you/r'onctvet,/sxrr Hr t-onorves,/ttE itAllcs rN
cRUcrFrED oer,rcHr,/Nert,gD To rHE EXTENT oF Hrs
vt s t ott,/x rs c n os s,/ttl s t,t.c, ltHoou,/v r oi,e Nc e,/cur Ln,/
srru,/ne i{oul,D \-Arr, ilty BoDy rtpoN Hls cnoss,/
s u r c r D E v t s t o lr.c.ny,/oeAtH R IJVELr,en,/nAK.E,&lp r s r,/
Lrl'E FUcKE n/ t gsu /nmrntioven,/cHRtstus,/crtAve -
ctccen,/you DUG Tt{E GRAvES oF Auscirr{rrz/trtn
sort, oF TREBLTNKA rs youR curt'1,/youn srN/
l,u,strn/unsTER oF cone/sNrcwvou CARRY Tr-ts
STANDARD oF youR 0pPRESSrou,/eNor,l rs YouR
c.trery/rHe BoDrEs oF HrRosHrMA ARE youR
oerrcnr/tHE NArrs ARE THE oNLy rRrNrtv./notp
THEM rN youR coRpsEy cRAcEr,Essiwss,/tae rMAcE
r HAvE HAD To surL'nR/tttE cRoss rs rHE vrRGrN
BoDy oF wolirANHooD/mm you DeFrr,e/vou Harr,
youRsBr,F To youR own sttrt/l,AIvtEARSE JESUS cArLS
t,ir stsneR,/tHERE ARE No vtoRDS FoR t{r collrsmpt,/ .
Hrs ARRocANT DErrcHr/ne runrus Hrs BAcK upoN
t'E rN Hts nnnn,/Hg DARE Nor FAcE Me,/relRFucxgn/
sl{ARE NorHrNG you cHRrsr /srnattn/nponnnt/
FUcKLovE pRopr{nr op oe.q,m,/you ARE THE ULTTMATE
p 0R N ocRApHy/r m y ouR c,/c oc rFEAfr.,/MA NFEAR,/
otr,lA NI.IiAR,/UI\lnenglrAnFnRe,/Wennenezfu en r ffie/


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