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5-year plan gives leg up to chip base


A researcher in Beijing processes wafers made of carbon-based materials.

Support for silicon carbide will boost 3rd-generation semiconductor


China’s top industry regulator will include silicon carbide, or SiC, an

important semiconductor base material, into a five-year plan for industrial
technological innovation development.

The move is part of broader efforts by the Ministry of Industry and

Information Technology to guide development of carbon-based materials to
support chip innovation and development, experts said.

Carbon-based materials can be good substitutes for silicon-based

semiconductor materials, and they form an important part of the third-
generation semiconductor technologies where China aims to achieve
breakthroughs, experts said.

The MIIT said it will include carbon-based materials in the 14th five-year
plan (2021-25) for raw material industrial development, and also include
SiC and carbon matrix composites in the 14th five-year plan for industrial
technological innovation development. The larger goal is to support the
industry to tackle technology barriers, so as to improve product quality and
promote modernization of industry chains.

Dongxing Securities said in a research note that silicon, which is found in

large natural reserves, has become the most important raw material for the
manufacture of chips and devices. More than 90 percent of semiconductor
products are made of silicon as a substrate.

But limited by the characteristics of the material itself, silicon-based power

devices are gradually unable to meet the requirements for high-power and
high-frequency devices in emerging applications like 5G, new energy
vehicles, and high-speed rail.

So, SiC is expected to partially replace silicon and become a new substrate
material for the preparation of high-voltage and high-frequency devices,
Dongxing Securities said.

SiC is an important material of the third-generation semiconductor

technologies, as China seeks breakthroughs in the third-generation chips for
the “post-Moore Era”. In 1975, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore formulated a
rule that the number of transistors on a silicon chip doubles roughly every
two years. But rapid technological advancements may make the rule
obsolete in the future.

In May, a government meeting attended by Vice-Premier Liu He discussed

the potential disruptive technologies of integrated circuits, or ICs, in the
post-Moore era.

Yuekai Securities said in a research note it is clear the third-generation

semiconductor technologies are an important development direction, with
their downstream applications focusing on 5G base stations, new energy
charging piles, intercity high-speed rail transit and other areas.

The third-generation semiconductor technologies offer a good opportunity

for Chinese chipmakers to catch up with their foreign counterparts. Third-
generation semiconductor products mainly use mature manufacturing and
processing technologies, where domestic manufacturers will face fewer
obstacles than in the traditional silicon-based semiconductor technologies,
Yuekai Securities added.

Xiang Ligang, director-general of the Information Consumption Alliance, a

telecom industry association, said: “The main battlefield of the applications
of third-generation semiconductor technologies is in China, but it will take a
long time for domestic companies to address a string of challenges before
widely popularizing these technologies.”

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