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What is ElangAi?

Elang.AI is an essential computer vision

development platform for creating and
deploying machine learning applications
on edge devices.

How It Works?
Choose ML Model Yourself
Select from our catalog deep learning models
or you could also use your own models

Use Our API to Develop Your Use Case

Use our flexible and customizable APIs to
quickly enable core computer vision services.

Deploy on the Edge

Using our own edge devices, you could easily
test and prototype very quick in no time.

Launch and Monetize!

You save time and budget, and get monetize
your AI use case immidiately.

Does Elang.AI provide any SDK or Platform?

Yes, we do, the SDK's currently ongoing development. Our
platform engine enables developers to create edge
applications using simple Python APIs for core computer vision
services such as object detection, classification, tracking,
counting, and semantic segmentation. This allows developers to
Scan here! quickly iterate and prototype with ease, saving time and money.
For more information about us! Techbros

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