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The Best Egg Substitutes For Every Occasion

Cook Cooking Tips

Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock
By Gina Badalaty•Aug. 7, 2023 9:45 am EST
For centuries, eggs have been considered an affordable food staple because of their
flexibility and high protein content. But today, many people are eliminating eggs from their
diet for various reasons.

Modern supply issues have caused the price of a dozen eggs to skyrocket, making them a
strain on the budget. Egg allergies are also on the rise, so much so that eggs are now one of
the top eight allergens in the U.S., according to the FDA. And, regulations require companies
to put an allergen warning on products that contain eggs.

Many people today avoid eggs because they want alternatives with less cholesterol. And
finally, vegan diets are becoming more popular as people believe they are healthier for their
bodies and for the planet.

Fortunately, there is an abundance of egg substitutes available. The trick is knowing which
are best for your dish and how to properly integrate them. To do so, you must understand
what role eggs serve in your recipe. Usually, they help to bind the ingredients together as in
a batter. Sometimes, eggs are necessary to make dough rise, the property known as

leavening. Eggs can also be used to add moisture, make foam, and create glazes (although
it's advisable to limit egg substitution to recipes that call for three eggs or less). So, here are
14 egg substitutes and how they work best.


Ahanov Michael/Shutterstock
One of the most affordable and helpful egg substitutes is aquafaba, or bean water, the
viscous and nutrition-filled liquid left behind by cooking legumes. The most commonly used
aquafaba is found in canned chickpeas because it is closest to raw eggs in texture. You can
use other types of canned beans or use the water from cooking beans yourself if you are
feeling adventurous.

You can choose from salted or regular beans, depending on the recipe and personal
preference. Use 3 tablespoons of aquafaba to replace one large egg or two tablespoons to
replace one large egg white.

Aquafaba works well in baked goods and as an egg wash because it has thickening, binding,
and leavening properties. It is not a good substitution for egg recipes such as scrambles or
quiches because these dishes rely on egg yolk. However, aquafaba is well suited for creamy
desserts and toppings, such as vegan meringue.

Fancy an egg-free cocktail? Aquafaba is the only egg substitute readily available to
consumers that can easily replace egg whites in cocktails, such as fizzes and sours.

Flax Seeds
Another popular and healthy replacement for eggs is flax seed. This is a good choice if you
want your meal to be high in fiber: two tablespoons of flax seeds contain four grams of fiber.
Flax seeds are also rich in antioxidants and have some of the highest levels of plant-based
omega-3. Fiber has many health benefits such as helping to achieve lower cholesterol. It is
also associated with weight loss, lowered blood pressure, reduced blood sugar, and lowered
risk of diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

When using flax seeds to substitute for eggs you need to create a flax egg. First, grind your
seeds into powdered form. Then, mix 1 tablespoon of ground flax with 2 ½ tablespoons of
water for each egg required in your recipe. If you buy a pre-ground flax meal instead of
seeds, adjust the ratio to 2 ½ teaspoons of flax to three tablespoons of water. Once
combined, let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes in order for the mixture to thicken.

When it's ready you'll have a mixture that's perfect for most baking recipes. However, ground
flax seed is best for baking breadlike products, especially waffles, pancakes, muffins, and

Chia Seeds

Cheche22/Getty Images
Chia seeds have similar health benefits to flax since they contain fiber, antioxidants,
vitamins, and minerals. These seeds are an appropriate replacement option in waffles,
pancakes, muffins, breads, and similar products. They are also effective at binding meat, so
you can use them in meatballs and meatloaf. However, they do not work well as a leavening
agent or in meals that need more than two eggs.

Just like flax, you'll need to create a chia egg for this process to work. Why choose chia
seeds over flax? Unlike flax seeds, grinding is not required although you can grind them if
you prefer. Chia seeds also have a more subtle taste than flax. Both types of seeds darken
your baked goods, but you can get around that by purchasing white chia seeds.

The proportions for your chia egg are the same as flax: 1 tablespoon of chia seeds to 3
tablespoons of water. Chia thickens more quickly than flax so this mixture may only need to
sit for as little as 5 minutes.


Ika Rahma/Getty Images
Tofu is a soy-based replacement food that is popular for vegan dishes, so it's no surprise that
you can substitute it for eggs in your recipe. You're going to want silken tofu, which you can
buy pre-made. You can also blend firm tofu until it's silky smooth (but that doesn't work as
well as using silken tofu), or make your own tofu using soy milk, nigari crystals (or Epsom
salts), and water.

Tofu is one of the few foods that can directly replace scrambled eggs. It's not a precise flavor
match, but you can add nutritional yeast to enhance the taste. Use it when loading your
vegan omelet with veggies and toppings such as hot sauce or salsa.

To replace eggs, use ¼ cup of mashed silken tofu for one egg in recipes like meatloaf or
meatballs. Using tofu in baked goods is a little trickier because of its density so you might
want to start with a little less. Tofu is well suited for moist recipes, such as vegan
cheesecake, cream-based pie or filling, and pudding.


You probably have applesauce in your refrigerator, making this an easy go-to substitute for
eggs. But, there are a few things to know before using this replacement. Eggs can bind
ingredients because of their protein content and, while apples have only tiny amounts of
protein, they contain a kind of fiber called pectin, which can act as a binder when used in
correct proportions.

Applesauce works best as an egg substitute in baked goods since it can help bind
ingredients and provide moisture. Some baking brands, especially those that are allergy-
friendly, will give you the applesauce substitution measurements right on the box. When in
doubt, use ¼ cup of applesauce for each egg you replace. This exchange dramatically
reduces the amount of calories and fat in your baked goods.

Stick to unsweetened applesauce. If you only have the sweetened kind on hand, you may
need to adapt the recipe so it's not too sugary. You should also check for the consistency of
the brand you buy. Some have more of a liquid consistency than others, so you may need to
use less applesauce or add more flour.

Carbonated Water

Stockcam/Getty Images
One of the more surprising choices for egg replacement is carbonated water, also called
sparkling water or seltzer water. It is a very cost-effective choice, especially if you have a
soda maker.

Carbonated water replicates some of the jobs that an egg does, especially leavening. The
bubbles in the water will create air pockets in the dough, making it fluffy and light.
Carbonated water is best to replace eggs in baked goods that are not dense such as cakes,
brownies, or quick bread.

To use this substitute, you can use ¼ cup of carbonated water for one large egg. Your
mixture might look grittier but you should have good results. Carbonated water won't add a
distinctive flavor to your recipes like other egg substitutes, but it can impact the taste. Your
recipes may not be as rich in flavor as those baked with eggs so choose your dishes wisely
when using this substitute.

Arrowroot Powder

Michelle Lee Photography/Shutterstock
Arrowroot powder is derived from a plant of the same name. This tuber hails from Indonesia
and is a starch similar to cassava or sweet potato. It's high in folate as well as other trace
minerals and does contain some protein. It is more known as a gluten-free way to thicken
gravy, stews, and puddings but it's a good egg substitute for puddings, custards, and
cornbread. It will also give you crunchy cookies.

Arrowroot is a good egg substitute for baking recipes that do not need to rise because it
cannot act as a leavening agent. However, it works well as a binder.

Substitute 2 tablespoons of arrowroot powder with 3 tablespoons of water for each egg. Also
called slurry, this is a good egg substitute for frying and breading because the result here,
too, will be crunchy. It is thick enough to ensure your flour or breading will stick to the food
before frying. It also adds very little of its own flavor.

Mashed Bananas

Elena Shashkina/Shutterstock
Mashed bananas are another fruit-based option for egg replacement. They are known to be
high in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Bananas are also high in sugar, so it's best to save
them for sweet dishes like pancakes, muffins, or cakes. In addition, mashed bananas can be
a little runny, so you may need to add more flour to keep your batter consistent.

Choose bananas based on their ripeness. You'll want them to be in that "just right" phase,
that is, soft enough to fold into your recipe. If they're too ripe, you may run the risk of having
a banana flavor that is too strong for your bake. Use one normal-sized banana to replace
one large egg. Bananas can also replace egg whites, using the same ratio.

Bananas have a strong taste which will come through on mild-flavored dishes such as vanilla
cake. To avoid this problem, use this in flavor-rich dishes like chocolate cake.


Gelatin is a flexible, healthy, and often neglected ingredient ideal for egg replacement. It
contains protein, but not as much as eggs. Gelatin is similar to collagen, in terms of
nutritional value. The main difference between the two is how they are processed. Gelatin
also has stronger molecular bonds. Gelatin, like collagen, may have health benefits such as
improving blood sugar levels, sleep, mood, and brain function.

Like chia and flax seeds, it comes in powdered form, so you must create a gelatin egg first.
To replace one egg, start with one or two teaspoons of gelatin. Then add a bit of cold liquid.
This can be milk, water, almond milk, or whatever works best for you. Next, add hot water to
break those molecules! You may need to experiment with the proportions to get it to the right
consistency. You can add a little fat, such as oil or butter, to better emulate those egg

Gelatin works best in baked goods like cake. Keep in mind that it is derived from animals, so
avoid this option for your vegan and vegetarian recipes.

Vegetable or Corn Oil

Halil ibrahim mescioglu/Shutterstock
There are two ways to use vegetable or corn oil as an egg substitute. The first involves
additional ingredients. Mix two tablespoons of water, one teaspoon of corn or vegetable oil,
and two teaspoons of baking powder as a substitute for one egg. This method works very
well for baked goods and is perfect for vegan baking as long as your guests do not have corn
or soy allergies.

Method number two is only effective when you need to replace a single egg, but it's a good
fix if you run out of eggs in the middle of your recipe! Simply substitute ¼ cup of vegetable oil
for the egg.

When using oil, exercise caution because even a little too much oil can ruin your recipe.
There is also a lot of controversy about the nutritional value of vegetable oil, with some
experts recommending you stop using vegetable oil in your cooking altogether.

Pumpkin Puree

The last fruit-based egg substitute option is pumpkin puree, which is often used for binding
properties. It also adds moisture and fat to your baking but has no leavening properties, so
it's not a good alternative for all baked goods. Foods that work best with puree as a
substitute include batter-based recipes, such as pancakes or bars. These can benefit from
the extra depth and richness that pumpkin adds.

Appropriate for vegan dishes, pumpkin has several health benefits. It's high in vitamin A,
lutein, and zeaxanthin, which may protect the health of your eyes. It's also rich in other
antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins too.

Use ¼ cup of pumpkin puree per one egg. Add a little at a time to your dry ingredients to get
the best texture in your batter. If the mixture is too dry you can just add another measure of
pumpkin puree to get the consistency that you want. However, you your batter will likely be
thicker than when using eggs.

Yogurt and Buttermilk

Natalipopova/Getty Images
With the texture and consistency of cream, yogurt or buttermilk may seem like odd choices to
replace eggs. This swap will impact your recipe, but that could be a good thing! Creamy
substitutes add a level of richness to your baked goods. However, these are not appropriate
choices for vegan cuisine, but you can use them in vegetarian dishes.

Greek yogurt is a healthy egg substitute that contains more protein than either standard
yogurt or eggs. Rich in probiotics, yogurt helps to maintain a healthy gut and digestive
system. It's also rich in calcium and vitamin D. For cake batter, replace ¼ cup of yogurt with
one egg. Using plain, unsweetened yogurt ensures that you don't compromise the flavor of
your dish. But, yogurt adds moisture, and it does not bind or leaven, so here again, you may
need a leavening substitute.

Buttermilk as an egg replacer has similar binding properties to yogurt and also adds a certain
level of moisture, but it too needs to a leavening agent. It's also easy to make yourself by
boiling 1 cup of whole milk with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Add the lemon little by little, and
let it sit for 10 minutes. Strain out the solids, and violà! You have homemade buttermilk. For
substitution, use ¼ cup of instant buttermilk for each egg.

Vinegar and Baking Soda

New Look Casting/Getty Images
Vinegar and baking soda make an easy and affordable egg replacement you likely already
have in your pantry. This mixture is an excellent option for lighter baking recipes, such as
delicate cakes and cookies.

You can use distilled white vinegar in a pinch. But, if you have the choice, apple cider vinegar
(ACV) is a better option. Made from fermented apple cider, ACV is slightly less acidic in taste
and is generally considered beneficial for your health. ACV may help reduce blood sugar,
improve skin and blemishes, and support cardiovascular health.

To replace one egg, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. This
creates a chemical reaction, so you'll see your mixture bubble for a short time. Wait until it
stops before adding it to your batter. Keep an eye on the batter because you may find you'll
need more liquid to get the best consistency for baking.

Commercial Powder and Liquid Egg Replacers

This entry is last on the list because it may not be the best choice for replacing eggs. You
don't need to buy a pricey container of commercial egg replacer since most of us already
have one of the above alternatives in our cupboards but if not, it can be a handy solution.

Pre-made egg replacers are typically made of flour and starches. Only a handful of brands
are available, but you can usually find one or two in your grocery store. They run about $10
to $15 a bag and with some holding enough replacers for up to 100 eggs. If you buy these
products, be aware of the expiration dates. Ingredients vary per product, therefore, we
recommend you compare ingredients to choose the best option.

These products come with their own directions but to replace one egg typically requires 1.5
teaspoons of the powder with 2 or 3 tablespoons of water. But, the problem with these
products is the ingredient list, which is often filled with synthetic products and additives. So,
it's probably better to use nearly any other option on the list above!


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