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Design of Highways, Bridges and Tunnels

SHC 303 – Highway Facilities and Utilities Design - Rest Areas,

Truck Inspection Stations, Parking & Garage Facilities



om nd
m i ss i il a
o n fo r Ju ba
SHC 303 – Highway Facilities and Utilities Design - Rest Areas,
Truck Inspection Stations, Parking & Garage Facilities





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SHC Project Director

SHC 303 – Highway Facilities and Utilities Design - Rest Areas,
Truck Inspection Stations, Parking & Garage Facilities





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TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................................ I
List of Figures .......................................................................................................................................... V
List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................... IX
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Summary of Chapters ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Reference Standards and Codes ..................................................................................................... 1
2. Rest Areas .......................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.1. Exception Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 2

2.2. Design Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 3

2.3. Design Stages .................................................................................................................................. 3
2.4. Rest Area Classification and Facilities Provision ............................................................................. 3
2.5. Rest Areas Design Features ............................................................................................................. 6
2.5.1. Commercial Uses and Facilities ................................................................................................................ 6

2.5.2. Identification of Needs ............................................................................................................................. 6

2.5.3. Site Selection and Positioning .................................................................................................................. 9

2.5.4. Layout Design ......................................................................................................................................... 13

2.5.5. Design of Traffic Areas and Facilities ...................................................................................................... 16

2.5.6. Buildings and Amenities ......................................................................................................................... 24

2.5.7. Free Surfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 28

2.5.8. Lighting ................................................................................................................................................... 31

2.5.9. Signing and Markings.............................................................................................................................. 32

2.5.10. Safety and Security ................................................................................................................................. 32

2.5.11. Utilities.................................................................................................................................................... 33

2.5.12. Environmental Considerations and Sustainability .................................................................................. 33

2.5.13. Wi-Fi Access ............................................................................................................................................ 33

2.6. Operating Strategy ........................................................................................................................ 33

2.6.1. Operating Times ..................................................................................................................................... 33

2.6.2. RGA & Highway Patrol Police Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 33

2.6.3. Operating Model .................................................................................................................................... 34

3. Truck Inspection Stations................................................................................................................. 35

SHC 303 I
3.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 35
3.1.1. Exception Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 35

3.2. Permanent Facilities ...................................................................................................................... 35

3.2.1. Functions ................................................................................................................................................ 36

3.2.2. Site Location ........................................................................................................................................... 36

3.2.3. Conceptual Layout of Typical Truck Inspection Station .......................................................................... 37

3.3. Portable Facilities .......................................................................................................................... 38

3.3.1. Site Location ........................................................................................................................................... 39

3.4. Designing and Planning ................................................................................................................. 40

3.4.1. Design Vehicle ........................................................................................................................................ 40

3.4.2. Screening / Interviewing Area ................................................................................................................ 41

3.4.3. Weighing Area and Equipment ............................................................................................................... 41

3.4.4. Weigh in Motion (Sorter) Scale .............................................................................................................. 42

3.4.5. Weigh (Scale) House ............................................................................................................................... 44

3.4.6. Vehicle Inspection Area .......................................................................................................................... 45

3.4.7. Vehicle Storage and Parking ................................................................................................................... 45

3.4.8. Entry / Exit Requirements and Internal Roadways ................................................................................. 47

3.4.9. Separation Zone...................................................................................................................................... 48

3.4.10. Amenities ................................................................................................................................................ 49

3.4.11. Signing .................................................................................................................................................... 49

3.4.12. Lighting ................................................................................................................................................... 49

3.4.13. Automatic Data Acquisition and Processing ........................................................................................... 50

3.5. Truck Inspection Station Configurations ....................................................................................... 50

3.5.1. Two-Lane-Two-Way Highway (Low Traffic Volumes) ............................................................................. 50

3.5.2. Divided Highways ................................................................................................................................... 51

3.6. Virtual Weigh Stations (VWS)........................................................................................................ 55

3.7. Operating Strategies ..................................................................................................................... 56
3.7.1. Operating Times ..................................................................................................................................... 56

3.7.2. Managing Queuing Under Peak Conditions ............................................................................................ 57

3.7.3. Vehicle Inspection Process ..................................................................................................................... 57

3.7.4. RGA & Patrol Police Responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 57

3.8. Economic Considerations .............................................................................................................. 58

3.8.1. Construction Costs .................................................................................................................................. 58

3.8.2. Operating Costs ...................................................................................................................................... 58

II SHC 303
3.8.3. Benefits from Reduced Truck Delay ....................................................................................................... 58

3.8.4. Benefits from Reduced Infrastructure Costs .......................................................................................... 59

4. Parking and Garage Facilities ........................................................................................................... 60

4.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 60
4.2. Parking Space Planning and Analysis ............................................................................................ 60
4.3. Parking Design ............................................................................................................................... 61
4.3.1. General Design Criteria ........................................................................................................................... 61

4.3.2. Parking Facilities ..................................................................................................................................... 62

4.3.3. Parking Design Vehicles .......................................................................................................................... 63

4.3.4. Parking Configurations ........................................................................................................................... 66

4.3.5. Parking Space Basic Dimensioning ......................................................................................................... 66

4.3.6. On-Street Parking and Loading Areas ..................................................................................................... 69

4.3.7. Surface Parking Facilities (Off-Street) ..................................................................................................... 84

4.3.8. Parking Garages ...................................................................................................................................... 93

4.3.9. Entries / Exits ........................................................................................................................................ 102

4.3.10. Parking for the Disabled (Accessible Parking) ...................................................................................... 107

4.3.11. Loading Yards........................................................................................................................................ 111

4.4. Safety and Security Requirements .............................................................................................. 113

4.5. Protective Equipment ................................................................................................................. 115
4.5.1. Column / Wall Guards .......................................................................................................................... 115

4.5.2. Wheel Stops .......................................................................................................................................... 115

4.5.3. Barriers and Fences .............................................................................................................................. 116

4.6. Signing ......................................................................................................................................... 117

4.7. Lighting ........................................................................................................................................ 117
4.8. Special Purpose Parking Zones .................................................................................................... 117
4.8.1. Park-and-Ride ....................................................................................................................................... 117

4.8.2. Parking for Families / Elderly ................................................................................................................ 118

4.8.3. Parking Spaces for Electric Vehicles ..................................................................................................... 118

4.9. Smart Parking .............................................................................................................................. 118

References .......................................................................................................................................... 120
Appendix A - Rest Areas Layouts ........................................................................................................ 123
A.1. Type A with Fuel Station and Integrated Commercial Use ......................................................... 123
A.2. Type A with Fuel Station and Separate Commercial Use ............................................................ 124
A.3. Type A with Fuel Station via Island and Separate Commercial Use ............................................ 125


A.4. Type A with Fuel Station and Integrated Commercial Use at Short Distance from Interchange 126
A.5. Type A with Connection to Opposite Highway Direction............................................................ 127
A.6. Type B .......................................................................................................................................... 128
A.7. Type B with Lateral Space Limitation .......................................................................................... 129
A.8. Type B with Longitudinal Space Limitation or at Short Distance from Neighboring Interchange
A.9. Pedestrian Walkways in Type A .................................................................................................. 131
A.10. Pedestrian Walkways in Type B ......................................................................................... 132
A.11. Type B in Rural Highway with Grade Separated Intersections .......................................... 133
A.12. Type B in Rural Highway with At Grade Intersections ....................................................... 134
A.13. Type C ................................................................................................................................ 135
A.14. Type A Entrance / Exit Signing ........................................................................................... 136
Appendix B - Truck Inspection Stations Layouts ................................................................................. 137
B.1. TIS on Divided Highways ............................................................................................................. 137
B.2. Portable or Mobile TIS on Undivided Highways.......................................................................... 138
Appendix C - Glossary of Terms .......................................................................................................... 139
Appendix D - Abbreviations, Acronyms .............................................................................................. 142
Appendix E - Units ............................................................................................................................... 144

IV SHC 303
List of Figures
Figure 2-1 Site Configuration of a Typical Type A Rest Area (FGSV, 2011) ....................................... 6
Figure 2-2 Site Spacing for Type A and Type B Rest Areas (FGSV, 2011) ........................................... 8
Figure 2-3 Standard and Minimum Distances between Type A Rest Areas and Freeway
Interchanges (FGSV, 2011) ................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 2-4 Minimum Distances between Type B Rest Areas and Intersections along Highways
(FGSV, 2011) ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 2-5 Example of Intermediate Lane Configuration (FGSV, 2011) ............................................ 18
Figure 2-6 Construction Detail with Traversable Curbs at HGV Parking Spaces (FGSV, 2011) 20
Figure 2-7 Distances between Successive RA Internal Aisles Entries and Exits (FGSV, 2011) .. 21
Figure 2-8 Pedestrian Walkways Adjacent to Passenger Parking Spaces (FGSV, 2011) ............. 22
Figure 2-9 Pedestrian Crossings (FGSV, 2011) ........................................................................................... 23
Figure 2-10 Example of Fuel Station Dimensions with Side-Arrangement (FGSV, 2011) .......... 26
Figure 2-11 Tree-Planted Separating Island between Adjacent Passenger Parking Spaces
(FGSV, 2011) ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 2-12 Tree-Planted Separating Island between Vehicle Passages/Aisles and Passenger
Parking Spaces (FGSV, 2011) ............................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 2-13 Planting of Trees in Intermediate Islands at HGVs Parking Spaces (FGSV, 2011) 31
Figure 3-1 Typical TIS Layout (Queensland DoT, 2021) .......................................................................... 38
Figure 3-2 Minor Portable Scale Site (WSDOT, 2021) ............................................................................. 39
Figure 3-3 Major Portable Scale Site (WSDOT, 2021) ............................................................................. 40
Figure 3-4 Operating Diagram of a Typical WIM System at Highways (Zhang, et al., 2008) .. 43
Figure 3-5 Truck Inspection Station Site: TLTW Highways (WSDOT, 2021) .................................... 51
Figure 3-6 Layout A: Main Line Sorting with Additional On-Ramp Sorting (FHWA, 1995) ...... 53
Figure 3-7 Layout B: Main Line Sorting Only (FHWA, 1995) ................................................................. 54
Figure 3-8 Layout C: Additional Layout (FHWA, 1995) ........................................................................... 55
Figure 3-9 Virtual Weigh Station on By-Pass Roadways (Regan, et al., 2006) ............................... 56
Figure 4-1 Parking Design Vehicle (PDV) for KSA (Qatar MOTC, 2021-adjusted) ........................ 63
Figure 4-2 Turning Characteristics of a Typical Tractor–Semitrailer (AASHTO, 2018) ................ 65
Figure 4-3 Minimum Dimensions of Parallel Parking Space in Residential and Commercial
Areas (MoMRA, 2019).......................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 4-4 Minimum Dimensions of Parallel Parking Space in Industrial Areas (MoMRA, 2019)
...................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 4-5 Dimensions of Angled or Perpendicular Parking Space (MoMRA, 2019) .................. 68

SHC 303 V
Figure 4-6 Bicycle Parking Space Requirements (FGSV, 2012). ........................................................... 69
Figure 4-7 Minimum Street Width for Adding Parking Lanes (MoMRA, 2019) ............................. 71
Figure 4-8 Minimum Distance of Parking Spaces from A) Signalized Intersections B) Non-
Signalized Intersections (MoMRA, 2019) ..................................................................................................... 72
Figure 4-9 Parallel Parking Stalls at A) Signalized Intersections B) Non-Signalized Intersections
(MoMRA, 2019) ...................................................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 4-10 Parallel Parking at the Area of Secondary Roads (MoMRA, 2019)............................. 74
Figure 4-11 Minimum Distance of Angled Parking Stalls from Pedestrian Crossing/Stopping
Line at Intersections (MoMRA, 2019) ............................................................................................................ 75
Figure 4-12 Minimum Dimensions for 30 ° Angled Parking Stalls for One-Way Roadway
(MoMRA, 2019) ...................................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 4-13 Minimum Dimensions for 30 ° Angled Parking Stalls for Two-Way Roadway
(MoMRA, 2019) ...................................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 4-14 Minimum Dimensions for 45 ° Angled Parking Stalls for One-Way Roadway
(MoMRA, 2019) ...................................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 4-15 Minimum Dimensions for 45 ° Angled Parking Stalls for Two-Way Roadway
(MoMRA, 2019) ...................................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 4-16 Minimum Dimensions for 60 ° Angled Parking Stalls for One-Way Roadway
(MoMRA, 2019) ...................................................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 4-17 Minimum Dimensions for 60 ° Angled Parking Stalls for Two-Way Roadway
(MoMRA, 2019) ...................................................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 4-18 Minimum Dimensions for 90 ° Angled Parking Stalls for One-Way Roadway
(MoMRA, 2019) ...................................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 4-19 Minimum Dimensions for 90 ° Angled Parking Stalls for Two-Way Roadway
(MoMRA, 2019) ...................................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 4-20 Separating Platforms in Setback Area (MoMRA, 2019) .................................................. 81
Figure 4-21 Parking Stalls in Setback Area without Separating Platforms and with Maneuvering
Lane (MoMRA, 2019) ........................................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 4-22 Example of Motorcycle Parking Areas (Qatar MOTC, 2021)......................................... 82
Figure 4-23 Typical Bicycle Parking Layout on the Sidewalk (Qatar MOTC, 2021) ...................... 83
Figure 4-24 Minimum Space and Aisle Dimensions of Surface Parking per Parking Angle for
One-Way Traffic (Qatar MOTC, 2021) ........................................................................................................... 86
Figure 4-25 Surface Parking Facility Internal Circulation (FGSV, 2012-adjusted) ......................... 87
Figure 4-26 HGVs/Buses Minimum Off-Street Parking Dimensions and Aisle Widths (Qatar
MOTC, 2021) ........................................................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 4-27 Angled (45 o) Parking Layout for WB-20 Design Vehicle in Rest Areas (Qatar MOTC,
2021) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 90

VI SHC 303
Figure 4-28 Parallel Parking Layout for WB-20 Design Vehicle in Rest Areas (Qatar MOTC, 2021)
...................................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 4-29 Parking Layout for City Transit Bus Design Vehicle in Rest Areas (Qatar MOTC,
2021) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 4-30 Vertical Bicycle Parking Rack (FGSV, 2012) ......................................................................... 92
Figure 4-31 Ramp Systems (FGSV, 2012) ..................................................................................................... 95
Figure 4-32 Semi-Ramp with Dual-Way Directional Traffic as Left-Hand Traffic (FGSV, 2012-
adjusted) ................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 4-33 Tangent Ramp Design with Grade >15 % (MoMRA, 2019) .......................................... 97
Figure 4-34 Typical Dimensions of One-Way and Dual-Way Tangent Ramps (Qatar MOTC,
2021) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 98
Figure 4-35 Typical Dimensions of One-Way and Dual-Way Curved/Helical Ramps (Qatar
MOTC, 2021) ........................................................................................................................................................... 98
Figure 4-36 Lateral Displacement Automated Parking Systems (FGSV, 2012) ............................ 100
Figure 4-37 Vertical Displacement Automated Parking Systems (FGSV, 2012) .......................... 100
Figure 4-38 Inadequate Entry Throat Length (Qatar MOTC, 2021).................................................. 103
Figure 4-39 Driveway Throat Length (Qatar MOTC, 2021).................................................................. 103
Figure 4-40 Minimum Dimensions of Entrances and Exits of Surface Parking Facilities (MoMRA,
2019) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 104
Figure 4-41 Visibility Requirement of Vehicle Exiting the Parking Facility (MoMRA, 2019) ... 105
Figure 4-42 Parking Entrances and Exits Location in relation to Surrounding Roads (MoMRA,
2019) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 106
Figure 4-43 Reserve Space Required for the Rate of Arrival of Cars in Rush Hour (MoMRA,
2019) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 107
Figure 4-44 Off-Street Accessible Parking Layout (Qatar MOTC, 2021) ....................................... 109
Figure 4-45 On-Street 45 o Accessible Parking Layout (Qatar MOTC, 2021) ............................... 109
Figure 4-46 On-Street Perpendicular Accessible Parking Layout (Qatar MOTC, 2021)............ 110
Figure 4-47 On-Street Parallel Accessible Vehicle Parking Stall Layout (Qatar MOTC, 2021)111
Figure 4-48 Example of Open Loading Yard with Side Entry/Exit (FGSV, 2012).......................... 112
Figure 4-49 Ramp Wheel Slip (MoMRA, 2019) ........................................................................................ 114
Figure 4-50 Minimum Wheel Stop Dimensions (MoMRA, 2019) ..................................................... 116
Figure 4-51 Wheel Stop Installations (MoMRA, 2019) .......................................................................... 116
Figure A-1 Schematic Layout of Type A RA Design with Fuel Station and Integrated Commercial
Use (FGSV, 2011) ................................................................................................................................................. 123
Figure A-2 Schematic Layout of Type A RA Design with Fuel Station and Separate Commercial
Use Area (FGSV, 2011)....................................................................................................................................... 124


Figure A-3 Schematic Layout of Type A RA Design with Fuel Station via Separating Island and
Separate Commercial Use Area (FGSV, 2011) .......................................................................................... 125
Figure A-4 Schematic Layout of Type A RA Design with Fuel Station and Integrated Commercial
Use Area at Short Distance from Neighboring Interchange (FGSV, 2011) .................................... 126
Figure A-5 Schematic Layout of Type A RA Design on One Side of Highway with Connection
to Opposite Direction (overpass) (FGSV, 2011) ....................................................................................... 127
Figure A-6 Schematic Layout of Type B RA Design (FGSV, 2011)..................................................... 128
Figure A-7 Schematic Layout of Type B RA Design with Lateral Space Limitation (FGSV, 2011)
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 129
Figure A-8 Schematic Layout of Type B RA Design with Longitudinal Space Limitation or at
Short Distance from Neighboring Interchange (FGSV, 2011) ............................................................ 130
Figure A-9 Schematic Layout of Pedestrian Walkways Design in Type A RA (FGSV, 2011) .... 131
Figure A-10 Schematic Layout of Pedestrian Walkways Design in Type B RA (FGSV, 2011).. 132
Figure A-11 Schematic Layout of Type B Rest Area along a Rural Highway with Grade Separated
Intersections (FGSV, 2011) ............................................................................................................................... 133
Figure A-12 Schematic Layout of Type B Rest Area along a Rural Highway with At Grade
Intersections (FGSV, 2011) ............................................................................................................................... 134
Figure A-13 Schematic Layout of Type C Rest Area (NRA, 2010) ..................................................... 135
Figure A-14 Schematic Layout regarding Entrance/Exit Signing of Type A Rest Area (MoTLS,
2018) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 136
Figure B-1 Schematic Layout of Standard TIS on Divided Highways (Alberta, 2008) ............... 137
Figure B-2 Schematic Layout of Portable or Mobile TIS on Undivided Highways (Alberta, 2008)
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 138


List of Tables
Table 2-1 Mandatory and Optional Facilities per RA Type ...................................................................... 4
Table 2-2 Parking Demand Assessment for Provision (NRA, 2014) ...................................................... 9
Table 2-3 Minimum Parking Provision (NRA, 2014) ................................................................................... 9
Table 2-4 Ramp Acceleration and Deceleration Lengths per RA Type ............................................. 17
Table 4-1 Dimensions (m) for PDV and Other Commonly Used Vehicles (AASHTO, 2018; Qatar
MOTC, 2021) ........................................................................................................................................................... 64
Table 4-2 Bicycle Parking Facility Dimensions (AASHTO, 2012) .......................................................... 83
Table 4-3 Minimum Bicycle Racks (RCJY, 2020) ........................................................................................ 84
Table 4-4 Minimum Parking Stall and Aisle Dimensions of Surface Parking per Parking Angle
(MoMRA, 2019) ...................................................................................................................................................... 85
Table 4-5 Minimum Turning Curves Radii and Widths in Surface Parking Facilities ................... 87
Table 4-6 HGVs/Buses Minimum Off-Street Parking Dimensions and Aisle Widths (Qatar
MOTC, 2021) ........................................................................................................................................................... 88
Table 4-7 Types and Minimum Dimensions of Entry and Exit Ramps in Garage Parking Facilities
(MoMRA, 2019-revised) ...................................................................................................................................... 99
Table 4-8 Automated Parking System Requirements (Qatar MOTC, 2021) .................................. 101
Table 4-9 Number of Accessible Spaces (RCJY, 2020) .......................................................................... 108
Table 4-10 General Design Specifications for Guards (Qatar MOTC, 2021) ................................. 115

SHC 303 IX
1. Introduction
1.1. Summary of Chapters
Volume SHC 303 - Highway Facilities and Utilities Design – Rest Areas, Truck Inspection
Stations, Parking and Garage Facilities is divided into 4 chapters. A brief outline of these
chapters is given below:
Chapter 1. Introduction - This chapter provides an overview of the chapters, the scope of the
volume, and a full list of the standards referenced within the volume.
Chapter 2. Rest Areas - This chapter provides guiding principles and general requirements
for the design and operation of Rest Areas facilities aimed at a safe, secure and operationally
efficient Rest Area network across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) highway system. It covers
design principles that refer to the location, site layout and operation of the Rest Area along a
freeway, divided expressway as well as a rural highway.
Chapter 3. Truck Inspection Stations - This chapter provides guiding principles and general
requirements for the design and operation of Truck Inspection Stations facilities. It outlines
the general guidelines for the main components of the facility, its layout, necessary equipment
and operational procedures in order to contribute to the strict enforcement of legal load limits
as means to reduce weight violations, heavy truck crashes, as well as highway maintenance
and rehabilitation expenditures.
Chapter 4. Parking and Garage Facilities - This chapter provides the guidelines and general
requirements for the design of Parking and Garage Facilities. It provides guidance for the
design of on-street parking, off-street parking, and parking building facilities for passenger
cars, motorcycles, bicycles, HGVs and buses, in order to ensure the uniformity of parking
design in the Kingdom.

1.2. Scope
This volume is to be utilized as a manual for aspects related to the design and
operation/management of both parking and enforcement roadside facilities, namely rest
areas, truck inspection stations and parking and garage facilities.
The present guidelines provide guidance to be used in the project scoping, design, and
construction of a new or the reconstruction/rehabilitation or extension of an existing facility.

1.3. Reference Standards and Codes

Standards and codes for materials and procedures are not applicable for SHC 303.

SHC 303 1
2. Rest Areas
2.1. Introduction
A wide range of roadside facilities provide opportunities for motorists to safely stop, rest and
manage their travel needs. These include rest areas, safety parking areas with no buildings,
scenic overlooks, etc.
A Rest Area (RA) is defined as a roadside area specially designed to host permanent facilities
for road users’ needs such as restrooms, fuel stations, restaurants and other amenities related
to user safety and comfort. Their primary benefits include reduced driver fatigue, improved
safety, security and environmental responsibility and provision of refuge from adverse driving
Rest areas constitute integral parts of the highway system and must be included in a
comprehensive highway network planning and investment process.
The objective of the present section is to lay down the basic principles and design criteria and
standards for a safe, secure and operationally efficient Rest Area network across the freeway,
divided expressway and rural highway system of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
It is desirable that minimum standards be satisfied in order to obtain permission to develop
such facilities.
The standards herein do not substitute other design or construction standards that must be
followed by the developer. For example, the following guidelines of Saudi Highway Code (SHC)
still need to be adhered to:
• Highway Geometric Design - SHC 301 (Highway Geometric Design).
• Hydraulic Design Aspects - SHC 302 (Highway Facilities and Utilities Design –
Hydrology and Hydraulic Design).
• Parking Design Aspects of Chapter 4.
• Highway Lighting Design Aspects - SHC 306 (Highway Facilities and Utilities Design –
Public Utilities, Highway and Street Lighting, Control and Monitoring Devices).
• Pavement Design Aspects - SHC 308 (Pavement Design).
• Environmental Aspects - SHC 701 (Environmental Aspects of Highways).
In addition, the complete study of a Rest Area facility requires the elaboration of other types
of designs and studies such as signing, pavement design, hydraulics, planting, architecture and
landscaping, etc. together with the application of corresponding guidelines, regulations, and

2.1.1. Exception Procedure

The present guidelines are by no means strictly binding and may be adapted in case of duly
justified exceptions.
Designers will be allowed to deviate from the material presented without special permission
from the Roads General Authority (RGA), as long as justification is provided in the
accompanied technical report.

2 SHC 303
2.2. Design Objectives
A Rest Area (RA) project should be considered when:
• An existing RA facility reaches 30 years of age.
• An existing RA’s operation is impacted by congestion caused by significant increases
in traffic volume, including that of Heavy goods vehicles (HGV).
• Security issues warrant the upgrade/reconstruction of an existing RA.
• Inadequate RA spacing has been identified by related study.
• A new highway is under planning/construction.
The design of a Rest Area should meet the following explicit objectives:
• Optimal location in relation to:
o Relative distance between previous and next RA.
o Integration within the context of site area/terrain limitations and activities
• Meeting parking demand of highway users as well as need for sanitary and other
• Provision of high-quality services in terms of accommodation, recreation, safety and
security for highway users.
• Safe movement of highway users after long and high-speed travel journeys.
• Easy and uninterrupted traffic flow of pedestrians and vehicles.
• Unimpeded movement of people with disabilities.
• Cargo security.
• Minimum environmental impact.
• Acceptable construction, operation and maintenance costs.

2.3. Design Stages

The design of a Rest Area may follow the following steps:
1. Identification of needs.
2. Conceptual design, including site selection/positioning for new RAs and overall
development plan for a new or an extension of an existing RA (typically at a 1:2,000 or
1:1,000 scale).
3. Preliminary design.
4. Detailed (Final) design.
The design of a RA should also be subject to a Road Safety Audit.

2.4. Rest Area Classification and Facilities Provision

Rest Areas (RA) are typically distinguished into the following three types:
• Type A: Rest Areas located on freeways and divided expressways, providing a wide
range of facilities supporting all users (passenger cars, HGVs, recreational vehicles, etc.).
These are typically large RAs designed to cater for longer rest periods, providing a
surfaced parking area together with varying types of commercial uses, such as fuel
station, restaurants/ food outlets, prayer facilities, shops, etc.

SHC 303 3
• Type B: Rest Areas located on freeways and divided expressways (between Type A
ones) or rural highways, providing an appropriate number of parking spaces with
facilities intended for short to medium term rest period for all users. These are
considerably smaller in size, without commercial uses, providing at minimum, a parking
area and a restrooms building.
• Type C: Rest Areas located typically on undivided rural highways providing an
adequate number of parking spaces and minimal facilities, at which motorists can stop
away from the highway in order to rest. In exceptional cases, Type C Rest Areas may
be located on divided highways too.
Rest Areas by default accommodate both passenger cars and heavy vehicles. Each Rest Area
is different, and therefore the level of facilities to be provided should be ascertained as
appropriate for each individual site. Nonetheless, Table 2-1 summarizes the mandatory
minimum and optional facilities for each RA type.

Table 2-1 Mandatory and Optional Facilities per RA Type

Type A Type B Type C


Separation from
roadway: at grade or
grade separated YES OPTIONAL NO
traffic connection to
the highway

Entry, exit ramps YES YES YES

Internal circulation
roadways with or
without parking

Separation for vehicle


Separation for long-

term/short-term stay

Raised or painted
islands within RA YES OPTIONAL NO
parking area

Pedestrian walkways YES YES OPTIONAL

Commercial Facilities

Fuel provision YES NO NO

4 SHC 303
Type A Type B Type C

Restaurants and

Hotels with auxiliary


Other Facilities & Provisions

Restrooms YES YES NO

Ablution areas YES NO NO

Drinking water YES OPTIONAL NO

Prayer facilities YES OPTIONAL NO

Natural shade (trees)

where possible

Constructed shelters
(for protection from YES OPTIONAL OPTIONAL
sun, sand, wind)


Waste bins YES YES YES

Utilities (water,
sewerage, electricity,

Other: information
point, highway police
patrol, roadside OPTIONAL NO NO
assistance, roadway
maintenance, etc.

Lighting YES YES NO


Electric vehicle

Engineering Design judgment may expand and supplement the contents of Table 2-1.
The following sections provide guidelines for all three types of RA facilities. Typical RA layouts
are provided in Appendix A.

SHC 303 5
2.5. Rest Areas Design Features
Rest Areas of Type A located on freeways and/or divided expressways are more integrated
compared to those of Type B. Their size may vary between 2,000 - 10,000 m2, depending on
the freeway traffic and projected RA development. For a 40,000 - 60,000 m2 site, not more than
20,000 - 40,000 m2 may normally be developed.
Figure 2-1 depicts the different features of a typical Rest Area of Type A classification.

NOTE: Typical drawings for RA B and C are added in Appendix A.

Figure 2-1 Site Configuration of a Typical Type A Rest Area (FGSV, 2011)

The dimensioning of Type B and Type C RAs based on their respective traffic volumes depends
on the available information for each segment of the highway.

2.5.1. Commercial Uses and Facilities

The development of commercial uses and facilities of a Type A-RAs will depend on the
business plan of the project owner (whether public or private entity). In the case of a new RA,
its design would necessarily be based on development and operation forecasts obtained from
past experience of similar developments.
In general, commercial uses and facilities should be provided in accordance with the guidelines
outlined in Table 2-1, for each respective RA type.

2.5.2. Identification of Needs

A number of general criteria can be used to assess existing and/or new RAs in terms of present
and forecasted user needs.
The defining criteria for determining the need for RA facilities are the necessary distances
between consecutive RAs and the number of parking spaces offered (e.g., parking capacity).

6 SHC 303 Evaluation of existing rest areas
The following general criteria should be used to assess existing RAs:
• RA Level of use: Assessment of (a) demand for RA area services at a given location
and (b) the extent to which existing facilities accommodate demand.
• Route characteristics: Analysis of key characteristics of the route on which the RA is
located including AADT levels, expected growth in AADT, percentage of commercial
vehicles, urban/suburban or rural region, etc.
• Spacing/distance to the next RA: Identification of distance/driving time to the next
• Alternative stopping opportunities: Number and frequency of neighboring stopping
opportunities (i.e., gas stations, truck stops, restaurants, malls/retail outlets, etc.) that
may render the need for an additional RA redundant.
• Urban/rural location: RA of 20 - 30 years old located in previously underdeveloped
areas that have experienced considerable growth may offer now alternative stopping
• Design life: The operation of RAs having surpassed their design life should be subject
to evaluation by the concerned entity (e.g., Roads General Authority-RGA). Spacing
The distances between consecutive RAs (spacing) should be standardized based on the relative
freeway/highway user needs and that of road safety.
A standard distance between RAs of Type A ranges between 50 - 60 km. In cases of
predominantly regional traffic flows coupled with low long-distance traffic volumes or
seasonal peaks, the above distance may be increased up to 80 km. In any case, the spacing
should not allow for more than one hour of driving time between two consecutive facilities.
Between large Type A RAs, smaller Type B Rest Areas may be created with a typical density of
15 - 20 km or every 25 km (approx.), in the case of short-distance regional traffic and seasonal
long-distance traffic, as depicted in Figure 2-2.

SHC 303 7
Figure 2-2 Site Spacing for Type A and Type B Rest Areas (FGSV, 2011)

The above standard distances should not be exceeded to a high degree in cases whereby RA
sites are developed adjacent to interchange entry-exit ramps.
Operational and road safety requirements may necessitate the installation of Rest Areas of
Type B and Type C also along rural highways in regular distances between them. These are
mainly necessary when their existing or planned length along a non-built-up context exceeds
40 km. Notably, Rest Areas of all types may also serve as sand storm refuges.
At the time of final project implementation, the RGA should indicate and finalize the number,
type, and approximate location of Rest Areas. Land and right-of-way acquisition

The positioning of Rest Areas sites should be considered during the initial studies for highway
location and right-of-way acquisition. These studies will identify the lands required for initial
development, buffer strips and future expansion. Any land should be acquired within the
highway right-of-way. Parking capacity

Parking capacity and related dimensioning of the traffic facilities of a Rest Area should be
established on the basis of the forecasted parking demand for passenger and heavy goods
Parking demand depends on external factors, which are intrinsically related to the location and
site characteristics of the facility (type, distance to national border, distance to large city,
distance to next interchange, distance from previous Rest Area, daily traffic on major roadway,
etc.), as well as internal factors, such as the architecture and usage of the RA itself.
For Type A, provision should be made during the site development for future expansion of
parking facilities, should demand arises. The additional number of parking spaces required will

8 SHC 303
be determined by the related parking demand analysis. As a typical rule, this should be taken
as a percentage of forecasted one-way annual average daily traffic, for a period of 15 years
after the opening of the Rest Area. The related percentages are presented in Table 2-2 for each
vehicle category.
Regardless of the demand assessment for parking provision, the minimum number of parking
spaces for each vehicle category is listed in Table 2-3.

Table 2-2 Parking Demand Assessment for Provision (NRA, 2014)

Vehicle Type Percent of Mainline One Way Annual Average Daily Traffic

Passenger Cars 0.40

HGVs 0.80

Buses 0.02

Table 2-3 Minimum Parking Provision (NRA, 2014)

Vehicle Type Minimum Number of Parking Spaces to be Provided

Passenger Cars 40

HGVs 10

Buses 3

With regard to Type B Rest Areas, these should in general not provide for more than 30 parking
spaces for passenger cars and 50 parking spaces for HGVs due to special needs for utilities.
Type C Rest Areas should in general not provide for more than 25 parking spaces for passenger
cars or 10 parking spaces for HGVs due to special needs for utilities.

2.5.3. Site Selection and Positioning General Type A
The appropriate site selection and positioning of RAs has a positive impact on the traffic safety
of freeways and divided expressways. In light of the above-mentioned standard distances
between consecutive RAs, a suitable site for the RA location should normally be sought along
freeway and/or divided expressways sections of up to 10 km length between interchanges.
The main criterion should be the optimal location sought based on the estimated parking

SHC 303 9
In addition, locations should account for the needs of both short- and long-stay traffic.
On such divided highways, Rest Areas should be duplicated to allow motorists travelling in
either direction access to a rest opportunity. As a general rule, Rest Areas should be located in
opposite positions across the freeways and divided expressways, or staggered for operational
and economic purposes.
A large RA on one side of the freeway and/or divided expressway serving both traffic directions
and accessed via an interchange (overpass or underpass) may be created in the absence of a
location for two opposite Rest Areas due to topographical and environmental constraints, or
unfavorable economic conditions (in terms of duplicating required facilities).
In the case of prohibitive or unfeasible creation of entry-exit ramps to the opposite freeway
stream, Rest Areas may be alternately arranged on the opposite sides of the freeway, where
The location of other available public or private facilities offering potential stopping
opportunities should also be considered. Type B
For rural highways, a suitable site for the RA location should normally be sought along sections
of up to 5 km length between interchanges. The main criterion should be the optimal location
sought based on the estimated parking demand. The effort should be to install non-
commercial Rest Areas also on opposite sides of the highway to the extent possible.
Duplication of sites should be necessary in cases of difficulty in crossing into a Rest Area or
whereby vehicle movements across a highway would interfere with through traffic raising
safety concerns. In such cases, safety treatments such as protected left turn lanes on the
roadway itself can be avoided. If local conditions do not allow opposite Rest Areas, then the
RA installed in the direction of travel should be placed ahead of the RA in the opposing traffic
to avoid dangerous left-turn maneuvers (see also Figure 2-5 in next section). Type C
For rural undivided highways, a suitable site for the RA location should normally be sought
along sections of up to 5 km length between intersections. The main criterion should be the
optimal location sought based on the estimated parking demand.
The facilities shall be duplicated along the highway in order to avoid undesirable vehicle
crossing. Operational criteria

The positioning of the Rest Areas should take into account the fulfillment of the following
• Attractive location (scenic quality) and configuration.
• Easy and safe access to- and egress from main freeway network.
• Topography and available right-of-way, adequate and suitable for all Rest Areas

10 SHC 303
• Timely recognition and assessment of the RA benefits from the highway.
• Location away from industrial uses, producing noise, odors and dust.
• Location away from high voltage power lines.
• Location away from wind turbines.
• Potential for future expansion (availability of land).
• Projected annual average daily traffic 15 years after year of RA opening.
• Projected percent of heavy goods vehicles.
• Possibility of pedestrian access to RA commercial facilities (Type A) by non-
freeway/divided expressway users, with appropriate configuration of a separate car
park that makes use of the local road network for access, while at the same time
blocking entry/exit of vehicles to the remaining RA site and the freeway/divided
expressway. Traffic criteria

From a traffic safety perspective, the Rest Area should be developed in locations that meet
freeway, divided expressway and rural highway entry and exit criteria with the necessary
acceleration and deceleration lane lengths, while their distances from adjacent interchanges
enable the required information signage to be installed (Figure 2-3).
In order to respect the standard distance between entries/exits of Rest Areas and
freeways/divided expressways/rural highways interchange ramps located at short distances, a
configuration involving a reduced spacing between the RAs’ entry/exit ramps should be
explored as per what is shown in Appendix A.
At distances below the standard, two information signs may be exceptionally installed.
In cases of distances below the minimum specified in Figure 2-3, Rest Areas and interchanges
should be treated as a complex traffic system, whereby distributor roads traversing the site
and the interchanges should be avoided. Instead, a weaving lane of sufficient length along
the main freeway or divided expressway pavement and between the interchange and the
Rest Area should be preferred.

SHC 303 11
NOTE: Color of signs corresponds to divided expressways.

Figure 2-3 Standard and Minimum Distances between Type A Rest Areas and Freeway Interchanges (FGSV, 2011)

Regarding rural highways, the minimum distance between a Rest Area and an intersection
should be such that the necessary way-finding signing for the upcoming facility can be
installed without compromising the corresponding rules. Figure 2-4 demonstrates the typical
case of minimum distance between a Rest Area and an intersection.

Figure 2-4 Minimum Distances between Type B Rest Areas and Intersections along Highways (FGSV, 2011)

12 SHC 303 Unauthorized truck parking
Unauthorized truck parking along freeway and divided expressway routes indicates the
potential need for additional parking supply for a particular area (other reasons could include
desire for privacy, more convenient parking locations, etc.).
Unauthorized truck parking locations and magnitude along KSA routes that could potentially
benefit from new RA facilities may be identified by interviewing highway patrol police officers
with responsibility for patrolling the freeway network and by reviewing satellite imagery of the
related route segments. Environmental impact assessment

An environmental impact assessment study constitutes an integral part of a RA design. The
following should be considered:
• Impact on the environment such as air, noise, visual intrusion, and land issues.
• Impact on natural resources such as endangered species, sites of special interest,
historic properties, etc. Financial criteria

Financial criteria to be taken into account in the site selection are the following:
• Avoidance of areas with large embankments and trenches.
• No excessive earthworks, few technical works and no major requirements in relocations
of other infrastructure (network pipelines, etc.).
• Access to low-cost utilities (water, electricity, gas, wastewater and disposal).

2.5.4. Layout Design General
The general design of a Rest Area refers to criteria for determining the location and
configuration of its individual components and related traffic circulation. The location and
general layout of a RA is initially defined at the conceptual design stage and further analyzed
at the preliminary design stage of a freeway/divided expressway. A different approach for Type
A and Type B or C RAs may be adopted.
The final design of a Rest Area will be defined by local conditions and the highway route on
which it is placed. There is no single ‘template’ design for Rest Areas; however, a number of
common features are outlined in the present guidelines.
In general:
• Site should be accessible to all.
• All travel paths should be checked by applying a design vehicle swept path analysis.
• Safety of movement should be ensured within the site minimizing potential conflicts
between vehicles and pedestrians.

SHC 303 13
• Scenic, environmental and cultural features of the location and surrounding area
should be preserved and balanced against mobility, safety, energy conservation and
economic design requirements.
• Sound protection measures should be installed along the roadside separating island
to meet the need of HGV drivers to rest. Type A
The General Design of a large Rest Area is difficult to standardize and should typically be
adapted to local conditions and constraints such as type of planned or existing commercial
uses, architectural design and construction alternatives for buildings, terrain constraints, etc. Layout of individual uses

Commercial uses
The three main operating elements of a Type A Rest Area are typically built around the
sequence ‘fuel provision-parking-rest/leisure’. Fuel stations should normally, therefore, be
located at the entrance area the facility.
Restaurants should not be located along the through vehicles passage or in general along Rest
Areas’ secondary vehicles passages on which vehicles are moving relatively fast. Pedestrian
access should be provided from the restaurant areas to the surrounding RA site.
Hotels (if available) may be situated in locations with the minimum noise pollution possible,
and efficient access from/to both traffic directions of the freeway and/or divided expressway.
The configuration of a facility, whereby food outlets and fuel stations share a combined space,
should be determined by the location of the fuel station.

Parking areas
Adequate parking should be provided within the Rest Area facilities. Parking spaces for
motorcycles, passenger cars, HGVs of all types, vehicles with trailers, recreational vehicles and
buses should be provided at each Rest Area. Parking spaces for very large and heavy goods
vehicles may also be provided on a case-by-case basis in large RAs.
Parking spaces for passenger cars should be arranged in such a way that restaurants/food
outlets are easily accessible via pedestrian walkways. There is no such need for passenger cars
with trailers and recreational vehicles.
Bus parking spaces should be located near the restaurants/food outlets to avoid their
passengers’ conflict with RA internal traffic. This also applies to a mixed use of parking facilities
by bus and vehicles with trailers.
For very large heavy goods vehicles, parking spaces should preferably be arranged along the
longitudinal direction of the main RA vehicle passage via an adjacent parking lane.
In cases of geomorphological constraints (i.e., steep grades), parking areas should be
developed as grade separated facilities.

14 SHC 303
Recreational areas
Recreational areas should be located in close proximity to the restaurant areas and parking
spaces of passenger cars and buses on the opposite side of the traffic and within the Rest
Area’s outer limit. Where this is not feasible, a location within the area designated for traffic
should be selected.
On certain Rest Areas, a grassed picnic area may be designated to the rear of the site away
from the main vehicle passage. Where possible, an area of at least 150 m2 should be provided.

Other facilities and infrastructure

All other facilities, such as sewage treatment, highway patrol police and maintenance stations,
etc. should be located at the outer ends of the Rest Area site, in a way that they don’t impact
negatively upon traffic movements and RA operation, while also not hindering the potential
for future expansion.
In cases of RA use by maintenance stations, the station location should not create
opposite/conflicting traffic movements; this case should otherwise be taken into account in a
timely manner in the general design phase.
Special areas should be made available for catering vehicles and staff parking (separate from
customer use). Traffic flow

In order to ensure high standard traffic conditions and road safety for RA users, all RA internal
circulation roadways should be one-way. An exception to this rule may be made in special
cases and uses (e.g., for maintenance stations), when related design plans lead to costly
The criteria for the traffic flow configuration are:
• Segregated parking areas for passenger cars and heavy goods vehicles.
• Vehicles using the RA only for the purpose of refueling should have access to the
freeway and divided expressway from the fuel station via the shortest route.
• All vehicles refueled should be able to access the parking spaces provided for them.
• All RA vehicle passages with parking spaces for passenger cars, passenger cars with
trailers and buses should not be used by through traffic.
• All RA vehicle passages with HGV parking stalls that exit from left should be excluded
for through vehicle traffic due to poor visibility to traffic on driver’s right side.
• Avoidance of incorrect choice of parking spaces and direction of movement.
• Facilitation of traffic movements of very large and particularly heavy vehicles.
• Facilitation of freeway and divided expressway operation and maintenance staff in the
efficient and safe execution of their regular operations.
Relevant RA configurations of Type A classification are provided in Appendix A.

SHC 303 15 Separation of vehicles
In order to reduce safety risks, vehicles should be separated in accordance with their type. In
this respect, motorists shall be separated from heavy goods vehicles where possible,
particularly in Rest Areas handling high volumes. Special attention should be paid to areas
with potential VRUs-HGVs conflict.
Heavy vehicles carrying livestock and refrigerated vehicles can cause disturbance to other
drivers, and where possible should be accommodated in separate parking areas to minimize
noise impact.
Commercial vehicles carrying hazardous goods should preferably not be accommodated at
the same RA as other heavy vehicles. Type B
Standard configurations should be preferred for Type B Rest Areas. The general design should
provide for the use of layouts adapted to local conditions, as deemed appropriate. It may
follow the same basic principles as for Type A RAs in terms of parking spaces, recreational
areas, traffic flows and, where necessary, other distinct infrastructure.
The restroom building should be centrally located so that it is accessible from the parking area
in the easiest and shortest way. Seating should be at a reasonable distance.
Depending on the choice of location of the restroom building (edge or interior of the RA), its
building type and related access should be determined at the general design stage.
Appendix A provides relevant layouts of Type B Rest Areas for different cases and local
conditions in accordance with the above requirements. Type C
Standard configurations should also be preferred for Type C Rest Areas. The general design
should provide for the use of layouts adapted to local conditions, as deemed appropriate.
Appendix A provides a relevant layout of Type C Rest Area.

2.5.5. Design of Traffic Areas and Facilities General
The design of the traffic areas and facilities should take place at the preliminary design stage,
where applicable. These constitute vehicle passages and aisles, intersections, pedestrian
walkways, parking spaces and necessary separating elements.
Rest Areas should be designed on the basis of the maximum permissible vehicle dimensions.
For individual areas of the facility, the design vehicle is the one with the largest dimensions
expected to make use of the area.
In case of high parking demand for heavy goods vehicles during night hours, part of the
passenger cars parking area may be adjusted to be also used by HGVs (mixed use).

16 SHC 303 Vehicle passages and aisles design Geometric design
The geometric design of a Rest Area should also ensure the unimpeded movement of highway
operation and maintenance staff’s vehicles as well as of those for waste collection.
For safety reasons, a tangential design of vehicle passages/aisles alignments should be
preferred for cases where parking spaces are included.
In vehicle passages and aisles with visibility restrictions along curved sections with angled
parking spaces, there may be a need for an intermediate safety lane between the parking
spaces and vehicle passages/aisles to mitigate the risks for vehicles exiting the spaces (Figure
The maximum value of the longitudinal grades should not exceed 5.0 % and, in frequently
used vehicle passages/aisles, the value of 4.0 %. The standard value of superelevation is 2.0 %.
In every case, their combined grade should not exceed 5.5 %.
The length of sag and crest curves of vehicle passages’/aisles’ vertical design should be at least
10.0 m in order to avoid visual distortions.
In vehicle passages or aisles with curbs on both sides, their longitudinal and superelevation
grades should be coordinated in a way as to avoid areas of poor drainage on the roadside. In
such cases, the roadside (paved edge line) grade should be not less than 0.5 %. Otherwise, it
will be necessary to install specific hydraulic features for surface drainage.
The connection of Rest Areas to the highway should be realized with appropriate entry and
exit ramps. Table 2-4 outlines the relevant acceleration and deceleration lengths per Rest Areas

Table 2-4 Ramp Acceleration and Deceleration Lengths per RA Type

Type A Type B Type C

Ramp Acceleration/Deceleration
250 m 150 m 110 m

NOTE: For Type B located on freeways and divided expressways, the length of 250 m applies. Details on tapered
acceleration and deceleration lanes are provided in Section 11.5 of SHC 301 (Highway Geometric Design). Cross sections

Standard values for vehicle passages and aisles widths should be used depending on the
vehicles entering or exiting the parking spaces, provided that no special requirements are laid
down for certain vehicles by freeway operation and maintenance staff (e.g., requiring different
Detailed information regarding typical vehicle passages and aisles widths per vehicle type, for
various angles is provided in Chapter 4.

SHC 303 17
On vehicle passages or aisles where only one side is intended for parking, a uniform width
should be chosen for construction or future extension purposes. In areas with curved vehicle
passages and aisles, the need for widening the respective curvature should be examined.
In the case of mixed use of parking spaces by both passenger and HGVs, necessary
adjustments should be made.
In order to ensure the visibility of the Rest Areas for high-speed traffic entering from the
freeway or divided expressway, no obstructing objects should be placed on the lateral area of
the entry ramp.
Taking into account the steering paths of buses and tractor semi-trailers when entering an
angled single side parking space, a safety margin of 1.0 m width should all be provided on the
opposite side of the vehicle passage or aisle. This area should not be occupied by any type of
obstacle including signing. In case of parking spaces on both sides of the vehicle passage or
aisle, an intermediate lane of 1.0 m minimum width may be provided. This lane should be
identified by users as a surface on which no parking takes place. Figure 2-5 shows an
intermediate safety lane in the case of two-sided parking spaces for passenger cars and buses,
respectively. However, the necessity for designing this 1.0 m intermediate lane is subject to
the aisle width; for this reason, a swept path analysis shall be required.

Figure 2-5 Example of Intermediate Lane Configuration (FGSV, 2011)

For very large and heavy vehicles, the need to widen the lateral safety clearance on curved
areas of the vehicle passage or aisle should be considered. In any case, exact dimensions
should be the result of a design vehicle swept path analysis.
Vehicle passages or aisles without side parking spaces, pedestrian walkways or paved surfaces
should be drained via the relevant grade and superelevation to the adjacent green areas. Curbs
with gutters should be provided only where required in cases of side pedestrian walkways or
surface drainage necessity.
In order to avoid the damage of curbs by crossing vehicles, traversable curbs should be used
with either (a) concrete on their rear side and an intermediate strip of appropriate material for
pedestrian sidewalks (Figure 2-6) or (b) reinforced concrete, if adjacent surfaces are not paved.
Entry and exit ramps configurations and that of the underpasses/overpasses, in the case of a
RA positioned on one side of the freeway, should be based on the principles of vehicle
dynamics as transitional road sections from the freeway to the RA. RA vehicle passages and

18 SHC 303
aisles should be designed on the basis of the geometric elements of vehicle motion (vehicle
steering paths and maneuvers).
Entry and exit connections to/from the RA should be designed on plan view and longitudinal
profile drawings based on interchange ramps designed for a design speed of 50 km/h. In the
cases of Rest Areas not arranged parallel to the freeway, the required steeper curvature of
entry and exit ramps should be designed with a 40 km/h design speed.
Depending on the geometric configuration, longitudinal grade, sight distance and criteria for
informational signing, RA entry/exit ramps should be of sufficient length and not less than 70
m. Achieving an adequate length for entry/exit ramps normally requires the use of a reverse
Entry and exit connections to/from one-side RA through overpasses/underpasses should be
designed in plan view and longitudinal profile drawings, as interchange ramps.
Entry and exit connections should be designed in a way that does not result in queuing on the
main highway. Any plans should be subject to a Traffic Impact Study.
In order to facilitate the HGVs, an additional criterion concerns the tangential design of the
vehicle passage or aisle alignment to the highest degree possible. In addition, for a RA used
also by heavy goods vehicles, entries and exits should be designed to a standard suitable for
the largest combination vehicle utilizing the route.
Regarding the inner paved edge line area of vehicle passages/aisles, the control horizontal
radii values are:
• Rmin= 17.50 m for vehicle passages/aisles to be used by HGVs or vehicles with trailers
and in cases of restricted space of up to Rmin= 15.0 m.
• Rmin= 7.50 m for vehicle passages/aisles to be used exclusively by passenger cars and
in cases of restricted space of up to Rmin= 6.0 m, if there are no traversable curbs.
In any case, the above dimensions are indicative and should be subject to a design vehicle
swept path analysis.

SHC 303 19
Figure 2-6 Construction Detail with Traversable Curbs at HGV Parking Spaces (FGSV, 2011) Intersections
Intersections are created within Rest Areas by connecting the vehicle passages/aisles to each
To ensure road safety, all intersections should be designed in a way that:
• They are identifiable, comprehensible, visible to their full extent and accessible.
• Vehicle paths’ crossings are avoided.
• One-way traffic is enhanced by appropriate configuration of the Rest Area facilities.
• Wrong turn maneuvers are addressed to the extent possible.

20 SHC 303
The configuration of vehicle passages’ or aisles’ exit areas should be either diverged or skewed
(Figure 2-7). Vehicle passages or aisles exits with segregated passenger and HGV traffic or
traffic directed towards parking areas of the freeway or divided expressway require the design
of diverging branches to facilitate driver orientation. Skewed exits of vehicle passages or aisles
offer the advantage of prohibiting unwanted turns e.g., from passenger cars to the bus parking
The exit angle should normally be designed at 45 degrees.
Vehicle passages or aisles entries within the RA traffic area should be designed by deviating
from the principles of intersection design with a connecting angle normally equal to
approximately 65 degrees (Figure 2-7Figure 2-7 ). The connecting angles should not be
designed at less than approximately 55 degrees. At entry areas of vehicle passages/aisles, the
length of the visibility triangles should be at least 15 m.
The distance between successive entries and exits into RA aisles within the traffic area of a RA
should be of sufficient length to facilitate driver orientation. This distance should not be less
than 20 m, even in cases of restricted space (Figure 2-7).
Roundabouts offer advantages in distributing one-way traffic. However, they require longer
and more tangential entry connections, which cannot be used for parking spaces and limit the
traversability of particularly large and heavy goods vehicles.
For roundabouts, in order for the informational signing to be comprehensive at the exit areas
and also to enable the accommodation of HGVs, their external diameter should be designed
at not less than 50 m long.

Figure 2-7 Distances between Successive RA Internal Aisles Entries and Exits (FGSV, 2011)

SHC 303 21 Pedestrian access
Parking areas, commercial uses, prayer facilities, restrooms and leisure areas should be
interconnected by pedestrian walkways without creating obstacles for pedestrians and people
with disabilities. Pedestrian walkways should be located in a manner to reduce the potential
for vehicle-pedestrian conflicts.
Pedestrian movements through the Rest Area should be facilitated for all ages and abilities.
Barrier free walkways should be provided for access to buildings, prayer facilities, restrooms,
leisure areas, etc. They should be designed for long-term durability and ease of maintenance.
Pedestrian walkways should be designed in accordance with Section 4.8.2 of SHC 301 (Highway
Geometric Design). Examples of pedestrian walkways formation in both Type A, Type B and
Type C Rest Areas are given in Appendix A.
In general, a typical pedestrian walkway width within a Rest Area should be 1.80 m. In areas
with bus parking, as well as in those with high pedestrian traffic, pedestrian walkways should
be designed with a greater width. Next to the parking areas for heavy goods vehicles, an area
of normally 0.75 m length should be included to allow for drivers/passengers to get safely
in/out of vehicles.
Pedestrian walkways next to angled passenger parking spaces should be at least 2.50 m wide;
the additional 0.70 m includes the pedestrian buffer (Figure 2-8Figure 2-8 ).

Figure 2-8 Pedestrian Walkways Adjacent to Passenger Parking Spaces (FGSV, 2011)

22 SHC 303
Pedestrian crossings in vehicle passages/aisles should be laid out along their shortest routes.
Crossings should be positioned at sufficient distances from vehicle passage/aisle entries and
exits in order to ensure road safety. The crossings should always be perpendicular to the
vehicle passage/aisle pavement. The pedestrian crossing facility should be provided with
dropped curbs (Figure 2-9).

Figure 2-9 Pedestrian Crossings (FGSV, 2011)

The longitudinal gradient of pedestrian walkways should not exceed the value of 6.0 % and
the superelevation the value of 2.0 %. Stairs should be avoided along walkways; ramps may be
preferred instead. Their grade should also not exceed 6.0 %. After a length of no more than
6.0 m along a ramp, horizontal platforms of 1.5 m length should be provided.
If stairs cannot be avoided, they should be designed in such a way as to be easily identifiable,
illuminated and adapted to the pedestrian path with a distinct appearance from the
neighboring pedestrian walkways. The use of guardrails should be determined on a case-by-
case basis.
For people with disabilities, access to commercial uses, restrooms, prayer facilities and leisure
areas is designed without stairs in accordance with the relevant access guidelines for disabled
people. Parking areas design

Guidelines for the design of parking areas are provided in Chapter 4.

SHC 303 23 People with disabilities
Type A and Type B Rest Areas should be fully accessible by people with disabilities, and
conform to all related legislation in force in KSA.
Special parking spaces for disabled persons should be provided at a rate of 5 %. The spaces
should bear indicative marking and be located in close proximity to the commercial uses and
restroom buildings.
In wheelchair-accessible parking spaces, adjacent curbs and pedestrian walkways should be
lowered for a sufficient length.
At least one accessible route of travel should be provided from the parking area to each on-
site facility or ancillary service in accordance with the relevant access guidelines for disabled
people. Rest Area vehicle passages/aisles should not be crossed by people in wheelchairs.
It may be necessary to provide parking spaces for disabled people and temporary parking
spaces at fuel stations, if they provide a restroom for the disabled. Special provisions for women

Special provisions for women drivers traveling alone should be made in Type A RAs by means
of designated parking spaces and only during night time, if deemed appropriate.
The spaces should be located in close proximity to the food outlets/restaurants and near their
entrance, while the pedestrian walkway to it should be illuminated and clearly visible.
Otherwise, these should be provided near the fuel station. Around 2 - 4 parking spaces should
be required.
Related signage should be in force only during night hours. Pavement
Traffic circulation and parking areas should be paved with asphalt layers. Concrete (rigid)
pavement should be used for the HGVs parking area, based on pavement design requirements.
Pavement design shall be in accordance with the principles laid out in SHC 308 (Pavement

2.5.6. Buildings and Amenities

All buildings and other structural facilities should be designed on the basis of traffic,
operational and environmental criteria. Fuel provision facilities Types
Fuel stations may boast a side or central arrangement. At fuel stations located on the RA sides,
entry and exit takes place through a single vehicle passage. In such cases, traffic conditions are

24 SHC 303
clear for all RA visitors. This particular arrangement for fuel stations constitutes a standard
solution for Rest Areas.
At centrally-arranged fuel stations, entry/exit for passenger and heavy goods vehicles should
be realized separately through two distinct vehicle passages. Such stations are less attractive
to visitors and require additional guidance to users in terms of accessing the fuel pumps. This
type of fuel stations are generally appropriate in cases of renewing or extending existing RAs
with limited space available, as they require less longitudinal development, if exiting vehicles
from the fuel facility are directed to parking spaces directly behind the station. In this
configuration, provision should be made to avoid traffic conflicts points, which are not clearly
understood and visible. Traffic area

The location of the fuel stations and the configuration of their connection should be designed
in such a way as to avoid wrong through or secondary vehicle passages.
Prior to the entrance of a fuel station, clear and comprehensible vertical signage should be
installed to properly direct the movements of both visitors to the station, as well as other RA
At the entrance of the station and before the fuel pumps area, it is necessary to provide an
area to accommodate waiting vehicles. The length of this storage area and the number of the
available fuel pumps are directly related to each other and should be calculated each time for
the purpose of road safety. During peak hours, it is forbidden to create unsafe queues that
prohibit entry to the Rest Area or the freeway/divided expressway.
A typical layout includes short parallel islands with one pump on each side, whose width should
not be less than 1.2 m.
A sufficiently wide separating island is created between the fuel supply locations of passenger
and heavy goods vehicles, the start of which lies before the pump islands and within the vehicle
storage area (Figure 2-10). The separating island should be appropriately designed in terms of
length to avoid obstructing passenger cars traffic.

SHC 303 25
Figure 2-10 Example of Fuel Station Dimensions with Side-Arrangement (FGSV, 2011) Food outlets Types
Food outlets/restaurants may be constructed in combination with fuel stations (combined
construction) or independently in a separate building (separated construction). These should
be centrally located and easily accessible to all users.
A typical solution for combined structures includes cases with fuel stations located on the side,
since the building is oriented towards the surrounding area offering high quality
accommodation to site visitors (when compared to the traffic-intense area of a central fuel
In especially large Rest Areas, a distinct and separate location should be chosen for food
outlets/restaurants to ensure efficient traffic conditions and also to avoid long pedestrian
walkways. Seating and standing

The number of seats for seated and standing guests of a restaurant/food outlet depends on
the number of parking spaces of passenger cars. The total number of seats may not be less
than 1.2 times the number of parking spaces provided for passenger cars. This number
increases with relation to parking demand from buses. These figures should apply to both new
and existing Rest Areas. Restrooms
Restrooms should be made available to the public at all times. Restrooms should be sanitary
and provide drinking water.
The restrooms and drinking water should be available at no charge or obligation.
Type A and Type B Rest Areas should provide at least:

26 SHC 303
• One restroom (WC cabin) for women per 9 passenger car parking spaces.
• One restroom (WC cabin) for men per 14 passenger car parking spaces.
• One restroom (WC cabin) at least for disabled men and at least one for women.
In Type A Rest Areas, an adequate number of showers and changing rooms should be
All hygiene standards must meet the relevant KSA regulations and laws. Prayer facilities

Prayer facilities should be provided in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in
Type A or Type B Rest Areas. Litter management

Bins – Rubbish bins enclosed with lids are essential facilities in all types of Rest Areas. Other facilities

Other commercial uses in Type A Rest Areas such as shops, kiosks, etc. may be installed on the
land available for commercial use. They should not be installed at the expense of road safety
and internal traffic circulation.
Provision may also be made for hotel accommodation in large RAs, either connected to the
restaurants’ area or in a separate location. For hotels, there should be a provision of 0.7 parking
spaces per room in a separate area in the vicinity of the hotel. A perpendicular arrangement
of parking spaces can be used, allowing two-way traffic, provided there is no risk of entering
the opposing RA traffic lane and aisle.
Specific parking spaces for employees should be provided in sufficient numbers. Depending
on the size of the commercial use, 3 - 5 parking spaces can be provided for the fuel stations
and 5 - 15 parking spaces for the food outlets regardless of their type.
The connection of the RA with the secondary road network may be considered necessary both
for the freeway or divided expressway maintenance and operation staff, servicing the
commercial uses, as well as for public interest (fire brigade, police etc.). Such movement should
take place on specific lanes connecting commercial buildings and other facilities (warehouses,
etc.) and should not be directly connected to the rest of the RAs traffic network, nor should it
traverse parking areas of passenger cars and buses. Appropriate measures should be taken to
safeguard their use from the public.
In addition to the above mentioned provisions, all additional relevant regulations and
legislation governing public interest installations and uses such as fire safety, building
regulations, utilities, etc. will apply to RA facilities.

SHC 303 27
2.5.7. Free Surfaces General
Free surfaces within a Rest Area should be non-paved surfaces within the traffic circulation
area. They should aim at:
• Integration of the RA into the natural environment.
• Recreation in the outdoors.
• Aesthetics.
• Supporting the distribution and separation of traffic.
Free surfaces should have areas with planting and vegetation, piping and lighting, all
appropriately combined. Landscaping
Rest Areas should be aesthetically pleasant to encourage their use. The design of the RA
should complement the surrounding area, implementing local design features and materials
that blend in with the local environment, reducing, thus any visual impact.
The landscaping needs require also careful consideration as to type and location of vegetation,
number of picnic tables, waste bins, etc.
For design guidelines and details on landscaping, refer to Section 2.4 of SHC 307 (Highway
Facilities and Utilities Design – Landscape Planting, Outdoor Advertising).
Measures against noise and visual intrusion should be appropriately included into the overall
design of the Rest Area.
Protective fences should be combined with plantation in order to improve their aesthetic
In the case of a RA site bordering a residential area, a buffer zone of 50 m in between the two
areas should be ensured. Leisure areas and shelter

Leisure areas allow for the rest and movement of the facility’s users.
In addition, an adequate area should be provided to allow highway users to shelter from the
sun. The provision of adequate shade is of particular importance in order to provide drivers
protection on hot days to rest comfortably and safely.
In cases where the local landscape does not provide for adequate natural shading, special
consideration should be given to adequate provision of artificial shade areas such as shelter
For safety reasons, leisure areas should be under continuous surveillance.
Leisure areas in the immediate vicinity of the parking areas should be at least 8 m wide.
Individual seating and benches, relevant to the provision of parking spaces, should be installed
in the shade.

28 SHC 303
Shelter and protection against sand storms may also be considered. Islands
Any type of islands may be planted with trees or any other type of plantation. Figure 2-11, Figure 2-12 and
NOTE: The width of 0.75 m is for allowing drivers/passengers to get safely in and out of vehicle.

Figure 2-13 provide typical examples of such cases.

Figure 2-11 Tree-Planted Separating Island between Adjacent Passenger Parking Spaces (FGSV, 2011)

SHC 303 29
Figure 2-12 Tree-Planted Separating Island between Vehicle Passages/Aisles and Passenger Parking Spaces
(FGSV, 2011)

30 SHC 303
NOTE: The width of 0.75 m is for allowing drivers/passengers to get safely in and out of vehicle.

Figure 2-13 Planting of Trees in Intermediate Islands at HGVs Parking Spaces (FGSV, 2011)

2.5.8. Lighting
Adequate lighting levels are important to enhance safety for pedestrians and motorists and
deter undesirable activities. Lighting of traffic area and vehicle passages/aisles should be
compulsory for Type A Rest Areas and Type B Rest Areas with a number of HGV parking spaces
above 30. Lighting in small RAs below 30 parking spaces for heavy vehicles should be installed
in the immediate area of the restroom building.
Lighting installations should be designed to provide a high standard of illumination using high
efficiency light sources with low maintenance costs, while minimizing night time light pollution,
glare and the amount of fugitive light escaping from the sites. Care should be taken to prevent
inconvenience to properties adjacent to the Rest Area.

SHC 303 31
Lighting in Type A and Type B Rest Areas should begin at the site entry (exit lane gore area)
and end at the exit (entry lane gore area). Traffic surfaces such as vehicle passages, parking
areas and pedestrian walkways should be illuminated. Only walkways within the leisure area
can normally not be lit.
The relevant lighting design should ensure that pedestrian detection is possible at all crossings.
Guidance on the level of lighting required should be obtained from Chapter 5 of SHC 306
(Highway Facilities and Utilities Design – Public Utilities, Highway and Street Lighting, Control
and Monitoring Devices).

2.5.9. Signing and Markings

A combination of advance and on-site signage should be included to assist drivers, typically
as follows:
• Advance signs located at 500 m, 300 m and 200 m ahead of the Rest Area (depending
on the speed limit).
• Additional desirable advance signs to inform about the layout of Rest Areas along the
roadway at a distance of:
o 10 km to the RA, the type of RA is indicated.
o 2 km - type of the RA and distance to another RA is stated.
o 1 km - an approaching RA is indicated.
Internal signage for the safe and efficient movement of vehicles circulating within the site,
including dedicated signage in truck Rest Areas for ‘no parking’ should be included.
Signing and pavement markings at the exit and entrance ramps to the Rest Area should be in
accordance with Sections 3.5 and 4.4.5 of SHC 602 (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Parking spaces should be clearly marked.

2.5.10. Safety and Security

The Rest Area should be monitored against illegal activities taking place and by allowing
incidents to be recorded and managed. A clear incident and emergency reporting process and
system should be put in place that communicates incidents to the relevant authority (e.g., KSA
Regular highway police patrols should be provided by a member of staff/security guards in
Type A Rest Areas.
CCTV should cover the Rest Area main site, entire perimeter, entrances/exits and common
All CCTV Images should be recorded and stored in a way that that they can be made available
to a court of law.
A 2 m high secure fence should line the site’s boundaries against straying animals and any
other potential perpetrator from adjacent properties and/or the freeway.

32 SHC 303
Public access to a Type A Rest Area should only be allowed from the exit and entry ramp from
the freeway (and from dedicated secondary local road network, if applicable). Access for
emergency or maintenance vehicles may be allowed from a local road with the agreement of
the relevant authority. In such cases, security should be provided to prevent unauthorized

2.5.11. Utilities
Availability of water, power systems and sewer disposal system options are critical in each
potential RA site, the proximity of which should be evaluated at the onset prior to site
It is desirable to locate Rest Areas near public systems that can be tapped for the proposed
Sleeves and conduits should be provided for future utilities in accordance with the site master
plan considering a 20-year projected growth.

2.5.12. Environmental Considerations and Sustainability

Wherever possible, Rest Areas should be designed to minimize environmental impacts and
ensure sustainability.
Energy efficiency, water conservation, and low operational costs in building designs should be
sought after.
Particularly in rural and remote areas, the use of composting toilet facilities and solar lighting
should be implemented.
For Rest Areas in the vicinity of sensitive environmental areas, storm water treatment measures
should be incorporated in the facility’s drainage design.

2.5.13. Wi-Fi Access

The provision of Wi-Fi access should be considered, if possible, in Type A Rest Areas.

2.6. Operating Strategy

2.6.1. Operating Times
Rest Areas should be open at all times, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

2.6.2. RGA & Highway Patrol Police Responsibilities

The RGA should identify the need for a Rest Area facility at any site.
The highway patrol police should request the provision of illumination where necessary
together with the respective permanent signage for the facility.

SHC 303 33
2.6.3. Operating Model
A benefit-cost analysis (BCA) should determine the economic feasibility of a Type A Rest Area
facility at the preliminary design stage.
The main RA ownership and operating models are:
• Built and Operated by public funding.
• Built by public funding and Operated by a Private Entity.
• Built and Operated by Private Entity.
In case of budgetary constraints, Public Private Partnerships (PPP) can offer significant strategic
value to the Kingdom by way of expanding the level of Rest Area services while achieving
considerable capital and operating cost savings, and in certain cases, even generating income.
If the government’s priority is to minimize capital and maintenance costs, and expedite project
implementation, but not necessarily maintain control of the RA use over a long period of time:
• A long-term lease agreement with a private partner may be preferred, who either owns
the land, or would purchase or lease it, and would be responsible for the design and
construction of the RA facility.
If the government’s priority is to control the RA site over the long-term, but not necessarily to
minimize costs or expedite project implementation, then it may:
• Acquire the site, and subsequently implement a procurement process for a long term
lease agreement with a private partner who would design, develop, operate and
maintain the rest area in accordance with KSA standards.
Any PPP model used shall be aligned with the provisions of the relevant Law governing PPPs
in KSA.

34 SHC 303
3. Truck Inspection Stations
3.1. Introduction
Overweight trucks can be the cause of pavement premature deterioration, mistimed
maintenance and high pavement life cycle cost. They also contribute to greenhouse emissions
and pose a considerable threat to traffic safety. Dramatic increases in maintenance costs have
been observed in areas without effective weight enforcement programs. Vehicle weight is also
an aggravating factor in the traffic crash rate.
Truck inspection and weighing stations are primarily used to check a truck’s weight to ensure
it is not overweight and is compliant with national laws and safety guidelines. These facilities
are necessary to protect the national highway network from overweight vehicles and facilitate
vehicle safety inspection. Their primary goal is to deter commercial vehicle traffic from
operating under conditions that reduce the safety of all types of vehicles, as well as pavement
life cycle and infrastructure fatigue life. The concerned entity (e.g., Roads General Authority)
may also be able to utilize valuable data collected from their operation for highway pavement
design purposes.
A Truck Inspection Station (TIS) is defined as a checkpoint at locations throughout the highway
network used for vehicle and/or operator assessments and can range from a simple widened
shoulder (truck lay-by), to a complex facility that includes, but is not limited to, static weigh
scale sites, Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) scales, buildings, and off-line inspection and storage areas.
The scope of the present guidelines is to outline the general requirements and standards for
the design and operation of a Truck Inspection Station and/or the retrofitting/upgrading of an
existing facility in the national freeway and rural highway network that will contribute to the
strict enforcement of legal load limits as means to reduce weight violations, heavy truck
crashes, as well as highway maintenance and rehabilitation expenditures.
The guidelines provide general standards applicable to all Truck Inspections Stations for the
main components of the facility, its layout, necessary equipment and operational procedures.

3.1.1. Exception Procedure

The present guidelines are by no means strictly binding and may be adapted in case of duly
justified exceptions.
Designers will be allowed to deviate from the material presented without special permission
from the Roads General Authority (RGA), as long as justification is provided in the
accompanied technical report.

3.2. Permanent Facilities

Truck Inspection Stations should constitute permanent truck weighing facilities that boast
permanent scales and may also include buildings and other supplementary configurations.
Commercial vehicles must be in principle required to stop at an operating permanent truck
inspection station facility, if instructed to do so.

SHC 303 35
3.2.1. Functions
The main function of the majority of Truck Inspection Stations is weighing. However, additional
ones may be performed on site as part of an umbrella roadside enforcement program,
including the measurement of vehicle dimensions, safety inspection in terms of checking
whether the vehicle is being operated in accordance with corresponding legislation (i.e.,
dangerous goods, load security and fatigue) and verification of operating authority of the
Other enforcement activities that could potentially be undertaken within the same premises
(e.g., traffic offences) should be conducted by the police, or other authorized officials.
Typical functions should include:
• Weighing of the individual axles, axle groups and the vehicle itself. The measurement
of the spacings between individual axles and axle groups may also be obtained.
• Credentials verification: checking vehicle registration, driver eligibility and authority,
operating authority, insurance coverage, and special cargo requirements such as
hazardous materials transport permits, agricultural permits, and where applicable,
customs clearance or duty.
• Size enforcement encompasses checks to ascertain conformity of vehicle’s dimensions,
namely height, width, and length.
• Safety Assurance aims at the verification of the vehicle’s mechanical condition, driver
qualifications, licensing, and duty hours of service.

3.2.2. Site Location

Truck inspection stations should be located at a limited number of checkpoints along the
highway network in order to optimally utilize available resources and achieve the goals of the
responsible Authority’s enforcement program. The exact location of a TIS should depend on
topography, highway alignment and other geometric parameters.
The principal criterion for selecting locations for permanent stations should be vehicle traffic
volume as well as the type and volume of commercial vehicles using the given route. Moreover,
attention should be paid to both seasonal variations and those of commodity type in the
annual average daily number of commercial vehicles.
Additional considerations (similar to RAs) that should apply in site selection include:
• TIS operation shall not obstruct the operation of the highway or other related highway
features (i.e., intersections and interchanges).
• Sufficient clearance of the TIS site from obstacles or private properties.
• Availability of adequate right-of-way.
• Availability of utilities, such as water, electricity, and waste treatment and disposal.
• Availability of sufficient land available for immediate development as well as for future
expansion of the facility.
• Location away from vertical and horizontal transitions of the highway geometry.
• Location away from drainage facilities.
Location should be selected to eliminate to the extent feasible any options for commercial
vehicle traffic to bypass the station via alternative routes in the vicinity.

36 SHC 303
The spatial relationship of the sites should be selected to minimize the probability of weighing
the same commercial vehicle more than once during a single origin-destination (O-D) trip. The
O-D movements may provide the input for determining the optimal checkpoints. In this
respect, it is recommended that truck patterns are reviewed on an annual basis.
Finally, where TIS sites are located at both sides of the highway to cater for each traffic stream,
they need not be placed directly opposite each other; although the latter may be preferable
to minimize personnel requirements for both facilities. The first one encountered should be
for that direction of travel, to avoid drivers being alerted.

3.2.3. Conceptual Layout of Typical Truck Inspection Station

A standard conceptual layout of a truck inspection station is presented in Figure 3-1 for the
typical case of a divided multi-lane highway servicing heavy commercial traffic volumes in the
range of 2,000 trucks per day per direction.
The TIS should normally consist of two identical setups, on each side of the highway, including
the following main elements:
1. Entry area.
2. Initial screening/interviewing area: area where vehicles are pre-examined prior to
complete inspection.
3. Weighing area: purpose-built area where the weight of commercial vehicles is
measured via use of certified equipment (i.e., scales and weighbridges).
4. Weigh (scale) house: office building for housing monitoring equipment and facilities
for personnel and visitors.
5. Inspection area: area where additional enforcement functions are performed.
6. Storage/parking area: area where vehicles may be held temporarily for further actions
or detention.
7. Commercial vehicle parking zone.
8. Exit area.
9. Bypass lane: included on roads with an AADT greater than 2,500 veh/d and located
closest to the highway.
10. Separation zone: buffer between the TIS site and adjoining traffic lane.

SHC 303 37
NOTE: TI & vehicle conflict areas refer to truck inspection station operators-vehicle conflict areas

Figure 3-1 Typical TIS Layout (Queensland DoT, 2021)

The actual size of a particular TIS should depend on its individual requirements in handling
assigned demand and accommodating planned operations, as well as the site’s unique

3.3. Portable Facilities

Portable truck weighing facilities should have no permanent scales or any type of building
structure, but should operate in the same manner as permanent ones, situated at locations
that do not constitute an impediment to traffic.
Each vehicle axle weight should be measured separately, one following the other.
An operator (usually a qualified police officer) and a driver should move the commercial vehicle
after measuring each axle.
The vehicle being weighed should be parked on a flat surface (no slope).
Desirable features of portable scales include:
• Device handling capacity in accordance with heavy vehicle classification (specified in
Section 4.3 of SHC 308 (Pavement Design)).
• Acceptable time to render the system ready for use, particularly in-between successive
weighing functions.
• High mean time between failures (MTBF) to ensure the device’s long life.
• Accuracy of reading.
• Regular calibration of the device.
• Scale certification per relevant legislative requirements.
The portable scale weighing method is a reliable, albeit time-consuming process. Nevertheless,
it is easy to set-up the portable device; enabling its easy movement across different locations.

38 SHC 303
Portable scale operations may be conducted on a regular basis with a focus on those areas of
the national highway network that have fewer hours of operation of the permanent TIS

3.3.1. Site Location

Minor portable scale sites, as shown in Figure 3-2, may be used for two-lane-two-way traffic
(TLTW) and on multilane highways with low traffic volumes.
Major portable scale sites, as shown in Figure 3-3, may be used on expressways, freeways, and
where traffic volumes are high.

Figure 3-2 Minor Portable Scale Site (WSDOT, 2021)

SHC 303 39
Figure 3-3 Major Portable Scale Site (WSDOT, 2021)

The portable scale should be set up in locations where its operation does not impede the
operation of the highway or other related highway features (i.e., intersections).

3.4. Designing and Planning

The design of a Truck Inspection Station should primarily satisfy the KSA program's
enforcement requirements (national weight, dimension and safety regulations).
The design considerations that should determine the requirements for the site include:
• Space requirements of the functions to be performed including for storage/parking.
• Traffic volume to be attracted.
• Dimensions of the commercial vehicles to be attracted.
• Design life of the facility.

3.4.1. Design Vehicle

The design vehicle for a Truck Inspection Station should be determined in accordance with
Section 3.4.3 of SHC 301 (Highway Geometric Design).
It should be the largest Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) currently permitted and foreseen to travel
on the adjacent national highway.

40 SHC 303
3.4.2. Screening / Interviewing Area
Vehicles may be stopped in a pre-inspection area, where enforcement personnel may briefly
assess vehicle and driver compliance, by conducting a preliminary check of the truck and
interview of the driver. During this preliminary screening step, personnel should not enforce
any non-compliances.
Screening should point out to noticeably overloaded vehicles, which should be directed to the
scales for subsequent formal weighing and/or to the parking area for a detailed mechanical
and driver inspection.
The screening/interviewing area should be located upstream of the weigh scales.

3.4.3. Weighing Area and Equipment Conventional scale / weighbridge
Weighing should be carried out via the use of scales; two main alternatives are available,
namely conventional static scales/weighbridges or portable scales.
Static scales are only able to measure non-moving vehicles or vehicles moving at a very low
speed. In accordance with the facility requirements and relevant standards, weighbridges
should be typically used as applicable to the respective highway type and commercial vehicles
using the highway.
Weighbridges can be classified in a variety of categories, ranging from standard above-ground
weighbridges to semi-pit, fully in-ground or multi-deck weighbridges.
A minimum single-deck 4.5 m (width) x 5 m (length) weighbridge, suitable for weighing axles
in group, should be used, set into a concrete pad (in the center of the weighing area) with a
level approach and departure to accommodate the relevant highway type and commercial
vehicle traffic using the highway. The weighing surface of a pit weighbridge should be in the
same level with the surface of the concrete pad. The surface area of the concrete pad should
be adequate to handle the entire design vehicle during weighing, leaving no part lying outside
it. The leading and trailing concrete pad areas from the weighbridge should be longer to keep
the entire vehicle at level, while weighing axle groups one by one.
The above weighbridge is the standard option and the smallest permitted unit, capable of
performing end-and-end measurement. It can only weigh one axle group, instead of an entire
vehicle at a time and should therefore require a repeat of the weighing steps to complete the
Alternatively, a multi-deck weighbridge can weigh multiple axle groups, or even the entire
vehicle in one single step, reducing the weighing time and increasing accuracy, albeit at a
higher calibration and maintenance cost.
The following general design features should apply:
• Level concrete approach and departure slabs from the scale and in the same plane.
• Hot mix asphalt (HMA) approach platforms only in cases of suitable soil conditions.
• Weighbridge deck perfectly level after installation (0 % superelevation and 0 %
longitudinal slope).

SHC 303 41
• The concrete pad surfaces on both the approach and departure sides of the
weighbridge should be designed with 0.3 % superelevation to allow for drainage and
0.0 % longitudinal gradient.
• For cases of individual axle weights requirements, the static scale should be positioned
at least 8 m from the TIS inspection building to permit viewing of the axle locations in
relation to the scale platform.
• Vehicle weights should also be viewed by drivers, unless this causes long queues.
• Safety treatments should be installed in the area around the weighbridge for the
protection of pedestrians.
• Weighbridge accuracy and display resolution should be better than +/-10 kg and 20
kg, respectively, with full scale range weighing capability of 50 tons per deck, or greater.
• The weighing equipment configuration and dimensions should be capable of handling
the peak hourly design volume at an optimal level of service, and therefore should be
based on the classification distribution derived from a traffic study.
Where a particular TIS is not equipped with a weighbridge, weighing should be performed
using certified portable scales. Weighing area requirements

The weighing area should be located in close proximity to the scale house/inspection building.
A large windowed area allows for a brief visual check of a passing vehicle by TIS personnel to
identify possible safety issues and ensure the correct positioning of the vehicle on the scale.
The following general design requirements should apply:
• Adequate surface tolerance.
• 0.0 % longitudinal gradient.
• Consistent, stable and appropriately shaped superelevation, to ensure accurate
weighing and proper drainage.
• Appropriate pavement structure to withstand expected loads and additional safety
In the absence of a weighbridge device, the minimum length of the weighing area should
constitute the design vehicle length plus additional clearance, to cater for operational and
safety requirements.
If a separate inspection area is not provided, the weighing area may also be used for vehicle
inspections, as well as driver interviewing. In this case, adequate space should be allowed for
other vehicles’ movements without endangering visitors and personnel.

3.4.4. Weigh in Motion (Sorter) Scale

Apart from the conventional built-in scales, the installation of a high-speed mainline Weigh-
in-Motion (WIM) scale to act as sorter is most critical for achieving an acceptable level of
operational capability at the TIS.
In cases of high volumes of truck traffic, inspection stations might lack the necessary capacity
to weigh all incoming vehicles statically. Therefore, trucks that the WIM identifies as near the
allowable weight limits are directed to the static scales, while all other trucks are permitted to

42 SHC 303
bypass the station. Even in the event of TIS closure, weight data can still be collected
continuously by the WIM unit, if deployed on the mainline.
The WIM system should sort trucks prior to entering a TIS, either on the mainline traveling at
highway speeds and/or on off-ramps at reduced speed in accordance with a preset weight
threshold. The system records axle and gross vehicle weights as they pass over a sensor.
The procedure should typically include the following steps (Figure 3-4):
1. As a truck approaches a WIM system at the highway speed, the device obtains
measurements of the truck’s weight, axle load and configuration, as well as its vehicle
type, if capable.
2. Recorded data is processed via related software, whereby it is set against the preset
limit values for axle loads and Gross Vehicle Weights (GVWs).
3. If a truck is found to be potentially overweight, a directional signal will automatically
indicate to the driver to enter the TIS. Otherwise, the truck is left to continue its journey
without stopping. Vehicles that have a transponder may receive a bypass signal.

Figure 3-4 Operating Diagram of a Typical WIM System at Highways (Zhang, et al., 2008)

The trucks directed to enter the station facility should subsequently pass over a second, this
time low-speed WIM sorter, that measures their weight; based on the result, the vehicle will
either be instructed to stay in the station, or exit through an exit ramp.
If WIMs cannot be installed in all travelled lanes, then appropriate signing should be used to
direct truck drivers to move over to the designated WIM lane.
A WIM system’s accuracy depends on the sensor technology, truck characteristics, and driver
behavior, but requires the appropriate site and installation conditions. In general, WIM sensors
should be able to provide consistent results in asphalt pavement under a wide range of
temperature conditions. In selecting the location of a WIM device (mainline or on ramp), the
following features should apply:
• Location should permit sufficient time for communication with the driver.
• Level grade for the approach/exit areas of the scale (to the extent possible) or grades
that deter vehicles from breaking or accelerating when crossing the scale.

SHC 303 43
• Appropriate cross slope or superelevation to avoid disproportionate loading between
the vehicle’s two sides.
• Smooth surface of highways or ramps (approaches for the system should be installed,
if necessary).
The headway between arriving trucks should be taken into account, in terms of an even and
uninterrupted flow over the sorter scale, avoiding also any vehicle queuing forming ahead of
the WIM scale and back onto the highway-exit ramp.
In the case of directional signals or changeable message signs, the spacing should be such so
as to avoid confusion among trucks following closely behind one another.
It is recommended that related informative signage and signaling be complemented by a
driver education program, for information and guidance on how to drive over WIM system
sensors, as well as the implications of avoiding such an enforcement system.
Maintenance requirements of WIM scales in the highway should be minimized for safety
reasons. Maintenance of required site conditions is necessary to ensure accuracy of the device.
The most mature and proven WIM sensor technologies available are bending plates,
piezoelectric sensors (quartz, polymer, and ceramic), and load cells. In selecting category, the
following characteristics should be qualitatively compared: ease of installation, maintenance,
safety, and cost, along with accuracy in determining the technology or technologies that would
be most appropriate for KSA.
In general:
• Both high-speed mainline and low-speed ramp WIMs are screening tools and do not
replace the need for static scales that are necessary for enforcement.
• When WIM is not included, a conduit for its future installation should be provided.
• WIM requirements are site-specific and driven by developments in technology;
designers should keep abreast of evolving technologies to be applied in TIS design.

3.4.5. Weigh (Scale) House

A truck inspection station requires an inspection building to house monitoring equipment and
facilities for personnel and visitors. The building typically named “scale” or “weigh house”
should accommodate the credentials’ verification and other administrative functions of the
The internal arrangement of the building will depend on the functions to be performed within,
the number of employees and visiting truck drivers to be accommodated and service facilities
and amenities provided for the drivers and personnel (rest rooms, snack and drinks vending
machines, etc.). An area for the temporary detainment of violators may also be potentially
The location of the building depends on the ramp design and the various functions performed,
as well as on the available space in the TIS facility site. It should be located:
• At approximately 25 m from the weighing area as measured in the direction of travel
through the site.
• On the side of the driver of the vehicle being weighed, facilitating the inspector-driver

44 SHC 303
• On the right-hand side of the weighbridge at facilities with one scale ramp.
• Between the ramps at facilities with dual static scale ramps.
The main side of the scale house should be placed toward approaching traffic, while an
elevated control room should boast adequate window areas that will offer facility personnel
good visibility along both the main line and the approach ramps into the station. A good
viewing point of the static scales is also necessary via larger viewing areas, at the sides of the
scale house parallel to the truck flow over the scales.
Moreover, remote video monitoring should be included to enhance surveillance. The camera
may be mounted for clear viewing of multiple lanes and the far side of vehicles. Visual
supervision of the entire facility is advisable, either with additional window areas providing
unobstructed view of the site’s storage/parking area and exit ramp to the highway or with the
use of surveillance cameras.
A protective jersey barrier between the scale house and highway against errant vehicles should
be provided.
The scale house building must comply with the requirements of the Saudi Building Code of
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and all relevant codes and standards.

3.4.6. Vehicle Inspection Area

An area for the inspection of vehicle equipment and loads during all hours of operation should
be included. Two types of inspection bays are possible: open pit and flat bay. It is preferable
for inspection areas examining vehicle equipment to be covered, where possible. The covered
inspection area should be constructed with two or more bays (at least one designed without
inspection pits). The number of bays should be determined by the trucks AADT and forecasted
future needs of the facility. An area to permit the turning of trucks for re-weighing should also
be provided.

3.4.7. Vehicle Storage and Parking

Adequate storage and parking should be provided to ensure commercial vehicles do not
impede the main line through traffic. Storage area

Storage is provided between the sorter scale and the weigh area to allow room for trucks
temporarily queuing ahead of the weighbridges.
The design of the movements of trucks exiting and re-entering the weighing area is crucial for
the facility’s overall capacity and efficiency. The vehicles should be allowed to move forward
to the storage / parking area or the TIS exit with minimal interference from other traffic or
lanes (i.e., in the case of multi-lane or multi-stage inspection stations). The same applies to the
vehicles returning to the weigh/inspection lanes from the storage / parking area that will need
to merge with the newly arrived trucks, if no provision is made for separated lanes.

SHC 303 45
The approach to the storage area should be clearly indicated and visible to truck drivers. The
area itself should be designed to accommodate a number of different truck configurations. A
critical factor should be the turning characteristics of larger, multi-unit vehicles.
Hot mix asphalt pavement is acceptable for use on the ramp and storage areas. Its depth
should be designed in accordance with the surfacing report. The storage area should also be
made flat to optimize scale efficiency; to facilitate drainage, the slope may be up to 2.0 %. Parking and detention area

The functions performed at the truck inspection station should dictate the design of the
parking areas. In general, a parking area suitable for at least four compliance vehicles for
Freeway TIS should be provided. For TIS located on highways with lower functional
classification, a parking area for at least two compliance vehicles should be provided.
Larger parking areas may be appropriate in cases of increased driver-facility personnel
interaction, while smaller areas in cases of few trucks required to stop (i.e., cases whereby only
weight and safety enforcement is carried out).
Parking areas should be divided into two sections depending on the duration of parking:
• Short-term parking for drivers of vehicles required to use the building for credential
verification, obtaining permits, adjusting axle spacing to conform to weight limits, etc.
• Long-term parking for drivers of vehicles that need repairs, have been placed out-of-
service or are being impounded. Sections of the long-term parking area can be
dedicated to vehicles with issues related to hazardous material and may also provide
a secure area for impounded vehicles.
To ensure safety and reduce crash risk, the following should apply with regard to the parking
• Space permitting, a flow-through design should be adopted to avoid backing
• Enforcement personnel should be allowed to complete a walk-around vehicle
inspection in the absence of inspection areas.
• Angle parking should be preferred.
• The parking area should be located away from the static scales and provide access
either to the circulation lane leading to the scales for vehicles that need to be re-
weighed, or to the TIS exit ramp.
An additional parking area should service facility personnel and visitors. Appropriate signage
should clearly indicate this area as parking for passenger cars only and should direct trucks
The size of both storage and parking areas should be addressed in the design stage of the TIS
facility. An additional area for future expansion should be designated in the original land-use
Detailed guidelines for the design of parking areas are provided in Chapter 4.

46 SHC 303 Hazardous material parking area
Specially designated areas should be provided in the case of interception of hazardous
materials or illegal goods. If a hazardous material containment area is required, attention
should be paid in choosing its location, since some certain degree of containment and disposal
of leaking materials would be necessary. A sunken parking area along with a slump area to
capture potential hazardous runoff may be needed. The area should be designed at an
appropriate distance from other TIS operations and facilities in order to ensure safety during
any potential loading and unloading activity. The absolute minimum distance is 50 m and is
subject to the type of the hazardous materials (chemicals, gases, toxic, flammables, explosives,
etc.) and shall be defined on a case-by-case basis.
In addition, environmental impact studies may be required to ensure compliance with related
standards, as well as a plan for the arrival and departure of emergency response vehicles.

3.4.8. Entry / Exit Requirements and Internal Roadways

All highway features required to access and egress the truck inspection station site such as
ramps, acceleration and deceleration lanes or intersections with the adjacent highway should
not impede its operation and be designed in accordance with Section 11.6 of SHC 301
(Highway Geometric Design).
TIS facilities on two-lane-two-way highways should be designed to best fit the existing
conditions, with particular consideration given to the access to and from the site. Off- and on-
connections are preferred (where justified, on-connections may be designed as intersections). Entry requirements

An entry ramp or deceleration lane should be provided for vehicles to safely diverge from the
highway and enter the TIS without obstructing through-traffic. Sufficient deceleration length
is required, to allow the design commercial vehicle to safely decelerate and stop, prior to any
queued vehicles within the TIS.
The design vehicle herein is a truck that boasts different characteristics from passenger cars.
Heavy trucks have limited ability to perform quick maneuvers, and require longer distances to
come to a complete stop. Therefore, deceleration lengths should be based on design heavy
vehicle deceleration rates and the length of the entry ramp should provide adequate distance
for deceleration when the ramp leads to a static scale.
In the case of on-ramp sorting of vehicles, appropriate lane delineation and clear directional
signing should be provided. To avoid confusion, barrels or flexible lane markers should be
included between the bypass lane and the one leading to the weighbridge to ensure vehicles
remain in the proper lanes.
A swept path analysis for the vehicles should be conducted to optimize vehicle ingress, egress,
and maneuvering within the site.

SHC 303 47 Exit requirements
An exit ramp or acceleration lane should be provided for vehicles to safely exit the TIS and re-
enter the traffic stream on the highway. Heavy vehicles require very long acceleration
distances, and acceleration lanes should allow the design vehicle to reach a speed no less than
20 km/h below the mean free speed of the through-traffic.
Additional general requirements include:
• Entry ramps uphill or exit ramps downhill should be avoided.
• Level surface (to the extent possible) should be preferred on the ramps where WIM's
are located.
• Special right-of-way restrictions should be assessed when designing the facility layout.
• The necessary space headway between vehicles (in most cases 30 m) should be
instructed by appropriate signing at the start of lane turnoff ramp.
• Decision sight distance should be provided at the approaches to the intersection or
the diverging gores of ramps that provide access to the inspection station.
• Decision sight distance should be provided at the highway section upstream where the
merging maneuver between the traffic exiting the inspection station and the through
traffic on the highway occurs.
• The length of the acceleration ramps after the inspection station should be adequate
in order for the heavy vehicles to reach a speed value near the highway’s posted speed
• In cases where the station is accessed through an intersection, both intersection
turning sight distance and decision sight distance for the posted speed limit should be
• Merging, diverging and weaving areas should be designed for level of service ‘C’ or
better for the horizon year design volume. Internal roadways

Internal circulation in the TIS site should be accomplished by the use of a loop-around
roadway, which will facilitate re-entry to specific areas (scales / inspection bays / storage-
parking area) without the need for backing maneuvers. For the majority of these internal
roadways, the turning radii to be used should be greater than that outlined in Section 4.5.4 of
SHC 301 (Highway Geometric Design).

3.4.9. Separation Zone

The separation zone is the area located between the highway edge line and the truck
inspection station. It should comprise the shoulder of the adjacent highway and an adequate
additional width to create a safety buffer between the facility and the highway. A barrier system
and/or a traffic island (painted or raised) should be installed depending on the traffic volume
and related risk assessment. The shoulder width requirements should be maintained for the
functional classification of the individual highway for which the TIS is being designed.
In determining the separation zone, the following should be considered:
• Adjacent highway relevant geometric parameters (design speed, width of traffic lanes
and sealed shoulder, longitudinal gradient, etc.).

48 SHC 303
• Differences in superelevation and longitudinal grade between the TIS and adjacent
highway to ensure vehicle stability.
• Safety barrier requirements and appropriate clearances to the adjacent highway and
TIS areas (in the absence of safety barrier, the separation zone should be of sufficient
width to create adequate safety buffer).
• In cases of space limitations, the depressed outer separation between the TIS site and
the through lanes may be replaced with concrete traffic barrier.

3.4.10. Amenities
Amenities should be designed for the relevant highway type and commercial vehicles using
the TIS. The following general considerations should apply:
• Amenities should preferably be located adjacent to the weighing area, but away from
• Points of conflicts between personnel/pedestrian traffic and vehicle traffic should be
• When a site has only a shaded area and no building accommodation, then
restrooms/prayer facilities should be incorporated into the location as per the design
of a rest area facility in Chapter 2.
• A minimum level of shade should be provided, allowing TIS personnel to interview
drivers in an area that is conducive to completing the necessary documentation.
• Accessibility of utilities should be considered.
• Adequate conduit and utilities should be placed beneath the ramps and parking areas
for potential future upgrades.
• Pedestrian paths/walkways between the scale house and the parking/storage areas
should be considered with related signage in case of safety risk.

3.4.11. Signing
Appropriate signage and signaling are key components of an effective weigh and inspection
station design and operation. Permanent signing for the facility should be provided, as
requested by the KSA highway patrol police.
Signing and pavement marking of all TIS on highways, including exit and entrance ramps
should be in accordance with Sections 6.5.1 and 4.4.5 of SHC 602 (Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices).
On multi-lane divided highways, illuminated electronically controlled “open” and “closed”
message signs should be installed that can be operated from the scale house.

3.4.12. Lighting
Illumination should be provided when requested by the highway patrol police. It is necessary
if the facility is to be operated during the hours of darkness and may be desirable at other
locations to deter unauthorized use.
Guidance on the level of lighting required should be obtained from Chapter 5 of SHC 306
(Public Utilities, Highway and Street Lighting, Control and Monitoring Devices).

SHC 303 49
3.4.13. Automatic Data Acquisition and Processing
Data on measured weights, axle spacings and commercial vehicle dimensions (width and
height) should be obtained automatically through sensors and compared against the desirable
limits corresponding to the related specification of each vehicle.
A loop-monitoring system should be installed at critical locations along the TIS bypass and
weigh/inspection lanes to capture any incorrect vehicle movements and notify personnel
In the event of system failure, manual operation overriding automatic functions should be
Data recorded by the automated system, namely numbers of trucks passing through the site
and percentages of non-compliant vehicles, should be stored in a dedicated database to be
made available upon request.
Enforcement personnel should be able to access real-time data from the virtual WIM scales in
order to effectively target trucks that are likely to be overweight and/or have safety violations.
All KSA truck inspection station equipment and instruments need to be able to communicate
with each other and allow for all related data to be downloaded to a central database system.
Enforcement operations should require real-time access to high speed mainline WIM scale
data for the operation of permanent and virtual weigh stations.
Information collected from the permanent TIS as well as virtual weigh stations’ high-speed
mainline WIMs on a continuous basis, should be retrievable by interested KSA agencies and
used for, among other things, selecting location and timing of enforcement activities.

3.5. Truck Inspection Station Configurations

The general layout and configuration of a truck inspection station should be defined at the
preliminary design stage. As is the case with rest areas, it is difficult to standardize the general
design of a TIS. The configuration of the facility depends mainly on the truck traffic volumes
to be handled at each individual site, followed by truck characteristics and complexity of the
adjacent highway. Different configurations result also from the type of sorting mechanism
The guidelines present the main TIS facilities’ concept designs in relation to their potential
traffic handling characteristics in the form of schematic layouts. These layouts are not accurate
plans with dimensions, but provide simply a general layout of the facility showcasing all
available functions and truck flow-through process operation.

3.5.1. Two-Lane-Two-Way Highway (Low Traffic Volumes)

A simple truck inspection station layout should apply to two-lane-two-way undivided
highways with low traffic volumes of approximately 300 trucks per day travelling in one
Where truck volumes are low, static scales provide sufficient capacity to weigh most trucks
passing through the facility. A typical layout for a low-volume site should include a linear

50 SHC 303
facility with direct highway access that consists of a single weigh/inspection lane with minimal
storage area for trucks. Provision for future expansion should be made at the initial design
Scales on TLTW highways could be used by having a single site to weigh both traffic streams.
These are small facilities but need careful attention to design.
A typical layout to guide the design of truck inspection stations on TLTW highways is shown
in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5 Truck Inspection Station Site: TLTW Highways (WSDOT, 2021)

3.5.2. Divided Highways Low-medium traffic volumes
For sites servicing medium truck volumes of up to 800 trucks per day per direction and on four
lane, divided highways, the typical conceptual layout should be somewhat adapted to include
a single weigh house on one side of the highway operating both sides of the TIS with an
underground passage that would lead vehicles from one side to the opposite where the Weigh
House is located.
A WIM scale should be installed for pre-screening purposes.

SHC 303 51 High traffic volumes
In the cases of higher traffic volumes exceeding the capacity of a single platform-scale lane
(approximately 90 trucks per hour per direction), then additional weigh/inspection lanes and
multiple scales should be arranged in parallel to allow for weighing multiple axle vehicles in
one single stop.
The maximum handling capacity of the sorter scale is a function of the headway between
vehicles, but is nominally set to 200 trucks per hour per directions. When this volume is
exceeded, the TIS layout could include additional WIM sorters.
Based upon the sorting mechanism, the following layouts are identified: Mainline sorting with additional on-ramp sorting

Type A layout is shown in Figure 3-6. This layout allows for mainline sorting of vehicles using
a WIM, additional sorting on ramp, bypass of compliant vehicles, communications with the use
of Changeable Message Sign (CMS), static scales, inspection area, parking and detention area,
and hazardous material parking area.
A truck approaching the facility passes over the mainline WIM and is then signaled to either
continue its course along the highway or to enter the station. Once inside the TIS, a second
WIM is employed to sort all vehicles entering by weight. According to the results, vehicles are
directed either to the static scale or through the bypass lane to re-enter the highway. A second
CMS located over the bypass lane allows for bringing vehicles in the lane for safety inspection.
A parking and detention area for commercial vehicles is provided adjacent to the scale house,
as well as an area for hazardous material containment.
The specific dimensions for each of these elements should be determined in accordance with
the functions which are performed in the facility and the attracted demand.

52 SHC 303
Figure 3-6 Layout A: Main Line Sorting with Additional On-Ramp Sorting (FHWA, 1995) Mainline sorting only

Type B layout is shown in Figure 3-7. The difference with this layout is that it allows for only
mainline sorting of vehicles using a WIM.
Similar to layout of Type A, parking for commercial vehicles is provided adjacent to the main
building. The latter may also be used by vehicles being detained. An area for hazardous
material containment is also provided.
The specific dimensions for each of these elements should be determined in accordance with
the functions which are performed in the facility and the attracted demand.

SHC 303 53
Figure 3-7 Layout B: Main Line Sorting Only (FHWA, 1995) Additional layout

An additional arrangement is depicted in Figure 3-8. This layout allows for placement of the
static scale closer to the highway by locating the bypass lane behind the scale house building.
This particular type of layout should be preferred in cases where both sides of the traffic flow
are supervised from one building, in order to ensure an unobstructed view of the opposite site
from bypassing traffic. The layout in Figure 3-8 is that of Type A; if no mainline WIM is included,
it should result in the layout of Type B. In this case too, a parking/detention area and an area
for hazardous material containment should be provided.
The specific dimensions for each of these elements should be determined in accordance with
the functions which are performed in the facility and the attracted demand.
A layout with two static scale ramps may also be utilized, in the case of high traffic volumes.
General layouts of TIS in divided highways and permanent and portable facilities in rural
highways are presented in Appendix B.

54 SHC 303
Figure 3-8 Layout C: Additional Layout (FHWA, 1995)

3.6. Virtual Weigh Stations (VWS)

Truck inspection stations permanent facilities provide accurate results; however, their
construction and operation is costly. In addition, their location becomes known, and drivers of
illegally overloaded vehicles can seek alternative routes to avoid being fined. Portable facilities
are accurate but labor- and time intensive, necessitating also the involvement of operators
and drivers. Even WIM systems installed at permanent TIS facilities present certain deficiencies.
There are new opportunities in the form of “Virtual weigh-in-motion stations” that utilize
practically the same WIM scale system along with digital cameras and software to process the
visual information in real-time (see Figure 3-9). This system operates in an unattended mode,
weighs and classifies vehicles, and retains images of weight violators along with their weight
data, time and date information. It can also be deployed at lower costs than permanent sites.
The deployment of Virtual Weigh Stations (VWS) at strategic locations, both on the mainline
of highways and at selected highways / bypass routes, may lead to improved enforcement and
more efficient use of resources.

SHC 303 55
Figure 3-9 Virtual Weigh Station on By-Pass Roadways (Regan, et al., 2006)

3.7. Operating Strategies

Operating strategies uniquely suited to the function of individual Truck Inspection Stations
should be set up in accordance with the general guidelines that follow.

3.7.1. Operating Times

Truck Inspection Stations should preferably be operated continuously, 24 hours a day,
throughout the entire calendar year. Appropriate staffing should include 10 - 12 officers
assigned to each TIS in order to meet the operational requirements of a station. The latter
should equate to a minimum staff of 3 and maximum of 4 per shift that should be able to
perform inspections 365 days throughout the year, except during illness of limited duration,
normal vacation and any other special circumstances.
Maintaining longer operating hours while not having the required personnel reduces the
effectiveness of the inspection stations.
In the cases where continuous operation is not feasible, then random opening times should
be applied. These random opening times should have a discernable pattern to deter truck
drivers from recognizing it.
In the absence of full-time staff, TIS operating on a part-time basis should be open for
inspections for a minimum of 20 hours per week and should provide notification on the
1. Hours of operation.
2. Intended methods of notifying the public on operating hours.
3. Name of the inspectors assigned to the facility.
Where the TIS is not open continuously, then a WIM scale installed in the travelled lanes of
the highway should be used to record data for determining the relationship between truck
characteristics and TIS operating hours.

56 SHC 303
3.7.2. Managing Queuing Under Peak Conditions
A major issue associated with TIS operation is temporary peaking in the truck volumes
resulting in delays and vehicle queues. At locations with high volumes, weighing/inspecting
every n-th truck will prevent queues and associated safety issues. Attention should be paid
that a repeated selection sequence is not identified and manipulated by drivers to avoid
inspection. In this case, the random selection of vehicles for inspection may be preferred.
Another alternative is increasing temporarily the level of tolerance of the allowable weight limit
(i.e., from 100 to 105 % of the legal limit), whereby some overweight vehicles should be left
out from detailed inspection.
In the case of unforeseen excessive volumes, enforcement personnel should have the option
of allowing empty or lighter trucks to bypass the sorter scale, on their judgment. These vehicles
should be instructed to decelerate past the area for visual inspection by enforcement staff.
As a rule, the estimation of the average queue and delay at weigh facilities follows four distinct
1. Identification of the following features: truck arrival distribution, peak arrival volume,
enforcement processing time distribution, mean enforcement processing rate, and
number of static scales.
2. Assessment of the percentage of the truck volume sorted to the static scale via a WIM
3. Application of queuing models to estimate queue length and waiting time in the TIS.
4. Estimation of average transit time and delay.

3.7.3. Vehicle Inspection Process

The processing capacity of the TIS should be determined by the time required to complete the
inspection cycle for each vehicle. The procedure for processing overweight trucks and/or those
with other non-conformities should be devised so as to minimize delays and should be clearly
defined at the onset.
Other key operational considerations include:
• Procedures should be made available to operate each individual facility component
separately, to ensure TIS continuous operation if any one of its systems goes down.
• Manual overrides of the control equipment within the station as well as of the static
scales should be permitted.
• WIM devices should be routinely calibrated (potentially with the use of the static scales
as the calibrator).
• Personnel should receive on-site training, particularly in the case of new technologies
adopted in newly constructed or upgraded facilities.
• Equipment should be regularly maintained by vendor or trained in-house personnel.

3.7.4. RGA & Patrol Police Responsibilities

The highway patrol police should identify the need for a truck inspection facility at any site.
RGA and the highway patrol police should agree together on the area to be provided.

SHC 303 57
RGA and highway patrol police should also agree on the area to be provided for parking and
storage to ensure trucks do not impede the main line through traffic.
Highway patrol police should identify the need for WIM or Commercial Vehicle Information
Systems and Networks (CVISN) capabilities.
Highway patrol police should request the provision of illumination where necessary together
with the respective permanent signage for the facility.

3.8. Economic Considerations

Apart from the technical performance of a particular TIS, its economic feasibility is also an
important parameter that should be evaluated. The economic analysis typically entails a
benefit-cost analysis (BCA), which is described in Chapter 4 of SHC 203 (Preliminary Studies).
In the case of TIS, the following four components should be considered, in principle, in terms
of costs and benefits: initial construction costs and annual operation/maintenance costs versus
the benefits accrued from reduced truck delay (truck time savings), as well as those gained
from preserving the road and bridge infrastructure.

3.8.1. Construction Costs

Initial construction cost components may include (non-exhaustive list): land acquisition,
construction materials, permanent scale unit and installation, building the Weigh House and
parking- storage areas, telecommunications, signing and signalization, hardware, software,
and installation of WIM systems, etc.
The feasibility of acquiring additional land for expansion, at the beginning of the development
or at any future time in the inspection station's life, should also be evaluated in the preliminary
design stage.

3.8.2. Operating Costs

The main part of the truck inspection station's operating expenses constitutes the personnel
salaries. The number of personnel required per TIS depends on its functions and operating
strategy. In general, the following parameters are considered:
• Number of working hours in a year.
• Cost of supplying one fully trained station operator, including benefits, salary and
holidays per year.
• Number of employees per shift per year required for a normal operation of a TIS.
TIS maintenance costs should be added to this operating cost component.

3.8.3. Benefits from Reduced Truck Delay

From a user’s perspective, the delay benefit comprises two components, namely the annual
“truck time cost” saving that results from reduced delay time following TIS operation and

58 SHC 303
annual “vehicle operating cost per stop” saving that results from less travel distance for bypass
• Truck time cost: combined figure that includes the salary of drivers, time value for
inventory (i.e., lost revenues due to late deliveries), and vehicle depreciation cost per
• Vehicle operating cost: fuel consumption cost, tires, expressed as cost per vehicle-
kilometer travelled.

3.8.4. Benefits from Reduced Infrastructure Costs

The costs of using a highway network are quite substantial mainly due to the continuous need
for maintenance caused by heavy loads incurred. Also, in order to examine the effect of lack
of weight enforcement in the utilization costs of a highway network, the actual extent of load
regulation violations should be examined. To determine the above benefits, the following
variables should be considered:
• Highway utilization in Saudi Riyal (SAR) per ton-kilometer.
• Assumption of X % of all truck movements being overweight to an average of one ton
per vehicle.
• Expected number of truck movements (considering an average size jurisdiction).
The end result would be the additional tons per year on the highway network due to lack of
proper enforcement, expressed in monetary terms. This actual cost is translated in reduced
pavement life and need for early resurfacing.

SHC 303 59
4. Parking and Garage Facilities
4.1. Introduction
Parking planning is an integral part of modern transportation planning and, more specifically,
that of urban development. The way in which parking space is provided affects land-use,
choice of destination and mode of transport, quality of road transport, etc.
As the number of vehicles increases exponentially on a global level, the need to house them
in close proximity to destinations creates a complex design challenge, whereby vehicle,
engineering and traffic issues related to site locations must be integrated to create the
appropriate solution. Designing a parking facility requires, therefore, an integrated approach.
The purpose of this Volume is to provide guidance for the design of parking facilities in order
to ensure the uniformity of parking design in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Volume shall
be used in developing new parking facilities or upgrading existing facilities to the standards
outlined herein. It is directed at urban and transport planners, architects and developers, road
authorities, policy-makers and the interested public to design, operate and maintain efficient
and safe parking facilities in a technically sound way and integrate these in the appropriate
environment. Parking design is also an important element for new developments and shall be
a part of the building permit process.

4.2. Parking Space Planning and Analysis

Parking space planning and analysis shall include the following steps:
1. Estimation of parking demand and supply.
2. Design and construction.
3. Operation and use.
Parking supply is determined on the basis of a parking space demand forecast and should be
compatible with the respective land-use and traffic conditions.
The result of the parking demand forecast is the future demand for parking space of the
demand groups for individual time intervals during the day, possibly for different development
scenarios. If the requirements of the individual demand groups are added, the total parking
space requirement in the study area is obtained.
In the subsequent design and construction step, the geometry and design requirements are
defined, which are specific to the use of the parking and loading areas, based on the
dimensions of the relevant design vehicle. The connection to the public road network as well
as their integration into the respective urban/rural development is also considered.
Finally, the use and operation step includes the design of parking control systems, handling
systems and signage, as well as the choice of an appropriate operating mode and features of
specific uses.

60 SHC 303
4.3. Parking Design
This section presents the basic parking design elements pertaining to the different vehicle
classifications, parking configurations and types of parking facilities.

4.3.1. General Design Criteria Construction permit
It is necessary to clarify at an early stage how the building rights for the new facility shall be
obtained. Approval of parking requirements shall be typically obtained from the responsible
Authority. Construction design requirements

Land-use plans often outline locations, including the desired capacity for planned parking
areas, the eligibility of a planned parking area and the possible building boundaries. In
addition, statements about safety, drainage, the proportion of green space to be provided,
including tree planting, and the maximum number of floors of parking building facilities may
form an integral part of development plans. Other planning requirements

In many cases, the re-development of parking areas is carried out in conjunction with the
planning and implementation of other construction projects, e.g., public transport stops,
commercial, recreational or residential developments, etc. Their specific characteristics may
lead to design, construction or operating forms which differ from the standard design. Preliminary measurement

The pre-determined number of parking spaces determines the size of the planned facility. In
many cases, other requirements which may limit the desired capacity, such as the area
characteristics, transport connections, percentage of green space or the handling facilities,
must be taken into account. For these reasons, it is appropriate to make a rough estimation in
advance and update it during the planning process. Design vehicle

Depending on future use, a parking design vehicle (PDV) with specific dimensions and other
specific characteristics shall be selected for the parking area planned. The PDV will define the
design of each element, such as parking spaces/stalls, aisles, circulation area parameters,
dimensions of entries/exits and ramps, etc.

SHC 303 61 Management and operation
As the horizontal and vertical clearances have a key impact on the design of the entries and
exits of parking areas, it is necessary to clarify at an early stage the management and operating
modes of the planned installation. Benefit-cost ratio

In order to achieve optimum use of the available space in terms of area requirements and
hence a good value-for-money ratio, parking spaces shall be provided for on both sides of the
lanes as far as possible. Where appropriate, the preferred option shall be selected, based on
additional aspects, such as operational procedures or design. Soil conditions

Soil conditions must be assessed in terms of permeability, whether there is contamination and
how far away the groundwater, if any, is. In the case of parking building facilities, this shall be
carried out in the context of the basic survey. Drainage
Regarding parking spaces, the complete drainage of water generated on the surface shall be
sought. In the course of the geological investigation, statements on hydraulic conditions and
the suitability for drainage are important, while the planned drainage system shall be defined
at an early stage.

4.3.2. Parking Facilities

Parking facilities are classified into three main types:
1. On-street parking spaces, developed adjacent to the travelled lanes of a road.
2. Independent parking stalls developed off-street, at-grade as surface parking.
3. Parking structures (simple, multi-level), developed underground or over ground as
parking garages.
Each facility consists of parking space(s) and aisle areas. In the case of on-street parking, the
traffic lanes of the street also serve as the aisle.
Parking is permitted on highway and streets of specific functional classifications, such as
collectors, local roads, etc. as specified in Chapter 6 of SHC 301 (Highway Geometric Design).
All parking facilities shall be appropriately marked and signed in accordance with Chapters 3
and 4 of SHC 602 (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices).
On-street parking lies within the public Right-of-Way (ROW). In urban areas and rural
communities located on arterial highway routes, on-street parking should be considered in
order to accommodate existing and developing land-uses.
Off-street parking facilities are those located outside the road ROW and account for the larger
share of parking supply in any urban establishment. Off-street parking facilities can constitute

62 SHC 303
at-grade surface facilities, simple structures or multi-level building parking structures (parking

4.3.3. Parking Design Vehicles

For a standardized dimensioning of any geometric parking design, a parking design vehicle
(PDV) shall be defined. The latter is in general different to the design vehicle used in highway
geometric design. The PDV is selected based on assessing either the 85th percentile vehicle in
terms of overall dimensions, or by selecting a suitable vehicle that is expected to use the
parking facility.
The continuous penetration of sports utility vehicles (SUVs) in the automotive market can be
also recognized in the Kingdom, where such vehicle types are top-rated, most probably due
to their capabilities to travel both off-road and on-road. Dimensions of a typical PDV are
presented in Figure 4-1.
If a parking facility is expected to accommodate a vehicle larger than the PDV, the specific
dimensions of this larger vehicle shall be applied when designing the parking space/stall
dimensions, turning radii, etc. (see Table 4-1).

Figure 4-1 Parking Design Vehicle (PDV) for KSA (Qatar MOTC, 2021-adjusted)

SHC 303 63
The swept path width is of critical importance in determining parking design elements,
especially for tractor-semitrailer combinations (Figure 4-2).
In any case, a swept path analysis shall be carried out per vehicle examined in order to
determine more accurate outcomes for the subject site.
Table 4-1 presents the individual characteristics of the most common types of vehicles. The
most unfavorable vehicle in terms of turning capacity is the intermediate semi-trailer (WB20)
and shall be used as the truck parking design vehicle for the design of parking facilities in Rest
Areas (see Chapter 2) and Truck Inspection Stations (see Chapter 3). The respective design
vehicle for buses shall be the city transit bus (CITY-BUS).

Table 4-1 Dimensions (m) for PDV and Other Commonly Used Vehicles (AASHTO, 2018; Qatar MOTC, 2021)

Radius (m)

Type of vehicle Length (m) Width (m) Height (m) Outer trace
Inner rear
of front
wheel path

Bicycle 1.9 0.6 1.0

Moped 1.8 0.6 1.0

Motorcycle 2.2 0.7 1.0

Passenger Car
5.1 2.0 2.0 6.6 4.3

School Bus (S- 10.9 2.5 3.2 7.3 12.1
BUS 11)

City Transit Bus

12.2 2.6 3.2 7.6 14.3

Articulated Bus
18.3 2.6 3.4 6.5 13.2

Single Unit
9.2 2.5 3.4 to 4.1 8.7 13.2
Truck (SU-9)

Single Unit
12.1 2.5 3.4 to 4.1 11.1 16.1
Truck (SU-12)

Semi-trailer 13.9 2.5 4.1 5.9 12.4

64 SHC 303
Radius (m)

Type of vehicle Length (m) Width (m) Height (m) Outer trace
Inner rear
of front
wheel path

Semi-trailer 22.4 2.6 4.1 0.6 14.1

Combination 22.0 2.6 4.1 5.8 13.7

Vehicle, Motor 9.1 2.4 3.7 7.9 12.6
Home (MH)

Figure 4-2 Turning Characteristics of a Typical Tractor–Semitrailer (AASHTO, 2018)

SHC 303 65
4.3.4. Parking Configurations
In principle, three types of parking configurations can be distinguished:
• Parallel.
• Angled.
• Perpendicular.
Parking parallel to the travelled lane is one of the most commonly used types in urban areas
and appropriate for all streets. However, the parallel configuration is too complex to adopt in
surface parking facilities and parking buildings. In general, it allows simple parking operations
that are not particularly disruptive to the normal traffic flow. The disadvantage may be the
potential obstructions during reverse parking in terms of increased parking demand and/or
endangering cyclists and that entry and exit maneuvers must often take place on shared
spaces, with the traffic constituting a potential hazard.
The comparative advantage of angled parking is that this type of parking configuration
provides a larger number of parking stalls compared to parallel parking. It also allows for
easier maneuverability to enter the parking stall. For one-way roadways, angled parking should
be preferred.
It is not recommended to use an angle smaller than 45 °, as it would leave a larger area not
used for parking or any other purpose. On the other hand, angled parking may present specific
issues because of the varying lengths of certain vehicles types and related sight distances;
longer vehicles may interfere with the traveled way. Also, parking in and out without the use
of an additional lane is normally only possible at a small angle.
The perpendicular configuration allows for one-way or dual-way traffic; however, fast parking
is not always guaranteed. 90 ° parking is not advisable along roadways with a median to avoid
confusion of direction. In dead ends, the perpendicular position is preferred, so vehicles which
have entered the dead end for parking can exit without any special turning maneuvers.
Nevertheless, in such cases, an additional lane should normally be used.

4.3.5. Parking Space Basic Dimensioning

The determination of parking space/ stall dimensions is the fundamental element of parking
design. The size of the parking spaces/ stalls shall be based on the dimensions and geometric
characteristics of the selected PDV, type of parking configuration, additional space
requirements for maneuvering, and necessary safety distances (clearances).
The figures outlined herein shall be considered as indicative values.
The need for pedestrian walkways, structural parts (e.g., walls, supports), planting or
landscaping areas, traffic signs or poles, etc., must be considered and taken into account at
the design stage. Care also needs to be taken so that vehicles with longer rear overhangs
(spare wheels or towing hooks) do not interfere with light poles, parking meters, and other
street furniture.

66 SHC 303 Passenger car
Regarding the parallel type of parking configuration, in residential and commercial areas, the
width of the parking lanes shall be 2.5 m, and in industrial areas, 3.6 m. The length of the
parking space shall be 6.5 m for both cases, as shown in Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4, respectively.

Figure 4-3 Minimum Dimensions of Parallel Parking Space in Residential and Commercial Areas (MoMRA, 2019)

Figure 4-4 Minimum Dimensions of Parallel Parking Space in Industrial Areas (MoMRA, 2019)

Minimum parking stall dimensions for both angled (of various degrees) and perpendicular (90
°) parking configurations shall be 3.0 m x 6.0 m, as shown in Figure 4-5.

SHC 303 67
Figure 4-5 Dimensions of Angled or Perpendicular Parking Space (MoMRA, 2019)

The above parking dimensions incorporate longitudinal and lateral safety distances for both
parallel and angled parking spaces.
The vertical clearance for all cases shall be set to 2.5 m. Trucks and buses

Since the dimensions of trucks and buses vary greatly, the adoption of a single parking space
configuration is not possible. Table 4-6 and Figure 4-26 (in Section provide basic
parking dimensions for various common types of trucks and buses. Two-wheelers
Parking spaces for motorcycles shall typically be 1.5 m wide and 2.5 m long. These dimensions
include the clearance required for riders’ mounting/demounting, as well as clearance from the
With regard to bicycles, the simplest form of the frame bicycle holder can be used for almost
all bicycle types. Figure 4-6 shows the typical space requirements for bicycle parking.

68 SHC 303
Figure 4-6 Bicycle Parking Space Requirements (FGSV, 2012).

4.3.6. On-Street Parking and Loading Areas General
Parking and loading areas can be located on the roadside; they can be either unmarked or
marked as a parking space, or in parking stalls with a painted curb. The choice of the type of
parking configuration depends mainly on available space and whether:
• the roadway's functional classification and/or design allows for the use of certain
parking arrangements.
• there are restrictions/conflicts imposed by other traffic areas, such as bicycle lanes,
which may be crossed when parking. Parking areas for passenger cars

On-street parking areas for passenger cars can be either parallel or at certain angles.
The parallel (longitudinal) parking configuration includes parking lanes and parking stalls.
Parking lanes form part of the traffic space, provide better clearance from the traveled way
and can be used during peak periods as through-travel lanes.
Parking stalls are positioned adjacent to the traffic space lateral boundary (which coincides
with the paved edge line) and shall be designed at a height of approximately 0.05 m above
the roadway surface.
In general, the following shall apply to on-street roadside parking:
• Longitudinal parking stalls should be preferred, parallel to the roadway, to reduce the
areas appropriated for the ROW and save on road construction costs.
• Parking lanes should be used on local streets due to the narrow roadway width.

SHC 303 69
• In the angled or perpendicular parking configuration, an intermediate special lane shall
be provided for maneuvering to reduce the impact of exit/entry maneuvers on the
traffic on the roadway.
• Parking shall be prohibited within 4.0 m of either side of fire hydrants, and allowed at
certain distances from pedestrian crossings and intersections (shown in the following
sections) in order to maintain proper sight distance triangles, depending on speed and
highway geometry. Parallel parking

For both parking lanes and parking stalls, the distance allocated for parking shall not be less
than 6.5 m in length and 2.5 m in width (see Figure 4-3).
In order to prevent careless vehicle side door opening on the pedestrian sidewalk, a safety
boundary of 0.75 m should be included, which will be formed by a lateral space of 0.25 m,
adjacent to the vehicle, followed by a 0.5 m stripe width.
The accommodation of vehicles in parking stalls is generally preferable to the installation of
parking lanes on the roadway, because they provide:
• Improved visibility for drivers at intersections and between drivers and pedestrians
• Reduced length of pedestrian and cyclist crossing paths
The beginning and end of parking lanes or parking stalls shall be determined at intersections,
taking into account sufficient visibility distances.
In the case of high parking demand, parking spaces can be laid in an existing separating
median to gain living space along the side spaces. The disadvantage is that users have to cross
lanes on the way to their destinations.
The following criteria apply to the design of parking lanes:
• For a parking lane in a two-directional roadway with no median, the minimum traffic
lane width in one direction shall be no less than 6.0 m, including 3.5 m of a traffic lane
and 2.5 m of the parking lane, as shown in Figure 4-7.
• The parking space boundaries along parking lanes shall be clearly marked in
accordance with Section 4.2.9 of SHC 602 (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices).
• At signalized intersections, the distance between the stopping line and the first parking
space shall not be less than 9.0 m from the entrance to the intersection (6.0 m for non-
signalized intersections). Also, parking spaces shall be positioned at a distance from
marked or unmarked pedestrian crossings, the first parking space at least 6.0 m away
from the crossing, as shown in Figure 4-8.
• If acceleration or deceleration lanes are included, the above distances shall be
measured from the start of the tapered part to the first parking space from the entrance
to the intersection, and from the end of the tapered part to the first parking space at
the intersection exit.

70 SHC 303
Figure 4-7 Minimum Street Width for Adding Parking Lanes (MoMRA, 2019)

SHC 303 71
Figure 4-8 Minimum Distance of Parking Spaces from A) Signalized Intersections B) Non-Signalized Intersections
(MoMRA, 2019)

The following criteria apply to the design of parking stalls:

• At signalized intersections, the distance between the stopping line and the first parking
stall shall not be less than 15.0 m from the entrance to the intersection (6.0 m for non-
signalized intersections). Also, parking stalls shall be positioned at a distance from
marked or unmarked pedestrian crossings, the first parking stall at least 6.0 m away
from the crossing, as shown in Figure 4-9.
• At intersections with secondary roads, the distances of the last parking stall before and
the first parking stall after the intersection along the main roadway, shall not be less

72 SHC 303
than 15.0 m and 6.0 m, respectively. The distance of the last parking stall before the
intersection along the secondary road shall not be less than 6.0 m (Figure 4-10).
• The parking space boundaries along parking stalls shall be clearly marked in
accordance with Section 4.2.9 of SHC 602 (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices).
• In the case of acceleration or deceleration lanes, the above distances shall be measured
from the last parking stall to the beginning of the tapered part at the entrance to the
intersection and from the end of the tapered part to the first stall at the exit of the
• Long sections of continuous parallel parking stalls shall be interrupted by buildouts,
e.g., for additional landscaping. This is to ensure empty parking will not be used as
additional traffic lane, or to circumnavigate queues at traffic lights.
• It is advisable to allocate 5 % of the number of parking spaces on commercial roads to
electric cars, and the parking spaces be equipped with electric power sources for the
purposes of charging cars.

Figure 4-9 Parallel Parking Stalls at A) Signalized Intersections B) Non-Signalized Intersections (MoMRA, 2019)

SHC 303 73
Figure 4-10 Parallel Parking at the Area of Secondary Roads (MoMRA, 2019) Angled parking

In angled or perpendicular parking configurations, a special intermediate (maneuvering) lane
must be added to reduce the impact of vehicles maneuvering on adjacent traffic lanes when
entering and exiting the parking stalls (Figure 4-11). This type of parking requires additional
width due to the obvious differences in vehicle lengths and the limited visibility of the vehicles
when maneuvering out of the parking stall; the latter increases with the angle of parking. A
typical width for this maneuvering lane is set to 2.00 m, however depending on the angle of
the parking a swept path analysis shall be required.
Usually, angles of 30 °, 45 °, 60 ° or 90 ° (perpendicular parking) are used. Nevertheless, angled
parking over 45 o shall be used mainly on residential streets or combined with low traffic
volumes in other areas. Notably, the number of perpendicular parking stalls along a specific
length of a road is greater compared to the other types of angled roadside parking
configurations, but vehicles need more room for maneuvering.
The following criteria apply to the design of the angled and perpendicular car parking stalls:

• For all types of intersections and all types of angled and perpendicular parking stalls,
the distance shall be at least 12.0 m measured from the pedestrian crossing line and
the first parking stall at the beginning of the roadway (according to the direction of
traffic on the roadway) and at least 9.0 m from the stopping line and the last parking
stall at the end of the roadway, as shown in Figure 4-11.
• For parking stalls at an angle of 30 ° to the direction of traffic, the minimum width of
the roadway in one direction shall be 4.0 m, and the vertical dimension of the parking

74 SHC 303
stall on the platform shall be 5.6 m, as shown in Figure 4-12. The minimum width of
the roadway in two directions shall be 8.0 m, as shown in Figure 4-13.
• For parking stalls at an angle of 45 ° to the direction of traffic, the minimum width of
the roadway in one direction shall be 4.2 m, and the vertical dimension of the parking
stall on the platform shall be 6.4 m, as shown in Figure 4-14. The minimum width of
the roadway in two directions shall be 8.4 m, as shown in Figure 4-15. However, in case
of land acquisition constraints, the width of one-directional and two-directional
roadway shall be limited to 4.0 m and 8.0 m, respectively.
• For parking stalls at an angle of 60 ° to the direction of traffic, the minimum width of
the roadway in one direction shall be 5.4 m, and the vertical dimension of the parking
stall on the platform shall be 6.7 m, as shown in Figure 4-16. The minimum width of
the roadway in two directions shall be 10.8 m, as shown in Figure 4-17. However, in case
of land acquisition constraints, the width of one-directional and two-directional
roadway shall be limited to 5.0 m and 10.0 m, respectively.
• For perpendicular parking stalls (at an angle of 90 ° to the direction of traffic), the
minimum width of the roadway in one direction shall be 7.6 m, and the vertical
dimension of the parking stall on the platform shall be 6.0 m, as shown in Figure 4-18.
For a two-way roadway, the width shall be 15.2 m as shown in Figure 4-19. However,
in case of land acquisition constraints, the width of one-directional and two-directional
roadway shall be limited to 6.0 m and 12.0 m, respectively.
• Parking stalls shall be appropriately marked in accordance with Section 4.2.9 of SHC
602 (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices).
• In the event of acceleration or deceleration lanes, the distances are measured from the
beginning of the tapered section to the last parking stall at the entrance to the
intersection and from the end of the tapered section to the first parking place at the
exit of the intersection.
• Oversizing of angled parking stalls should be avoided.

Figure 4-11 Minimum Distance of Angled Parking Stalls from Pedestrian Crossing/Stopping Line at Intersections
(MoMRA, 2019)

SHC 303 75
NOTE: The intermediate maneuvering lane is not shown.

Figure 4-12 Minimum Dimensions for 30 ° Angled Parking Stalls for One-Way Roadway (MoMRA, 2019)

NOTE: The intermediate maneuvering lane is not shown.

Figure 4-13 Minimum Dimensions for 30 ° Angled Parking Stalls for Two-Way Roadway (MoMRA, 2019)

76 SHC 303
NOTE: The intermediate maneuvering lane is not shown. In cases of limited land availability, roadway width shall
be 4.0 m.

Figure 4-14 Minimum Dimensions for 45 ° Angled Parking Stalls for One-Way Roadway (MoMRA, 2019)

NOTE: The intermediate maneuvering lane is not shown. In cases of limited land availability, roadway width shall
be 8.0 m.

Figure 4-15 Minimum Dimensions for 45 ° Angled Parking Stalls for Two-Way Roadway (MoMRA, 2019)

SHC 303 77
NOTE: The intermediate maneuvering lane is not shown. In cases of limited land availability, roadway width shall
be 5.0 m.

Figure 4-16 Minimum Dimensions for 60 ° Angled Parking Stalls for One-Way Roadway (MoMRA, 2019)

NOTE: The intermediate maneuvering lane is not shown. In cases of limited land availability, roadway width shall
be 10.0 m.

Figure 4-17 Minimum Dimensions for 60 ° Angled Parking Stalls for Two-Way Roadway (MoMRA, 2019)

78 SHC 303
NOTE: The intermediate maneuvering lane is not shown. In cases of limited land availability, roadway width shall
be 6.0 m.
Figure 4-18 Minimum Dimensions for 90 ° Angled Parking Stalls for One-Way Roadway (MoMRA, 2019)

NOTE: The intermediate maneuvering lane is not shown. In cases of limited land availability, roadway width shall
be 12.0 m.
Figure 4-19 Minimum Dimensions for 90 ° Angled Parking Stalls for Two-Way Roadway (MoMRA, 2019)

SHC 303 79 Parking stalls in building setbacks
Many road corridors in the Kingdom feature privately owned setbacks beyond the limits of the
ROW, used among other for car parking.
Setback distances of buildings may differ from one facility to another on the same roadway,
leading to a difference in the road regulation line, on which these facilities are located. Since
the setback is private property and does not belong to the right-of-way, it is separated from
the ROW by platforms, which connect both sides of the roadway.
The setback space for parking shall be separated by platforms from the traffic lanes when the
setback is 6.0 m wide or more. An entrance and exit shall be provided paying attention to
maintain an appropriate distance between the entrance and exit of the setback space (waiting)
and the nearest intersection.
Parking spaces in the setback space shall be designed in two ways:
1. Separating parking stalls in setback area from traffic lanes with platforms (see Figure
4-20), when:
o Setback continues for less than 100 m and there is a setback space for one or
more facilities.
o Necessary visibility distance is not available to exit the setback space.
o Roadway section includes parallel parking.
o Number of parking stalls in the setback area is equal to the number of parking
stalls without the use of the setback, then the setback is used to improve traffic
on the roadway by limiting the maneuvering of vehicles entering and exiting
the parking stalls.
2. Non-separation of parking stalls in setback area from traffic lanes
Parking stalls in the setback area are designed in this way when the setback continues for more
than 100 m down the road. However, this alternative requires the addition of an intermediate
maneuvering strip (off the traffic space) for entering and exiting the parking stalls and for
limiting the impact on traffic on the road.
Figure 4-21 shows the parking stalls in the setback area without the use of separating platforms.
Since the setback area is located in an intersection area, the first parking stall must be 9.0 m
away from the stopping line, while the beginning of the parking stalls at the intersection exit
must be at least 12.0 m away from a pedestrian crossing line.
Where necessary, RGA should assess front setback configurations in view of car parking
provision requirements according to the different land-use types.
With regard to commercial buildings, RGA shall consider the use of legal setback areas for
parking in case of limited land availability. In this case, the relative setback in the front facades
of buildings shall be 8.0 m for commercial buildings and 5.0 m for commercial residential

80 SHC 303
Figure 4-20 Separating Platforms in Setback Area (MoMRA, 2019)

Figure 4-21 Parking Stalls in Setback Area without Separating Platforms and with Maneuvering Lane (MoMRA,

SHC 303 81 Areas for loading
The basic dimensions for loading and unloading in the public road space shall be subject to
the dimensions of the HGVs, with additional space requirements for on-board rear lifting
devices and shunting operations, as well as space requirements for placing goods on the
vehicle at short notice.
For small delivery vehicles, a minimum area requirement of 3.00 m width and 10.00 to 12.00
m length is required for loading. Larger vehicles would require a minimum area of 4.00 m wide
and 12.00 to 14.00 m long. Additional areas of approx. 3.0 to 5.0 m2 shall be provided in the
lateral spaces for the short-term placing of goods delivered. These areas shall be located
outside pedestrian or cycling areas in order to minimize safety hazards. Parking areas for trucks and buses

Parking for trucks and buses in the road network require large areas due to the geometry of
the vehicles and shall, therefore, be provided on private land and only in exceptional cases in
the road space. For the latter, parallel parking shall be exclusively provided. For trucks and
buses, parking stalls shall in general be 4.0 m wide. For buses, this width is sufficient only if
passengers are not getting off/on or if a sufficiently wide walkway is available. Parking areas for two-wheelers

An on-street motorcycle parking space of a typical 2.5 m length can fit perpendicularly into a
standard parallel parking stall of 6.0 m length, which can accommodate four powered
motorcycles of 1.5 m width each. In general, parts of parking stalls (see Figure 4-22) or other
appropriate surfaces are suitable parking areas.

Figure 4-22 Example of Motorcycle Parking Areas (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

Bicycle parking facilities are typically classified by the level of security they provide, ranging
from fully enclosed individual bicycle lockers to bicycle racks that enable both the frame and
wheels to be secured with a user-provided lock.

82 SHC 303
In general, safety and security should be prioritized, and hence, bicycle parking shall be
provided at locations with high visibility, illumination and adequate access. The amount of
space used by a fully occupied rack and the space required for cyclists to access the parking
area and use both sides of the rack should be considered, as per the requirements listed in
Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Bicycle Parking Facility Dimensions (AASHTO, 2012)

Distance Requirements

To other • Rack aligned end-to-end shall be placed a minimum of 2.4 m apart.

racks • Rack aligned side-by-side shall be placed a minimum of 0.9 m apart.
• Racks located perpendicular to a curb shall be a minimum of 0.9 m from the
back of curb.
From curb
• Racks located parallel to a curb shall be a minimum of 0.6 m from the back of
• Assuming access is needed from both sides, inverted-U racks located
From wall perpendicular to a wall shall be a minimum of 1.2 m from the wall.
• Racks located parallel to a wall shall be a minimum of 0.9 m from the wall.

Figure 4-23 shows a typical bicycle parking layout on the sidewalk.

Figure 4-23 Typical Bicycle Parking Layout on the Sidewalk (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

SHC 303 83
The “Inverted U” type bike rack is the preferred bicycle parking rack; however, other designs
are acceptable as long as they are respecting the character of the surroundings.
Typical figures for the number of required Bicycle Racks per type of land-use are presented in
Table 4-3.

Table 4-3 Minimum Bicycle Racks (RCJY, 2020)

Land-Use Category Minimum Bicycle Parking

Household living Multifamily: 1 per 10 units

Community service 1 per 465 m2 floor area minimum

Educational Facilities 1 per classroom

1 per 280 m2 floor area + 1 per 30

Government Facilities
employees, minimum 4 spaces

Medical Facilities 1 per 465 m2 floor area, minimum 2 spaces

20 % of provided motor vehicle parking,

Parks and Open Areas
minimum 4 spaces

Passenger Terminals 10 % of provided parking

Retail and Restaurants 1 per 465 m2 floor area, minimum 4 spaces

Office 1 per 465 m2 floor area, minimum 2 spaces

4.3.7. Surface Parking Facilities (Off-Street) General
The surface parking facilities that are located outside the road right-of-way are termed as
surface off-street parking facilities.
The division of a passenger car parking into series of parking spaces and aisles is determined
by the desired traffic route, which in turn depends on the position of the entry and exit routes
and the conditions for one-way and two-way aisle traffic.
When designing the movement of vehicles within the surface parking facility, the following
should be taken into account:
• Traffic cycle should be short and safe and not confusing to the driver.
• All parking stalls should be clearly visible.
• Conflict points for the movement of vehicles should be eliminated to the extent
• Aisles leading to the exit should be clear.

84 SHC 303 Facilities for passenger cars
The following design criteria apply to surface parking:
• The minimum dimensions of an off-street perpendicular or angled parking stall shall
be 6.0 m long and 3.0 m wide.
• The minimum dimensions of an off-street parallel parking stall shall be 6.50 m long
and 2.5 m wide.
• The parking angle shall be chosen to give the highest possible number of parking
spaces in accordance with the configuration and dimensions of the parking area.
Angled parking stalls could be at angles of 30 °, 45 °, 60 ° or 90 °. A uniform angled
parking configuration shall generally be selected.
• Most efficient use of land area in larger parking stalls is obtained by placing all vehicles
perpendicular to the aisles. In general, a perpendicular layout is readily adaptable and
is desirable.
• Trees or other shading equipment (e.g., canopies) shall be installed in parking areas to
provide shade, windbreaks, spatial enclosure, and a visual buffer of parking areas.
• 5 % of surface parking spaces shall be allocated to people with disabilities, provided
that the number of parking spaces is not less than two (see Section 4.3.10). Internal parking aisles dimensions

A parking aisle is the space required for vehicular movement in the facility, adjacent to the
parking stalls, as well for maneuvering in and out of them. The minimum aisle width depends
on the parking angle, traffic direction of aisles (one-way or dual-way) and the presence of
parking on one or both of its sides. The minimum aisle width for one-way and dual-way traffic
shall be 3.5 m and 7.5 m, respectively.Table 4-4 and Figure 4-24 present the minimum parking
stall/space and aisle dimensions for various parking angles and one-way or dual-way traffic.

Table 4-4 Minimum Parking Stall and Aisle Dimensions of Surface Parking per Parking Angle (MoMRA, 2019)

Parking Projected aisle
Parking angle
depth parking serving Parking space (m2)
( o)
(m) width (m) one or two
(Length x width)
[A] sides
[B] [C]

Parallel Parking

Parallel 2.5 m 6.5 m 4.0 m 2.5 m x 6.5 m

Angled Parking

30 o 5.6 m 6.0 m 4.0 m 6.0 m x 3.0 m

45 o 6.3 m 4.2 m 4.0 m 6.0 m x 3.0 m

SHC 303 85
Parking Projected aisle
Parking angle
depth parking serving Parking space (m2)
( o)
(m) width (m) one or two
(Length x width)
[A] sides
[B] [C]

60 o 6.7 m 3.5 m 5.0m 6.0 m x 3.0 m

90 o
6.0 m 3.0 m 6.0 m 6.0 m x 3.0 m
(one-way aisle)

90 o
6.0 m 3.0 m 8.0 m 6.0 m x 3.0 m
(two-way aisle)

Figure 4-24 Minimum Space and Aisle Dimensions of Surface Parking per Parking Angle for One-Way Traffic
(Qatar MOTC, 2021) Vehicle circulation

Figure 4-25 shows examples of surface parking facilities’ internal traffic circulation.

86 SHC 303
NOTE: For entrance/exit areas see Section 4.3.9.

Figure 4-25 Surface Parking Facility Internal Circulation (FGSV, 2012-adjusted)

To ensure the safety of vehicles turning within the surface parking facility and entering and
exiting from it, the minimum turning radius of the turning curve shall be provided as shown in
Table 4-5.

Table 4-5 Minimum Turning Curves Radii and Widths in Surface Parking Facilities

Minimum Internal Minimum Curve

Traffic Movement External Radius
Radius Width

One-way curve 7.0 m 3.5 m 3.5 m

Dual-way curve 10.5 m 3.5 m 7.0 m

The dimensions shown in Table 4-5 are indicative. In any case, the adequacy of internal and
external paths shall be subject to a swept path analysis.

SHC 303 87 Facilities for trucks and buses
Truck parking facilities shall be designed to accommodate the vehicle type or types that would
frequently utilize the facility. The layout of an HGV parking facility depends on the dimensions
of the vehicles using the facility. Therefore, one cannot develop guidelines applicable to all
heavy trucks, nor propose a fits-all geometric layout. Design requirements shall be decided on
a case-by-case basis in consultation with the responsible Authority.
Table 4-6 and Figure 4-26 provide basic parking dimensions for typical parking angles for
various types of trucks and buses, as well as the respective aisle widths. The dimensions shown
in Table 4-6 are indicative and a detailed swept path analysis shall be carried out to determine
more precise parking dimensions and aisle widths.

Table 4-6 HGVs/Buses Minimum Off-Street Parking Dimensions and Aisle Widths (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

Minimum Projected
Parking angle Parking Aisle
parking parking
(o) Vehicle type depth (m) width (m)
width width (m)
[A] (m) [B] [C] [E]

Single Unit Truck

4.0 11.0 5.7 6.0

Semi-trailer 4.0 18.5 5.7 14.0

45 ° Parking
School Bus (S- 3.5 10.0 5.0 8.0
BUS 11)

City Transit Bus

3.5 11.0 5.0 8.5

Articulated Bus
3.5 15.0 5.0 8.5

Single Unit Truck

4.0 12.6 4.0 11.0

Perpendicular Semi-trailer 4.0 23.0 4.0 16.0
Parking (90 o) (WB20)

School Bus (S- 3.5 11.0 3.5 9.0
BUS 11)

88 SHC 303
Minimum Projected
Parking angle Parking Aisle
parking parking
(o) Vehicle type depth (m) width (m)
width width (m)
[A] (m) [B] [C] [E]

City Transit Bus 3.5 12.7 3.5 11.5

Articulated Bus
3.5 18.8 3.5 14.0

NOTE: The aisle dimensioning refers to one-way traffic and forward entering – reverse exiting maneuvers

NOTE: The aisle dimensioning refers to one-way traffic and forward entering – reverse exiting maneuvers.

Figure 4-26 HGVs/Buses Minimum Off-Street Parking Dimensions and Aisle Widths (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

The following section provides general guidelines in terms of dimensions for Rest Areas which
constitute the most frequent type of parking facility for the HGV (WB-20) and bus (city transit
bus) parking design vehicles.

SHC 303 89 Trucks and buses parking arrangements in Rest Areas
The layout, circulation and access shall be developed based on a Traffic Impact Study and in
consultation with the responsible Authority. The basic layout rules for Rest Areas, which affect
parking facilities, are discussed in Chapter 2 of this Volume.
Figure 4-27 and Figure 4-28 show the parking layout for the truck design vehicle (WB-20)
regarding angled (45 o) and parallel parking, respectively.

NOTE: The parking configuration refers to forward entering – forward exiting maneuvers.

Figure 4-27 Angled (45 o) Parking Layout for WB-20 Design Vehicle in Rest Areas (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

NOTE: The parking configuration refers to forward entering – forward exiting maneuvers.
Figure 4-28 Parallel Parking Layout for WB-20 Design Vehicle in Rest Areas (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

In general, bus parking, where possible, shall be segregated from truck parking. Otherwise,
truck parking spaces may be used to also accommodate bus parking. In any case, parking
spaces for buses shall be located so as to allow passengers to disembark onto the Rest Areas
buildings, preferably without having to conflict with vehicle paths.
Figure 4-29 shows the parking layout of the bus design vehicle (City Bus) for the saw-tooth
parking configuration.

90 SHC 303
Figure 4-29 Parking Layout for City Transit Bus Design Vehicle in Rest Areas (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

The above figures are indicative and a detailed swept path analysis shall be carried out to
determine more precise parking dimensions and aisle widths.
Rest areas include also parking for passenger cars, motorcycles, and recreational vehicles, as
well as, parking for the disabled. The same guidelines apply herein as the ones for surface off-
street parking. Bus stops

Bus parking design includes the design of bus parking layouts with related parking spaces
dimensions, as well as on-street bus stops and lay-bys and park and ride facilities. The selected
design vehicle for bus parking in urban areas is the city transit bus (CITY-BUS); it should
however, be agreed with the responsible Authority. In any case, a swept path analysis shall be
On-street bus parking mainly covers bus stops, including lay-bys, curb-side bus stops and
boarder bus stops.
For the design of bus stops, refer to Section 6.6.7 of SHC 301 (Highway Geometric Design).
For Park and Ride facilities, see Section 4.8.1. Facilities and equipment for two-wheelers

Motorcycle parking should be located in unused spaces in the corners of a surface parking
facility, with bollards separating them from car parking stalls.
Bicycle parking is typically provided in parking facilities of residential complexes, schools,
offices, and public transport stations/stops. Bicycle parking areas shall be accessed with
pedestrian walkways clearly separated from vehicular traffic and shall provide a high level of
security, as well as weather and anti-theft protection.
Locked bicycle parking lockers, normally within the parking facility or other structures, are
indicative. Other special constructions for saving space include two-tier or vertical parking
racks (Figure 4-30).

SHC 303 91
Figure 4-30 Vertical Bicycle Parking Rack (FGSV, 2012) Special uses off-street parking Valet parking
Valet parking constitutes an operational system in which parking attendants park and retrieve
vehicles. Valet parking may employ tandem and/or stacked parking layouts. The parking space
dimensions for both systems should be the same. It should be located within the site
boundaries of the type of land-use it serves, preferably in close proximity to the entrance and
distinguished from a general pick-up/drop-off area.
Valet parking shall not interfere with emergency access or vehicular circulation and should not
cause by any means queuing onto adjacent highways.

92 SHC 303 Taxi ranks
Taxi ranks in off-street parking are related to the type of land-use and typically serve locations
where there are high passenger volumes and high demand for taxi services.
The following requirements should apply when designing taxi ranks:
• Taxi ranks shall be located where the road geometry provides safe sightlines for
oncoming vehicles and taxi drivers.
• Separate pick-up and drop-off locations should be provided.
• Pick-up area should be located in close proximity to the entrance of the specific land-
• Taxi queuing area should be separated from the parking area or vehicle circulation.
• Taxi ranks should be located in well-lit areas.
• Appropriate signs should be provided to direct passengers to taxi ranks. Passenger pick-up / drop-off

Certain types of land-uses, such as hotels, retail complexes and especially hospitals are
necessarily equipped with passenger pick-up and drop-off areas. These facilities should allow
for fast operation and be located in the immediate vicinity of the main entrances in secure and
well-lit areas. Facilities to accommodate waiting passengers, such as seating and shelters
against weather conditions should also be provided.
The following features should apply:
• Pick-up and drop-off zones should boast indicative paving separating vehicular from
pedestrian traffic.
• Zones should be of sufficient width to safely allow for unobstructed and safe traffic
circulation and curb space turn-over.
• Drop-off areas should be designed to accommodate queues with no spill-over onto
adjacent highways.
A queuing analysis should be carried out to estimate the area required for vehicle queuing
storage in all above special uses. For queue length estimation, refer to Section A.4 of SHC 601
(Traffic Engineering).

4.3.8. Parking Garages General
Parking garages include in general simple structures or complex, multi-level garage parking
facilities. The location of the parking structure shall be away from intersections and away from
congested points in the road network. Space requirements for all features and installations
related to parking garage structures must be taken into account in the early stage of the
design, as they restrict the usable area and can also significantly impair the operation of the
overall system.
The basic design components, such as, parking stall dimensions, aisle widths and circulation
used for off-street surface parking (see Section 4.3.7) also apply to parking structures.
Additional design requirements applicable to garage parking structures include the following:

SHC 303 93
• The various levels (excluding ramps) must be horizontal.
• The number of levels should preferably be limited to a maximum of six.
• The inner distance between the structure’s pillars shall not be less than 9.0 m, as wide
as to accommodate three parking stalls.
• Each level shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.5 m.
• The height of the ground floor shall be preferably 3.75 m to allow entry of elevated
• Counterclockwise rotation shall be preferred to match the entrance and exit traffic
movement in the parking facility.
• 5 % of multi-floor parking spaces shall be allocated to parking spaces for people with
disabilities (see Section 4.3.10).
In general, parking garage structure types are classified into:
• Simple structures.
• Multi-level structures. Simple structures

Simple parking garage structures typically include underground single level parking areas or
a parking deck with parking levels on the ground and underground floor, which can be
accessed directly from a ground or adjacent carriageway. The latter structure configuration
can be also accessed by increasing the ground level by 1.5 to 2.0 m approximately from ground
surface, in order to use only short ramps for both levels. In such cases, natural ventilation can
generally be guaranteed, so no other installations are required except for drainage and
When designing underground parking spaces, the following must be considered:
• Greatest degree of safety shall be provided for parked or moving vehicles within the
parking stall.
• As many parking stalls as possible should be provided.
• Conflict in the movement of vehicles shall be minimized to the extent possible.
• Conflict between vehicles and pedestrians shall be minimized to the extent possible. Multi-level structures

Multi-level car parking structures are used where parking is in high demand, such as in cases
of commercial complexes and mixed-use structures. There are two types of multi-level parking
facilities. The first is the one that makes use of ramps, while the second type uses mechanical
movement (car lifts). It is not advisable to use the second type (mechanical movement),
because any malfunction often leads to the complete disruption of the facility.
Vehicles move from one level to another within the garage parking facility building via ramps.
There are several different types of ramp systems and related structures with no single
combination that can best fit-all. The selection should be made based on site layout and
parking demand characteristics.
The following main four ramp systems are available (Figure 4-31):

94 SHC 303
• Full ramps, which connect levels in a tangent run. The ramps themselves are easy to
drive on. However, the shifting of the ramps may have an unfavorable effect on the
safety and quality of traffic flow.
• Semi-ramps, which connect the parking levels split in two parts and spaced half a
level apart. The shorter ramps result to higher grades.
• Helical ramps, which are external ramps of the parking structures. Given the higher
area requirements, helical ramps are particularly suitable for large park structures.
• Parking ramps, which form an integral part of the parking areas, as at least one side
of the ramp is used also for parking. In cases where accessible parking spaces are
provided, their grade shall not exceed 8 %. Parking ramps are the most economical
solution; however, they are not suitable when shopping carts are used in the parking

Figure 4-31 Ramp Systems (FGSV, 2012)

All the above ramp configurations may accommodate one-way or dual-way traffic;
however, in semi-ramps, the widening of the lanes in curves may be required. The latter is
usually difficult to accommodate. In any case, a swept path analysis shall be carried out.
In the case of dual-way ramps, care should be taken to ensure that there is as little as
possible overlap of up-stream and down-stream traffic at their endings. Nevertheless, this
can hardly be avoided in the case of helical ramps, which explains why they are less suitable

SHC 303 95
in large installations with high degree of handling than, for example, helical ramps with
one-way traffic.
In general, dual-way traffic as left-hand traffic shall be excluded for safety reasons. If it
cannot be avoided in individual cases, e. g. the case of semi - ramp systems in left - hand
corners and separate traffic streams, the individual lanes shall be clearly identified and
separated by appropriate structural measures and vertical control devices (see Figure 4-32).
Ramps are designed with safety clearances on both sides, which are raised to 0.08 m. On
dual-way traffic ramps, safety clearance (raised by 0.08 m) is also designed between the
opposing traffic.
The circulation path shall be free from physical and visual obstacles. Vehicle paths shall be
designed respecting pedestrian conflicts.

NOTE: Semi-ramp configurations width with dual-way directional traffic shall be designed as shown above.

Figure 4-32 Semi-Ramp with Dual-Way Directional Traffic as Left-Hand Traffic (FGSV, 2012-adjusted) Ramp design

For tangent and curved ramps, the following shall apply. Tangent (straight) ramps

• The width of the ramp shall be at least 3.50 m.

96 SHC 303
• The ramp grade shall not be more than 15 %; in exceptional cases, the grade can be
up to 20 % for short distances. In the case that the ramp grade is more than 15 %, a
grade of 15 % shall be used at the top and bottom of the ramp for a distance of 5.0 m
(Figure 4-33).
• Transition curves shall be designed where successive grades along a ramp have a
difference greater than 8 %. In this case, the crest and sag vertical curvature rates (K)
shall be 0.20 m.
• Where transition curves are not an option, a grade transition of 2.0 m in length at grade
of half the difference between the two successive grades shall be provided at the top
and bottom of the ramp.
• If ramps need to be used as parking stalls, the longitudinal grade shall not exceed 8 %.

Figure 4-33 Tangent Ramp Design with Grade >15 % (MoMRA, 2019) Helical and curved ramps

• It is preferable to use counterclockwise rotation whenever possible.
• The grade (measured at the axis of the helical or curved ramp) of the helical ramp in
one direction shall not be more than 12 %.
• The helical ramp dimensions for dual-way traffic shall be as follows:
o The width of the spiral ramp is 9.14 m and the outer radius of the ramp is 14.32
m (counterclockwise motion).
o The minimum superelevation rates for the lower and larger radii are 4 % and 3
%, respectively.
• The dimensions for a one-way helical ramp shall be as follows:
o The width of the spiral ramp is 4.57 m and ≥ 3.96 m for the upward movement,
and the outer radius of the ramp is 9.57 m (counterclockwise motion).
o The minimum superelevation rate is 4 %.
• Downgrades shall be placed inward and upgrades outward.

Figure 4-34 and Figure 4-35 show the typical dimensions of one-way and dual-way ramps on
tangent and curved or helical configurations, respectively.

SHC 303 97
Table 4-7 summarizes the basic characteristics of entry and exit ramps in garage parking

Figure 4-34 Typical Dimensions of One-Way and Dual-Way Tangent Ramps (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

NOTE: On curved or helical ramps an inner, outer and between paths (only for dual-way traffic) clearance (C) of
0.50 m shall be provided on top. The adequacy of inner, outer and between paths clearance is subject to swept
path analysis. On tangent ramps, the inner and outer clearance (Co) is 0.25 m and the clearance (C) of 0.50 m
applies only between opposing vehicle paths. The width of semi-ramp configurations with dual-way directional
traffic shall be designed as shown in Figure 4-32.

Figure 4-35 Typical Dimensions of One-Way and Dual-Way Curved/Helical Ramps (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

98 SHC 303
Table 4-7 Types and Minimum Dimensions of Entry and Exit Ramps in Garage Parking Facilities (MoMRA, 2019-

Ramp Type

Helical Helical
Tangent Curved
(counterclockwise) (clockwise)
One- Dual- One- Dual- Dual- One- Dual-
way way way way way way way
Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic

Outer Radius
- - 10.4+C 15.3+C 9.6+C 14.2+C 11.3+C 17.4+C
(Ro) (m)

Inner Radius
- - 5.5 5.5 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.2
(Ri) (m)

4.5 and ≥
Lane Width 3.7 per 4.0 for
3.7 4.9 4.9 4.5 6.1 6.1
(LW) (m) lane upward

NOTE: Clearance (C) = 0.50 m. Structures for bicyclists

The same guidelines apply herein as those in Section Automated parking systems

In an automated parking system, the driver leaves the car at a specific delivery point; the car
is then automatically directed to the vacant parking stall, parked and then returned to the
delivery point when the driver is ready to leave. The entire procedure is automatic without
human intervention. Automated parking is only provided as an off-street parking facility and
allows for both horizontal and vertical stacking. The objective is to maximize the number of
parking spaces, while minimizing the parking footprint.
Automated parking systems can be categorized into those applying “lateral displacement
systems” and those with “vertical displacement systems”.
In the first category, parking pallets are arranged on the parking levels in several rows side by
side or in succession. The pallets can be moved across or lengthwise. In such arrangements,
vertical movements are only required for connection to the vehicle transfer cabin (see Figure
4-36). Vertical displacement systems consist of at least two parking levels above each other,
on which the pallets are usually arranged in a row, as depicted in Figure 4-37. Vertical conveyor
systems transport the pallets from one level to another.

SHC 303 99
Figure 4-36 Lateral Displacement Automated Parking Systems (FGSV, 2012)

Figure 4-37 Vertical Displacement Automated Parking Systems (FGSV, 2012)

Table 4-8 summarizes typical dimensions for the automated parking system, in accordance
with PDV dimensions.

100 SHC 303

Table 4-8 Automated Parking System Requirements (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

Description Dimensions

Lateral Displacement Systems

Platform Size (min) 5.5 m long x 2.7 m wide

Min. Maneuvering Space (sideways) 3.0 m

Min. Maneuvering Space (length-ways) 7.2 m

Min. clear Driveway Width (after installation)

1-way traffic 3.6 m

2-way traffic 6.0 m

Holding Bay At entrance and exit.

Vertical Displacement Systems

Platform Size (min) 5.5 m long x 2.7 m wide

Holding Bay At entrance and exit

2.4 m clear (excluding conduits and fixtures

Height Limit
for lighting, etc.)

A queuing analysis must be carried out to estimate the area required for vehicle queuing
storage required. For queue length estimation, refer to Section A.4 of SHC 601 (Traffic
Elevator cabins shall have a minimum internal width of 3.5 m inside, while elevator gates shall
be at least 2.5 m wide. In terms of height, a vertical clearance of 2.0 m shall be allowed for. Other design elements

Stairways, pedestrian walkways, ramps and elevators shall be arranged in such a way that they
can be reached from all parking areas in as short and clear as way as possible. In buildings,
this path may not be more than 30 m; in open surface facilities it may not be more than 50 m,
in accordance with KSA climate.
Pedestrian paths shall also constitute a key design element in a parking facility. Safe, visible
and protected path shall be provided to the pedestrians to access the parking space at all
levels. The following requirements shall apply:
• Entrance and exit for vehicles and pedestrians shall be separated.
• Pedestrians shall not be allowed on vehicle circulation aisles.

SHC 303 101

• Pedestrian crossings shall be located away from major vehicular movement to the
extent possible and at right angles with the traffic flow to maximize sight distance.
• Signage and pavement markings shall provide guidance to pedestrian crossings.
• Direct pedestrian pathway access shall be provided to the building’s entrance.
• No vehicle overhangs onto pedestrian pathways.

4.3.9. Entries / Exits

Any access to off-street parking facilities shall be designed and clearly identified as an access
driveway or intersection. The entry/exit of off-street parking facilities at an intersection shall
be designed in line with highway design standards with all necessary traffic control devices
that follow the intersection geometric design requirements in accordance with Section 4.5.4
of SHC 301 (Highway Geometric Design) and Chapter 3 of SHC 602 (Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices).
A traffic flow and queuing analysis shall be carried out as part of the parking area/structure
planning and design process to establish the required entry and exit lanes’ capacities and the
length of queue storage areas. Accordingly:
• Analysis must take into consideration the proposed access control systems (gates,
barriers, ticketing, etc.) and their capacities.
• Storage must be accommodating 95th percentile of queue lengths inside the stall for
exiting traffic and on the auxiliary lane for entering traffic.
• Pedestrian sidewalk shall remain clear and shall not be considered in the queuing
• Queue assessment is required for access points with volume/capacity (v/c) ration
greater than 0.5.
• Access points with v/c ratio greater than 1.0 are not acceptable.
For more information refer to Section A.4 of SHC 601 (Traffic Engineering).
In such undesirable cases (Figure 4-38), the defining design element shall be the so-called
“throat length” [distance between the edge of the crossing or that of the main highway
(whichever is closest), to the nearest parking circulation highway within the parking facility
perpendicular to the access driveway]. Throat lengths shall be calculated in Traffic Impact
Studies on a case-by-case basis, depending on parking demand, area development, traffic
flows, etc. and shall be sufficient to eliminate potential queues (Figure 4-39). As an indicative
example, in shopping malls, throat lengths shall be approximately 75 m.

102 SHC 303

Figure 4-38 Inadequate Entry Throat Length (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

Figure 4-39 Driveway Throat Length (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

It is critical to provide the appropriate number of entry/exit lanes to meet projected peak traffic
volumes. Parking facilities shall be designed to limit the number of entry and exit driveways,
since multiple access points can introduce numerous conflict points. Larger parking facilities
may require multiple access and egress points. In such cases, the spacing between the
driveways must be coordinated with the responsible Authority.

SHC 303 103

Driveways must be located in such a way that they do not affect the traffic operations on the
highway, or impact safety. Driveways must be clearly visible, meet the sight distance
requirements of the adjacent highways, and minimize vehicle/pedestrian conflict and
disruption to through-traffic.
In general:
• Entrances/exits shall be visible and easily identifiable.
• The locations of the entrance and exit of a surface parking facility shall be chosen so
that there is no conflict with the traffic on the adjacent roadway. It shall also be away
from any service road entrances/exits to/from main roadways.
• The minimum distance of the entrance or exit of the surface parking facility from
highway intersections shall be 12.0 m.
• The visibility when exiting the parking facility shall be assessed along the obstacles-
free triangles of 1.8 m x 1.8 m formed along both sides of the exit driveway (Figure
• The width of the entry or exit shall be at least 3.5 m. In cases of combined entrance and
exit areas, the minimum width of the opening shall be at least 7.5 m, where a separating
island of no less than 0.5 m width shall be included.
• The width adequacy of entrances and exits of parking facilities shall be subject to swept
path analysis depending on site conditions and constraints (e.g., sidewalk width, access
road lane width, etc.)
• The vertical clearance at the entry/exit of the parking facility shall not be less than 2.5
m, and preferably 3.75 m to allow entry of elevated vehicles.
Figure 4-40 shows the minimum dimensions of entrance and exit for surface parking facilities.

Figure 4-40 Minimum Dimensions of Entrances and Exits of Surface Parking Facilities (MoMRA, 2019)

104 SHC 303

Figure 4-41 Visibility Requirement of Vehicle Exiting the Parking Facility (MoMRA, 2019)

With regard to the entrances and exits of the underground parking facilities, their locations
shall be chosen in a way that they do not conflict with the traffic on the roads surrounding the
parking facility, and be adequately distanced away from intersections and highways to ensure
traffic safety (Figure 4-42).

SHC 303 105

Figure 4-42 Parking Entrances and Exits Location in relation to Surrounding Roads (MoMRA, 2019)

With regard to entrances/exits to multi-level car parks, all requirements for entrance/exit
applicable to both surface and underground parking facilities shall also apply herein.
The entrance is designed based on the type of service offered in the parking facility, namely
self-service or assisted via a facility employee.
In self-service parking, if the flow rate ranges from 300 to 500 cars per hour, there is no
requirement to provide storage space for passenger cars, as these can flow easily and without
the assistance of an employee.
In parking spaces where vehicles are parked by employees, a storage space shall be provided,
whose size depends on the ratio of the average car arrival to the facility to the rate of the
parking employee’s service. The curve in Figure 4-43 can be used to estimate the storage space
required for the rate of cars arriving during peak hours.
In addition, the following shall apply:
• The maximum capacity of the entrance shall not be less than 400 cars per hour.
• At least one entrance shall be provided for every 500 parking spaces.

106 SHC 303

• The unloading rate at the exit shall not be less than 150 passenger cars per hour.
• At least one exit must be provided for every 250 parking spaces.
• The unloading time shall not exceed one hour, and in emergency cases, the unloading
time shall not exceed half an hour.

Figure 4-43 Reserve Space Required for the Rate of Arrival of Cars in Rush Hour (MoMRA, 2019)

4.3.10. Parking for the Disabled (Accessible Parking)

Parking spaces designated for individuals with disabilities or the mobility-impaired must be
provided at all types of parking facilities.
As a general rule, 5 % of any parking space (parking garage or off-street surface parking
facility) shall be allocated to parking stalls for people with disabilities. In more detail, the
minimum number of parking space requirement is based on the total number of parking
spaces in a facility, in accordance with Table 4-9.

SHC 303 107

Table 4-9 Number of Accessible Spaces (RCJY, 2020)

Designated Accessible
Total Parking Spaces

1 - 25 1

26 - 50 2

51 - 75 3

76 - 100 4

101 - 150 5

151 - 200 6

201 - 300 7

301 - 400 8

401 - 500 9

501 - 1,000 2 % of total

20 plus 1 for each 100 over

> 1,001

The following design principles shall apply:

• Minimum stall dimensions shall be 6.0 m (length) x 3.5 m (width) including:
o an additional width of at least 1.6 m along each side, in cases of stalls
perpendicular to the parking aisle; in cases of adjacent disabled parking stalls,
space can be saved by using the same 1.6 m access aisle to serve both sides.
• Parking spaces for people with disabilities must be distinguished via appropriate
signage in compliance with Section 3.2.40 of SHC 602 (Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices), typically the international symbols of accessibility. It shall be clearly
visible at the entrance to the parking area, and also when a vehicle is parked in the
designated space.
• Parking spaces shall be located on level terrain with surface slopes that do not exceed
2 % in all directions.
• In parking structures, parking stalls shall be located on the shortest possible accessible
route to an accessible building entrance/elevator.
• Accessible parking stalls not located adjacent to the accessible entrances shall have
signage that indicates the direction to these entrances.
• Sidewalks shall be equipped with the necessary well-lit ramps to reach the parking
stalls with a width of not less than 0.9 m.
• Dropped curbs shall be provided adjacent to the parking stall to enable ease of access.

108 SHC 303

Figure 4-44 depicts typical off-street layouts of parking stalls for disabled, while Figure 4-45
and Figure 4-46 present 45 o and perpendicular on-street disabled parking layouts,

Figure 4-44 Off-Street Accessible Parking Layout (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

Figure 4-45 On-Street 45 o Accessible Parking Layout (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

SHC 303 109

Figure 4-46 On-Street Perpendicular Accessible Parking Layout (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

On-street parallel parking should only be provided to vehicles transporting disabled

passengers who are able to board/alight on the passenger side (see Figure 4-47). On-street
parallel accessible parking stalls for vehicles must meet the following requirements:
• Minimum dimensions of 6.5 m x 2.5 m.
• Access aisle minimum dimensions 6.5 m x 2.4 m.
• Adequate vertical and horizontal clearance (minimum 2.5 m high and minimum 4.0 m
wide to accommodate both parking space and access aisle).

110 SHC 303

Figure 4-47 On-Street Parallel Accessible Vehicle Parking Stall Layout (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

4.3.11. Loading Yards

A loading yard (or service area) is an area accessed by HGVs for specific functions, such as
loading, unloading, servicing, and inspection.
Loading yards shall have separate access point(s) and be located away from the main
development/ retail entries/exits, other parking facilities as well as any pedestrian activity. They
shall be located in the vicinity of the development and away from residential developments to
the furthest extent possible.
The resulting surfaces should be adapted in detail to the requirements of the service and the
geometry of the delivery vehicles. Each loading area shall be able to be entered and exited at
any time, independently of other delivery activities.
The following design requirements apply:
• Adequate space for queuing and maneuvering shall be provided based on the
specifications of the largest design vehicle expected to use the loading yard.

SHC 303 111

• A sufficient number of loading bays shall be provided to accommodate peak service
demand, with dimensions based on the parking design vehicle.
• Loading bays shall be 1.0 m wider and 1.0 m longer than the design vehicle.
• Loading yards shall not be located in a structure with shared activities, in order to
prevent height restrictions. Entrance and exit areas adjacent to the loading yard shall
be capable of accommodating the largest design vehicle.
• For the reception and handling of trucks in covered loading yards, the required
clearance height of at least 4.5 m shall be taken into account.
Access to non-level loading yards may be via tangent or curved ramps, with a grade of no
higher than 10 %. Exceptionally, up to 15 % may be used, if ensured that trucks travelling
upwards do not have to stop and start at this grade.
The access to the yard shall be at least 3.5 m wide per lane and shall be of such width as to
ensure that the entry and exit is free of obstruction. Loading yards can be set up with a
combined entry and exit.
In any case, the adequacy of entry/exit and loading yard areas are subject to swept path
analysis, based on the design vehicle to be accommodated. An indicative example layout is
shown in Figure 4-48.

NOTE: Loading accommodating three vehicles; distances X1, Y1 and Y2 subject to design vehicle and swept path

Figure 4-48 Example of Open Loading Yard with Side Entry/Exit (FGSV, 2012)

112 SHC 303

4.4. Safety and Security Requirements
A number of measures shall be adopted to ensure the adequate safety and security of both
the users and the parking facility.
With regard to entrances and exits, the following shall apply:
• Each entrance and exit shall be provided with an illuminated sign clearly indicating the
“entrance” or “exit” in full.
• Each entrance shall be provided with a sign indicating the permissible vehicle height
for entry. Movement of the sign plate shall be enabled if it comes into contact with the
top of a vehicle exceeding the permissible height.
• Mobile barriers shall be placed at entrances and exits.
• Special consideration to the design of pedestrian paths shall be given in order, to
ensure that the sidewalk level does not rise or fall in front of the entrances or exits in a
way that impedes the movement of pedestrians or people with disabilities.
• Pavements leading to entrances or exits shall be marked in a clear color to ensure the
safety of pedestrians crossing.
Regarding internal circulation:
• Adequate sight lines shall be provided to enhance safety at points where traffic
movement and flows conflict, such as, exit points from ramps and in between floors.
• Good visibility at locations where pedestrian access routes cross or intersect with
vehicle circulation routes.
• Depending on the mode of use, escape routes and emergency crossings shall be
provided in enclosed car parks, which are clearly identifiable even in the event of a
power failure.
With regard to ramps:
• Skid resistant surface shall be provided on ramps.
• Additional anti-skid features that also limit vehicle speed on ramps include anti-skid
bumps that shall be used on the floor of the entrance and exit ramps. These are either
concrete humps within the ramp or metal strips fixed to the ramp, as shown in Figure
• Skid resistant walkways shall be provided for pedestrians.
Regarding fire protection, the requirements of Saudi Fire Code 801 and Saudi Building Code
201 shall apply. In addition:
• Each floor shall be provided with the necessary extinguishing devices complementing
the automatic fire extinguishing system when needed, while the requirements of the
Civil Defense must be met with regard to safety procedures.
• Coordination shall be made with the local fire department of each individual site in this
regard through a consultant approved by the Civil Defense.

SHC 303 113

Figure 4-49 Ramp Wheel Slip (MoMRA, 2019)

With regard to security, the following requirements shall apply:

• Surveillance, either through on-site personnel or CCTV cameras shall be provided in
off-street parking facilities.
• On-site personnel shall be present especially in multi-level parking facilities.
• Landscaping and boundary features shall not obstruct surveillance, or provide
opportunities for concealment.
• High levels of illumination shall be provided throughout the facility with vandal
resistant fixtures.
• Payment machines shall be positioned in high visibility, busy areas.
• Pillars shall preferably be spaced as far away as possible to allow more visibility and
reduce the chances of hiding and stalking.
• As far as possible, elevators and stairs (stairs) should be visible through open walls.
• Escalators, where possible, should be preferred as an alternative to stairs and elevators,
as they allow vertical movement between floors with a high degree of visibility.

114 SHC 303

4.5. Protective Equipment
4.5.1. Column / Wall Guards
Columns, walls and vehicles in any parking building facility must be protected against any
impact from collision and scrapes, typically via the use of guards, which are highly efficient as
well as cost-effective. Rubber or plastic guards should be installed on the corners of columns
and walls to prevent the impact of collision or friction with vehicles. They can be used on both
flat surfaces, and rectangular or round shaped columns.
Their general design specifications are summarized in Table 4-10.

Table 4-10 General Design Specifications for Guards (Qatar MOTC, 2021)

Column Corner Guards Column/Wall Guards

Height 1.0 to 1.2 m 30 mm

Length - 5.0 m

Width 65 to 125 mm 200 mm

Placement 0.1 m from finished floor 0. 5 m from finished floor

height level level

Black and yellow (retro- Black and yellow (retro-

reflective) reflective)

4.5.2. Wheel Stops

Wheel stops are typically used on the parking floor surface to ensure vehicles don’t overhang
sidewalks, pedestrian walkways, landscaping, nor come into contact with walls and buildings.
They are usually provided in off-street parking facilities; however, these may also be required
at on-street angle parking spaces to prevent the vehicle from overhanging the footpath or
To ensure wheel stops don’t constitute a safety hazard for pedestrians, they shall be painted
or marked to enhance their visibility, while adequate walkway between them must be ensured.
A wheel stop made of concrete (or of any other material) shall be used with a length of 1.8 m,
a width of not less than 0.15 m, and preferably 0.2 m, and a height of not less than 0.15 m.
Wheel stops shall be installed at a distance of 76 cm from the parking stall limits (wall or
sidewalk), as shown in Figure 4-50.

SHC 303 115

Figure 4-50 Minimum Wheel Stop Dimensions (MoMRA, 2019)

parking wall

Figure 4-51 Wheel Stop Installations (MoMRA, 2019)

4.5.3. Barriers and Fences

In multi-level parking facilities, vehicle barriers (preferably made of concrete) shall be installed
along the borders of the floors and the ends of the roofs of the corridors or parking stalls that
have a height difference of more than 300 mm from the level directly adjacent to it. The
minimum barrier height shall be 1.2 m and it shall be designed according to the standards of
SBC 201.

116 SHC 303

Finally, fences of no less than 1.2 m in height shall be provided, made of plant barriers in the
open ground surface parking sites and the ground floors of multi-floor car parks on the side
of neighborhood buildings and activities to prevent unorganized vehicle-pedestrians

4.6. Signing
Parking areas shall be provided with all necessary signage and marking to guide the driver to
the parking stalls, exits, turns, ramps, emergency exits, elevations, restrooms and elevators and
pedestrian crossings, as well as helping them to understand the movement and directions of
traffic. Speed signs shall also be included at the parking.
In general, signing shall be in accordance with Chapter 3 of SHC 602 (Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices).

4.7. Lighting
In general, street lighting is sufficient to park safely in the dark. If necessary, uniform and good
illumination can be ensured by changing poles’ heights, adjust in-between distances and light
Regarding off-street parking, refer to Chapter 5 of SHC 306 (Highway Facilities and Utilities
Design – Public Utilities, Highway and Street Lighting, Control and Monitoring Devices).

4.8. Special Purpose Parking Zones

4.8.1. Park-and-Ride
The Park-and-Ride (P&R) system is an intermodal connection point between private vehicles
and public transport, typically considered a fundamental element in urban transport planning.
Park-and-ride facilities are parking spaces associated with a railway station or a public
transport stop whereby users can park their vehicle and continue the journey by public
transport to their final destination. They range from large to small, depending on the number
of parking spaces they provide as well as their services, amenities, and surrounding
For a typical large Park and Ride layout:
• Perpendicular, 90-degree parking should be preferred in order to maximize the
number of spaces. Accessible parking including van-accessible parking shall be
• Passenger drop-off and pick-up areas shall be provided. A designated drop-off / pick-
up area for mobility-on-demand services, such as Uber may also be provided.
• If served by transit, bus boarding lanes and bus boarding areas shall be provided for
each standard bus. For more information refer to Section 6.6.7 of SHC 301 (Highway
Geometric Design).

SHC 303 117

• Regarding vehicle circulation, parking aisles shall be included for stalls with two-way
traffic and perpendicular parking. If served by transit, Bus Only lanes and bus queuing
areas should be included.
• Regarding pedestrian movement, walkways or sidewalks shall connect parking areas
and boarding areas. Accessible curb ramps for access onto sidewalks and loading areas
should be included.
• Bicycle parking should be provided.
The dimensions for the above features should be in accordance with the respective guidelines
for surface off-street parking (see Section 4.3.7).
In addition:
• Access routes to the parking areas and exits shall be located in a way as to prevent any
potential conflict from obstructing bus traffic.
• Parking spaces for the disabled shall be located as close as possible to the bus/metro
• Pedestrian paths shall be designed in such a way that pedestrians can leave the car
park or the multi-level facility via the shortest route to the public transport stop. The
footpath from the parking space of the vehicle to the bus or platform shall not exceed
150 m. Where structural separation between lanes and pedestrian walkways is not
possible, the walkways shall be identified by means of clear marking, e.g., colored
pavement and supporting signs.
• Parking areas and the access routes to the stops shall be adequately illuminated.
• Passenger drop-off facilities may also be provided outside the park-and-ride facility,
but in the near vicinity of the bus/metro station. The number of parking spaces for
short-term parking depends on the catchment area and the passenger frequency of
the respective public transport stop and typically ranges between 2 and 5 spaces.

4.8.2. Parking for Families / Elderly

To unload or load strollers, enough space is required on the side of the car and behind the car.
Suitable parking spaces may be marked as family parking spaces with a special symbol. Similar
spaces for the elderly are recommended, provided near the entrance to elevators for ease of

4.8.3. Parking Spaces for Electric Vehicles

Parking spaces for electric vehicles may be located in the entrance area of a car park and
provided with an electric filling station. It is essential to have a related signpost and signage,
which makes it easier to find the space and at the same time keeps unauthorized persons

4.9. Smart Parking

Smart parking systems making use of sensor technology, allow real-time data to be obtained
about parking availability as well as traffic and road conditions.

118 SHC 303

They constitute a key way to manage parking in modern cities using information technology
tools so as to maximize the efficiency of parking operation. Most of these systems can be
applied to all types of parking and include the following main systems:
• Parking Reservation Systems: uses technology to reserve a parking space ahead of
arrival, ensuring that the desired slot for the vehicle is held, and providing the system
with the ability to indicate to the other drivers those places that were already reserved
and are not available.
• Parking Guidance and Information Systems: systems whose main objective is to
guide the user to available parking slots, thereby reducing the time expended
searching for free spaces.
• Centralized Assisted Parking Search: central processor or server is entirely in charge
of processing the information. It collects the information from sensors that are located
in the parking places and, after processing these data, can send this information
directly to the users or display information that can serve the drivers.

SHC 303 119

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AASHTO (2018) A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 7th Edition. American
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Abu Dhabi Department of Transportation (2013) Truck Parking and Driver Rest Strategy. Abu
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Enforcement (2006) Commercial Vehicle Inspection Station Policy, Technical Circular for TAC
Geometric Design Guide, Section 920. British Columbia Ministry of Transportation, Canada.
CalTrans (2011) Strategic Recommendations - Safety Roadside Rest Area Master Plan, Final Task
5 Report. California Department of Transportation California, United States.
Connecticut Academy of Science & Engineering (2008) A Study of Weigh Station Technologies
and Practices. Connecticut Department of Transportation, Hartford, United States.
FGSV (2011) Empfehlungen für Rastanlagen an Straβen-ERS. Forschungsgesellschaft für
Straβen-und Verkehrswesen, Köln, Deutschland (Research Society for Roads and Transport,
Recommendations for Rest Areas at Road-ERS. Cologne, Germany).
FGSV (2012) Empfehlungen für Anlagen des ruhenden Verkehrs (EAR). Forschungsgesellschaft
für Straβen-und Verkehrswesen, Köln, Deutschland. (Research Society for Roads and Transport,
Recommendations for Stationary Traffic Facilities –EAR. Cologne, Germany).
FHWA (1995) Best Practices for Commercial Vehicle Monitoring Facilities Design. Federal
Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation, Washington DC, United
Jeddah Municipality (2008) Streetscape & Urban Design Manual. Jeddah Municipality, Jeddah,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Kolodinskaja, J. & Bertulienė, L. (2020) Layout of Rest Areas and Their Infrastructure
Development in the South-Eastern Region of Lithuania. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge
Engineering, 15(3), p. 130-145.
MODON (2021) MODON Development Standards, Volume 1 – Master Planning &
Transportation, Chapter 3: Transportation Planning. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

120 SHC 303

MoMRA (2015) Executive summary for study of installing parking meters at car parks on the
legal setback of some buildings in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Municipal and Rural
Affairs, Deputy Ministry of Towns Planning, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
MoMRA (2019) Car Parking Design Guide. Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia.
MOTC (2021) Qatar Highway Design Manual (QHDM). Qatar Ministry of Transport and
Communications, Qatar, United Arab Emirates.
MoTLS (1992) Highway Design Manual. Design of Roadways, Vol.2, Book 2 of 2. Ministry of
Transport and Communications, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
NRA (2010) Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. The Location and Layout of Lay-bys and
Location Markers, Volume 6, Section 3, Part 3. Irish National Road Authority, Dublin, Ireland.
NRA (2014) Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. The Location and Layout of On-Line Service
Areas, Volume 6, Section 3, Part 3. Irish National Road Authority, Dublin, Ireland.
NYSDOT (2010) Highway Design Manual, Highway Rest Areas, Revision 58. New York State
Department of Transportation, United States.
Ogás, M. G.D., Fabregat, R. & Aciar, R. (2020) Survey of Smart Parking Systems. Appl. Sci., Vol.10,
Qatar Ministry of Transport and Communications (2021) Parking Design Manual. Qatar, United
Arab Emirates.
Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads (2014) Guideline, Rest
Areas and Stopping Places – Location, Design and Facilities. State of Queensland, Australia.
Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads (2021) Heavy Vehicle
Interception Site – Design Manual. State of Queensland, Australia.
RCJY (2020) Guiding Engineering Manual. Royal Commission Jubail and Yanbu, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia.
Regan, A., Park, M., Nandiraju, S., & Yang, C-H. (2006) Strategies for Successful Implementation
of Virtual Weigh and Compliance Systems in California. California PATH Research Report.
Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, United States.
Splawinska, M. (2019) Use of Rest Areas by Passenger Car Drivers on Fast Road Network. Poland
MATEC Web of Conferences, 262, 05013.
Stawska, S., Chmielewski, J., Bacharz, M., Bacharz, K., & Nowak, A. (2021) Comparative Accuracy
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VDOT (2018) Park & Ride Design Guidelines. Virginia Department of Transportation,
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Virginia Administrative Code. Title 19, Public Safety Agency 30, Department of State Police
Chapter 70. Available at:
(accessed June 2022).
WSDOT (2021) Design Manual, Division 17- Roadside Facilities, 1710 Safety Rest Areas and
Traveler Services. Washington State Department of Transportation, United States.

SHC 303 121

WSDOT (2021) Design Manual, Division 17- Roadside Facilities, 1720 Weigh Sites. Washington
State Department of Transportation, United States.
Zhang, L. A., Haas, C. & Tighe, S.L. (2008) Evaluation of the Economic Feasibility of Weigh-In-
Motion in Canada. Pavement Evaluation. Performance and Management Session of the 2008
Annual Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada, Toronto, Ontario.

122 SHC 303

Appendix A - Rest Areas Layouts
A.1. Type A with Fuel Station and Integrated Commercial Use

Figure A-1 Schematic Layout of Type A RA Design with Fuel Station and Integrated Commercial Use (FGSV, 2011)

SHC 303 123

A.2. Type A with Fuel Station and Separate Commercial Use

Figure A-2 Schematic Layout of Type A RA Design with Fuel Station and Separate Commercial Use Area (FGSV,

124 SHC 303

A.3. Type A with Fuel Station via Island and Separate
Commercial Use

Figure A-3 Schematic Layout of Type A RA Design with Fuel Station via Separating Island and Separate
Commercial Use Area (FGSV, 2011)

SHC 303 125

A.4. Type A with Fuel Station and Integrated Commercial Use
at Short Distance from Interchange

Figure A-4 Schematic Layout of Type A RA Design with Fuel Station and Integrated Commercial Use Area at Short
Distance from Neighboring Interchange (FGSV, 2011)

126 SHC 303

A.5. Type A with Connection to Opposite Highway Direction

Figure A-5 Schematic Layout of Type A RA Design on One Side of Highway with Connection to Opposite
Direction (overpass) (FGSV, 2011)

SHC 303 127

A.6. Type B

Figure A-6 Schematic Layout of Type B RA Design (FGSV, 2011)

128 SHC 303

A.7. Type B with Lateral Space Limitation

Figure A-7 Schematic Layout of Type B RA Design with Lateral Space Limitation (FGSV, 2011)

SHC 303 129

A.8. Type B with Longitudinal Space Limitation or at Short
Distance from Neighboring Interchange

Figure A-8 Schematic Layout of Type B RA Design with Longitudinal Space Limitation or at Short Distance from
Neighboring Interchange (FGSV, 2011)

130 SHC 303

A.9. Pedestrian Walkways in Type A

Figure A-9 Schematic Layout of Pedestrian Walkways Design in Type A RA (FGSV, 2011)

SHC 303 131

A.10. Pedestrian Walkways in Type B

Figure A-10 Schematic Layout of Pedestrian Walkways Design in Type B RA (FGSV, 2011)

132 SHC 303

A.11. Type B in Rural Highway with Grade Separated

Figure A-11 Schematic Layout of Type B Rest Area along a Rural Highway with Grade Separated Intersections
(FGSV, 2011)

SHC 303 133

A.12. Type B in Rural Highway with At Grade Intersections

NOTE: The acceleration lane of the Rest Area becomes obsolete if the Rest Area is positioned at an adequate
distance away from the highway pavement, so that the entrance to the highway can be designed as a
grade intersection according to the design principles included in SHC 301 (Highway Geometric Design).

Figure A-12 Schematic Layout of Type B Rest Area along a Rural Highway with At Grade Intersections (FGSV,

134 SHC 303

A.13. Type C

Figure A-13 Schematic Layout of Type C Rest Area (NRA, 2010)

SHC 303 135

A.14. Type A Entrance / Exit Signing

Figure A-14 Schematic Layout regarding Entrance/Exit Signing of Type A Rest Area (MoTLS, 2018)

136 SHC 303

Appendix B - Truck Inspection Stations Layouts
B.1. TIS on Divided Highways

Figure B-1 Schematic Layout of Standard TIS on Divided Highways (Alberta, 2008)

SHC 303 137

B.2. Portable or Mobile TIS on Undivided Highways

Figure B-2 Schematic Layout of Portable or Mobile TIS on Undivided Highways (Alberta, 2008)

138 SHC 303

Appendix C - Glossary of Terms
Accessible Parking - Parking facilities for the disabled or mobility-impaired individuals.
Aisle - A circulation route for vehicular traffic through a parking area, site or property, and
may connect to a through vehicle passage.
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) - Annual average daily traffic is the total volume of
traffic observed on a point or segment of a highway in both directions over a period of one
year divided by the number of days in a year.
Automated Parking System - Mechanical system designed to minimize the area and/or
volume required for parking cars.
Axle - A central supporting axis oriented transversely to the nominal direction of vehicle
motion that is fixed to the wheels, rotating with them, or fixed to the vehicle, with the wheels
rotating around the axle.
Barrier - Continuous road restraint system installed alongside the highway.
Capacity - A transportation facility’s ability to accommodate a moving stream of people or
vehicles in a given time period.
Column / Corner / Wall Guard - Material which guards the columns, walls, and vehicles from
the impact as a result of any potential collision and scrapes.
Commercial Vehicle - Vehicle licensed to be used for the transportation of goods.
Curb - A structure with a vertical, horizontal, or sloping face placed along the edge of a
pavement or shoulder forming part of a gutter, and strengthening or protecting the edge.
Design Vehicle - A vehicle, with representative weight, dimensions, and operating
characteristics, used to establish highway design controls for accommodating vehicles of
designated classes.
Divided Highway - A highway that provides a median separation between the traffic in
opposite directions.
Dropped Curb - A combined ramp and landing to accomplish a change in level at a curb.
Expressway - A high-speed divided arterial highway for through traffic with limited points of
access or exit and grade separations at major intersection.
Freeway - A fully access-controlled, divided highway with a minimum of two lanes (and
frequently more) in each direction.
Grade Separation - Any structure that provides a traveled way over or under another traveled
Gutter - A depression at the side of the road, adjacent to the curb that is used to collect
rainwater and carry it away of the road.
Median - A divider or island placed usually at the centerline of a highway which is meant to
separate opposite directions of travel.
Overpass - A grade separation where the subject highway passes over an intersecting

SHC 303 139

Parking Lane - Area intended for parking along the street paved surface, which can also be
used for traffic, when necessary.
Parking Stall - Area intended for parking vehicles outside the street edge line (may or may
not be raised).Parking Space - A cleared area intended for parking vehicles.
Pedestrian Buffer - Space provided between curb and pedestrian walkway either to
accommodate vehicle overhanging which is distance formed between the vehicle’s front axle
and the bumper (overhanging strip), or pedestrians from vehicle passages (paved strip).
Pedestrian Crossing (Crosswalk) - An area reserved and clearly marked for the passage of
pedestrians at street junctions or other locations where drivers must yield the right-of-way by
stopping to enable pedestrians to cross safely.
Pedestrian Walkway - A public walk for pedestrian traffic, not necessarily within the right-of-
way of a vehicular traffic roadway. Included are pedestrian overpasses, pedestrian tunnels, and
walkways giving access through parks or block interiors.
Rest Area - Area next to the road specially designed to host facilities for road users’ needs
such as fuel stations, restaurants, restrooms and other amenities related to user safety and
Right-of-Way - The legal right, established by grant from a landowner or long usage (i.e., by
prescription), to pass along a specific route through property belonging to another.
Rural Highway - A type of roadway normally characterized by lower volumes, higher speeds,
fewer turning conflicts, and less conflict with pedestrians.
Scale House - Office building for truck inspection station employees.
Superelevation - Grade in the lateral direction of the highway pavement.
Throat Length - The distance from the edge of the traveled way along the main roadway to
the first conflict point on a driveway or roadway.
Through Vehicle Passage - Main vehicle passage.
Traffic Space - Paved area in the highway that includes the traffic lanes, the inner and outer
paved shoulders, and the emergency lane.
Truck Inspection Station - Roadside facility used for vehicle and/or operator assessment,
whereby vehicle weighing and inspection are carried out.
Turning Radius - Minimum radius (or "width") of available space required for that vehicle to
make a circular turn.
Underpass - A grade separation where the subject highway passes under an intersecting
highway or railroad.
Valet Parking - Service that operates at land uses such as hotels, restaurants, retail
establishments or other businesses, in which customer cars are parked by an attendant.
Vehicle Inspection - Procedure mandated by national/regional, in which a vehicle is inspected
to ensure that it conforms to regulations governing safety, load, emissions, etc.
Vehicle Swept Path - The difference between a vehicle’s outer trace of the front overhang
and the path of the inner rear wheel. Used to define the boundaries of the turning paths per
design vehicle for its sharpest turns.

140 SHC 303

Vertical Clearance - Unobstructed distance from the top surface of a floor to the underside
of the ceiling or ramp or electrical/mechanical system.
Virtual Weigh Station - An enforcement facility that does not require continuous staffing and
is monitored from another location.
Weigh House - See Scale House.
Weigh in Motion System - A system of sensors and supporting instruments designed to
capture and record the axle weights and gross vehicle weights as vehicles drive over a
measurement site. WIM System can estimate tire loads, speed, axle spacing, and vehicle class
according to axle arrangement and other parameters concerning the vehicle.
Weigh Station - See Truck Inspection Station.

SHC 303 141

Appendix D - Abbreviations, Acronyms
AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic

ALPR Automated License Plate Reader

ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition

AVI Automated Vehicle Identification

BCA Benefit Cost Analysis

CCTV Closed Circuit Television

CMS Changeable Message Sign

CVISN Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks

GVW Gross Vehicle Weight

HAZ Hazardous Waste Area

HGV Heavy Goods Vehicles

HMA Hot Mix Asphalt

IA Inspection Area

KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

MoTLS Ministry of Transport and Logistic Services

MTBF Mean Time Between Failures

MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

O-D Origin-Destination

P&R Park-and-Ride

PDV Parking Design Vehicle

PPP Public Private Partnership

RA Rest Area

142 SHC 303

RGA Road General Authority

ROW Right-Of-Way

SBC Saudi Building Code

SHC Saudi Highway Code

SS Static Scale

SUV Sports Utility Vehicle

TIS Truck Inspection Station

TLTW Two-Lane-Two-Lane

V/C Volume to Capacity Ratio

VIR Vehicle Identification Reader

VRU Vulnerable Road User

VWS Virtual Weigh Stations

WIM Weigh-In-Motion

SHC 303 143

Appendix E - Units
SI Units Imperial Units


mm Millimeter

cm Centimeter

m Meter

km Kilometer


m2 Square meter


kg Kilogram

t Ton


° Degree


km/h Kilometer per hour


veh/d Vehicles per day

SAR Saudi riyal

144 SHC 303

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