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DNS is like a translator for the internet. When you type a website name (like, DNS
translates it into a language computers understand (an IP address), so you can reach the right
place on the web
example client server
online banking,
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) are
protocols used for transmitting data over the internet. HTTP is the standard protocol for web
communication, but it lacks encryption, making data vulnerable. HTTPS, on the other hand, adds
a layer of security through encryption (SSL or TLS), ensuring a secure connection between the
user's browser and the website. Websites that handle sensitive information, like login details or
payment data, commonly use HTTPS to protect user privacy.
serial transmission charesteristik

computer brain
The term "computer brain" is often used metaphorically to describe the processing capabilities
of a computer. Computers, however, don't possess consciousness or self-awareness like the
human brain. Instead, they execute instructions and perform calculations based on programming
and algorithms.
RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory) are types of computer memory
with distinct roles:
1. RAM (Random Access Memory):
- Volatility: RAM is volatile memory, meaning it loses its stored data when the power is turned
- Function:It is used for temporary storage of data that the CPU is actively using or processing.
- Speed:RAM is faster than other types of storage like hard drives, allowing quick access to
2. ROM (Read-Only Memory):
- Volatility: ROM is non-volatile memory, retaining data even when the power is off.
- Function:It stores permanent or semi-permanent data, typically firmware or essential system
instructions that don't change during normal operation.
- Write Limitations:In many cases, ROM is read-only, meaning its contents are pre-programmed
and cannot be easily modified.
In summary, RAM provides fast, temporary storage for actively running programs and data, while
ROM holds essential, non-changing instructions for the system.
data compression
data compression
Data compression is a process of reducing the size of data files to save storage space or to
transmit them more efficiently over a network. There are two main types of data compression:
1. Lossless Compression:
- Function:Preserves all the original data so that the uncompressed version is identical to the
- Use Cases:Suitable for text files, executable programs, andany data where accuracy is
- Examples:ZIP, GZIP, PNG.
2. Lossy Compression:
- Function:Sacrifices some data to achieve higher compression ratios.
- Use Cases:Commonly used for multimedia files like images, audio, and video, where minor
loss in quality is acceptable.
- Examples:JPEG, MP3, MPEG.
Data compression algorithms achieve compression by identifying and removing redundancy in
the data. Redundancy can exist in the form of repeating patterns, duplicate information, or
unnecessary details.
The choice between lossless and lossy compression depends on the specific requirements of the
application and the acceptable trade-off between file size and data fidelity.
search engines
A search engine is a software program designed to help users find information on the internet. It
accomplishes this by indexing web pages and then providing a search interface where users can
enter queries. The search engine then retrieves and presents a list of results that match the
user's query based on relevance.
Key components of a search engine include:
1. Crawling:The search engine sends out automated programs called crawlers or spiders to
explore and index web pages.
2. Indexing:The information collected by crawlers is organized into a searchable index. This index
contains data about the content and structure of web pages.
3. Ranking:When a user performs a search, the search engine uses algorithms to rank the
indexed pages based on relevance. Factors such as keywords, page authority, and user
experience contribute to the ranking.
4. User Interface:The search engine provides a user-friendly interface where users can input
their queries and receive a list of results.
Prominent examples of search engines include Google, Bing, and Yahoo. These platforms play a
crucial role in helping users navigate the vast amount of information available on the internet.
bios purpose
In simple terms, the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is like a computer's startup manager. It
checks if everything is working, helps the computer start, and manages basic settings.
data communication transmissions
Data transmission is like sending messages between devices. One device sends data, like text or
pictures, through a cable or airwaves. The other device receives and understands the data. It's
how your devices talk to each other.
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is like the brain of your computer, doing the actual computing
and executing tasks.
The PSU (Power Supply Unit) provides electrical power to the components of your computer,
converting electricity from an outlet into a form that your computer can use.
fiber optic full duplex enthernet
Full-duplex Ethernet over fiber optics allows data transmission in both directions simultaneously,
enhancing communication speed and efficiency. In simpler terms:
1. Full Duplex:It means data can be sent and received at the same time. Imagine a two-way street
where cars can move in both directions simultaneously.
2. Fiber Optics:Instead of traditional copper cables, fiber optics use thin glass or plastic strands
to transmit data using light signals. This allows for faster and more reliable data transfer over
longer distances.
So, "Fiber Optic Full Duplex Ethernet" describes a high-speed, two-way communication system
using light signals through fiber optic cables, commonly used in networking for fast and efficient
data transmission.
Synchronus/Isochronous Transmission
Synchronous: This is continuous transmission with no gaps between transmission of successive
data items.
Isochronous: This is transmission at regular intervals with a fixed gap between the transmission
of successive data items
Cables type
There are various types of cables used in technology and networking. Here are a few common
1. Ethernet Cable (e.g., Cat5e, Cat6):Used for wired internet connections, connecting devices
like computers and routers.
2. USB Cable (e.g., USB-A, USB-B, USB-C):Commonly used for connecting devices like printers,
external hard drives, and smartphones to computers.
3. HDMI Cable:Transmits audio and video signals, often used to connect devices like TVs,
monitors, and gaming consoles.
4. Power Cable:Supplies electrical power to devices, such as power cords for computers,
monitors, and other electronics.
5. Coaxial Cable:Used for cable television (CATV) and broadband internet connections.
6. Optical Fiber Cable:Utilizes thin strands of glass or plastic to transmit data as light signals,
enabling high-speed and long-distance communication.
7. Audio Cables (e.g., 3.5mm, RCA):Connects audio devices like headphones, speakers, and
7. Audio Cables (e.g., 3.5mm, RCA):Connects audio devices like headphones, speakers, and
audio systems.
Each type of cable serves a specific purpose in connecting and transmitting data or power
between devices.
Picture/symbol for Router / Switch / Hub
1. Router:
- Symbol: A small box with antennas or without, often with arrows indicating data flow.
- Description: Represents a device that directs data between different networks, like your home
network and the internet.
2. Switch:
- Symbol: Typically shown as a rectangle with multiple ports (squares) and arrows indicating
data flow.
- Description: Represents a device that connects multiple devices within the same network,
directing data specifically to the intended device.
3. Hub:
- Symbol: Similar to a switch but without the directional arrows.
- Description: Represents a basic networking device that connects multiple devices, but unlike
a switch, it broadcasts data to all connected devices, lacking the efficiency of a switch.
These symbols are often used in networking diagrams to visually represent the type and function
of devices in a network.
software category
1. Operating Systems:Manage computer hardware, like Windows or macOS.
2. Utilities:Tools for specific tasks, like antivirus software.
3. Productivity:Office apps (Word, Excel), note-taking tools (Evernote).
4. Web Browsers:Software to access the internet, like Chrome or Firefox.
5. Graphics:Programs for creating visuals, like Photoshop.
6. Media Players:Play audio and video files, e.g., VLC.
7. Development Tools:Coding software, e.g., Visual Studio.
8. Database Software:Manage data, e.g., MySQL.
9. Security Software:Protect against viruses (Norton).
10. Games:Entertainment software, from casual to video games.
Simplex/ Full duplex /Halfplex
1. Simplex:
- Description:Like a one-way street.
- Example:Radio broadcast - you only listen, no back-and-forth.
2. Half Duplex:
- Description:Like a walkie-talkie where you take turns talking and listening.
- Example:Push to talk and release to listen.
3. Full Duplex:
- Description:Like a regular conversation where both can talk and listen at the same time.
- Example:Phones or most online calls - you can speak and hear simultaneously.
Adv topology
Adv topology
1. Mesh Topology:
- Idea:Everyone is connected to everyone.
- Example:Like friends in a group chat where everyone can talk to everyone else.
2. Hybrid Topology:
- Idea:Mix of different ways of connecting devices.
- Example:A combination of a home Wi-Fi network and wired connections.
3. Ring Topology:
- Idea:Devices connected in a circle.
- Example:Like passing a message around in a circle.
4. Bus Topology:
- Idea:All devices share the same communication line.
- Example:Like people sharing a single road.
5. Star Topology:
- Idea:Devices connect to a central hub.
- Example:Like people talking to a leader in a meeting.
6. Tree Topology:
- Idea:Mix of star and bus, forming a hierarchy.
- Example:Like a big family where smaller families connect through a central group.
LAN Device
– computer, laptop , printer, server
LAN devices help your devices talk to each other in a specific area like a home or office:
1. Router:Manages internet connection and directs data between devices.
2. Switch:Connects devices, making communication faster.
3. Hub:Connects devices but less efficient than a switch.
4. Access Point:Enables wireless connection.
5.Modem:Connects your network to the internet.
6. Firewall:Protects your network from unwanted traffic.
7. Network Interface Card (NIC):Inside devices, helps them connect to the network.
1. LAN (Local Area Network):
- Scope:Small geographic area like a home, office, or campus.
- Example:Your home Wi-Fi network.
2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network):
- Scope:Larger than LAN, covering a city or large campus.
- Example:City-wide internet network.
3. WAN (Wide Area Network):
- Scope:Extensive geographic area, possibly a country or global scale.
- Example:The internet connecting users worldwide.
1. Internet:
- Accessible by: Everyone globally.
- Example:The World Wide Web, open to the public.
2. Extranet:
- Accessible by: Specific external users, like partners or customers.
- Example: A company sharing data with its suppliers over a secure network.
3. Intranet:
- Accessible by:Internal users within an organization.
- Example: A private network for employees to share information within the company.
Peer-to-pear server/ client server

Client Server Network

Client-server network is like a online banking :
- Client:You (customer) online banking(serves ).
- Server:online banking(server) responds
Devices (clients) ask for things, and central computers (servers) provide those things in a client-
server network.
wireless technology
wireless technology
Wireless technology means devices talk to each other without using cables. Like Wi-Fi for
internet, Bluetooth for headphones, and your phone charging without plugging in.
ASCIl code
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character encoding standard
that assigns numeric values to letters, numbers, and symbols. Here are a few simple examples:
1. Letter 'A':- ASCII Code:65
2. Number '5':- ASCII Code: 53
3. Symbol '@':- ASCII Code:64
In computers, each character is represented by a unique ASCII code, allowing computers to
understand and process text-based information.
OSI Model
The OSI Model is like building a sandwich:
1. Physical Layer:The bread - deals with actual wires and hardware.
2. Data Link Layer:Ensures reliable communication, like adding labels to different sandwich parts.
3. Network Layer:Decides how to send the sandwich across the room.
4. Transport Layer:Ensures the sandwich arrives intact, without missing parts.
5. Session Layer:Coordinates who gets the sandwiches and when.
6. Presentation Layer:Makes sure the sandwiches are in a format everyone understands.
7. Application Layer:The top layer - where you actually enjoy the sandwich.
Each layer has its role, making sure communication (or sandwich delivery) works smoothly.
Transmission medium
A transmission medium is the physical pathway through which information travels from one place
to another. Here are simple examples:
1. Cables (Guided Media):
-Description:Physical cables that guide signals.
- Example:Copper cables (Ethernet cables), fiber optics.
2. Wireless (Unguided Media):
- Description:Signals travel through the air without a specific path.
- Example:Wi-Fi signals, radio waves, satellite communication.
In essence, the transmission medium is like the road your information takes to travel, whether it's
through cables or through the air.
NOS, or Network Operating System, is like a traffic cop for computers. It helps them work
together on a network, managing who talks when and where they share information. Examples
include Windows Server and Linux.
Network Cable installation steps&Tools
1. Crimping Tool:Attaches connectors to cable ends.
2. Cable Tester:Checks if cables are connected correctly.
3. Cable Stripper:Removes cable insulation.
4. Screwdriver:Secures wall plates and fixtures.
1. Plan:Decide where you need network connections.
2. **Tools:Get your crimping tool, cable tester, stripper, and screwdriver.
3. Measure and Cut:Cut the cable to the needed length.
4. Prepare:Strip the cable and straighten the wires.
5. Termination:Attach wires to a keystone jack and crimp.
6. Testing:Check if the cable is properly terminated.
7. Installation:Run and secure cables along planned routes.
8. Connect:Attach cables to wall plates or switches.
Optional: Label cables for easy identification.
NID Network Design
As of my last update in January 2022, "NID Network Design" doesn't have a widely recognized
meaning in the field of networking. If it represents a specific term or concept that emerged after
that date, I recommend checking the latest industry resources or documentation for accurate
information. If you have additional details or context about "NID Network Design," please provide
them for a more precise response.
Network performance / management
Network Performance:
- Goal:Make the network run smoothly.
- Key Points:Need for speed, reliability, and quick responses.
Network Management:
- Goal:Oversee and optimize network operation.
- Tasks:
- Watch over network traffic.
- Set up and adjust network settings.
- Keep it secure from threats.
- Fix issues when they pop up.
In simple terms, it's about keeping the network fast, reliable, and secure, while also fixing things
if they go wrong.
IP copyright
Copyright is like a shield for your creative work. If you write a story, create music, or design
something, copyright protects it from being copied or used without your permission. It's like a
legal guard for your original ideas.
SSL is like a secure tunnel on the internet. It keeps your private information, like passwords or
credit card details, safe when you're on websites. Look for "https://" in the web address – that
means SSL is in action.
Phishing / Spam / virus
1. Phishing:
- Idea:Tricking people into sharing sensitive information.
- Example:Fake emails pretending to be from a bank, asking for your password.
2. Spam:
- Idea:Unwanted, irrelevant messages, often in bulk.
- Example:Endless emails promoting products you didn't ask for.
3. Virus:
- Idea:Malicious software that can harm your computer.
- Example:Opening an email attachment that infects your system.
In short, phishing tricks you, spam annoys you, and viruses can harm your computer. Stay
cautious and use security measures to protect against them.

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