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Subject: English

Unit 3 – Lesson 6
If you could travel Why do people choose to
anywhere in the world, travel to other
where would you go? countries?

What means of What kind of activities

transportation do can we do when
people use? travelling?

What are these activities?

Match the activities in column A with their descriptions in column B.

A B Answers
1. Go sightseeing a. Use a camera. 1. _____
2. Visit monuments and b. Look at interesting places. 2. _____
museums. c. Ride on the back of a horse. 3. _____
3. Go shopping. d. Play in the pool, river, or ocean. 4._____
4. Go trekking. e. Go to a famous building or see old things. 5._____
5. Go swimming. f. Ride a bike. 6._____
6. Go on nature walks. g. Look in shops and buy things. 7._____
7. Go camping. h. Sleep in a tent or a camp. 8._____
8. Go biking. i. Short walk in the forest, jungle, or mountain. 9._____
9. Go horse-back riding. j. Go hiking for days and only stop to eat and sleep. 10.____
10. Take pictures. 11._____

Reading Passage.
Annie has always loved the state of Hawaii. She read many books about it and studied its history
in School. What she liked most was the pretty beaches and warm weather. She had asked her
mom once if they could ever go to Hawaii for their family vacation. ‘I don’t know’, her mother
responded, ‘Hawaii is far away and the trip would cost a fortune, maybe someday we’ll get there.’
Annie thought of staring to save her allowance but realized it would take forever.
One day, while Annie was in the library at her school, she found a travel magazine that had an
entry form to fill out in order to enter a contest and win a prize. To Annie’s surprise, the prize
was actually a trip to Hawaii. Annie looked at her best friend Mandy and asked ‘do you think
Miss Brown would let take the magazine home to fill out the form?’

‘I don’t see why not’ replied Mandy.
Miss Brown told Annie that she could take the magazine home and she was very excited about
the chance to win a trip to Hawaii. That night Annie filled out all the necessary information and
sent the entry form by mail.
A few weeks went by, and Annie’s mother received a call from the Leisure
Time Travel Agency and they informed her that Annie has in fact won
a trip to Hawaii. It was one of the best trips that Annie ever went on and
she couldn’t be happier.

These statements are false. Correct them with reference to the text.

• While Annie loved Hawaii fondly, she did not know a lot about its history.


• Annie was saving her allowance to be able to travel to Hawaii.


• Miss Brown did not give Annie permission to take the magazine home.


Find words in the text that have the same meaning as:

• A lot of money: _____________________

• Pocket money: ______________________

• Competition: _______________________

What do the underlined words in the text refer to?

• They: ________________

• It: ___________________

The Present Perfect

The Uses of the Present Perfect:

• Action (single or repeated) that happened at some unknown time in the past.

• Action which happened in the past but has an effect in the present.

• Action that started in the past and is still continuing until now.

• A recently finished action.

The form of the Present Perfect:

The present perfect consists of the present tense of the auxiliary verb to have + a past participle.







The negative form of the Present Perfect:

The present perfect, in its negative form, has this structure:

Subject + have/has + not + past participle + …

Exp: He has done his homework.

Negative Sentence: ____________________________________________________

The interrogative form of the Present Perfect:

Have/Has + Subject + Past participle + …?

WH- Word + Have/Has + Subject + Past participle + …?

Exp: Tania has left the country on a mission.

Yes/ No question: __________________________________________________

WH-question: ______________________________________________________

Signal words:

• Just

• Already

• Yet

• For

• Since

Exercise 1:
Put the verbs between parentheses in the present perfect tense.

• She _________________ (keep) a pet for three years.

• ____________________ (You/eat) Thai food before?

• We ________________________ (not/hear) that song yet.

• Richard ___________________ (forget) his books.

• I ____________________ (know) him for three months.

• Where ______________________ (you / study) Arabic?

• Li and Susan _______________ (try) four times already and will not give up.

• The old man _________________________ (recently / get) a knee replacement.

Exercise 2:
Choose the right option.
My grandparents got married when they were young. They (have lived – lived – are living) together for
more than 42 years now. When my grandma was 21, she (have – had – has) her first son, my uncle. My
uncle is now married too. He has been (marrying – marriage – married) to my aunt for 10 years. At the
age of 25, my grandma (give – gave – given) birth to my mother, her second child. My grandparents
named their children (for – before – after) famous authors that they have been fans of for years. Now my
mother has three children of her own and she (has worked – worked – works) as a math teacher since she
was 24 years old. Me and my siblings always (visited – has visited – visit) our grandparents on the
weekends. We spend our time playing with our cousins, (eating – eat – edible) delicious food, or listening
to childhood stories. This (is – has been – will be) our tradition for the past five years and it will remain so
in the upcoming years.

Exercise 3:
Put the words between parentheses in the right tense or form.
Since its start in 1998, Google _________________ (become) one of the most popular search engines.
It ___________________ (grow) from a research project in the dormitory room of two college students
to a business that now ________________ (employ) approximately 20,000 people.
Google’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, met in 1995 when they _________________ (be) in
their twenties and graduate students in computer science at Stanford University in California.
They _________________ (realize) that Internet search was a very important field and began
________________ (work) together to make searching easier. Both Page and Brin left their studies
at Stanford to work on their project. Interestingly, they ____________________ (never/return) to
finish their degrees. Brin was born in Russia, but he has lived in the U.S. since he was five years
old. His father was a mathematician in Russia. Page, whose parents were computer experts,
________________ (be) interested in computers since he was six years old.


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