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Coursework Marks

Student ID : 1712246
Student Name : Thomas Peck

Total Mark : 74

Detailed Comments

Question 1a:

(-1 mark) the overall structure of neuron is correct and the main parts are
correctly labelled, but aesthetically it would be better if the neuron strurcture
illustrated with more details .

Question 1b:

Excellect! You get full marks in this question.

Question 2a:

(-3 marks) The first neuron will not work correctly, due to the incorrect

Question 2b:

(-8 marks) The mentioned limitations in the answer is not enough. There are other
main limitations. For instance, not a zero-centerd function which is related to
both Sigmoid and ReLU.

Question 2c:

(-4 marks) Question asks for illustrating real applications, however your answer
is too brief. For real application for example, you should write in detail about
the input, and output and etc.

Question 3a:

(-4 marks) incorrect output for last neuron and incorrect final Result

Question 3b:

(-6 marks)The computed values and final result are incorrect. You should write in
detail with formula for each derivative.

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