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Title: “AWS data pipeline”


The proposed data pipeline begins with Amazon S3 as the central data lake, providing a secure and
scalable storage solution for diverse datasets. Raw data is ingested into S3, maintaining flexibility for
various data formats and types.

AWS Glue is employed for Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes. Glue simplifies data preparation and
transformation tasks through automated schema discovery and dynamic ETL script generation. This
streamlines the workflow, allowing for efficient data cleansing, normalization, and enrichment.

The orchestrated ETL jobs within Glue seamlessly move processed data back to S3 or into other storage
solutions. This ensures that the data is ready for analysis while maintaining traceability and versioning.

For querying and analysis, Amazon Athena comes into play. Athena allows users to run SQL queries
directly on the data stored in S3, eliminating the need for complex data movement or pre-processing.
This serverless query service enables quick and cost-effective analysis, providing near real-time insights
without the need for managing infrastructure.

Moreover, the integration of AWS Glue DataBrew can enhance the pipeline by providing visual data
preparation capabilities, allowing data analysts and scientists to interactively explore, clean, and
transform data without writing code.

By leveraging this comprehensive AWS service stack, organizations can establish a resilient, scalable, and
cost-efficient data pipeline, addressing the challenges of handling large volumes of diverse data for
analytics and decision-making.

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