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1. You are meeting a client from another country. Ask your colleague for
advice about greetings.

Trang: When you meet Mr.John, be very polite.

He is very important customer.

Tung: It’s the American custom is shaking hands.

Shoud I do that?

Trang: Yes, before shake hands. You should say “Pleased to meet you”

Tung: Okay.

Trang: But don’t make your handshake to soft.

American people usually have a firm handshake.

Tung: And when he leaves? What then?

Trang: Just say “It was nice meeting you”

And shake his hand again.

Tung: Okay.
2. Your boss cannot meet with a client. He wants you to make small talk with
the client. Ask him what to talk about.

Tung: Trang. I have to go out now.

Please make small talk with Ms. Sarah until I’m free.

Trang: But I don’t know her.

I have nothing to talk to her about.

Tung: Just ask her What she does for a living.

Trang: Yes. I will ask her that.

And What then?

Tung: I think you should discuss both of their hometowns and jobs their in
the past.

Trang: Yes. It is an interesting topic.

Tung: Well. Just don’t bring up her age or marital status.

Trang: Good to know, thanks.

3. Make a conversation with your colleague to ask and answer about your last
vacation. Answer his/her questions and politely end the conversation.
Trang: Hey Tung! Are you fine?
How was your holiday?

Tung: Oh! Hi Trang. It was fantastic.

Ha Long is very wonderful.

Trang: Wow! I want to go HaLong Museum.

What was the weather like?

Tung: It was very nice.

And the people very helpful.

Trang: What about the food there?

Tung: Great delicious.

Trang: And where did you go there?

Tung: I went to Tuan Chau Island and Bai Chat beach.

Trang: Good. Tell me more.

Was it costly?

Tung: Well, I’m fraid. I’m realy busy at the moment.

Can we talk about at dinner?

Trang: All right.

Tung: Okay. See you then.
4. Call your associate to rearrange a new appointment with him/her.

Tung: Hello Trang. It Tung

Trang: Hi Tung. How can I help you?

Tung: Well, I’m really sorry, but I need to cencal our appointment on third of
Because I have another appointment.

Trang: Of course. Do you want to reschedule.

Tung: That’s good. Are you free on the 10 th .

Trang: Let me see. Yes, I am.

How does morning sound?

Tung: That’s wonderful. Thank you very much.

Trang: No problem. See you then.

5. Your meeting has been changed. Talk to your colleague about changes to the
Trang: Good afternoon Tung. Ready to go over presentation?

Tung: Hi Trang. Actually, there’s been a change.

Trang: Oh, What’s that?

Tung: The meeting delay until quarter past nine.

Trang: Oh well. We can just spend the extra time practicing.

Tung: True. And we’ll have a longer break.

But we’re going to miss our lunch reservation.

Trang: I’ll call and reschedule.

Tung: Good idea. Try to book a table for half past eleven.
6. You are a customer and you would like to buy a piece of furniture. Call a
salesperson from Horton’s Furniture to ask about the pricing.

Tung: Horton’s Furniture, Quang Tung speaking. How can I help you?

Trang: Hi, I’d like a free prices quote on the pine furniture in your brochure.

Tung: Yes, the Brazil line. I just need to know What furniture and Where
your’re calling from.

Trang: It’s the coffee table, and I’m in Ha Noi city.

Tung: Okay. Our bassic prices is $1000, but with the sale tax it about $1100.

Trang: Does that include shipping costs?

Tung: No. With shipping, it wil be another $200.

Trang: I see, thank you.


Good afternoon teachers. Today, I’d like to talk some things about myself .

My name is Trang. My full name is Phung Thuy Trang. I’m 21.

I’m a second-year student in Ha Noi college of Commerce and Tourism. My major
is E-commerce.

There are 4 people in my family. My grand mother, my mother, my younger

brother and me.
My grand mother is quite old, her skin is wrinkled and she has difficulty walking.
For me, my mother is the best woman. She is gentle and very kind. She worked
hard to raise me.
My little brother is 1 year younger than me. He served in the army.
I love my family very much. I will try my best to care to my family more.

I like reading so much. In my free time, I usually reading books, news, many kind
of comics and novels. I get a lot of idea through reading.
That help my work later – An idea creator.
I’m going to study hard to get my dream.

That’s some things about me.

Thanks for listening.

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