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Puzzles and Paradoxes

Professor: Andrew Y. Lee

Course: PHLB55 \ University of Toronto, Scarborough \ Winter 2024
Time/Location: TUESDAYS \ 1pm–3pm \ SW 309


A paradox is a logically valid argument with apparently undeniable premises but a

counterintuitive conclusion. This course will examine a variety of puzzles and paradoxes
concerning logic, language, infinity, probability, rationality, reality, value, time,
consciousness, and death. Some readings will be a bit technical, but no formal
background is required besides basic arithmetic and basic logic.

Learning Outcomes
You’ll have a basic introduction to a variety of philosophical puzzles and paradoxes, as
well as some basic logical and mathematical concepts. You’ll also have practice mapping
arguments, presenting an argument with a visual aid, writing a philosophy paper, and
grappling with various philosophical terms, concepts, arguments, and ideas.


Paradoxes, Sainsbury (3rd edition)

Paradoxes, from A to Z, Clark


Participation 10%
Argument Maps 20%
Presentation 10%
Outline 5%
Paper 25%
Exam 30%

You’re expected to show up to both lecture and tutorial. In tutorial, you’re expected to
actively listen, on occasion ask a question or make a comment. You’ll also have
opportunities to ask questions during lectures.

Argument Maps—20%
You’ll make two argument maps for the course. The information and the software can be
found at, and guidelines can be found at

Each map should be on an argument from one of the readings of the course. You may
choose any reading (so long as it’s been covered up to that point in class) for any map.
Each map must contain a minimum of 5 nodes and a maximum of 10 nodes. The maps will
graded on both structure and content. Each map will receive a score from 0–10.

You’ll give a short (~5-7 minute) presentation reviewing a core argument in the assigned
reading for that week. You should use either a handout, slides, or the blackboard for
your presentation.

You’ll make an outline for your final paper (due March 12 th). Your outline should state:
(1) what your thesis will be (1 sentence), (2) your argument for the thesis (1-3 sentences),
and (3) the objection you’ll consider (1 sentence).

You’ll write a paper (due April 11 th). The paper may be on any topic of the class. Your
paper must do the following: (1) argue for a thesis, (2) present an argument in premise-
conclusion form (this may be either an argument for your thesis, or an argument that
you’ll criticize), and (3) present an objection to the argument. The maximum word count
is 1000 words. You aren’t permitted to use any form of AI assistance.
There will be a final exam during the exam period. The exam will consist of vocabulary,
fill in the blanks, multiple choice, short responses, and a mini-essay (a few paragraphs,
from a choice of prompts).

There will be an in-class pop quiz (on vocabulary) for extra credit.

Extra Credit—1%
If you find a non-academic work (such as a video, podcast, short story, newspaper
article, etc.) that enhances understanding of some of the course material, you may
submit it on Quercus for an extra credit opportunity. The work should be consumable in
15-minutes or less (the shorter, the better). You must also write 1-2 sentences explaining
how the submission connects to the course. Be selective: you may submit something for
extra credit only once, and whether you receive extra credit will be at the discretion of
your TA.

Due Dates

Each assignment is due by 11:59pm. The due dates are as follows:

1st Argument Map: February 6

2 Argument Map: February 27
Outline: March 12
Paper: April 4

Class Policies

You’re expected to have finished the readings before class (and before tutorial). For
example, you’re expected to come to class on January 23 rd having already read the Lewis
and Vihvelin articles.
Your primary point of contact is your Section TA. If you have any questions related to
the course, direct your questions to them first (either through email or office hours). If
needed, the Section TA will escalate the question to the Head TA.

Late Penalty
You have seven days of extensions to be used throughout the course (on any
assignment). If you use up your entire seven days of extensions, then you’ll incur a
penalty of 1% of your course grade for each day that each of your assignments is late. In
special circumstances, you can appeal to your Section TA for a longer extension (without
penalty) on an assignment.

Students with diverse learning styles and needs are welcome in this course. If you have
a health consideration that requires accommodations, check out relevant information
here. You can also arrange for support at or 416-978-

Academic Integrity
I expect all the work you submit in this course will be your original work. If you have
any questions or concerns in connection with academic integrity, please reach out to me.
Key university resources on academic integrity are available here.

Normally, students will be required to submit their course essays to the University’s
plagiarism detection tool for a review of textual similarity and detection of possible
plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow their essays to be included as source
documents in the tool’s reference database, where they will be used solely for the
purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that apply to the University’s use of this tool
are described on the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation web site

 ← indicates very short readings.

JAN 9 Introduction
No required reading.

JAN 16 Countable Infinity

1. A Brief Guide to Logic and Argumentation 2018 Norton Reader
2. Paradoxes, Ch. 1: Zeno 2009 Sainsbury
3. Paradoxes from A to Z: 2012 Clark
 Achilles and the Tortoise
 Cantor’s Paradox
 Hilbert’s Hotel

JAN 23 Uncountable Infinity

4. Riemann’s Scale: A Puzzle about Infinity 2020 Linnebo
5. A Puzzle about Sums (read through p.13) ms Lee
6. Øystein vs. Archimedes (optional) 2021 Hoek

JAN 30 Infinite Sums

No additional readings.

FEB 6 Newcomb’s Problem

7. Paradoxes, Ch. 4: Acting Rationally 2009 Sainsbury
8. Paradoxes from A to Z: 2012 Clark
 Newcomb’s Problem
 The Prisoner’s Dilemma

FEB 13 Pascal’s Wager (1st argument map due)

9. Pascal’s Ultimate Gamble (Norton Reader) 2015 Hajek
10. Pascal’s Mugging 2009 Bostrom
11. Paradoxes from A to Z: 2012 Clark
 The Unexpected Examination
 The Preface
FEB 27 Time Travel
12. The Paradoxes of Time Travel 1976 Lewis
13. What Time Travelers Cannot Do 1996 Vihvelin

MAR 5 Simulation + Doomsday (2nd argument map due)

14. Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? 2003 Bostrom
15. Is the end of the world nigh? 1990 Leslie

MAR 12 Personal Identity

16. Personal Identity 1984 Parfit
17. The Self and the Future 1970 Williams

MAR 19 The Repugnant Conclusion (Outline due)

18. Overpopulation and the Quality of Life 2004 Parfit
 The Spheres of Suffering and Happiness

MAR 26 The Liar

19. Paradoxes, Ch. 6: Classes and Truth 2009 Sainsbury
20. Paradoxes from A to Z: 2012 Clark
 The Liar
 Russell’s Paradox

APR 2 The Sorites

21. Paradoxes, Ch. 3: The Paradox of the Heap 2009 Sainsbury
22. Paradoxes from A to Z: 2012 Clark
 The Heap

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