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 Python Libraries –

1. NumPy – Adds support for large data.

2. Pandas – Used for data manipulation and analysis.
3. Matplotlib – Used for data visualisation.
 Pytorch – Open-source machine learning library for python.
 Python is case sensitive.
 print() – Built-in function that displays input value as text in the output.
 The usual order of mathematical operations holds in Python, often referred to
as PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction.
 Caret (^) – Performs bitwise XOR.
 // - Divides and rounds down to the nearest integer.
print (7 // 2) => 3
print (-7 // 2) => -4
 You can’t use reserved words and built-in identifiers as variable names in python.
 Only use ordinary letters, numbers and underscores in your variable names. They cant
have spaces, and need to start with a letter or underscore.
 Use all lowercase letters and underscores to separate words. This is called snake case,
because we connect the words with underscores.
 Scientific notation – 4.88e8 is equal to 4.88 * (10**8).
 type() – Built-in function that returns the type of an object.
 print(8/2) => 2.0
 print(int(8/2)) => 2

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