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Song-y all make me laugh!

(Dedicated to Washington) Interlude Intro {Talkin'} 9/11 Who really Pull'd it Mr President (Bomb Explosion) There got us thinking all Arabs Like to do is make Bombs But I swam waters, ate dinners with Some Great Arabs and there too are Human..... Huh Gawt my peace signs up/I'm peaceful And I believe in the people Give it Ya'll real nd raw, but I'm no shakespeare Kno it's my own kind doin the killin' here But it's white man I still fear Now tell me how can that be Troubles der tryin' to put on my blac skin I can feel it in the air like beanie der hate it when I esxpose their lies lik y you think every second a child in the third world dies who you think is fuckin africa, could it be bush or blair many therories in my head, there gettin on the news pretendin' to care if der really did care every child in the third world would be in school Instead of carryin a tool every child in the 3rd world've a plate and death wouldn't be their fate rep fo' Africa, Palestine, Arab, The Gaza strip Gaddaffi, if we knew each other we would be tighter than a masonic handgrip Yeah,,I'm outie {Talkin'} Me, I don t believe in human laws that don t do me no good Laws that empty my pockets I m like the Earth s core, ready to blow at any time if you get me pissed My characteristics are not one; they re in all directions I m sorry if y all don t like it Yo, presidents! Look what y all created A monster that ll expose you for who you truly are Seriously, y all make me laugh! Peace To Gaddaffi, I'm tha only one who can see the truth nd people look at I strange wen I try nd feed dem the truth from this booth Many of my niggaz livin fo tha whips, and chains, call em slaves many of my nigga livin' inside young graves die young because there thought der had the power had the power cause der were playin' wiv tha white mans gun powder The Goverment gawt to many ties Mr President e'time ya'll lips move I can see ur lies sayin change we need, change we gonna see but admit you don't care fo many people like me Who live in hell, Damn we live hell Thought God was meant to protect us from hell

But you've been to any third world den you kno it well I am a product of the my third world people Gaddaffi I'm a colonel, Fight Like Martin Luther I'm Civil Huh.. {TALKIN"} Me, I don t believe in human laws that don t do me no good Laws that empty my pockets I m like the Earth s core, ready to blow at any time if you get me pissed My characteristics are not one; they re in all directions I m sorry if y all don t like it Yo, presidents! Look what y all created A monster that ll expose you for who you truly are Seriously, y all make me laugh! A child of God, So is Islam da white man got us thinkin' all der do is build bombs got us thinkin Sadam hussein is the real villian and Obama is a hero but tell me how many great things he's done zero ask him many question and I want honest answers Firstly Mr Obama whats ur take on this world bankers gladly give you a loan today nd in the future if you miss your payment then can gladly take your home away nd wen Gaza strips was gettin' bomb'd how come u ain't seen shit nd this war on terror is it just an escuse fo u to use up all ur bullets still waitin' mr president I too am a resident and deserve to be treat'd like One right don't expect to be forced to fight Mr President Me, I don t believe in human laws that don t do me no good Laws that empty my pockets I m like the Earth s core, ready to blow at any time if you get me pissed My characteristics are not one; they re in all directions I m sorry if y all don t like it Yo, presidents! Look what y all created A monster that ll expose you for who you truly are Seriously, y all make me laugh!

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