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100 projetcs for MERN full stack development

1.Fullstack open source Invoicing application made with MongoDB, Express, React & Nodejs (MERN)

2.Complete Free Coding Bootcamp with the MERN Stack

3.A reactive Single-Page Instagram-Clone with some new features

4. Fullstack MERN Ecommerce Application

5.A MERN stack based social media application [Full-Stack React Projects]

6.Mini social network that I made as my first web app project.

7.Build and Deploy a Full Stack MERN AI Image Generation App MidJourney & DALL E Clone

8.Clone project of a famous Q/A website for developers built using MySQL, Express, React, Node,

9.Full-Stack Instgram Clone using MERN Stack and

10.A MERN stack based online marketplace application [Full-Stack React Projects]

11.Build beautiful single-page resumes; without the hassle! The easiest resume-builder out there with
intuitive drag-n-drop & WYSIWYG editor

12.Chat Application Using React, Node.js and with MongoDB

13.Building a social network with MERN stack

14.Mern full stack media streaming plateform

15.Simplified ‘reddit’ (popular social-media site) clone. Made using MERN stack.

16.A minimalist MERN app boilerplate that does'nt suck

17.Full Stack Flipkart with Admin Dashboard

18.MERN stack shopping cart, written in TypeScript

19.MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js) create read update and delete (CRUD) web
application example

20.Milan - Where help meets need - A hub for the Users to connect with the NGOs, Charities and other
orgs for a good cause ! develope using MERN

21.A Full Stack MERN app with CRUD operations for theatres where users can search for movies that are
available and admin can add a movie to the list and much more.

22.Feature-rich ‘stack overflow’ (QnA site) clone. Made using MERN + GraphQL stack.

23.Build Ecommerce Like Amazon By MERN Stack

24.A complete online bus reservation system (Node, React, Mongo, NextJS, ReactNative)



25.A MERN stack blogging PWA, with user authentication and social login options.

26.Build a Voting App - FCC Challenge #MERN

27.ChatGPT clone using openAI API

28.An IDE engine which runs your code in any language (Go, Java, C++, Ruby, Scala, Python) and also a
judge system to test the result of a code solution.

29.A full-fledged job application portal based on MERN stack

30.A repository which contains different learning resources for various development stacks.

31.Building an Instagram web app clone using MERN Stack ( MongoDB , Express.js , React.js , Node.js )
and bring some additional features

32.Keep track of online stuff, which you may want to view later. Made using MERN stack.

33.Competitive programming workspace in the cloud, with support for running and testing code

34.Full Stack (Nodejs, React, Nginx proxy) Application AWS Elastic Container Service Hosting and CI CD

35.A project management application that allows you to track tasks process while working in a Team.
You can choose the priority of the projects, give them suitable labels, put them under various stages in
boards (View).

36.A better clean and minimalist academic CRP built on MERN stack

37.EcoHabit is a web app project that aims to create awareness of the environment and help people
build environmental friendly habits.

38.Recreation of a childhood game on mern-stack

39.Photo gallery app created using MERN stack

40.A website to find online courses

41.Web Based E-Commerce Project using the MERN Stack For Selling Agricultural Produce

Todo App

42.Hotel Booking App Using The MERN Stack With TypeScript & Redux

43.MERN stack restaurant finder and recipe sharing website

44.DocTalk - Doctor just a click away

45.A Quiz Management App for both teachers and students with speech recognition for blind students

46.A social media for food lovers and for people looking for new ideas for their next menu.

47.A project management platform built with the MERN-Stack.



48.Web based Whatsapp clone with real time private chat and group chat features.

49.A MERN stack based VR game for the web [Full-Stack React Projects]

50.Dribbble, but for web developers. A portal for sharing your web projects with the world.
Store profile links of people you admire, at one place. Made using MERN stack.

51. A Full-Stack E-commerce application that uses React, Redux, MongoDB, Nodejs, ExpressJS and JWT
Authentication with PayPal as well as Stripe payment system that allows sellers to upload and manage
inventories and buyers to save goods to cart and purchase via Palpal.

52.Created a hostel application management web app to track students where they are,and note the
attendance of students according to room No and download data of attendance for each day

53.Fullstack Responsive Movie Website

54.A full stack web-app to de-clutter social media by filtering posts limited to geographical locations and
sorting them on community reputation!

55.Hostel-Management app using mern tools

56.A YouTube Clone using the MERN stack

57.craigslist, quora, gumtree clones, with ability to upvote,downvote,answer or post ads. Created using
mern stack. Infinite scroll added to all components.

58.A complete MERN stack fashion ecommerce store.

59.Overlap is a MERN stack web-app that generates playlists and analytics for groups of friends by
integrating the Spotify API.

60.A fully fledged open source blog management and publishing application, built with MERN

61.An interview scheduling app built for small organizations.

62.A online musical web application inspired from Spotify developed of my own interest. Our unique
feature we can upload our own composition and make it public to the cloud for premium version and
listen wherever you go.

63.Designed for recruiters, Our AI-powered platform can filter out top resumes of the stack

64.MERN Stack application where users can share places (with images and location) with other users.

65.A Blogging Web App in MERN

66.A self hosted MERN quiz app for making learning fun and effective

67.Adoptation is a pet adoption social platform.

68.Complete Firebase Authentication has features like email verification, password reset, social login etc.

69.A well refined project to store your valuable memories in a digital Diary



70.DevConnector is social media site for developers

71.Build beautiful invoices for your business in no time

72. Full Stack Web Application built with MERN Stack that will help the users to track their expenses and
manage their personal finances.

73.CV generator app developed using ReactJS, Express JS, NodeJS and Mongo Db.

74.A pub quiz web application built using the MERN stack with websockets for near real-time quiz action

75.Netflix clone project built for knowledge purposes to improve my knowledge at MERN Stack and more
knowledge and experience about MERN Stack and styled-components.

76.MoneyHouse is Invest+Loan Platform it works on Chit fund Model.

77.Online Clothing Store using the MERN stack

78.Gmail clone developed with the MERN stack (Fullstack)

79.Travel App created using MERN stack!

80.Job Portal (Publishing job offers, job search, and supporting the recruitment process including
rejection, shortlisting, accepting, and rating) made using MERN stack

81.A simple Music Recommender system built using Collaborative filtering and Spotify API. Built on top
of MERN stack

82.Interview Preparation Guide using mern

83.A MERN stack application where you can upload you videos with prices on it. and users can buy the
course and enjoy the services

84.Smart ERP! MERN College ERP project created using React for the UI,Redux for state management,
MongoDB for database, Express & NodeJS in the backend for server functionalities,validation and JWT
user authentication. Login as student or faculty or admin and explore. A smarter way to manage student
marks,attendance, chat with other students,etc.

85.An email automation app to automate the behaviour of sent emails with Google O-auth2 for
authentication and login. Built using React.js, Express.js, and Node.js.

86.A simple quiz application that consists of MCQs (single or multi-choice). We will have users who can
create quizzes and share among all users or selected users by giving their email addresses. Users can
submit quizzes and get their desired results and also the user who created the quiz can see the responses
and all the things like who submitted,WHEN SUBMITTED ETC.

87.A G-Classroom Clone using MERN Stack

88.Full stack Pizza Delivery App including user and admin panel . Tech stack- MERN

89.MERN Stack Doctor Appointment Booking Application using MERN



90.Web app for managing documents.

91.Full Stack Real Estate Website built using MERN Stack

92.Employee Management System MERN Project for Sem

93.A recruiting software built with MERN

94.A platform for making E-Learning ReachableJob tracking for posts, applications, contacts, interviews,
and offers

95.Discord Clone App

96.Notes web app using react online book store where you can buy your favorite books. It is built using MERN stack and Redux
with braintree payment gateway

98.A full stack Pizza Delivery Application developed using MERN stack.

99.Online Hotel / Guest house booking App

10.A website where you can express feelings or confess something without revealing your identity.


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