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False Cognates (les faux amis)

French words which look like English words and have the same meaning are called cognates (mots apparentes). 1 French
words which look like English words but have a different meaning are called false cognates (faux amis). Following is a list
of the most common of these 'false friends.' The two columns on the left indicate the false cognates and their meaning in
English, the columns on the right show the similar English words and their equivalents in French.

French English English French

achever to complete to achieve accomplir
unacompte a deposit (on a purchase) an account (bank) un compte en banque
actuel current, present actual reel, veritable
actuellement presently actually en fait, effectivement
un agenda a planner, a notebook the agenda le programme, l'ordre du jour
Jes affaires (f.) 2 the business, things, belongings a (love) affair une liaison
un affluent a tributary affluent (adj.) riche, aise
Jes appointements ( the salary the appointment Je rendez-vous
assister a to attend to assist aider
assumer to take on (responsibility) to assume supposer, presumer
audience (f.) the hearing (jur.), meeting the audience le public, les spectateurs
attendre3 to wait to attend assister a (a specific event),
aller a(a school or university)
avertir to warn, inform to avert eviter
un avertissement a warning the advertisement Ia publicite, Ia reclame
un avis4 an opinion the advice Je conseil
Je bachelier the high school graduate the bachelor Je celibataire
le bail the lease the bail Ia caution
Ia bande5 the gang, strip the band (musical) J'orchestre (m.)
un billion a trillion a billion un milliard
blesser to hurt, injure to bless benir
1. For example: gouvemement, quantite, democratie, education, psychologie, nation, etc.
2. Je vais ranger mes atTaires. (/am going to tidy up my things.); mes affalres personnelles (my personal belongings)
3. Note that attendre can also mean to expect: Elle attend un hebe. (She is expecting a baby.)
4. a mon avis (in my opinion), changer d'avis (to change one's mind) bande dessinee (the comic strip)
462 A Complete French Grammar

French English English French

Ia blouse the smock, (doctor's white) coat the blouse Ie chemisier

lebox 1 the (lock-up) garage, stall the box Ia boite

Ia boxe boxing
Ia bride the bridle, strap the bride Ia mariee
lebut the goal but mais
cabinet small room, doctor's office the cabinet le placard
Ia camera (motion picture) camera the camera l'appareil-photo (m.)
car because the car Ia voiture, !'auto (f.)
Ie car the (touring) bus
le caractere2 the disposition (of a person), the character (in a play) le personnage
the personality
Ia casquette the cap the casket le cercueil
Ia casserole the saucepan the casserole (food) le ragout cuit au four
Ia caution the bail, the deposit (money) the caution Ia prudence
Ia cave the cellar the cave Ia grotte
Ia chair the flesh the chair Ia chaise
Ia chance3 the luck the chance4 l'occasion (f.)
le chandelier the candlestick the chandelier Ie lustre
le change currency exchange the change le changement,
Ia monnaie (small change)

Ia citation the quotation the citation (police) le PV (le proces verbal),

Ia contravention
le coin the corner the coin Ia piece (de monnaie)
Ie college the middle school the college5 l'universite (f.)
le comedien the actor the comedian le comique
Ia comedienne the actress
le commencement the beginning the commencement Ia remise des diplomes
(graduation ceremony)

Ia commode the chest of drawers the commode Ia chaise percee

(etre) concerne to be affected (by an issue) (to be) concerned (etre) inquiet, soucieux
le conducteur the driver the conductor le chef-d'orchestre,
le receveur (train, bus ... )

Ia confidence the personal secret the confidence Ia confiance

I. le box des accuses [the dock Uur.)]

2. avoir bon I mauvais caractere (to have a good I bad disposition)
3. Bonne chance! (Good luck!)
When used in the plural, French chances means chance in expressions such as:
Elle a de bonnes chances de reussir. (She has a good chance to succeed.)
II y a des chances que ... + subj. (There is a chance that ... )
4. by chance= par hasard; There isn't a chance! (No way!) = Pas question!
5. to go to college= aller a l'universite
False Cognates 463

French English English French

confus embarrassed I am confused je ne comprends pas,

je n'y comprends rien
le corps the body the corpse le cadavre
Ia course 1 the race the course (academic) le cours 2
the course (of a meal) le plat
le crayon the pencil the crayon le crayon de couleur
crier to shout, scream to cry pleurer
Ia deception the disappointment the deception Ia tromperie
decevoir to disappoint to deceive tromper
definitivement permanently, for good definitely sans faute3
demander to ask to demand exiger' reclamer
Ia dissertation the term paper, the essay the dissertation le memoire, Ia these
le dortoir large room with many beds4 the (student) dormitory Ia residence universitaire
Ia dot the dowry the dot le point
le drap the sheet the drapes les rideaux
dresser 5 to set up (a document), to train the dresser Ia commode
un(e) enfant a child an infant un hebe
un engagement a commitment the engagement les
enregistrer to record, to check in (baggage) to register (for a class) s'inscrire (a un cours)
!'entree (f.) the entrance, the course the entree le plat principal,
preceding the main course le plat de resistance

une escalope (panee) a (breaded) veal cutlet the scallops les coquilles Saint-Jacques
eventuellement possibly eventually finalement, enfin
extra (fam.) extraordinary extra (an extra ... ) supplementaire
lafabrique the factory the fabric le tissu, I' etoffe (f.)
lafaculte the ability, the school or the faculty les professeurs
college of a university

fat conceited fat gros, grosse

Ia figure the face the figure 6 le nombre, Ia ligne (body)
filer (fam.) to leave (quickly) to file limer (nails),
classer (documents)
le front the forehead the front 7 le devant
gentil nice gentle doux
Ia glace the mirror, the ice cream the glass le verre

I. faire les courses (to go shopping)

2. Je suisun coors de et un coors d'histoire. (/am taking a French course and a history course.)
3. Je serai Ia sans faute. (I will definitely be there.)
4. (as in a boarding school or youth hostel)
5. dresser les oreilles (to prick one's ears)
6. to watch one's figure= garder Ia ligne
7. the front row= le premier rang; the front seat (in car)= le siege avant
464 A Complete French Grammar

French English English French

le grief the grievance, the grudge the grief Ie chagrin
le grade the rank the grade (for school work) Ia note
grave serious the grave Ia tombe
gros fat, big gross grossier, degueulasse

les habits the clothes the habits les habitudes 1 (f.)

Ia hate the haste, the hurry the hate Ia haine
ignorer not to know to ignore2 ne pas faire attention a
un inconvenient the disadvantage inconveniene pas commode
les informations (f.) the news (radio, TV) the information Ies renseignements (m.)
une injure an insult the injury Ia blessure
injurier to insult to injure blesser
I' issue (f/ the exit, the outcome the issue Ie probH!me, Ia question
introduire to insert to introduce sb to sb presenter qqn aqqn
lejournal the newspaper the journal Ia revue
lajournee the day the journey Ie voyage
large wide large grand, gros
Ia lecture the reading the lecture Ia conference
Ia librairie the bookstore the library Ia bibliotheque
Ia limonade the lemon soda the lemonade le citron presse
Ia liqueur the sweet alcoholic beverage the liquor I'alcool (m.)

Ia location6 the rental, the renting the location l'emplacement (m.),

Ia situation
luxurieux lustful luxurious luxueux, luxueuse
le machin7 the thingamajig, the machine Ia machine
the what-do-you-call-it
Ie magasin the store the magazine Ia revue, Ie magazine
marier (qqn) 8 to marry sb (off) to marry se marier (avec), epouser
marron brown maroon bordeaux
le medecin the doctor medicine Ia medecine (field of study)
the medicine le medicament (medication)

Ie menu the meal at a fixed price the menu Ia carte

merci thank you the mercy 9 Ia pitie

1. les habitudes alimentaires (eating habits)
2. Ignore him!= Ne faites pas attention a lui. Faites comme s'il n'etait pas Ia. I ignored him.= J'ai fait comme s'il n'existait pas.
3. If it's not inconvenient for you.= Si ne vous derange pas.
4. une voie sans issue (a dead end street); !'issue de secours (emergency exit)
5. the liquor store= le magasin de spiritueux
6. une voiture de location (a rental car)
7. Synonyms: le true, le bidule
8. Le pretre marie le couple. (The priest unites the couple in marriage.)
9. to have mercy on sb = avoir pitie de qqn
False Cognates 465

French English English French

Ia messe the mass (in church) the mess 1 le desordre, le bazar

le ministre2 the secretary (in politics) the minister (in church) le pasteur
Ia monnaie the (small) change, the currency the money !'argent (m.)
Ia nappe the tablecloth the nap lesomme
nerveux irritable to be nervous avoir peur, avoir Ie trac
net clean, clear the net le filet (courses, etc.)
the net (internet) internet (m.)
Ia note the grade (in school), the bill a note (written) unmor
a banknote un billet de banque
Ia nouvelle the short story, a piece of news the novel leroman
Ia nurse the nanny the nurse I'infirmiere (f.)
!'office (m/ the pantry, the office le bureau
the religious ceremony

or now (in a conclusion), gold or ou

pair even (number) the pair Ia paire5
Ie papier6 the paper (material) a paper un journal (newspaper),
Ia dissertation (term paper),
un memo ire (term paper)

le parent the relative the parent le pere, Ia mere

Ia parole the word the parole Ia liberte conditionnelle
Ia part the share, the portion the part Ia partie
passer7 un examen to take an exam to pass an exam reussir aun examen
pathetique moving, touching pathetic lamentable
Ie patron the boss the patron le client
Ia peine the trouble, difficulty the pain ladouleur
Ia performance the achievement, the performance Ia representation (theatre),
the performance (in sports) le spectacle
Ie peuple the nation, the people les gens, les personnes
the working classes
Ia phrase the sentence the phrase Ia locution
Ia piece the play (theatre), the piece le morceau
the room, the coin
le physicien the physicist the physician le medecin

I. to make a mess= mettre le desordre (or: mettre le hazar)
2. le ministre des Affaires etrangeres [the foreign minister(= the Secretary of State)]
3. Je vous ai ecrit un petit mot.(/ wrote you a note.)
4. But: l'omce du tourisme (the tourist information office)
5. une paire de chaussures (a pair of shoes)
6. une feuillede papier (a sheet ofpaper); une copie papier (a hard copy)
7. But: passer du temps (to spend time); passer (to go by)
468 A Complete French Grammar

le canape 1. the canape 2. the sofa

Ia carte 1 1. the card 2. the menu 3. the map
causer 1. to cause 2. to chat
commander 1. to command 2. to order (a meal etc.)
Ia conference 1. the conference2 2. the lecture
consacrer 1. to consecrate 2. to devote
Ia correspondance 1. the correspondence 2. the connecting flight, the connecting train
le costume 1. the costume 2. the man's suit
defendre I. to defend 2. to forbid
doubler 1. to double 2. to pass (a car)
l'editeur (m.) 1. the editor 2. the publisher
l'envie4 1. the envy 2. the desire, the yearning
estimer 1. to estimate (cost, value) 2. to think highly of (a person), to value sth
I' etiquette (f.) 1. the etiquette 2. the label
!'experience (f.) 1. the experience 2. the experiment
!'hOtel (m.) I. the hotel 2. the mansion
introduire 1. to introduce (measures) 5 2. to insert
Ia ligne 1. the line 2. the figure6
Ia manifestation 1. the manifestation 2. the demonstration
le mannequin I. the mannequin 2. the fashion model
Ia matinee 1. the matinee performance 2. the morning
particulier7 1. particular 2. private
Ia patisserie 1. the pastry 2. the pastry shop
le point" I. the point 2. the period 3. the dot
Ia proposition 1. the proposition 2. the clause (grammar)
Ia radio9 1. the radio 2. the x-ray
realiser 10 1. to realize 2. to fulfil
repeter 1. to repeat 2. to rehearse
Ia repetition 1. the repetition 2. the rehearsal
Ia retrai te 11 1. the retreat 2. the retirement carte de credit (the credit card); Ia carte de visite (the calling card); Ia carte postale (the post card); Ia carte de va:ux (greeting
card); une carte de France (a map of France) But: un plan de ville (a city map)
2. But: a big conference = un congres
3. But: the newspaper editor= le redacteur
4. avoir envie de (to feel like)
5. Do not use introduire with people. To introduce someone to someone= presenter qqn a qqn
6. Elle doitfaire attention a sa ligne. (She has to watch her figure.); Ce n'est pas bon pour Ia ligne. (That is not good for one's waistline.)
7. un particulier (a private individuaf); une maison particuliere (a private home); des particulieres (private lessons);
un professeur particulier (a private teacher); en particulier (in particular)
8. un point de vue (a viewpoint); un point c'est tout! (period!); pointd'exclamation (exclamation mark); www. (point) com
9. passer qqn a Ia radio (to x-ray sb); passer a Ia radio (to be x-rayed)
10. Synonym: se rendre compte
11. Ia retraite anticipee (early retirement); prendre sa retraite (to retire); aIa retraite (retired)
False Cognates 469

le sens1 1. the sense 2. the direction

le souvenir 1. the souvenir 2. the memory

le tuteur 1. the tutor (at a school) 2. the guardian

Exercice 1
1. They attended the lecture.
2. My daughter attends college.
3. Actually, I don't know.
4. a billion people
5. I am going to tidy up my things.
6. People want this change.
7. I am confused.
8. The police gave him a citation.
9. The characters of this play have bad dispositions.
10. I have to write a paper.
11. Take this medicine twice a day.
12. We go to mass every Sunday.
13. At what time does the library close?
14. I will take the exam tomorrow.

Exercice 2
Traduisez en anglais.
1. II est actuellement en I tali e.
2. Est-ce que tu t'es blesse?
3. Je me suis achete une camera.
4. Levin est dans Ia cave.
5. La poste est au coin de Ia rue.
6. Depardieu est comedien.
7. Mon plat prefere, c'est l'escalope.
8. Elle se regarde dans Ia glace.
9. Nous pourrions eventuellement aller en Suede.
10. Dans les villes europeennes, il n'y a pas beaucoup d'avenues larges.
11. La librairie est ouverte de 8h30 a 19h.
12. On peut acheter des magazines dans ce magasin.
13. Cette maison a huit pieces.
14. Vas-tu rester ici?
15. Est-ce que cette robe est en solde?
16. Pendant Ies vendanges, on cueille du raisin.
17. Je garderai toujours un bon souvenir de ces vacances.
18. Elle travaille beaucoup.

1. I would like a piece of chocolate cake. 8. Don't be so sensitive!
2. I wrote you a note. 9. Do you travel a lot?
3. Did you read this novel? 10. This is a tentative time schedule.
4. Do you like prunes?- No, but I like plums. 11. I am going to rest a little.
5. She doesn't like scallops, but she adores veal cutlets. 12. Do you put raisins in this cake?
6. This is a beautiful place. 13. God bless you (pol.)!
7. Have a seat! 14. Don't forget (fam.) your appointment!

l.le bon sens (common sense); Ca n'a pas de sens. (That doesn't make any sense.); le sensde !'humour (the sense of humour);
Les cinq sens sont: Ia vue, l'odorat, l'oule, le toucher et le gout. (The five senses are: sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste.);
dans !'autre sens (in the opposite direction)
470 A Complete French Grammar

Exercice 4
Donnez deux traductions (ou plus) des mots suivants:
1. I' addition
2. arriver
3.1a carte
4. Ia conference
5. Ia manifestation
6. le mannequin
7. Ia p§tisserie
8.1e ballon
9. defendre
10. repeter

Exercice 5
Ecrivez des phrases avec les mots suivants:
1. Ia librairie
2. eventuellement
3. actuellement
4. le magasin
5.1e magazine
6. blesser
7.1a cave
8. attendre
9. rester
10. Ia commode

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