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How to Start a Freelancing

Why This Is a Thriving Business
in the Midst of Pandemic

Chapter #1. Top Five Reasons Freelancing is One
of the Best Industries
Chapter #2. What Freelancing Is and Isn’t
Chapter #3. How to Get Started as a Freelancer
With or Without Experience
Chapter #4. Why the Freelancing Industry
Continues to Thrive During an Economic

Being a work from home professional a decade now,

I know this profession is truly rewarding.

I started freelancing 2011 and from the very first day I

experienced how work from home truly gives so much
freedom.. I never looked back.

Freelancing has changed my life.

Freelancing was my starting point towards financial


Starting a freelancing business is one of the wisest decisions

to make. When you create this type of business, you can get
paid to work with different people without the commitment
of having a full-time job.

Freelancing gives you an incredible opportunity to work when

you want, where you want, and as long as you want each
day, so you don't have to feel like you're tied down to an
office desk at a traditional 9-5 to make a living.

How to Start a Freelancing Business:

Why This Is a Thriving Business in the Midst of Pandemic
I decided to create this book, How to Start a Freelancing
Business, to help people understand the advantages of
freelancing and why it's a great option, even during a

Like I mentioned, I've spent the past ten years working as a

freelancer and entrepreneur. I have learned a lot in these
years and I'd like to give everyone who would like to begin
working from home a glimpse of what this world is.

Over the past three years, I've worked as a digital marketing

coach. I'm also the founder of Online Filipino Freelancers, one
of the largest Facebook communities of freelancers in the
Philippines. As the founder, I've provided valuable free content
to those in the Filipino community who are interested in
freelancing, along with thousands of incredible community
members sharing their success stories, tips, and suggestions.

My purpose for creating this book is to help everyone

interested in freelancing realize it's entirely possible to turn it
into a profitable career. It's one industry that continued to
thrive, despite the pandemic that caused millions of people to
lose their jobs.

So, if you'd like to learn more about starting a freelance

business and working on a schedule that meets your needs,
this is the book for you.

How to Start a Freelancing Business:

Why This Is a Thriving Business in the Midst of Pandemic
Chapter #1
Five Reasons
Why Freelancing
is One of the Best
Freelancing is one of the best industries in existence for
various reasons. First, it offers a level of convenience that
traditional brick-and-mortar jobs don’t typically provide
employees. While you can reap dozens of benefits, these
are the top five reasons to get into the freelancing
industry by starting a freelance business doing something
you love.

1. The Flexibility to Create Your Own Schedule

People love freelancing because it gives them the

flexibility to create a schedule that works best for them.
For example, a stay-at-home mom may want to work as
a freelancer while her young children nap or sleep at
night, giving her time to work specific hours to earn an
income while still having time for the family. On the other
hand, young adults may want to freelance because they
don’t like the idea of living a sedentary lifestyle because of
a desk job that requires them to sit for eight hours or
more per day. Instead of sitting for eight hours, they can
take breaks as often as they need to while working as
freelancers. Then, they can get up, stretch their bodies,
and complete different activities between their workload.

Top Five Reasons Why Freelancing is One of the Best Industries
Creating your schedule gives you a sense of control that
you wouldn’t have when taking on a traditional 9-5 job
position. If you’d like to have a greater sense of control over
your schedule and work the hours that are most convenient
for you, freelancing makes it possible.

Why Is Flexibility Important?

Flexibility is crucial because it gives you more opportunities

to do what you love between working. While you’ll work for a
living as a freelancer, you don’t have to feel like you spend
all day working without getting much of a break to do
anything else.

Freelancing leaves you with much more time to spend with

the children, visiting your friends and family, going on hiking
adventures, or even traveling to different states and
countries. With a flexible schedule, you can complete your
work, remain productive, and still have plenty of time to do
the things that interest you most.

Top Five Reasons Why Freelancing is One of the Best Industries
2. Having More Control Over Your Workload

When you start a freelancing business, you can have

much more control over your workload. First, think about
the work you’ve had to do while holding traditional
positions, such as an office job or a job at a restaurant.

Did you often feel overworked and severely underpaid?

The problem with these jobs is that there isn’t much control
over the workload. So, a manager or boss could assign
dozens of tasks to you that leave you feeling stressed and
worried over how you’ll get everything done in time. No one
should have to deal with that or live that way.

In some cases, people come home and continue working

because they feel stressed over getting everything done
by the deadline.

People shouldn’t have to take their work home when

working outside the house at the end of the day.

Top Five Reasons Why Freelancing is One of the Best Industries
When you have a freelancing business, you have much
more control over your workload. While you want to accept
work to gain more experience and earn a livable income,
you know how much work you can handle and can politely
decline if you feel overwhelmed with the different tasks
you’re completing.

As a result, you won’t have to worry as much about

experiencing burnout. Sure, freelancers can experience
burnout from time to time, but it’s less likely to happen when
you’re in complete control over your workload and don’t
overwhelm yourself by taking on more than you can handle.

Top Five Reasons Why Freelancing is One of the Best Industries
3. Enjoy Multiple Opportunities to Increase Your Income

If you stay at the same traditional brick-and-mortar job,

you won’t have many chances to increase your income.
The problem with these jobs is that they often set an
hourly rate and periodically give raises.

Unfortunately, not everyone gets a raise when they

deserve one. If you want more in life and would like to
increase your income, starting a freelancing business is
the way to do it.

Many people don’t realize it, but the income

opportunities with freelancing are endless.

First, you find something you love to do and get started.

It may not feel as lucrative when first starting because it
takes time to build your portfolio and find reliable work
for good pay. However, once you begin to gain
experience, you can raise your rates and earn what you
deserve. In addition to setting rates based on your
knowledge and skills, you can take on as many projects
as you’re comfortable with to reach specific income

Top Five Reasons Why Freelancing is One of the Best Industries
Some people will try to tell you that freelancing isn’t profitable
or that it’s risky because there is no guaranteed income like
you’d have when working a traditional job.

Sure, there are some risks to take when you get involved in
freelancing, but it’s worth it in the end when you’re earning more
than you ever did at any other job you’ve had in the past.

4. No More Lengthy Commutes or Travel Expenses

How much time do you think you spend commuting to

work? If you’re spending a minimum of 20 minutes in traffic
on getting to work and 20 minutes getting back home,
nearly an hour of your time gets wasted doing something
that isn’t enjoyable to you. Not only are lengthy commutes
tiring and frustrating, especially with a lot of traffic on the
road, but they can also cost you money that you don’t want
to spend.

In addition, if you’re driving, you’re spending money on gas,

and you might even pay the cost of tolls.

Top Five Reasons Why Freelancing is One of the Best Industries
Even if you’re not driving and you’re relying on public
transportation to get you to and from work, you still have to
spend money to use public transit in the first place.

Can you imagine how much money you can save when you no
longer need to drive to work, pay for parking, or even use buses
and trains to get to your destination?

You may quickly start saving hundreds of dollars per month

while earning more with your freelancing business than you ever
did at your old job.

5. Do What You Love from Anywhere in the World

Freelancing provides you with an opportunity to do what you

love from anywhere in the world. It all begins with putting
thought into what you’d like to do as a freelancer.

Top Five Reasons Why Freelancing is One of the Best Industries
Then, you can complete tasks that come naturally to you
because of your talents, skills, and experience level.

While you do what you love and thoroughly enjoy, you can
travel the country and even the world. If you love to travel
and often feel held back by the workforce because you
have to show up Monday through Friday and work long
hours, know that running a freelancing business can change
that for you.

When you do what you love and get to travel and visit
different places at your leisure and convenience, you can
experience a sense of relief and pure joy rather than
constant stress and worry.

Once you get into the freelancing industry, you’ll see the
difference it makes in your life, and you’ll quickly start to
wonder why you didn’t get started in this industry long ago.

Top Five Reasons Why Freelancing is One of the Best Industries
Enjoy the Top Benefits of Freelancing and Much More!

While these five benefits are several good reasons to get

started in the freelancing industry with a business that allows
you to do what you love, there are plenty of other reasons to get

If you’re ready to enjoy flexibility, avoid lengthy commutes, and

do what you love for a living for the rest of your life, it’s the
perfect time to start your freelancing business.

Welcome to

Top Five Reasons Why Freelancing is One of the Best Industries
Chapter #2
What Freelancing
Is and Isn’t
Before you get involved in freelancing, you need to understand
what it is and what it’s not. There are a lot of misconceptions
out there. People who don’t have freelancing experience may
think it’s one thing when it’s the exact opposite. You can’t let the
misconceptions keep you from pursuing a career in
freelancing that could change your life for the better. When
you better understand what it is and what it entails, you can
decide if it’s right for you.

What It Is
Freelancing provides the flexibility to do what you enjoy while
working from home or anywhere else, such as your local
coffee shop.

However, it does require hard work, determination, and effort.

Therefore, freelancing is a job that you’ll need to take seriously.
While you get to set your hours and take as many breaks as
needed, you must remain as productive as possible to get the
most done and earn a livable income.

When working as a freelancer for different companies, there

may be times when you need to meet specific deadlines.
However, despite having deadlines, you can still work on your
terms at hours of the day that work best for you, whether
you’re a night owl or an early riser.

Freelancing is an alternative industry that allows individuals to

increase their income, adjust their workload to their liking, and
try different things. It provides endless opportunities that
people can enjoy, especially when they don’t want to feel like
they have to sit at a desk for eight hours a day to earn money.

What freelancing is and isn't
What It’s Not
While freelancing is an excellent alternative to the traditional
workforce, it isn’t an easy way out. Unfortunately, some people
believe that freelancers are taking the easy route, and that’s not
the case. While you get to enjoy more benefits as a freelancer,
such as flexibility, higher income potential, and no more
commute, you still need to do the work involved to make a living.

So, if you thought this was a simple solution to avoiding the

traditional workforce, you’re wrong. However, if you understand
that freelancing takes work and commitment, you’re on the right

The most important thing for anyone interested in freelancing is

understanding that there is plenty of work involved in building the
business from scratch. You’ll have to step outside your comfort
zone, try new things, and even work for less when you are first
getting started to build an extensive portfolio that can impress
any of the people you work with as a freelancer.

The good news is that each step you take gets you closer to
reaching your career goals while running a successful freelance

What freelancing is and isn't
Chapter #3
How to Get Started
as a Freelancer
Even Without
Now that you know more about freelancing and its benefits,
you may want to figure out what it takes to get started.
Whether you have some experience under your belt because
of past jobs you’ve had or not, following a few simple steps
will help you get on the right track to creating your freelancing

It’s normal to feel intimidated by the idea of working for

yourself because that involves more accountability and self-
motivation than a traditional job would require.

However, you have to put yourself out there, hone in on the

skills you possess, and use those skills to your advantage to
create a successful freelancing career in no time.

Pick Your Niche Based on Interests and Talents

Before you start freelancing, pick your niche!

You can choose a niche based on your interests, talents, and

the experience you’ve already gained in the workforce. Please
don’t choose a niche because you see other people doing it.

It would be best if you chose something you can enjoy doing

for years to come. Many people don’t realize the many
freelancing niches available to choose from when getting
started. If you have experience in the following industries or
have a passion for one or more of these niches, they’re worth

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
Graphic Design.

Do you have experience creating graphics with different


Even if you don’t, it’s something that may interest you. Suppose
you love the idea of creating incredible high-resolution images
for individuals who can use these images for marketing,
branding, and more. In that case, you can get into the graphic
design industry.

Of course, you’ll need to put effort into learning how to use

different editing programs to become an expert at your craft.
However, there are tons of free resources available for you to
use to your advantage.

If you have a passion for graphic design and want it bad

enough, you can start a freelance graphic design business!

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
Social Media Marketing

If you’re an avid user of social media and know a lot about

reaching targeted audiences, you might want to get into
social media marketing.

Thousands of companies, both big and small, rely on

freelancers to help them create content to post on various
platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

You can provide these social media marketing services to

help clients reach targeted audiences, spread awareness
for their brands, and make more of a profit.

As a result of your efforts, you’ll get to further your career

and run a successful freelancing social media marketing
business while doing what you love most.

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
Real Estate Services

Yes, you can offer real estate services on a freelance basis.

So, if you’ve got a real estate license and currently work for a
company that doesn’t provide the support or guidance you
were hoping for, you may want to consider trying to take a
freelance approach to provide real estate services.

Not only can you make a decent living offering different real
estate services, including real estate coaching, but you can
also make a difference in the lives of others.

At the same time, you get to do something you’re passionate

about more than anything!

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience

If you’re good at writing, consider getting into copywriting as a


First, you have so many options to create amazing content.

Some people like to start on content mills, but you don’t have
to do that if you don’t want to get paid low prices for the hard
work and effort you’ll put into the content you’re creating.
Instead, work on building a portfolio consisting of samples of
your writing.

Don’t forget to think about the specific types of writing you’d

like to do, such as blog posts for websites, romance novels,
science fiction content, or even product descriptions. There
are so many possibilities when getting into copywriting.

Before getting started, make sure writing is something you

love and wouldn’t mind doing for years to come.

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
Information Technology

Do you have incredible IT skills or an interest in learning new

skills because it’s an industry that excites you?

If so, consider starting an IT freelancing business. Companies

and individual clients will often need to rely on these services,
whether they need help installing software, handling internal
computer-related issues, or dealing with viruses. If you’re up
for the challenge and look forward to providing valuable
services that others can appreciate, this niche is a perfect

Film Production

Whether you have experience shooting footage on camera or

not, you might love the idea of getting into the film industry. Of
course, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to shoot
footage for mainstream movies, but it does mean that you can
capture and edit incredible high-quality footage for different
brands and individuals that need it for various reasons.

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
It’s yet another great niche to consider when you want to get
involved in the freelancing industry while doing something that
excites you.

While these are several fantastic freelancing niches, there are

dozens more worth considering. If you can find a niche that
allows you to use your talents to help others while making a
living, you can live your life to the fullest, knowing that you no
longer have to stay at a job you didn’t like.

Create a List of the Services You’d Like to Provide

After you’ve selected your niche, it’s time to create a list of the
services you’d like to provide. You can add to the list after
gaining more experience and increasing your confidence level in
your niche. However, when you’re first building your freelancing
business, it’s good to have a list of the specific services you

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
How to Develop Your List

Make a list of services based on your niche and what you’re

good at doing. For example, if you’re planning to choose the
graphic design niche for your freelancing business, you may
want to offer these services:

Custom Business Logo

Website Template Design
Custom Facebook Cover for Businesses
Business Card Design
eBook Cover

While these are a few of the services you can provide as a

freelance graphic designer, you can add more to the list based
on what you know how to do and would like to do for other
people. Of course, the same thing goes for any different niche
you might choose when becoming a freelancer.

Work On It While Keeping Your Current Job

Some people make the mistake of quitting their
jobs as soon as they decide they’d like to get
into freelancing. It’s not always a great idea.
While freelancing is a lucrative and flexible
industry, success doesn’t always happen

Before you start bringing in a livable income

through freelancing, consider keeping your job
and working on your niche in your spare time.

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
For example, if you’re off on the weekends, you can use
that extra time to start gathering more information on your
niche, finding sites that allow you to search for jobs, and
even completing small projects that won’t take up too
much of your time. You can continue to grow this way and
eventually become less dependent on your traditional job.

You may feel a bit overwhelmed at first. Besides sticking with

the traditional job you work for hours each day, you’re also
devoting some of your free time to working on your
freelancing business. While it’s challenging and requires a lot
of effort initially, it’s all worth it when you’ve reached the point
where you can officially quit your day job and get into running
your freelance business on a full-time basis.

In some cases, it only takes a few months to experience

enough growth to decide that it’s the perfect time to call it
quits. So, while you don’t want to quit your job the minute you
get into freelancing, know that if you’re putting effort into the
business, you’ll eventually be able to do just that.

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
Check Out Different Freelancing Sites

Start checking out some of the different freelancing sites to

see what types of jobs are available and which services are in
demand. You can even use the search feature on many of
these sites to find freelancing opportunities that stand out to
you. If you think you’re a good fit for certain freelancing
positions, you can submit a proposal to express interest in the
job while providing samples of your work that can set you
apart from other applicants.

If you’re not sure where to get started, check out some of the
following sites that provide opportunities for freelancers to
offer different services and find available work:

Fiverr. One incredible resource for finding freelance work is

Fiverr, an online marketplace that makes it easy for freelancers
to create services they can provide for a set price. When you
use this site, you can create a seller account, upload images
with details on the services you’re providing, and then set a

The great thing about Fiverr is that it allows you to include

add-ons for clients for an additional fee. For example, you
may charge an extra $10 for rush delivery of a specific service.
Many people have had success using Fiverr and continue to
use it to earn a sustainable income.

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
Upwork. While Fiverr is a great option, it’s not the only one
available. Upwork takes on a slightly different approach.
Instead of listing your services and waiting for people to notice
you on the site, you can apply to different freelance positions
based on your skills and niche.

You can use the search feature on Upwork to find freelance

jobs that meet your needs and allow you to use your talents to
the fullest extent.

You can submit a proposal to the clients while uploading your

resume and including any samples they might request from
you. While this doesn’t mean you’ll hear back from each client
that posts a job offer, submitting multiple proposals increases
your chances of getting the work you want to have.

Toptal. Another great freelancing platform is Toptal.

It’s great for people interested in freelancing while providing

specific services, such as software engineering, project
management, and design. It’s also an excellent platform for
financial experts looking to add work to their portfolio while
gaining more experience working with new clients.

While it’s different from Fiverr and Upwork, it has its advantages
and is an excellent choice for many people wanting to start a
freelancing business.

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
Other Freelancing Sites that top the chart are:

All freelancers have to start somewhere, and these three

platforms are some of the websites you can visit when you’re
ready to start a freelancing business. It’s a good idea to
create an account for each site, get a feel for them, and then
decide which platform you prefer to use. Of course, some
freelancers enjoy using multiple platforms simultaneously, so
it all depends on what you like.

Market Thru Your Own Website and Social Media Accounts

While many freelancers begin with the marketplaces as they

learn the ropes in freelancing, you can also begin marketing
and reaching out to potential clients thru your own website
and social media account.

You can create a separate Facebook Business Page,

Instagram Page for your self (apart from your personal
accounts). This is where you will showcase your portfolios
and projects so your potential clients can see at once if you
are the one they're looking for to partner with.

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
Create Content to Add to Your Digital Portfolio

Creating some content to add to your digital portfolio is a

must! When you’re first applying for freelance positions or
trying to get clients to hire you for the work they need to have
completed, you need to have something to show them. If you
don’t have a portfolio created, how will they know if they can
depend on you to deliver incredible work for them? They may
choose to hire someone else for the job that provides them
with a portfolio because they could view that person’s work
and see if they were a good fit. Don’t lose out on
opportunities to grow your freelancing business because you
don’t have a portfolio.

How to Create a Good Portfolio

If you want to create a good portfolio, you can provide free

services to family and friends, using that work as evidence of
your talents. Your loved ones will appreciate the gesture and
can spread the word about you starting the freelancing
business while you get the chance to help those you care
about and build an impressive portfolio. In addition, once you
have the portfolio, you can include it in any email or proposal
you send to any client you’d like to work with while

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
Know Your Worth

Knowing your worth is more important than anything. So, never

sell yourself short, even when you’re first getting into the
freelancing industry. Newbies often fall victim to scams and low
pay because they don’t know any better. Be sure to research
the going rate for the specific services you plan to provide to
your clients. Don’t undercharge to make a dollar.

No matter what you can do for your clients, you deserve to get
paid a decent amount for the effort and time you’re putting into
the services provided.

Network with Other People

Don’t forget about the importance of networking with people

when starting a freelancing business. You have many great
options that will allow you to learn new things, get great advice,
and build new bonds with people who are on a journey similar
to the one you’re on right now.

The Online Filipino Freelancers group on Facebook is one of

many ways to network with other freelancers.

In addition to this group, you can join other freelancing groups,

visit freelancing forums, and network with people on social
media sites, such as LinkedIn and Twitter.
There is power in networking!

How to Get Started as a Freelancer: Even without experience
When you take the proper steps to start your freelancing
business, you can expect to begin meeting milestones,
reaching more goals, and eventually achieving a greater level
of success.

Chapter #4. Why

the Freelancing
Continues to
Thrive During an
When the pandemic happened, millions of people were left
without a job and source of income. While some applied for
unemployment and had to use that as a means of survival,
the idea of losing a job they thought they had was still
shocking, frustrating, and disheartening.

Unlike many companies doing layoffs because of the

economic downturn, freelancers continued to thrive and
strive. Many were still earning the same amount as they were
pre-pandemic, and some were making even more.

People Will Always Need Specific Services

Despite an economic downturn, people will still need to rely

on specific services. For example, a small business will still
need to put effort into marketing, so they may hire a
freelancer to handle their social media marketing campaign.

Likewise, big and small businesses would still need to use

services provided by an IT professional or a graphic designer,
who play integral roles in helping companies offer enhanced
experiences to their clients.

Because the demand for different services provided by

freelancers exists, the industry continues to thrive despite any
economic challenges.

Why the Freelancing Industry Continues to Thrive During an
Economic Downturn
An Increasing Number of Companies Prefer Working with

When the pandemic happened, and many companies could no

longer keep most of their employees, they were left struggling
to pick up the pieces left behind. With an overwhelming amount
of work that needed to get done, some of these companies
decided to outsource projects to freelancers.

Unfortunately, they couldn't afford to start bringing employees

back due to the costs associated with having multiple
employees working full-time. Hiring freelancers helped
companies get more done when they needed help the most
without putting them in a financial bind.

The service you provide may be a valuable one that certain

companies could use. As a result, they may decide to work with
your freelancing business instead of hiring employees because
it saves them time and money. They won't have to waste time
trying to find the perfect candidate and train them, and they
won't have to pay as much as they would for an employee who
would typically get paid time off and other employee benefits.
So while these companies still tend to pay freelancers well,
they're cutting costs in the long run by working with freelancers.

Why the Freelancing Industry Continues to Thrive During an
Economic Downturn
It Provides a Safer Alternative to Working an In-Office Job with
Multiple Employees

With hopes that COVID-19 will die down, it's continued to spread
since 2019. As a result, some employers feel it's safer to hire
freelancers to work remotely instead of hiring more employees
and filling the workplace with numerous people who could
potentially contract the virus. If one person has the virus, they
could quickly spread it to other people around them in the
office. Now that employers have realized people can still be
productive while working from home, they're catching on and
choosing to work with freelancers who can provide excellent
services and meet deadlines without costing them a fortune. It
makes it a win-win situation for the companies and the
freelancers dedicating their time and energy to making a name
for themselves in the industry.

Why the Freelancing Industry Continues to Thrive During an
Economic Downturn

The freelancing industry is a wonderful career worth

venturing into for several reasons. First, those involved in the
industry can enjoy the advantages of freelancing, such as
having a flexible schedule, increasing their earning potential,
and doing things they enjoy throughout the day instead of
sticking to traditional office jobs. Second, if you've thought
about starting a freelancing business but didn't know where
to start, I hope that How to Start a Freelancing Business helps
you on your journey.

It's normal to feel skeptical about making a drastic career

switch. When you don't know much about freelancing, the
idea of getting into the industry may seem impossible, but I'm
here to tell you that it's not. You can achieve the goal of
starting a freelancing business if you want it bad enough.

As someone with ten years of experience working as a

freelancer and entrepreneur, I look forward to helping others
achieve their goals and start freelancing businesses. Sure,
you may need to take a few risks to get to where you want to
be on your journey. However, if you find something you're
passionate about and are willing to take the proper steps
while putting in the effort, you can transform your freelancing
career into a profitable business venture.

What's Next?
Thank you for taking action!
If you have finished this book and you wanted more of this and
me coaching you, please reach out to me as I release my
masterclass for freelancers like you called

You can also follow me on the following pages to know about

updates and new trainings to help you generate more income
and achieve financial freedom in the near future.

Follow me to get updates.

Follow me on Facebook

Join our Freelancing Community!

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You are on your way to

your freelancing journey!
I know it's gonna be worth

Don't forget to take action


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