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Chapter I


A. Overview or Background of the Study

The industrial revolution 4.0 has generated many new business models in the twenty-first

century that brought by modern and improved technology, and the e-commerce model is one of

the successful models that has recently been highly popular and very promising. Indeed, the

Philippines is no exception. According to a market overview report by the International Trade

Administration of the United States Department of Commerce, the Philippines’ e-commerce

market sales reached $17 billion in 2021, largely due to 73 million online active users, and are

expected to reach $24 billion with a 17% increase in 2025.

In recent years, the proliferation of online shopping applications has transformed the way

of consumers shop and consume goods and services. Online shopping is the process whereby

consumers buy goods or services directly from a seller in real time, without an intermediary

service, over the internet. Among these applications, Shopee has emerged as a major player in

the e-commerce market, providing a platform for comumers to purchase a wide range of products

and services at competitive prices. According to the eCommerce Market Philippines, Shopee.Ph

is the largest player in the Philippine eCommerce market, with a revenue of US$240.5 million in

2022. is followed by and, which have US$152.2 million and

US$78.4 million in revenue, respectively. Shopee was the largest e-commerce platform in

Southeast Asia in 2020 with a total GMV (gross merchandise volume) of $35.4 billion and

generated 2.7 billion orders for an increase of 102% on the previous year in accordance to a

market report from Despite the intense competition in the e-commerce space, it

has expanded aggressively across the Southeast Asian region over the last few years. Shopee
offers features that simplify buying and selling transactions between sellers and buyers by

encouraging customers to purchase products through marketing, utilizing a simple payment

mechanism, and requesting a low transaction fee. These affects buying behavior as customers

usually seek information on a product before making a purchase decision.

With the rise of Shopee, there is a growing interest in understanding how this application is

influencing consuming behavior, particularly among students who are an important market

segment for any e-commerce platforms like Shopee application. Consumption behaviours

include not only purchase results, but also purchase process. Further research is required to

investigate the purchase process of consumption, for example how, where, when, and why each

kind of consumption individuals, to complete a full understanding of consumption behaviours

and provide more suggestive policies. Therefore, consuming or consumption behavior refers to

the actual act of consuming or using products and services[G]. It involves the study of how

individuals and households use and interact with products and services (Xiong, 2021). In

other words, consumer behavior focuses on the psychological and social processes that influence

buying decisions, while consuming behavior focuses on the physical and practical aspects of

using products and services. For instance related to this context, consumer behavior might

involve studying how consumers evaluate and compare different online shopping platforms

before making a purchase decision, while consuming behavior might involve studying how

consumers use and interact with a particular online shopping application on engaging in online


Business people are not the only subject who have grasped the potential development of

ecommerce markets to profit the advantages for themselves, but researchers have also been

studying a lot of topics related to e-commerce and online buying behaviors. Especially, the role
of online buying intention was being considered to research much as a mediator to determine the

relationship between impacting factors and online buying behavior (Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006;

Roca et al.,2009) and the results in those researches normaly showed that the intention factor is

the first and has the highest impact on online buying behavior and the second highest impact

factor is perceived influence from family, friends and media (Lim et al., 2016). It is obvious that

the themes of online purchasing intention or behavior are currently gaining the attention of

numerous researchers. But there are still insufficient studies that concentrate on elements relating

to the Shopee application for online purchasing. These elements have had a significant impact on

consuming behavior or so called online buying intention of the customer. In reality, internet

shopping apps are now crucial since a good one will significantly influence users’ purchasing

intention of buyers.

As a result of being concerned about the aforementioned trends in app purchases, the

researchers intend to undertake this study to determine the use of Shopee application can affect

sudent-users’ consuming behavior to make purchases online. The researchers want to fill the gap

on what are the significant consuming behaviors among DMMNHS Senior High School students

of the said application on their behavior as online consumers. Thus, the researchers aím to

conduct this research to investigate the students' consuming behavior of Shopee application users

by examining the extent to which students use Shopee, the products they purchase, and the

factors that may influence their decision to use and purchases through the application. By

understanding the consumption behaviour of students Shopee users , specifically, the students

can gain valuable insights into the changing landscape of e-commerce and develop strategies to

better serve this growing market segment.

B. Conceptual Framework

The aim of determining the consuming behavior in this research is to find out the condition of

Shopee consumption to the Senior High School students that use this application of Don Mariano

Marcos National High School

This study will be guided by the different consumption behaviors of consumers to use and

consume online. Through the different consumption behavior, the researchers will determine if

why the students consume products on Shopee and use the particular application.

Research Paradigm


Profile of the Collection and Profile and consuming

respondents analysis of data behavior of the Senior

through printed High School students

a. Age
questionnaire of Don Mariano
b. Sex
Marcos National High
c. Grade,
School on using
Section, and
Shopee application

d. Allowance


behaviors on using

Shopee application

Figure 1: IPO Model of the Study

The paradigm shows the overall process of the study using the IPO Model. The input

consists of the profile of the study respondents in terms of age, sex, grade, section, and

strand, and the daily allowance, also, the different consuming behaviors on using Shopee

application. Throughout the process, the researchers will collect and analysis of data through

printed questionnaire in order to fulfill the main objective of this study and that is to

determine the profile and consuming behavior of the Senior High School students of Don

Mariano Marcos National High School (DMMNHS) on using Shopee application as the

paradigm’s output.

C. Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study will focus on determining the impact of Shopee application on the

students’ consumer behaviour among the Senior High School students of Don Mariano Marcos

National High School (DMMNHS).

Specifically, it aims to seek answer to the following questions :

1.What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age; 1.3 Grade, Section, and Strand;

1.2 Sex; 1.4 Allowance?

2. What are the consuming behavior of Senior High School students on using Shopee?

3. How frequent the respondents are using Shopee app?

4. Is there a significant difference on the consuming behavior of students on using Shopee


D. Scope and Delimitation

The researchers aím to conduct this study to determine the students' consuming behavior

on using Shopee application by examining the extent to which students use Shopee, consumer

behaviors, and the factors that may influence their decision to use and purchases through the

application. This will be limited to the Senior High School students in Don Mariano Marcos

National High School (DMMNHS) at Ipil, Echague, Isabela, during the second semester of the

S.Y. 2022-2023. The study delimits itself to the demographic profile of the respondents in term

of name, sex, age, grade, section, and strand, and daily allowance. The respondents will be

chosen by the process of purposive sampling., It will only emphasize the consuming behavior of

student users of the application.

E. Hypothesis

There is no significant difference on the consuming behavior of students on using Shopee


F. Significance of the Study

The study focuses on determining the impact of Shopee application on the behavior of

senior high school students towards using the app.

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. This study will give some knowledge to them on the impact of online shopping

application, specifically to the Shopee app, both user and non-user students. This will allow them

to know what are the positive and negative impacts of online shopping to their behavior.

Parents. The result of this study will help them to understand and know the impact of Shopee on

their son or daughter's behavior. Parents will also be able to track the level of addiction of their

son/daughter in using the app.

Teachers. The result of this study will help them to know the impact of Shopee application on

their students’ behavior towards using the app and may also be present to them in using it too.

Researchers. The result of this study will help them to have knowledge or idea about their topic.

It provides them with a new set of information on how to fully understand the impact of Shopee

on the students' consumer behavior.

Future Researchers. The result of this study will serve as reference material and guide for those

who wish to conduct the same study on the Shopee application and its impact on the students

consuming behavior. This study will provide baseline data needed for future research and studies

related to this one.

G. Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally and conceptually defined.

Consuming/Consumption Behavior. Consumption behavior, also known as buying behavior, is

how market participants respond to marketing activities. It is largely concerned with people’s

purchasing attitudes and intentions.

Don Mariano Marcos National High School. Refers to the locale of the study, located at Ipil,

Echague, Isabela.

E-commerce. It is a process of buying selling, transferring or exchanging goods, services or

information by using the Internet

Shopee Application. Refers to the specific online shopping application that the researcher

choose to focus on. It is also a service that enables the students to purchase online and deliver the

items door-to-door.

Online Shopping. Refers to the act of purchasing items or products in online world.
Chapter II


Related Literature

Foreign Literature

I. Consuming / Consumption Behavior or Buying Behavior

This promoted widespread use of the internet and was based on some benefits of online

consumption in general. As the pricing is usually the primary consideration, consumers’ worries,

the ease of price and commodity comparisons, and online consumption’s son is very exceptional.

The convenience of online consumption increased as a result of mobile networks’ ongoing

development. Technology, including media (Dandan et al., 2018). The fact that young people

represent a significant consumer group in society cannot be disputed. Their consumption habits

are more consistent with popular taste, and they are the future consumers, at least for the

foreseeable future. Additionally, they are the users who can most easily transition to the modern

digitized modes the payment. Being cautious and balancing rational and impulsive consumption

young consumers’ consumption behaviors have certain characteristics (Yihong, 2018). College

students make up a big component of the youthful consumer population. Their consumption was

categorized through the study as social expenditure, preference expenditure, spending on

necessities and the internet. The potential influences on college students’ consumption behaviors,

such as sentimental consumption patterns, the celebrity effect, gender variations, and family

influences, were also examined. The at the same time, the idea of consumption stages for college

years was proposed (Ying & Ketao, 2019; Wenfang, 2018). From the consumer culture and

economic climate during the COVID-19 epidemic, consumer preferences, preferred payment

methods, and patterns of purchase have all been impacted to varied degrees. Additionally, cyber

culture is developing quickly. It appears that there are universal causes and effects. More

academics are starting to delve deeper into this subject. Although the market was in a record high

during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic slump. The consumer market has successfully

transitioned into the recovery stage thanks to the efforts of the general public and medical

professionals. This is due to an apparent improvement in consumer expenditure and a notable

rise in the consumption of goods that can be improved and replaced. Additionally, polarizations

are developing in the market, mostly manifesting in the three elements listed below. First off,

clustering consumption is recovering more slowly than product consumption. Second, the

consumption of low- and medium-income groups is recovering more slowly than the

consumption of high-income groups. Thirdly, the pandemic has compelled the early adoption of

the modern, digital payment methods (described above) (Yun et al., 2021; Qingbin et al., 2022).

The research has been expanded to analyze consumer consumption behaviors from the

standpoint of psychology for a more thorough examination. As a result, impulsive consumption

can be explained by starting with safety demands and the urge for security (Ailian & Rui, 2020).

The researchers observed the following as common consumption or buying behavior in the

field of consumer behavioral research.

i. Impulse Buying Behavior

Sohn and Ko (2021) contended that, while all impulse purchases might be termed

unplanned, any unplanned purchase can be classified as impulsive. Unplanned purchases might

happen for a variety of reasons. The consumer need a product that, for whatever reason, is not

available on the market. Make a shopping list ahead of time. This implies that unanticipated

purchases are not always followed by the strong desire that often defines impulse buying.

According to Gogoi and Shillong (2020), impulsive shopping, in addition to having an emotional

component, several elements, including the retail atmosphere, life satisfaction, self-esteem, and

the consumer’s emotional state at the time, might cause content to be triggered. Can be triggered

by an unforeseen necessity, a visual cue, a commercial effort, and/or a loss in cognitive capacity

to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of that purchase.

According to Pandya and Pandya (2020), spontaneous purchase leads to an emotional lack

of control. Caused by the tension between the immediate pleasure and the undesirable

repercussions Purchases can start, which can lead to obsessive habits that can become chronic.

Pathological. According to Khan et al. (2019), sales promotion has become one of the most

potent strategies for transformation. Buyer perception has a big impact on their purchasing

decision, and it has been proven that advertising has a powerful ability to influence and

convince, and even the most harmless advertisements can inflict harm. Changes in behavior that

have an impact on a consumer’s buying intention. According to Meena (2018), one begins to

favor one product/service over another from an early age. We are constantly bombarded with

promotional stimuli that influence our purchasing decisions. According to Burton et al. (2018),

impulse purchases occur when there is a sudden and strong emotional response. Desire, which

results from a reactive response with poor cognitive control. The inclination to buy instinctively

and without thought can be explained by the desire for rapid fulfillment. It makes available to the
buyer (Pradhan et al., 2018). According to Platania et al. (2016), the buying experience is

becoming increasingly dependent on interaction. Between the individual and the point-of-sale

environment, but it is not only the environment that stimulates the consumer’s impulsive

conduct. The sensory and psychological characteristics related to the types of items, knowledge

about them, and brand loyalty frequently overlap. The value placed on the physical surroundings.

ii. Sustainable Consumption Behavior

The formal introduction of the “sustainable consumption” concept occurred during the

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The definitions of sustainable consumption address the environmental consequences of

consumption acts (Kastner & Matthies, 2014). Several authors stated that sustainable

consumption is a great source of concern for society and business (Pinto et al., 2014). Barber

(2007) stated that sustainable consumption raises awareness and brings about changes in the

values and motivations that lead to consumer behavior. The concept emerged as a response to

sustainability challenges faced by communities around the world (Cohen & Muñoz, 2016).

Sustainable consumption involves sustainable solutions seen as crucial for changing production

and consumption patterns (Lukman et al., 2016). From the organizational point of view, the

concept is related to sustainability and green technologies, which are used in attempts to bring

benefits to companies, such as improvement of their image or even economic advantages (Cruz

& Katz-Gerro, 2016). One of the concepts used that is aligned with sustainable consumption is

sustainable consumption and production (SCP), defined by the United Nations Sustainable

Development Goals as promoting resources and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure,

access to basic services and green and decent jobs, and a better quality of life for all (Ma et al.,

2018). It is common to find articles that address both sustainable consumption and SCP in the

literature, since discussions of these subjects complement each other. However, studies more

focused on SCP have involved more organizational or political contexts, such as those that have

addressed the sharing economy Cohen & Muñoz, 2016; Ma et al.,2018; Coderoni & Perito,

2020) measures for adoption of sustainable processes (Luthra et al., 2017) and future challenges

related to sustainability in countries (Lukman et al.,2016). According to Yarimoglu and Binboga

(2019), a tendency toward social change in consumer behavior in developed countries already

existed, showing that they voluntarily began worrying more about sustainability and “green”


iii. Brand Loyalty Behavior

Dapi & Phiri, (2015) defined Brand Loyalty, as the firm commitment to continuously

patronize a product or service, regardless of situational circumstances, ensuring consistent

market demand and purchases in the future. Following this concept, it is further qualified that

Brand Loyalty helps a company thrive even within extremely competitive economies due to

lower customer sensitivity. In view of these notions, several studies have established significant

and positive relationship between CSR and Brand Loyalty based on customer perceptions in the

banking industry (Pérez & Rodríguez, 2015; Pratihari & Uzma, 2018; Rehan et al., 2020) These

studies have showcased the Generation Z experiences brand loyalty to luxury brands despite not

completely identifying with them. For example, one study emphasized that “although the

participants showed a high degree of loyalty”, the “loyalty did not translate into a high level of

self-brand connection” (Shin et al., 2021, p. 402). Generation Z feels a degree of brand loyalty

toward luxury brands because they rely on luxury brands to feel some sort of satisfaction and
uniqueness in their lives (Dobre et al., 2021). This expands upon the concept that Generation Z is

able to appreciate and support luxury brands without it defining a part of who they are, as they

do not always experience a self-brand connection. Several researchers found that brand loyalty

can be prevalent amongst younger ages of Generation Z, meaning teenagers. Even if the younger

crowds in Generation Z may not easily afford or have access to luxury brands the way that the

older crowds in Generation Z do, it was found that brand loyalty sticks with younger ages

because it plays a vital role in reinforcing teenagers’ self-perception (Bakir et al., 2020).

Teenagers can also exhibit brand loyalty by being influenced by the luxury brands’ presence on

social media platforms so the brands can feel more relatable despite the rarity and high prices

(Rienetta et al., 2017). These findings directly correlate with a particular study that utilized a

conceptual model to provide empirical evidence on Generation Z’s brand loyalty opinions about

luxury brands. It found that Generation Z’s need for differentiation “influences their multi-

motivational functions of attitude and, in turn, the attitude functions affect their purchase

intentions” (Cho et al., 2021, p.32). This goes to show that there is some balance between

Generation Z wanting more from luxury brands and their attitudes regarding ego influencing

them to continue to purchase from luxury brands. The balance between the two opposing ends

can be met by the findings that advise luxury brands to keep up with their brand image and

identity whilst developing meaningful relationships with Generation Z “through personalized

products, services, and messages” to ensure brand loyalty (Eastman et al., 2019, p. 70). All of the

findings presented demonstrate that Generation Z experiences brand loyalty towards luxury

brands without it defining their image, even if it influences their self-perception, especially with

the younger end of Generation Z.

iv. Price Sensitivity Behavior

The cosmetics industry is one of the industries that is rapidly growing at present. This is

due to the products that they provide to the consumers and how important it is in one’s daily life.

Having this said, the cosmetics industry needs to have an effort to continuously improve

its offering given that many individuals depend on it. Furthermore, it is evident that this

industry has a very competitive market environment hence, they also have the pressure

to constantly innovate and adapt to changes in society in order for them to remain relevant in

the ever-growing market. With that, during the 21 st century, the cosmetics industry went

through several changes and one of which was adopting sustainability (Kapoor et al., 2019).

Aside from applying sustainability to their offerings, these companies also started using

these initiatives to differentiate themselves from the rest and also position

themselves as a company that has adopted sustainability (Bautista et al., 2023).

II. Shopee Application

In recent years, the growth of e-commerce has been unprecedented, with more and more

people turning to online shopping for convenience and accessibility. Shopee, which has quickly

grown in popularity in Southeast Asia, is one of the most well-known e-commerce platforms.

Shopee is a Singaporean e-commerce platform that was founded in 2015 by Sea Group,

one of the top online businesses in Southeast Asia. The corporation operates in various countries,

including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, and Brazil.

Shopee has become one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the region, with over 200

million downloads and more than 500 million product listings as of 2021 (Shopee, 2021).

Shopee is a mobile e-commerce platform that enables users to purchase and sell items

online. It provides a huge selection of things, including clothes, gadgets, cosmetics, household
goods, and more. The app has a user-friendly interface and is accessible for download on both

iOS and Android smartphones, making it simple for customers to browse products. To draw

customers and increase sales, Shopee also provides a number of services, such as daily specials,

flash deals, and free delivery (Lee & Park, 2020).

In addition to its user-friendly interface and various features, such as daily deals and flash

sales, Shopee also offers a range of payment options, including credit/debit card, bank transfer,

and cash on delivery, to cater to different user preferences. The company also provides a secure

platform for transactions by offering buyer protection and a refund policy in case of any issues

with the products received. Shopee has also been recognized for its innovative marketing

strategies, such as its “Shopee Shake” feature, where users can shake their phones to win prizes

and discounts, and its collaborations with popular brands and celebrities to attract users and

increase sales. It has made changes to attract customers to make more transactions through the

site. Shopee is more focused on the mobile platform so that it is easier for people to search, shop,

and sell directly using only their smartphones (Azmi 2022).

Various methods are featured to attract customers, such as cashback promos, free shipping

to pay later is provided by Shopee as an advantage for users who have the online platform

application. One of the things that distinguish Shopee from other e-commerce applications is

Shopee offers a “Shopee Warranty.” The seller does not deliver the goods, the goods’stock is

exhausted, or the goods are not in good condition, the buyer can apply for a refund through

Shopee so that the paid funds can be returned to the customer’s bank account within a maximum

of 2x24 hours. By realizing the convenience of shopping amid the Covid-19 virus situation and

efforts to deal with the New Normal transition condition, as has recently been implemented in

almost all parts of Indonesia so that’s why many people have an account at online marketplace to
get their daily goods. With prices that are quite affordable, people don’t need to leave the house

to get the items they want, just through e-commerce, so people only need to wait at home until

the purchased items arrive home. Due to this convenience, there is an increasing number of

Shopee platform applications from before the Covid-19 pandemic to the present. Due to this,

people are also looking for other means to fulfill their daily necessities, one of them is by online

shopping (Fridhayanti, 2020).

Based on Indonesia’s e-commerce data and statistics report for 2020, it shows estimated

that users who are active in online shopping are aged 16 to 64 years or about 66% of the total

population of Indonesia, which is 179.7 million people ( This point will be

accrue along with the increase in smartphone and internet device users every year so, the growth

of online shopping will also increase. It indicated, there is a transformation in people shopping

behavior from those who usually shop directly to the store, then gradually switch to shopping

online. Consumers who prefer to shop online because they want to saves their time. They can do

it from anywhere and anytime, the reason why do people shop online because of quick, easy and

also convenient, likewise there are many promos and discounts offered.

Local Literature

I. Consuming / Consumption Behavior or Buying Behavior

i. Impulse Buying Behavior

ii. Sustainable Consumption Behavior

iii. Brand Loyalty Behavior

iv. Price Sensitivity Behavior

II. Shopee Application

The use of online shopping applications has become increasingly popular among students,

and this has led to several studies being conducted to investigate the impact of these applications

on their consumptive behavior. One such study by Zarah et al. (2022) found that the intensity of

using the Shopee application had an effect on the consumptive behavior of students.

Additionally, the message content of the use of the Shopee application also affected the

consumptive behavior of students. Another study by Cahyadi (2022) aimed to determine the

effect of using the Shopee Paylater feature on the consumptive behavior of students in the city of

Mataram. The study found that the use of the Shopee Paylater feature had a significant effect on

the consumptive behavior of students.

Furthermore, Yustati (2019)conducted a study to determine how much eWOM contributes

through the Shopee platform on the consumptive behavior of Bengkulu IAIN students. The study

found that eWOM significantly contributed to the consumptive behavior of students. Another

study by Puti & Yusuf, 2019 aimed to determine the effect of performance expectancy, effort

expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions on behavioral intentions among students
in using e-commerce Shopee. The study found that these factors significantly influenced the

behavioral intentions of students.

Moreover, Desfayani (2021) found a positive relationship between the ease of using

mobile banking and the consumptive behavior of Padang State University students who use

Shopee. Fauziah & Nurochani (2022) conducted a study to determine the effect of Shopee’s E-

Commerce Facilities on student consumptive behavior. The study found that these facilities

significantly influenced the consumptive behavior of students.

Agustin (2022) investigated the factors that determine the use of the Shopee PayLater

function and its impact on consumption behavior among Indonesian students who use it. The

study found that several factors, such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and

perceived risk, significantly influenced the adoption of the Shopee PayLater function.

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

According to Liao, (2021) a study entitled “The Sources and Influencing Factors of

Hedonistic Consumption” Hedonism refers to the value concept and way of life that takes the

comfort and abundance of material life and the full satisfaction of sensory desire as the purpose

of life. The concept of hedonistic product corresponds to utilitarian consumption. In the process

of practical consumption, consumers often start from the functional type and purpose of the

product, pay attention to the utility and perform attributes of the product, and pursue the practical

value to meet the actual needs. Hedonistic consumption refers to viewing consumption as an act

of providing entertainment for the purpose of obtaining pleasure from consumption experience. It

focuses on the emotional and irrational aspects of buying behavior. In addition, Xu, Y., and
Huang, J.S. (2014), in his study entitled “Effects of Price Discounts on Online Impulse buying”,

states that the variable discount will further trigger impulse buying online for consumers if the

product offered has a low price. The phenomenon of impulse buying both online and offline

certainly has a positive impact on marketers, retailers and profits for the store. Therefore, it is

important for retailers to find out information about competitive strategies related to unplanned

purchases. Unplanned purchases or impulse buying can occur due to external and internal

factors. External factors such as discounts, displays and promotions. While factors from internal

consumers, such as lifestyle, addiction to shopping, availability of resources, and so on.

In recent years, there has been significant development in mobile marketing, which may be

defined as the promotion of an offer via two-way or multiple-way contact between a business

and its clients through a mobile medium, device, platform, or technology. Mobile marketing, also

known as Mobile Marketing 2.0, has advanced to a new level. During this time period, we see

mobile devices overtake desktop computers as the primary means of consuming digital media,

the widespread adoption of wearable gadgets by consumers, and a general increase in the

integration and interconnectivity of technologies (Narang & Shankar, 2019). Based on the result

of the study, it was found that there was a positive and significant influence on the social

influence of students’ purchase decision at marketplace of Shopee is 31,7%. The students’s

social environment is proven to be able to influence students’ decision. The social

environment such as a close friend, has made a purchase at Shopee, thus exchanging

information yfg influences students to decide on their purchase. If students get a lot of

information exchange from the social environment, then student purchasing decisions at

Shopee will increase. Students must pay attention to information obtained from social

influences to be more confident in making purchase decisions at Shopee.

Local Studies

According to the study of Barcelona (2022) entitled “#Budolfinds: The Role of

TikTok’s Shopee Finds’ Videos in the Impulsive Buying Behavior of Generation Z Consumers”

reveals that Filipino Generation Z consumers were found to be influenced by TikTok's Shopee

Finds Videos across different dimensions of impulsive buying, namely pure impulsive buying,

reminder impulse buying, suggested impulse buying, and planned impulse buying based on the

descriptive statist1ics. After being exposed to and triggered by the videos, it was discovered that

the respondents deviated from their usual consumption patterns. They experience a sudden urge

of unconscious needs and desires more powerful than their conscious decisions. Furthermore,

Generation Z respondents have high expectations for a positive shopping experience and are not

easily swayed by all products they see, particularly those they have never considered. The

findings show that planned impulse buying has the highest weighted mean, indicating that

Generation Z is looking for the best value and is willing to wait for it to go on sale.

According to numerous earlier research, the quality of social media information has a

large indirect impact on trust. (2017) Sanchez-Villar et al. Online trust is the most crucial

element of firm strategy because it lowers perceived risk, encourages positive word-of-mouth,

and is essential to the success of e-commerce (Bauman and Bachmann, 2017). Nevertheless,

despite the rise in internet usage and online sales globally, some consumers are still reluctant to

shop online (Stouthuysen et al., 2018). Trust and perceived benefits, together with the accuracy

of the information, are said to be the main influences on consumer behavior when it comes to

engaging in social commerce (Maia et al., 2018).

According to numerous earlier research studies, the quality of social media information has

a large indirect impact on trust. (2017) Sanchez-Villar et al. Online trust is the most crucial
element of firm strategy because it lowers perceived risk, encourages positive word-of-mouth,

and is essential to the success of e-commerce (Bauman and Bachmann, 2017). Nevertheless,

despite the rise in internet usage and online sales globally, some consumers are still reluctant to

shop online (Stouthuysen et al., 2018). Trust and perceived benefits, together with the accuracy

of the information, are said to be the main influences on consumer behavior when it comes to

engaging in social commerce (Maia et al., 2018). By tying together a number of variables, but

few discuss brand ambassadorship, customer loyalty, and corporate social responsibility (Ghina

Neviana, 2021), product quality, price, and service (Dian Yunita, 2017), trust with purchasing

decisions (HiranRoya and MichaelHallbcPaulW, 2017), brand ambassadors and consumer

decisions (Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., Bagherzadeh, 2020), E-commerce and social media as

buying choices.

Synthesis of the Study

The studies reviewed in this synthesis suggest that the use of online shopping applications,

particularly Shopee, has a significant impact on the consumptive behavior of students. The

intensity of use, message content, and features of the application, as well as factors such as

eWOM, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions,

significantly influence the behavioral intentions and consumptive behavior of students. These

findings have important implications for policymakers, educators, and parents who are

concerned about the impact of online shopping applications on the financial well-being of


The main objective of this study is to determine the consuming behavior of the Senior

High School students in Don Mariano Marcos National High School (DMMNHS). The reviewed

literature and studies from both local and international sources support the viewpoint and provide
additional insights into the current study. This may include a variety of participants and will

primarily focus on the consumption behavior of students towards using the Shopee application.

Chapter III

Research Methodology

A. Research Design
The researchers will use ethnography design in this study. Ethnography is a qualitative method

for collecting data often used in the social and behavioral sciences. Thus, the study will be

meaning to the behavioral variable being determined to examine the real estate of the main

variable which is the consuming behavior. The study will delineate the demographic profile, the

consuming or consumption behavior of the respondents on using Shopee, the focused subject of

the study. Furthermore, this study will determine the consumption behavior of the Senior High

School students in Don Mariano Marcos National High School. Thus, this research design will

apply to this study.

B. Sampling Procedure

The population of the study will be the Senior High School students at Don Mariano Marcos

National High School consists of 457 students. The number of actual sample size will be

determined using the convenience sampling technique. Convenience sampling is a qualitative

research sampling strategy that involves selecting participants based on their accessibility and

availability to the researcher. Rather than being drawn at random from a bigger population,

participants in this strategy are picked because they are easily available to the researcher. The

researchers used this technique for the reason that it is the simplest among the qualitative

research technique.

C. Locale of the Study

The research locale of the study will comprise the place where the study will take place. The

researchers will focus on the students Don Mariano Marcos National High School (DMMNHS)
located at Ipil, Echague, Isabela. The researchers will conduct the study at the said school

because the researchers are also part of its population. The Senior High School students at Senior

High Department of DMMNHS has a current population of 457 and that large population itself

will help the researchers in fulfilling this qualitative study. The study will take place in the school

so that the researchers will not encounter any complications with the research method and the

research study itself.

D. Research Instrument

To have uniform data collection, the researchers will use a printed survey questionnaires

E. Data Collection Procedure

In gathering the data needed, the researchers will employ the following steps:

1.The researcher will ask permission from the school principal of Don Mariano Marcos National

High School for the conduct of their study through a letter approval.

2.Upon the approval of the conduct study, the researchers will seek the permission to the class

advisers of the Grade 11 & 12 students for the…..

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