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Digital Coordination from Design to Construction

The rise of both VDC (Virtual Design and Construction) and BIM (Building Information
Modeling) practices have been prominent for more than fifteen years. The use of these
practices has allowed workflows and applications to adapt and include easier access and
utilization techniques when it comes to both visualization and data-rich geometry.

Here's how the traditional review process works. The methods that are generally utilized
include manual and untraceable processes while the data received from a model is
separated and reviewed in silos. This approach, widely regarded as inefficient, led to a
wave of attempts to change the process and improve the outcomes. This is how Integrated
Collaboration Platforms (ICP) came to life – with the primary goal of providing transparency
to the entire design review process via centralized communication and intelligent
interaction model. Other features of ICPs also include the ability to quickly extract the
specific project's data and transfer it in a way that allows for real-time, critical project-
related decisions.

One of the industry-leading ICP's, Revizto, is a multifunctional tool that addresses issues
directly within the workflow. This tool dramatically simplifies the coordination and
collaboration efforts with a user-friendly interface enabling less-technical participants of
the project to participate in real-time with the other more technically-advanced users

The overall complexity of new projects in the modern world makes it even more important
to be able to relay information to less technical personnel, be it in the form of a plan or
even 2D review issues. With the use of an ICP, stakeholders gain much better control over
the project in question, allowing them to quickly mark issues and assign them to specific
team members, categorize them and assign deadlines.

It's not uncommon for ICPs to have a variety of additional functionalities such as powerful
automatization capabilities, the speed of working with complex tasks in general,
interoperability, and so on. Previously mentioned Revizto allows companies to work with
projects from AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit, Navisworks, Sketchup, and more. Even if the project
is a combination of file types, it can be easily accessible as a single source of truth via this
particular ICP.

Project managers also see direct positive impacts by leveraging an ICP. With the
advantage of a more precise timeline to see bottlenecks and the speed of project
completion using real-time dashboards, Project Managers can report to all stakeholders in
minimal time to resolve important questions. Some even use specific ICPs as proof-of-
concept coordination platforms, with the ability to document the entire process from start
to finish.

Even the most innovative technologies can be utilized alongside ICPs. Reality-capture
meshes scanned data and drone flights can be imported into the project to create a whole
new workflow. This enables team members to track site issues, visualize the existing
conditions mid-process of design coordination and see the actual timeline of the project
being created from the ground up.

Accessibility is another critical part of any comprehensive ICP. ICP's save hours of man-
power by being able to review the history of the entire process from the beginning, making
it much easier to track down and explain specific design or construction-related decisions
and how they were corrected to solve the problem in question.

A significant benefit of the previously mentioned Revizto ICP in the BIM/VDC market is
their development speed. While major annual updates are the industry norm for a lot of
companies on the ICP market, this provider has managed to roll out substantial changes
every quarter of the year for the past several years. This amount of feedback has allowed
Revizto to notice the problems and improve parts of their service quickly and lead them to
become the industry-leading ICP. Recent updates allowed AEC firms to fully automate the
entire review-and-coordination process while reducing time and errors at the same time.
ICPs enable BIM coordination, the reduction of technology stacks, and can be leveraged
throughout the entire project lifecycle.

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