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“And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are

naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”
Hebrews 4:13

If you’ve been to the beach, chances are you’ve seen a few people combing
through the sand with a metal detector. A metal detector is a tool that gives the
user the ability to discover metals that are buried in the sand—objects that
cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Forgiving ourselves requires us to forgive ourselves for everything. You have

already done your best to empty your heart from every sin, wound, and mistake
that you were aware of. You are congratulated for doing so! However, despite
our best efforts, sometimes there are things we need to forgive ourselves for
that we have forgotten. They are buried deep within the sands of our hearts.
This ought not to discourage us one bit because the One who commanded us to
forgive ourselves has a clear interior view of our hearts and nothing is hidden
from His sight.

Like the metal detector, God can bring to our memory any sin or wound that still
may be hidden from our sight. It’s so vitally important that you make sure that
you have forgiven yourself for everything—so we’ve developed a simple tool to
see if there’s anything yet hidden under the sand. The tool to accomplish this is
called the “Forgiveness Validator.” Just pray out-loud, “Before God I have
forgiven myself for everything.” After you pray that sentence, be quiet for a
minute—if nothing else surfaces you are finished. But if God reveals anything
more, just forgive yourself and then state the Validator again. When your heart
has complete peace, God is affirming that you have forgiven yourself for

I remember teaching on forgiveness, and after the services a woman came to me

and was filled with joy because she had forgiven herself. The next night she
came back and told me that, when she got home, God showed her there were
more things she needed to forgive herself. God is so faithful, and He will always
let us know if we missed something.

Find a quiet place and use the Forgiveness Validator. Declare: “Before God I
have forgiven myself for everything.” If there is something you missed God will
show you, and all you have to do is forgive yourself a bit more. When all is
uncovered and forgiven, peace and joy will flood your heart.

Excerpted from the Teach Every Nation course by Bruce Wilkinson:

70X7: Finding Peace By Forgiving Others …And Yourself
Session 4: Steps to Follow to Forgive Other People

To stream this entire Session, please visit:

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