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Acropolis Institute of Technology &

Research, Indore
Crop Disease Prediction System

Submitted to : Prof. Ritika Bhatt

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Team Members
Supervised by:
1. Ansh Joshi(0827CS201036)
Prof. Ritika Bhatt
2. Bhavik Sharma(0827CS201058)
3.Bhavika Darpe(0827CS201059)
4.Devendra Singh Pawar(0827CS201067)

Department of Computer Science

Project Presentation Outline
❖Problem Statement
❖Solution Proposed
❖The Outcome Discussion

Department of Computer Science


Our Crop Disease Detection System empowers farmers to upload

images, accurately identifying and offering tailored solutions for
disease control. This comprehensive approach ensures food
security and maximizes crop yields.

Department of Computer Science

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Agriculture forms the backbone of many economies, and crop

diseases pose a significant threat to crop yields and food
security. Rapid and precise detection, coupled with effective
management solutions, is essential to mitigate the impact of
these diseases. Advances in computer vision, machine learning,
and agricultural science offer an unprecedented opportunity to
provide farmers with a holistic solution.

Department of Computer Science

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The Problem Statement
Farmers often struggle to identify crop diseases and the specific
pests causing them, leading to ineffective disease management.

Department of Computer Science

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❖ Develop an intuitive and user-friendly Crop Disease Detection

❖ Enable farmers to upload images of diseased crops for disease
and pest identification.
❖ Provide actionable solutions and recommendations for
disease control and prevention.
Survey of Existing Systems

Crop disease detection systems have been developed to

address the crucial challenge of identifying and managing
diseases in agriculture. Here is a comprehensive survey of
existing systems and methods:

1.Manual Visual Inspection and Expert Consultation

2. Sensor-Based Systems

Department of Computer Science

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Solution Proposed

Our proposed Crop Disease Detection System will employ state-

of-the-art machine learning models to classify diseases and
pests from uploaded images. It will then provide farmers with
actionable solutions for disease control and prevention, as well
as personalized agricultural practices to maximize crop yield.

Department of Computer Science

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The Outcome Discussion

Department of Computer Science

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The Outcome Discussion

The Outcome Discussion

Future Scope
1. Exploring cloud-based solutions or dedicated hardware
accelerators to enhance the model's training capacity and
efficiency, thereby overcoming hardware limitations.
2. Investigating advanced prediction algorithms and optimization
techniques to improve the model's accuracy and reliability,
ensuring more precise and consistent outcomes.
3. Expanding the dataset with diverse and comprehensive training
classes to enhance the model's learning capabilities, fostering
improved predictive accuracy across a broader range of scenarios.

Department of Computer Science

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The Crop Disease Detection System is poised to revolutionize
agriculture by offering farmers not only accurate disease and pest
identification but also practical solutions for disease control and

Department of Computer Science
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