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85 Fairview Avenue, Commonwealth Avenue East Park Subdivision, Quezon City, Philippines


Name: ______________________________________________________ Score: __________

Year & Section: __________________ Teacher: ________________ Date: ___________


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers in the space provided.

_______1. Which of the following influences the person to get attracted to others who like them back?
A. Similarity B. Reciprocity C. Physical Attractiveness D. Proximity
_______2. An individual has __________ to represent as he builds and commits into relationships.
A. job B. roles C. mask D. work
_______3. These are the people who create and implement the laws of the land.
A. celebrities B. children C. political leaders D. religious leaders
_______4. People who promote ethical behavior, responsible personal decisions, and social justice.
A. celebrities B. children C. political leaders D. religious leaders
_______5. The ability of a person in authority to guide others to achieve certain organizational goals.
A. guidance B. followership C. instruction D. leadership
_______6. Impact on a person which causes him to change his behavior as convinced by the
A. relationship B. leadership C. followership D. social influence
_______7. The idea about the kind of person someone is.
A. concept B. awareness C. self-perception D. self-esteem
_______8. It is the person’s awareness or thinking about himself.
A. self-concept B. self-efficacy C. self-esteem D. self-confidence
_______9. These are the specific evaluations or judgments a person creates about the self-concept.
A. self-concept B. self-efficacy C. self-esteem D. self-confidence
_______10. This is about the person’s extent of seeing himself as an effective individual.
A. self-concept B. self-efficacy C. self-esteem D. self-confidence
_______11. These guide man’s behaviors and actions as they relate with others in most situations in
A. beliefs B. principles C. philosophies D. values
_______12. The time when an individual is changing from a child to an adult.
A. adolescence B. adulthood C. middle adulthood D. late adulthood
_______13. A type of family structure where the parents are members of different racial identity
A. Foster B. Extended C. Bi-racial or Multi-racial D. Step Family
_______14. This type of family includes relatives of multiple generations living together.
A. Nuclear B. Adopted C. Single-Parent D. Extended
_______15. Historically, which of the following has been considered the traditional family structure.
A. Nuclear B. Adoptive C. Step Family D. Extended
_______16. A family with an adopted child from a different racial identity group than the parents.
A. Adoptive B. Migrant C. Trans-racial Adoptive D. Blended
_______17. Below are the three kinds of personal relationships EXCEPT
A. gang B. family C. friends D. partnerships
_______18. This type of family occurs when a single parent is remarried to another man/woman.
may have children from previous relationships or marriage.
A. Step Family B. Bi-racial C. Migrant D. Foster
_______19. What is a Gay or Lesbian Family?
A. A family where one or more of the children has been adopted.
B. A family where one or both parents’ sexual orientation is gay or lesbian.
C. A family where several generations of adults decided to live under the same roof.
D. A family where one or more children is legally a temporary member of the household.
_______20. It consists of one adult with at least one child in a household. The couple may be
divorced, widowed, or never married.
A. Foster B. Extended C. Nuclear D. Single-Parent
_______21. What component of attraction refer to when people tend to be influenced by what they
A. reciprocity B. proximity C. physical attractiveness D. similarity
_______22. Which is NOT considered as one of the ways in expressing commitment with others?
A. empathy B. trust C. respect D. secrecy
_______23. People usually tend to choose others to be with them because they have things in
A. similarity B. proximity C. physical attractiveness D. reciprocity
_______24. Which of the following is NOT one of the types of love according to R. Sternberg?
A. infatuation B. reciprocity C. companionate D. fatuous
_______25. A group of people related to one another by blood, marriage, or adoption.
A. Family B. Parents C. Relatives D. Friends


Directions: Write the letter T if the statement is true or correct and write the letter F if false or
_______26. Infatuation is love without commitment or intimacy.
_______27. Commitment is one of the three components of a relationship according to Sternberg.
_______28. Cheating is one of the acceptable issues in any relationship.
_______29. Personal relationships are the close connection between people.
_______30. Healthy and acceptable relationships have mutual respect, honesty, and communication.
_______31. An ideal relationship has all three components of love: intimacy, passion, and assurance.
_______32. Effective leaders listen to others and emphasize with people.
_______33. Good leaders get easily annoyed and cannot hold temper if untoward incident happens.
_______34. A leader put his own concern, motives, and interests first and foremost above the others.
_______35. An efficient leader sets himself/herself as an example.
_______36. Effective follower does not feel a sense of personal responsibility for his or her own
_______37. A family is considered “trans-racial” family if parents are members of the LGBT
_______38. A married couple without children is not considered as family.
_______39. Foster family is a type of family wherein one is a temporary member of a household.
_______40. Adoptive family is also known as “blended” family which is a combination of two families.


Directions: Identify the word being described in the statements. Choose your answers from the box.

Adoptive Attraction Commitment Compliance Conjugal Consummate

Family Intimacy Love Migrant Immigrant Obedience

______________41. It is the feeling or state of liking or falling for someone or something.

______________42. It is the act of being very familiar or a special kind of attachment with someone.
______________43. It is the basic unit of society.
______________44. Family which moves together to different place.
______________45. A couple or single parent decides to raise another person’s child as their own.
______________46. This refers to a more complex long-term relationship.
______________47. A type of love which comprises the 3 components of love.
______________48. A strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties.
______________49. Change in one’s behavior by doing a request asked by another individual.
______________50. When a person what someone tells him/her to do out of either respect or fear.

Directions: Read and answer the following questions. (10 points each)

Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (4-5) Satisfactory (2-3)
Content Clear and well-explained Ideas somewhat explained Little or no explanation
Grammar Few grammatical errors Some grammatical errors Many grammatical errors

51-60. How do leadership and followership improve social relationships?


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