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The painting features a half-body portrait of a woman against a distant landscape.

However, this description doesn't capture the significance of Leonardo's

achievement. The three-quarter view, a departure from the standard profile pose in
Italian art, became the convention for portraits for centuries. Leonardo's mastery of
sfumato is evident in the sculptural face, revealing his understanding of anatomy.
The delicate details like the veil, hair, and fabric showcase his keen observations.
The harmony between the sitter and the landscape reflects Leonardo's vision of a
cosmic link between humanity and nature, setting a standard for future portraits.
The subject's identity has sparked speculation. Some believe she is Lisa del
Giocondo, the wife of Florentine merchant Francesco di Bartolomeo del Giocondo,
as suggested by Giorgio Vasari in 1550. Others propose it might be Leonardo's
mother, Caterina, a theory supported by Sigmund Freud. There's also speculation
that it could be Leonardo disguised as a woman, adding an element of mystery.
Despite efforts in the 21st century to identify the subject through DNA testing, the
debate remains inconclusive.

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