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Executive Summary

As the demand for health app technology rises globally, Safety Health recognizes the
critical role of mobile health applications. Billions are invested annually in these
innovations. In light of increasing safety concerns such as kidnappings and health-related
risks, our mission is to ensure personal safety and well-being. Current challenges
highlight the need for a comprehensive solution that addresses both safety and health

Primary Objective:
Safety Health aims to develop a modern healthcare application that integrates specially
designed features, including SOS, GPS tracking, and step monitoring. Beyond safety, our
application focuses on health metrics like heart rate, pulse, weight, diet records, and
lifestyle recommendations. By merging safety and health tracking, we aim to provide
users with a holistic solution for their well-being.

Statement of the Problem:

The rising incidence of kidnappings in the Philippines underscores the urgency of our
mission. Safety Health seeks to leverage internet-connected phones to track individuals,
enhancing their safety. Additionally, we recognize the importance of addressing lifestyle
and health issues. Our application not only aims to protect users but also assists them in
making healthier choices through valuable tips and diet support.

Rationale for Software Development Model:

In building our software system, we have chosen the Waterfall software development
model. This linear and sequential approach ensures a systematic breakdown of the
development process into manageable phases. Given our clear understanding of the
project's goals and functions, the Waterfall model aligns with our plan-driven
methodology. This approach allows us to divide the project into well-defined stages,
ensuring collaboration among team members for a cohesive development process.

User Requirements:
Safety Health's application is designed with user-friendly features:
1. Account Management: Easy sign-in and sign-up functionality.
2. Step Tracking: Monitoring and displaying user steps for a healthy lifestyle.
3. Location Tracking: Precise tracking of the user's location for enhanced safety.
4. Trusted Partners: Users can add trusted contacts to share information, including
location data.
5. SOS Functionality: Integrated SOS functions for quick communication with trusted
partners in emergencies.
6. Healthy Tips: The application offers practical and personalized health tips for
In conclusion, Safety Health is committed to providing a comprehensive solution for
personal safety and health, bringing together innovative features and a user-friendly
experience. "Your Safety and Health, in the Palm of Your Hands" encapsulates our
dedication to empowering individuals through technology.

III. About the Company

Company Overview:
Safety Health is a technology company committed to creating solutions that prioritize the
safety and well-being of individuals. Our focus is on developing a modern healthcare
application that seamlessly integrates safety features and health monitoring.

Mission: Empowering individuals by providing a comprehensive, user-friendly application

that ensures personal safety and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Vision: To be a leading force in leveraging technology for the betterment of individual

lives, creating a world where safety and health are accessible to everyone at their

Core Values:
• Safety First: We prioritize the safety of our users, ensuring that our technology
provides a reliable and effective means of protection.
• User-Centric Design: Our solutions are designed with the user in mind, ensuring
simplicity, accessibility, and a positive user experience.
• Innovation: We continuously strive to innovate, embracing new technologies and
ideas to enhance the effectiveness of our applications.
• Integrity: Operating with transparency and honesty, we uphold the highest ethical
standards in all our interactions, internally and externally.
• Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration, working together as a
team and with our users to create impactful solutions.
• Health Promotion: Encouraging and supporting healthy lifestyles, we provide
users with information and tools to make informed choices about their well-being.
Brief History:
Founded in 2023, Safety Health emerged from the collective vision of a group of
individuals passionate about leveraging technology to address safety and health
concerns. Since then, we have been committed to developing solutions that make a
positive impact on the lives of our users.

Future Directions:
Safety Health is dedicated to continuous improvement and expansion. We aim to
enhance our application, incorporating user feedback and staying at the forefront of
technological advancements. Our goal is to reach and empower a broader audience,
making safety and health accessible to people around the world.
V. Statement of Work
5.1 Project Title:
"Safety Health: Your safety and health, in the palm in your hands "

5.2 Purpose:
The purpose of our project is to create a mobile application that prioritizes your safety and
health. We aim to develop a user-friendly app with features like SOS functions, GPS
tracking, and health monitoring. Our goal is to empower individuals by providing a tool
that enhances personal safety and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

5.3 Project Background:

The Safety Health App project is born out of the increasing need for a comprehensive
solution addressing safety and health concerns. With rising incidents of kidnappings and
health-related issues, we recognize the urgency to create a tool that keeps individuals
safe and supports their well-being.

5.3.1 Justification:
Safety Concerns: In today's world, safety is a growing concern with reports of
people getting lost and facing serious threats. Our app aims to address this by
offering real-time tracking and SOS features.

Health Monitoring: Beyond safety, health is a key focus. The app will track vital
health metrics, promoting a healthy lifestyle by providing personalized tips and
assistance with dieting.

User-Centric Approach: The project is driven by a commitment to user satisfaction,

ensuring that the app is easy to use, accessible, and beneficial to a wide range of

In summary, the Safety Health App project is a response to the contemporary challenges
of safety and health. By combining innovative features in a user-friendly application, we
aim to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals, offering a reliable tool for their




9.1 Development Cost – Salary of every member
9.2 Facility Cost
9.3 Total Cost





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