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The Journey To Paradise Through The Mirror

The Balanced Beast

1. An Alternate You
The multiverse theory; this theory suggests there is more than one reality, each decision
creates a new parallel existence. For example, I want orange juice so, I bought oranges.
This reality can be changed, an alternate world would then exist. For instance, instead
of orange juice, I made lemonade. There are many possibilities as to why I made
lemonade. For example, the store I shop at was out of oranges, in this particular
existence. Either, oranges don’t exist here in this reality or the oranges make lemonade.
This one change can alter all of the course of that particular existence, which can be
catastrophic. Alternate realities could affect gravity or living conditions on Earth, even to
the existence and extinctions of a species on the planet. Many comics, books, television
shows and movies have this theory of parallel universes. Could alternate realities
explain God, time travel, time loops, magic, aliens, ghosts, demons, and angels. If so,
how can you prove these existence?
Those that talk to themselves may not be as crazy as you think, that person could not
only be in the alternate existence but see the alternate existences which may in fact
hold to the real world. This person could also in fact have two souls that share the same
body. What if two existences merged and created something new? Orange and
tangerines mixed you now get a tangelo, what if some realities are the exact same way.
Could this be the answer to multiple or split personalities or alter egos. This could also
explain why some feel the urge they are a different gender. The two worlds collided and
the mind was shifted from a female body to a male body or the male body was created
by a shift in dimensions. Humans in the fetal stage all start out as female, in order for a
boy to be born an extra chromosome is added to that female fetus. The altered state of
the female is now male but the mind stayed female due to the chromosome not
affecting the spirit or soul. The heart is overpowering to all other chakras what if the
strength of that chakra is what caused the mind to stay female. Also, this could tie into
alternate lives or past lives. What if all the past life you have had were all female or had
the same quest or journey that lead to the same path. Females had a strong mind and
strong sense of intuition. Your mind is split by two personalities, what if they collide,
which would be stronger which would overtake? If reincarnations exist, than is there a
What if when you die, instead of going to the heavens you actually go to an alternate
reality or alternate plane?
The afterlife may hold the key.
Where do we go when we die?
Many religions use this and give its followers a sense of hope. Not saying there is one
true religion or push the belief of God, but keep this in mind as you read this origin story
of a man given powers by God, travelling to alternate realities, discovering new worlds
in that of our own and helping those in need. Dealing with multiple personalities of his
own, four personalities.
2. The Approaching Storm and the Shadow of a Man
The shadow of a man, standing firm at the window, storm rising, a dense cloud form.
Bones are weak from the cold, shooting pain coursing through his body; back, arms,
legs, dexterities. Numbness and tingling sensations felt throughout the body, as if
meditating through a trance of higher state of mind.
Feeling the slick, smooth cold, leather material of his jacket reaching into the warmth of
the inner lining to find his small silver zippo, once his grandfather’s. The man slides the
flint, checking to see if the lighter still lights the flame on the wick. The same pocket he
grabs a box of unmarked cigarettes, believed to once be camel crush. Shadow Man
hasn’t smoked much, but always carries the pack with him, his lucky brand. Taking out a
cigarette, one to light, putting to his lips taking a drag, the taste of warm tobacco, letting
out small bellows of smoke, and thinking to himself.
Shadow Man’s family is well to do, not exactly rich, not exactly poor. They renovate and
own run-down hotels along the California coast.
Sound of drops on the window pane and roof, rolling thunder and the sight of cracking
lightning brightens up the darkened study. “Six in the morning,” thinking to himself,
putting down the cigarette into a nearby white, plastic ash tray. Having thoughts of those
whom that have passed, his wife a year ago. His family worried of his state of mind.
Shadow Man has been living in his mansion in San Diego, with his sister in- law. His
sister in-law has been at the house to keep his sanity, but that seems to not be helping
lately. He believes she is there out of pity and for food and shelter. She has been
ignoring him, she either locks herself up in her room crying or out of the house running
errands. Before, last week she would ask if anything was needed, when she was out.
Lately, that has not been the case. In fact, on multiple occasions, he has been yelling at
her to notice him. He believes she blames him for her sister’s death.
Gleaming greenish, yellowish eyes of a black cat hiding in the shadows of the study.
Reaching for the cat, the cat runs, “That cat always runs; I can never seem to catch
him.” Ever since last week when this cat arrived, his allergy to cats have vanished.
The study is silent with only the sound of soft patter of rain against the window. Sitting in
a brown, leather arm chair. Shadow begins to read his journal, picking it up from the
lamp table next to the chair. This journal is all he has left of his wife.
Remembering her laughs and smiles, the vacation to Silver Strand in San Diego. Hotel
Del Coronado, this hotel was his inspiration, he loved the sights and people of each
hotel he visited. Hotels and motels are the most needed on any trip for those whom life
is to travel. For him it was to get away from everything, the storm he was trapped in that
day as well, waiting for a tow truck. Bad luck seems to follow.
Ring! Ring! The phone.
Groggy, the man stands to reach a nearby receiver, “Hello,” no answer tries another,
“Hello,” getting frustrated, “HELLO!” still no response. Then putting down the receiver
thinking this phone must be broken, a voice broke through. The voice of his wife’s
mother and the sister in-law. “How are you holding up?” asked the mother.
“Fine, Mother, grocery shopping. Been getting the house ready for tomorrow for the
viewing. I have a list of guests prepared.” Answered the younger voice on the other end.
Guest arriving? What viewing? Am I missing something? Listening intensely back to the
conversation on the phone to see if his answers will be met.
“Where will the viewing be held?” questioned the mother.
“Same as before, the backyard,” The younger voice replied, in a soft mellow tone, as if
ready to break into tears.
“Do not let this hurt you, you must learn to move on.” Worried for her child’s sake.
“I know”, the younger woman voice retorted.
The sound of the voices on the phone disappeared as fast as they had come. The
receiver made a click as the phone was disconnected.
Holding the receiver in his left hand, with a cig in his mouth, putting down the phone
now pondering to himself.
What was that conversation about? What party? Who was invited? Why the backyard?
It is raining, right? The only party the man could recall was the viewing and wake for his
wife, that was a year ago.
What was her name?
What is my name?
What is a name?
A name distinguishes one another, a rose is a flower, there are many flowers; daisies,
daffodillies, sunflowers, and so much more. To call another flower a rose is wrong. A
rose is a rose. There are different color roses too each with a different meaning. Single
red rose true love.
Rose, the man remembers that is the last name of his wife and her sister. The man
thinks to himself if I can remember memories of my past, maybe I can remember my
name and everyone else.
I need answers.
Emptiness, notes, memories of the past, and the journals in his library. Shadow
searching for answers, unable to comprehend what has become of him. His identity has
been lost, unaware of the truth. Inner battle of the unknown, begun to take over the
man’s mind. Fate is all he knows, believing fate is already written.
The man had women in his life each one was different, each changed whom he
became. Each woman had a different face, different name, and brought a new meaning
to his life to help him become a better person. He remembers many of the names of
those in his past, but still cannot recall the name of himself or his wife.
A triangle has three sides and three points, each point a possible outcome, each side a
new journey. Each point has its own outcome, eliminate one point and two sides that is
where bridges become burned, feelings hurt or feeling that the person has moved on.
Most of the time separation is how he found his way out of the triangle. Distance
becomes both a key element of either separation or belonging. Separation creates the
feeling of destiny. With that it can go both ways the other must want to communicate
with that other person otherwise it becomes one-sided and of desperation.
In this case, the man is the monkey in the middle trying to find the key that fits, each
time a new key, each time a new heart break. The sister tries to keep the bridges from
being burned. Shadow man’s wife did not know how to feel. Fighting to try to keep each
other in check, but the sister distanced herself from the problem to make herself the
victim. The sister works to bring everyone together as the man and his wife fought.
Shadow man’s memories of a life, twisted into terror, nothingness and dread, eventually
finding light on the path to become whom he is meant to be.
4 Something Wicked
Darkness, demons lurking, looking for a soul to feast. The night grew still, the house
seemed different now a shadow forms into the study where Shadow Man is resting. Soft
murmurs, in the shadows calling out his name, taunting him, “Shadow Man.” Walking
towards the darkness, following whispers, a dark, form of black mass begins to appear,
like black smoke from coals of a hot fire.
Hot, humid fog engulfed Shadow.
The soft voice of a young girl is heard “Daddy,” echoing through the darkness. "Daddy,
can you hear me?", voice becomes more frantic, worried, "Where are you, Daddy?".
The voice becomes clearer and louder walking closer as the darkness engulfs him. The
shadow curls as thick, dark smoke rising, blown from the hellish depths. Vapors, dense
fog engulfing, figures circling, devilish, pair of yellowish eyes piercing the fog. A single
pair of red eyes appear, the shadows leader.
Walking through the fog the silhouette of a young girl, about eighteen, solidifies. “Daddy
is that you?” The fog ends at a door with a window, covered with droplets of water. A
light shimmering through, candle its source, flickering in the wind.
Through the window Shadow Man looks down onto the floor, candles are laid out into a
circle, as though summoning rituals were being performed.
The young girl had her eyes softly closed, blondish, shoulder length, curly hair, seemed
to be wearing a short sleeve red t- shirt and a pair of Levi jeans. The girl seemed
familiar, yet strange.
Calling through the fog and the closed door, “Where am I?” Shadow Man replied. The
girl from beyond yelling through, “Are you my dad, I'm looking for my dad? He was
murdered in the back with a knife.”
The door opens and the fog dissipates, a tiny kitchen, looms into the view and along the
sides of a banister is four lit cauldrons. Behind Shadow Man, a small refrigerator, “Was
that the door I saw?”. Shadow thinks to himself.
Shadow Man returns to the girl, “Where are the lights, why is it so cold and dark?”
Peering back into the fridge as it is dank, dark and open. The kitchen was so dark,
Shadow could not make anything out in the rest of the room. The only clue it was a
kitchen was the fridge.
“Where am I?”, Shadow still trying to reassure himself, it is not a dream.
The girl began to cry, “I am alone”, trembling, “my parents disappeared, and its dark,
there is no power.”
Lifting his left hand into the air, Shadow Man reaches to the girl to help soothe her
anxiety. Suddenly lights begin to flicker, growing really bright from a surge of power,
blinding light, until immense electricity burst the glass, shattering into fragments. Light
recesses, light up with flames as though it was an oil torch was burning.
It is now dark once more.
The refrigerator starts floating, in mid-air, frozen in place. Looking at Shadow, the girl
screams at the top of her lungs.
Shadow wondering what was so frightening turns around, in time to see the fridge burst
into flames. Quickly, grabbing the girl, running out through the back door of the kitchen
into the back yard.
Outside the house is quite small.
The house burst into flames. Shadow looks back piecing together what has happened.
Looking to the young girl.
“I have no name, or memory of a name.”
The girl puts her hand in her pocket as though reaching for something. Gold shines from
her hand. A locket, her locket, my wife had once just like it.
“This was my mother’s,” opening the locket. “You look a lot like him, my dad. My mother
disappeared about a year ago. It all began one night when I was having the nightmare
of a red eyed monster with horns on his head, wings of a dragon, the tail of a lizard, and
feet of a goat. He told me in a nightmare my mom would disappear. I believe he was a
demon who came from hell to take my mom and dad away. I think he is the one who
took me into this world from within the nightmare. He told me my mother and father did
not want me anymore.” Explained the young girl as she was handing Shadow the
Looking into the golden locket, inside was a little picture frame, on the opposite side,
was a little mirror. Shadow looked at the picture and felt he could recognize the face, but
could not make out names.
“Do you know your parents name?” looking into the small mirror. The mirror was not
enough to see himself; it is used for makeup; all he could see were small features due
to its size.
Surveying the surroundings, everything was very dark and hazy, almost foggy, not as
dense as before, he could see his hands and the locket.
Still trying to place the name of the man and woman in the locket, he looks towards the
little girl to see if she resembled anyone he knew.
Thinking to himself, “My mind is swiss cheese.”
“Honestly,” the girl replies, “I do not have a memory of my name or the ones in the
photo. This place takes away memories and eats at your soul.”
Walking around to the front of the little burning house, ashes swirling into the air,
everything seemed to stop in place, as if time had no meaning. Shadow began to
question how this is physically possible, looking in the girl’s direction, as she was frozen
in place. She must be a part of this world thinks Shadow Man, she must be a trap, to
lure me to stay in one place. Shadow Man fears he is being followed by the red eyed
demon. The houses on the street seemed odd and out of place. They were all destroyed
as if in ruins, possible post apocalypse. The sky went from a dark purple to a fiery
Shadow Man walked through the gate leading to the front yard and everything still
frozen or moving at an extremely slow rate like a really bad lag in a video game with
high amount of graphics or too many players. Making his way to the front Shadow Man
found a red 1994 Jeep Wrangler. Not sure where he was or where to go Shadow Man
did not want to leave behind the girl. She may be useful or not even evil like he thought,
his thoughts are always the result of paranoia. The girl is believed to have no memory
either maybe she is a link to discover what is happening.
Feeling the urge for a cigarette, but there was nowhere to get any. Feeling his front left
leather jacket pocket, there were none, as he thought There stood the girl at the gate
still slowly moving in time.
After opening the door of the jeep, which was suspice and unlocked. Climbing into the
jeep, the man thought, “God, was this your doing, are you watching over me?”
Looking back to the gate once more to see if the girl was coming or still frozen, she had
disappeared. That made the man question for a second turning, looking at his right, she
now was sitting in the passenger seat of the jeep, staring at him quiz fully. “How did you
get over here so fast,” she had the sound in her voice that was a mix of being fearful
and astounded.
“You did not notice?” the man replied. He wondered where she was all the time it took
for him to reach the jeep, was time slowed or sped up for her. “Something odd
happened while I was walking here…,”
She interrupted him, “Was time fragmented again?”
“So, this happens often?” He thought. Trying to understand more about this place, or
even if she knows more, he asked her, “how often does the fragmenting occur what
happened to you during that time?”
“That is the world resetting, this is what you would call a multidimensional halfway, or a
limbo. This place is like a nightmare that never ends, it lures you in with gifts and then it
takes, it is a monster. The monster feeds on happiness and faith, it returns sadness and
despair.” The girl paused for a minute, as if thinking for a better way to explain to the
“How long have you been here, are there others, and what happens when the others
come through here.” The man said as he was looking for the ignition. He thought, “A
“Others…,” She sighed heavily, “names are irrelevant here, just like there is no day or
night, like how it is now hazy; the sky stays dark purple with orange-red glowing like the
aurora borealis.”
“The others?” The man replied, while finding a key in his front left leather jacket pocket
which he knows he had just checked for cigarettes. The man thought “Cigarettes,”
looking into his pocket again nothing. Damn thought that would work.
Putting the key into the ignition and the jeep roars to life. Sounds like it hasn’t been run
in years and needed a tune up but surprisingly in this odd, strange world, this is a good
"The reason I am asking I want to know the direction to head so we can find some
answers where do people usually travel? How do you know so much? Who fed you this
information? You still have not told me your name.”
“My name is Sabrina,” the girl looked at the man, “You know, the people in this world
they just move on, no one stays, but me. This is the first time someone has helped me
find my way. Everyone just passes through however I never know whether to trust if
they are real or figments this world creates. Like this jeep it did not exist in that spot
before. I been outside many times. This is the place for things left unnoticed, like socks
in your dryer.”
That comment hinted at something more for Shadow. “Things left unnoticed”. She
knows more than she is letting off.
Shadow pulled out of the driveway since she is not getting anywhere with her answers,
he just went where ever the road takes him.
Shadow drove for a few miles. There is a small sign on the side of the road, dark, dimly
light and hard to make out. “Welcome to The Middle.”
“Odd”, thought Shadow, “was that the name of this place, or just this town.”
Desert was laid out in front of him.
Shadow looks to the girl next to him. She is fast asleep. Head on the window, hands on
her legs.
“Ok, so much for a direction.” Shadow continues down the dark highway. Sighing as he
looks on to the vast and desolate wasteland.
5 The Desert and the Oasis
Seemly to be a sea of endless nothing, sand surrounding for miles. Shadow looks at his
dash to see his fuel gauge " half ". “Hopefully, there is a gas station around soon before
I hit empty.”
After five minutes of driving, a dim flash of light caught Shadow's eyes. Appearing to be
a gas station. It grew closer.
Pulling into the station, slowing the jeep next to a gas pump. “I wonder if there are
attendants working here”. Opening the door, and hoping out of the jeep. Shadow walks
to the station door it looks dark, the light over the jeep turns on. Well it could be
automatic.” he thought. “plus, I have no money.” Feeling for a wallet, or even a dollar in
his left jacket pocket.
“Nothing, and still no cigarettes. Well, I’m at a gas station, they must have something.”
Shadow reaches for the door it opens by itself. The lights turn on automatically. The gas
station has all you would expect a gas station has. If you never been to a mini mart at
gas stations then you have never travelled. The gas station however strangely was
stocked fully with every cake, cookie, chip, candy bar and soda you could ever want.
Shadow picks up a bag of donuts. There is no expiration date.
Flabbergasted by his discovery he looks to another bag of chips then cookies and then
his favorite soda, nothing expires. This must be a trick.
Reaching to the counter to talk to an attendant, “Hello?” there still is no one. Peering at
his surroundings, there was a sign posted.
Per Management, take all that you want, all is free, but beware, only take what you
need if taken more than needed, the price you will pay.
Voices began to manifest in behind his mind, one was a voice of a woman, "voice of
reason". The voice was assuring him to take only what he needs to make it on his
journey. The voice told him he needs food for the mind, be sure to stay away from the
sodas, candy, and cookies.
Then a second voice manifested this voice began to argue with the first voice. “Voice of
greed”. This voice was deeper, but still womanly. Take everything leave nothing behind,
find those cigarettes to get away from the first voice, you do not need her.
Then a third, a man's voice could be heard. “ Voice of Logic” " Take only what is needed
for your journey, but you will need energy be sure to bring the energy drinks and candy
bars. They maybe unhealthy, but you have a long road ahead.”
Shadow Man looks outside to the jeep parked out under the dim gas light station,
looked beyond to the road, and the desert. " I need water and bread. I do not need
anything else for my journey, it may be long, but I will endure." Shadow learned early
through his life to only listen to himself for the other voices and other people in his life
will deceive him for their own selfish greed. This caused him to think of his wife again.
Flashing into view a distant memory of a girl that tried to pull him and his wife apart
because she lusted after him and only wanted him for his company. She did not want
him for himself and his purpose but for her own selfish intentions.
A father who abused him for not living up to his expectations. He thought to himself, his
direction was that of his own wants for his son rather than himself, telling him he is not
worth anything to the family name. Playing make believe, and having an imagination
and being different. Seeing the past reliving the terrors of his childhood now entered into
his mind. Girl’s clothes are not for a man stop being a girl and grow up. Put down those
video games and dolls those are not going to help you in the real world. Get a real job,
join the military. Get a life. Stop watching animation and horror they will rot your mind.
Stop watching romance and reading about true love. There is none. Life is not a
fairytale. Fairytales and princess are not real.
Shadow shook his head to recover from his memory, “These voices are distracting me
from the real reason I was brought into this world.
Gabriel, a name written in fire began to appear in front of him that was all he saw. The
name appeared in front of him for the first couple of minutes then dissipated into steam,
as if water was thrown on the letters to put out the flames.
“This is judgement,” thought Shadow. “This is a test. Is my name really Gabriel,
meaning God is my strength?
Is this all a dream or a nightmare? Am I really here? The girl in the jeep said this was
Limbo and time has no meaning here. This must be where minds go to enter the world
This life is not what it seems, God is guiding me in a direction. Maybe I am going in the
right direction that is why he let me know my name.” grabbing himself three bottles of
water, and eight loaves of bread. “I think this should be enough”, Shadow Man exclaims
walking towards the door.
Shadow man walks out into the brisk night air.
The Jeep was empty. Where had the girl gone?
Gabriel walks around to the back of the station. The stations lights begun to flicker, the
lights hissed, as though the serpents were in the flames of the light bulbs. This world is
strange thought Gabriel.
Shadow felt feelings of despair, vulnerability and loneliness.
Is the girl a distraction a trap set by this world? He shook off the thought, and continued
to look.
" Get in the Jeep and run." a voice loud and booming, manifested into his mind. "She is
a trap."
Shadow cried out, to the voice as if going crazy in a deep guttural tone. " NO " He spun
around frantically, searching, nothing was there no sign of her.
Gabriel went to the Jeep, drove off in a squealing burnout.
6. A Girl and an Inn
"Do not worry Gabriel, continue on the journey she will return when you cross paths
again. She is a guide to this world. She is needed here you are not. You are ready to
begin your journey. Do not second guess, do not ignore my voice." The booming voice
began to tell Shadow. " Just believe the reason is love. Do not give into death. That is
the end."
Gabriel put the key into the ignition, boom. The engine roared to life as if it was brought
back from the dead. "Just listen to the voice. The voice? What does that mean, who is
that voice? God, are you the voice?”
Driving down the road, pulling away from the station, Gabriel thought to himself, "Where
did you go?" Looking at the passenger seat of the Jeep.
As it was dark, Shadow looked for a place to rest there was none. Gabriel thought to
himself, "I need a place to rest".
A small abandoned Inn appeared, it had a small neon lit sign that appeared to be turned
off there was only, four rooms and an office. The name on the sign read, "Starlight Inn."
There he pulled off to see about staying the night. He thought to himself in most cases
you would not want to stay here. This does not look like a good place to stay.

The wet feel of droplets touched Shadow's face. Shadow looked up and said," glad I
The door to the office was opened the office was small and quiet. The florescent light
turned on humming in a low tone. There were keys hanging on a rack, Gabriel chose
three. Lightning struck in the dark, red and grey, clouded sky. The rain was heavy and
thunder sounded near, each flash of light created shadows on the wall of the Inn. The
key felt small and metallic, it appeared to be brass. The rain made the key feel slick,
and his leather jacket began to feel heavy from the rain pouring on to him. Reaching for
the door handle, Shadow looks to his left, he feels he is being watched. The night air
seemed to thicken as humidity spread due to the rising storm.
The door creaked open; Gabriel stepped into the dank, small room. There was a bed,
no tv though a small bathroom with a mirror over the sink. Walking through the room,
Shadow thought to himself. Rain, rain go away I don't need you today. Then he heard
what sounded to be a scream coming from outside. Shadow Man opens the door to look
around outside to see if anyone is there, there is no one. Shadow Man walks to the sink
to wash off his face. He is beginning to grow a beard. Stubble, on his face he has no
razor to shave it. Shadow Man feels into his pocket of his jacket there seemed to be
something in his left breast pocket.
Soap, shower Gel, and Shampoo. Well he thought to himself at least I will be clean. The
beard will wait.
Shadow twist the small four-ounce bottle of soap, placing some on his hands. Rubbing
his hands together, feeling the suds of each bubble growing as the bubbles somehow is
calming his nerves. The water flows through the sink. Placing his hands, the water,
rubbing his face and neck, looking into the mirror, three figures appeared.
A woman with platinum blonde hair, in white wedding dress seated on the bed's end, a
woman with red hair, in red evening gown laid on the bed, and a man with short black
hair, in a black dress suit with a red tie stood in the doorway. The three appeared to just
stand there watching as Shadow is peering at them through the mirror. Gabriel turned to
see the figures in the mirror. There was no one. Looked back at the mirror the mirror
now only showed him and a dark, lonely motel room.
Shadow reached into his left breast pocket once more this time finding a small
flashlight. The flashlight luminated the dark motel room, thinking to himself the urge
returned for a cigarette felt into his left pocket once more hoping there would be some.
" Gabriel every time you ask for that, I will tell you. No. Remember think to yourself, do
you really need it. I am not telling you can’t have it. Just that you do not need it. It will
take from your powers."
"What are my powers? " Gabriel asked. The voice became silent once more.
Walking out to the rain, Shadow opens the door, feeling the surging power of the storm.
The storm seemed to grow heavier. and the rain seemed to become even stronger. The
winds became mighty, howling like a pack of wolves into a night sky.
"Wolves", Gabriel thought, looked to the direction that he first looked when he was
opening the door. This time he saw a shadow of a figure on all fours, doglike. Gabriel
walking towards the shadow, scampering off in the direction in the hallway between the
two rooms, in the hallway there was an ice box. Gabriel looked at the metal box and the
handle. Reaching for it slowly, maybe there is something in here as he started feeling a
little hungry. The door to the ice chest flung open as if on spring hinges.
Pizza, pepperoni with sardines he thought.
The pizza was there in a box. He took out the box, and returned to his room. Now if only
I could watch something on television.
Shadow took his first bite, salty. The pizza was the perfect temperature, Gabriel was
sure that he was dreaming. Pizza never tasted this good.
Feeling for a water bottle from the store he was at earlier, takes a long swig after each
Shadow begins to realize why at the store it said to take only what you need no more,
this pocket is providing me with what I need, but what about the pizza he thought.
Looking down at his last slice. Who left this in the ice box? Gabriel began to think to
himself. The voice said I have powers, but what are they. Then Gabriel stood up to go
take a shower. The bathroom was small only a stand in shower no tub in sight. Shadow
took everything off ready to help cool off from this never-ending nightmare. Shadow
turned on the faucet.
Shadow stood in the shower turning on the water, as it comes raining down the water
becomes warm, and massages his muscles. Massaging his head, and feeling for the
shampoo for his hair he begun to hear a woman’s voice, "Help, me" starting off slow and
low, " Help, me," a little louder, suddenly over the sound of water pounding, a blood
curdling, scream. Shadow jumped out ready to fight whatever was out there. Naked he
ran to the door, looking for a towel. He wrapped one around him, looking out the door,
"This is getting ridiculous, why is this place messing with my head so much, where am I.
All I know is that the girl brought me here or fog. Where do I go from here everything
seems to be clouded? If hearing voices and seeing ghosts are my powers take them
back, I do not want them.
"Everything comes with a cost," boomed the voice.
The soft voice of a young woman begun to speak, " Gabriel do not be afraid we are not
ghosts we are here to help you along the path, the path may look dark and long but
have no fear you have guidance we are here to tell you what you need to know when
you need to know what may come. This may be scary at first but we do not mean to
scare, we want to help for you have helped us before. We are the ones you helped in
your life."
"As in my life before?" Shadow thinks to himself have I died.
The man's voice seems to read his mind, " No we are from all your lives from before, all
your alternate existences you were once a mighty warrior of light you are just and kind,
a knight to many in a way, a protector of light."
The woman with the deep voice begun to speak now in Shadow's mind, " You were a
guide to many, you brought them to their final destination. Now, you are the one who
needs guidance."
The loud voice became clear over all three of the voices, " Leave Gabriel alone, for now
he must find out for himself. You must not help him in this judgment. This is a test of
"Gabriel, we are here for you." the voices fading in unison.
Gabriel looks to the door wanting to just leave, but not knowing where to go in this
storm. The storm grew stronger. Looking through the Inn room windows seeing those
dark clouds outside.
Once more he decided to walk outside to see if he could see anything in the distance.
To try and figure which way to go when he decides to start on the road again.
There seems to be a different feel then last time he was out here, he listened to his
intuitions, last time he felt eyes watching him. This time he did not feel this. He felt
strength like never before course through him as though the rain was charging him. The
water touched his skin and slowly rolled off. He looked down and thought, I forgot my
jacket. I forgot my clothes; I am outside in a towel. The strength coursed through
Gabriel, he felt he could do anything. Where was this power coming from?
The water he thought, that must be my power. I get stronger and smarter, and I come
sensitive. I feel those voices only when I touch water. Walking over to the ice box once
more and feeling the cold steel handle reaching inside this time to find clothing. He
pulled out a red T- shirt, and pair of blue jeans. His jacket was there too. He thought to
himself, wait a minute I left my jacket in the room how did it get out here.
The jacket seemed different though seemed hemmed and fixed where the hole in his
left breast pocket was.
Gabriel ran to the room to check his jacket was still there from when he took the shower.
He looks to the floor all of his clothing is gone.
"How," he thought, " where did they go?"
"Gabriel," the booming voice begun, " I am sure you figured out now what your powers
" Yes, the water. It is pure energy."
"You can travel through it as well. Your strength comes from water, you can manifest
anything you need through it as well." the loud voice spoke.
The left breast pocket felt heavy suddenly. Gabriel reached for the pocket and pulled out
a single silver sword.
"The sword is yours from your past, this sword comes from your light energy. The light
energy is from the good you do for others. The good you do for others will make you
stronger. If you decide to go against the good and want selfishness then you will feel the
darkness engulf you. The more darkness that engulfs you, you may never return."
"Return where?" Gabriel asked.
"Home." The loud voice finished and dissipated.
"Home." Gabriel thought, "home to my normal life."
As Gabriel started putting his clothes on, he heard moaning. This moaning though
sounded off. Like a woman in pain or someone who was in trouble with a lot of weight
on them. He walked towards the sound. The sound seemed to be coming from near the
Closer, Gabriel walked, the sound became louder. The lights in the office seemed to
glow into the parking lot. The light flooded and the ground glistened. There seemed to
be a figure of someone on the ground looked like they were curled up or walking in a
crab like positions. The figure looked like a woman with long, dark brown hair, dragging
the ground. The closer he got the louder the moaning, the closer he got the more he
could see this lady was no lady, but a monster. The lady head was twisted all the way
around the body was distorted and looked to be rotting in spots. The white night gown
she had be wearing seems to have been torn in many places as if burned many times.
His thought to himself, how do I help those I do not know how to help. What if they
cannot be helped. Then suddenly he felt the strength come to him as he grabbed the
sword from his back where he had it sheathed in a scabbard.
The moaning of the monster, became so clear and guttural. The sword felt heavy in his
hand, metallic, the hilt at the end had the head of a howling wolf.
Gabriel looked at the monster, with one quick slice of his sword the monster took one
last moan as it exploded into blood splatter. The monster then disappeared in its place a
young woman. Looked to be about 20. "Thank you for saving me." The woman then
vanished waving.
"The monster was no monster at all, but a woman trapped by this world, is that why
there is no one in town or in the streets or at this motel?" questioned Shadow Man.
"This place, what is this place."
Shadow Man walked into the office to see if he could get a clue on where to go next.
The office now had a different appearance to it. The office now looked as if it was being
taken care of. There was now a brighter light in the recess above no longer fluorescent
but now more natural light. The place now seemed to glow. There were now magazines
and a tv in the office next to a small brown, leather couch. Shadow Man walked over to
the table, sitting on the couch. Taking a magazine looking into the cover and saw
something odd. The magazine was from the 1990's, "When I left, I was in the 2000's."
Shadow opened that magazine it seemed to be a fashion magazine, "Dressing for
Shadow Man looked at the counter where he had just stood there seemed to be a
woman behind the counter. The same woman he thought to himself.
"Gabriel," she called his name. "I know who you are. You saved my life. You do not need
to pay for the room. I appreciate what you have done already. I have this for you as
thanks as well." The woman with the long dark brown hair, now seemed to be wearing a
blue sun dress. Reaching beneath the counter, pulled out a small shoe box, " This is
marked for Gabriel, I knew you were coming. I had this prepared for our meeting." The
woman pushed a small, silver key into the box. The box opened There was a small wolf
tooth, on a leather string."
"My name," the woman told him," Mitzi. If you need a place to stay just ask you can
stay as long as you need. You are in need I can see that, you reached out when there
was no one for me so I reach out to you when you have none."
There was something more to this thought Gabriel nothing happens by accident there is
always a purpose. This meeting was destiny, this is my journey's beginning. "Do you
have a last name?" asked Gabriel, " My last name is Okami. " The wolf"".
"I have a question Miss Okami do you have a dog?" Gabriel question remembering
what lead him to the ice box.
" No, but if you are referring to the wolf outside that was in fact me. I have a power too, I
am a shapeshifter, but the problem is with my power it was infected by the darkness. I
attacked an innocent and that is how I became as you saw me before. The power of
darkness ate at me and I became a monster. The real me is as you see me now." The
wolf tooth here is from me, I want you to have it signifies that you have saved me from
the monster that over took me."
Gabriel thought to himself this is odd.
Gabriel puts on the tooth; the tooth suddenly starts to vibrate and a reddish glow
forming around the tooth begins to form encircling the tooth. The red glow engulfs
Shadow Man and he now has ears that can hear high pitches, and can transform into a
wolf. The wolf engulfs him, his mind. The new power over takes him and he runs
outside, as he is transforming stumbling out into the parking Lot screaming in pain and
terror. The surge over power turns red, as he becomes a black wolf. Running into the
night of the desert. Running on all four, back legs running so fast he has never been on
all fours before, The wolf form he has taken scares him. This is a such different feel.
The full moon in the sky lighting up the night, not even noticing but the world around him
has changed. He noticed the rain has stopped. The ground does not even feel wet. As
his senses all start to return, he starts to feel as though someone is following behind
him. The black wolf turned around to see the white wolf following from behind him. "I am
a wolf" Shadow howls at the moon.
The white wolf replies, " You have always been a wolf, but you forgot." You forgot that
you were a black wolf, I just reminded you father."
"Father, wait are you the same girl from earlier? The one in the Jeep? " As Gabriel asks,
Mitzi laughs, " No, but you probably met Sabrina my younger sister, she has been
missing looking for you."
"What is her power?" Gabriel asked.
" She is a healer and can manifest anyone she desires, but there is one catch to her
power, she becomes amnesiac. She gets lost alot if you find her father can you return
" Why don't you come with me, I am not exactly familiar with this area." looking at the
hills of the desert.
" It would be better in the day," Mitzi replied looking up into the night sky there were no
more clouds the day should not be as bad as before.
The two wolves returned to the Inn.
" Is Sabrina a wolf too?" Gabriel asked.
" No, she is like mother." Gabriel looks at Mitzi as she talks, " the powers from mother
are healing and communication."
"Communication with whom?" Gabriel asked.
Mitzi replies," Anyone, everyone. You have it to those voices you hear and people you
see. That is part of us. Those are our guides into this realm." Mitzi looks at Gabriel.
"One day you will understand what you forgot."
"Why do you keep telling me I forgot?" Gabriel asked.
No reply. Mitzi just keeps walking into the distance, " You'll see, " and with that one swift
turn and a leap and she was at least half a mile ahead of Gabriel.
"How did I forget? What did I forget? When did I ever have daughters? I have two?"
Gabriel thinks to himself.
"You have three, I am a mind reader too, plus we can communicate telepathically too.
We can't always speak in animal form as to not get caught, when in hiding." Gabriel
heard Mitzi's voice in his head. " Ashlynn. We still don't know her powers. We never
met. She left home. Before we existed."
"You existed? You mean born? " Gabriel asked in confusion.
" No, we never were born this is a realm of the in between. This is where a spirit comes
before they are to be brought into the world you know as reality. This realm is where we
have only seen. We can not leave unless we are given permission to leave." Mitzi
Gabriel looks at her, " Permission from whom?"
"God", she explains. "He must allow us to leave this place when we are ready to move
into existance, there is a catch we need a form to attach to, this is our soul form, not our
human form. This world is a spirit world, you are the first to be able to transfer to this
existance. You are able to travel between realms that is your power. You can travel to
other times and places. You can move through dimensions. You are a multidimensional
being, you exist in all realities so you are able to manifest because you already exist."
"I already exist," Gabriel looked confused. " All I remember is the life with my family and
my wife whom dissappeared and then died."
"That is one reality, there are mulitple. Your mind has the power to manifest as not only
astral, but fully body. You are different from those who pass through here. They are
either on their way to heaven, to hell or to the earth to live or live once more. A second
try if you will. The way it works, is God decision, if you trust in him and give him your
faith and love he will give you a second chance. The only thing that you must do though
is live for him. There is a choice though, if chosen to not follow that rule then you will fall
and will lose all memory of your past." That made Gabriel remember a flash, there was
a glimse of a white light in a bright room. The flash was gone as fast as it came.
" You are starting to remember your past," Mitzi replies seeing the look on Shadow's
face as he experienced the flash. "There is one more thing that you are able to do as
well you can phase into other memories just like the one you just had. If you hold the
memory long enough you can phase into it. This can help with time travel but can also
create distortion due to a false memory. Sometimes these false memories create a
glitch. Like a deja vu effect. Due to the time you go into change it the past may not be
affected if it was a false memory it will only change that memory however there is an
instance were that power can become handy, due to changing other peoples memories.
You are telepathic so you can read minds, but becareful because if you change the
mind to much it can become more of a problem because now you change who they are.
You take free will from a human, you will be considered doing dark work. The darkness
will come."
"Darkness, who is the darkness," Shadow Man replied, " the Devil."
Shadow Man sees the yellow eyed shadow in his memory flash.
Mitzi replies," that shadow you just seen is you in an alternate existance if you become
dark. The darkness feeds on the light. And those red eyed shadows you seen are your
followers. The people you help such as me and whom ever you help in the worlds. We
become your followers because you have saved us from the darkness. That darkness
made me into a monster you saved me."
"Will everyone be able to be saved," replied Gabriel.
"No, some will not listen even after you save them they will return to the darkness
because they are unable to accept the gift of light. The light is God, but not everyone
will listen until it is too late. Darkness, greed and war control the world. Others see this
as all they know and it takes over. God is just and kind and forgiving, but he is vengeful
and jealous. The idols of the worlds over take the minds of the weak. The strength
comes from within and faith. The strong see through the objects of this world and do not
let them hold them to the world, but able to pass through."Mitzi contiued, "you are alien
to all these existances you do not come from this plane or any plane you came from
above to help those in need. Your home is not here, but in the heavens."
"You know more than you are letting on," Gabriel noticed.
" He says I am not allowed to tell you anymore." Mitzi turned to contiue home," He says
this is judgement. Your judgement. Your in your final days of being, he sent you to Earth
as a test and you failed. This is your judgement to see if you can return again. "
"Again," Gabriel thought to himself, "I have been here before?"
"Yes," replied Mitzi listening to her father's thoughts.

7. Returning home and the lost ones

The motel now seemed to glow in the dark. The sign now shown bright neon green.
Starlight Inn. As the two wolves walked towards the motel in the darkness, they came
into human form slowly.
"I am tired, I am going to bed," Mitzi told Gabriel as she walked into the office. " your
welcome to stay in my room or go to your's its up to you, I actually have two rooms
behind the office. The reason is one was your's before you left for the world. This once
was home to you in the life before. You should go to the room to see if you remember
anything from that life."
Walking toward the office the small lobby seems different now, as if alive. The change
from darkness to light as though it became ready for new travelers.
The back of the office behind the counter it was dark Mitzi turned on the light and three
doors shown through the light the hallway was now bright.
" Who do these rooms belong to," Gabriel asked.
Mitzi explained as she past the first door. " This is your room," starting toward the knob
to turn it she put her hand on it. The knob would not budge." The door would never open
for me but if you try it maybe it will open for you."
Mitzi moved on to the second door, " This door is Sabrina's she has not been home in a
long time the room is a mess. If you go in there the way out may be hard. If we must
find her, we must start here. This room leads to her heart and mind."
"The third door, this room is mine. I share my room with Ashlynn. She has been gone
since I was created."
“Created,” Shadow repeats the words over in his mind, “Why was I created?”
Shadow returns to his door, his room. He reaches for the knob, static shock stings
through his body, energy pulsing, heart racing, his eyes open. The view of him in
another memory, but something is different with this memory its foggy and pink. The
view is like looking through rose colored beer googles. The memories seem hazy and
dizzy, as though spinning on a rollercoaster. Shadow looks at himself in a mirror, and
thinks to himself, “Why do I have long hair, and a black dress and where did these come
from, feeling his chest. The memories seemed odd because now he was able to react
and move in them as he was in control. Looking around his surroundings he was in a
white bathroom, with shell for a sink and a white, hot tub. “Was this a memory or an
alternate plane? Where am I?” thought Shadow. Looking at the sink he turns on the
water, it began to flow. Cupping water in his hands he splashes it on his face.
The pink cloud now dissipates, Shadow is staring at the door. Turning the door once
more, the room is dark. Reaching to the left and right side to find a light switch, nothing.
“I need a flashlight,” the pocket now felt heavy. Pulling out a little pen light out of his
pocket. Shadow turns the light on by twisting the bottom into place. The entire room
lights up. Shadow laughs to himself, “Not what I expected. Shadow puts the silver pen
light switch down on a side table next to the door about waist high. “Now let us explore.”
The room seemed to be a white room with a small bed and a large black leather lazy
boy. The bed had wolves on the blanket. The room had a small bathroom Shadow walks
to the bathroom and looks at the sink it was a shell and the bathroom was white too.
Thinking back to the memory, “This was the bathroom from before.” The bathroom was
the same as before. Looking into the mirror he now saw a man before him, the man
wore black jacket with a gray hood and black jeans for pants. The pants were different
for him because earlier he was a woman not a man. What could this all mean, “Who am
Shadow looked at the mirror and touched it, the mirror glowed blue and rippled as if
made of water. Shadow reached out for the mirror and nothing happened. He could
touch the mirror still. Shadow then remembered the memory and turned on the water.
The water flowed, cupping his hands in the water and rubbing his hands through the
water, the water began to burn. Thinking this is odd why is it burning.
Reached to the mirror which was still a blue ripple, Shadow now felt the water in the
mirror and was able to reach through the mirror. “This is weird,” Shadow heard a voice,
“Walk through it, this is your power this is your home, take the portal to your next
objective. I will guide you. Have faith.” The voice was deep and full raspy with a since of
strength to the voice. It had a sound of assurance. The voice was a different voice than
before it was good, but it was not the same who had said he was God. This voice was
more like my voice, my inner voice.
Reaching into the portal this time thinking to himself, “I’m ready.” The portal pulled him
8. The Portal and the Forest.
Walking out of the ocean Shadow Man sees a beach and a forest. The forest comes
closer into view. This forest seemed to be dense and go on for miles.
The sense he got from it was ancient. The forest was dark and dimly lit. The ocean
waves lapping against the beach. Shadow man looked around for evidence of life, there
was none.
“Hello,” Shadow Man looked around there were birds in the sky, sea gulls. The gulls
cried flying as if leading him to the forest. Gabriel took this as a sign, walking towards
the forest. The light from the beach started to fade because of the dense trees and all
he heard was the sound of rustling. There were no more birds to follow. “Now where do
I go”, he thought.
Follow me he heard a familiar voice. He turned and saw the grey wolf that introduced
herself as his daughter Mitzi. “Mitzi came up to him and wanted his hand to pet her
ears. This is what you are meant to do, I am one of your guides, I will help you along the
way. The forest is alive just like us, listen to the wind, the spirit of the trees, feel the
ground between your feet, listen to your heart, use your instinct it will tell you where
your path leads.” Shadow reached down and took off his shoes. “I can feel the gravel
and forest floor, the feeling of pine and smell of pine trees in the air.” “That’s good, now
stop talking and listen.” Shadow now heard the wind through the trees, the sound as if
music was playing through the trees. The air seemed to flow through like a wind
instrument. The voices were faint, but he could make it out. The trees each spoke to him
as he passed them. Each tree noticed him and said, “Good morning”, Shadow just
looked at the tree as it shook its branches as it rustled in the wind. “Mitzi? Why can
these trees speak?” Shadow Man asks, “It is because they are alive, they are our
objective for this path.” Mitzi pointed with her nose because she was able to smell fire.
“This way.” “What are we looking for,” running through the trees now as if moving out of
the way, the trees seemed to move over when walking next to them giving them a path.
The trees lead them through to a fallen tree, looked to be cut down by a saw. “This tree
spirit was released we must find it. The tree spirit is our objective.
Mitzi asked a tree, “Where did this tree spirit go? What has happened here? Why was is
cut down?” The trees shook, with the sound of rustling.
“They are cutting us down,” a man with a chain saw came into view. The sound of chain
blades cutting against wood grains. The spirit of the tree being cut cried out in pain.
“Why are you cutting these trees down,” Shadow asked the man. The man wore plaid
wool work shirt, hiking boots and khaki cargo pants, looking to be about mid 30’s. The
man told Shadow, “This is not for me, this is for the town we are building here.” “Why
are you building here? You must give thanks to the trees and to the land for what they
provide to release the spirit. Otherwise you are killing these trees.” The man just
laughed full hearted. “Look I have no idea what you are talking about just move along so
I can do my job.”
Shadow Man reached out to touch the tree, “Be free from this body and give thanks to
mother and follow this man where he must cut and I give you power to free your
brothers.” The tree glowed blueish teal green, and a man that seemed to appear out of
the tree said, “thank you.” The man from the tree was dressed in what seemed to be a
loin cloth and had long black hair. The man said, “I will follow and release my brothers
as you said. The spirit you seek is with mother.” “Where is mother?” My brothers and
sisters will guide you. The spirit shook Shadow’s hand. “Does he not notice us talking?”
Looking at the man with the chain saw continues to cut the tree the man came from.
The spirit from the tree touches the man with the chain saw. The spirit helps the man to
hurry the process as the now dead tree is only a husk.
The spirit waves to Shadow and Mitzi as they continue on their journey. Mitzi transforms
into a woman, “I tired of being a wolf I get tired of walking on all fours. I rather walk with
my father as he walks. Shadow just smiles. His daughter is wearing a jean skirt and a
red tank top. She is not actually his daughter, but Shadow still sees her as such, he
knows they were created and not able to have offspring, but she is his followers on the
journey and has always been with him. Shadow is older than her and she follows his
guidance. This seems weird though to her but she knows her place is to guide him for
he forgot whom he is. The life before has eluded him and his memory of their life before
has left him a blank. Mitzi remembers back to a time when she was just starting out.
“Gabriel”, Mitzi looked at her guide. The guide was Shadow Man. The Shadow man
though here was not a man at all, but a woman. The woman was wearing all black. The
woman seemed to have a strong face. The face of a leader.
“Where are we going,” Mitzi asked her fearless leader.
Mitzi thought to herself, “This woman is my mentor, but she seems so lost and I don’t
understand why.” Gabriel reached out for the mirror with her wet hand and felt into the
portal. The portal felt warm and tingly. The light around the room glowed bright bluish
white. “Gabriel,” The woman in black reached and now was gone into the mirror. Mitzi
followed, “Where are we going?” sighing Mitzi, reached into the portal as well after
cupping her hand with water.
The memory faded away.
“The life we had before is different than now, this man is still my mentor but he’s now
more experienced more than before. He still fearless, strong and quiet.”
Shadow Man reached into his pocket and pulled out granola bars for himself and Mitzi.
“We need to take a break.” Then a bottle of water came out of his pocket. Mitzi took a
drink of the water and a bite of the granola bar. Shadow Man sat on a rock in Indian
style crossing his legs, and began to be still and listened to the sounds around him
feeling the power of the earth around him. Feeling the presence of all the animals, the
trees, and the flowing water from a near by stream. The stream seemed to talk to him
as the water flowed, it whispered. “Gabriel, you changed I have not seen you in such a
form. Why are you here as a man?” Gabriel couldn’t get the voice out of his mind; it was
fluidic as if listening to pure white noise. It echoed through his mind. “Come to the
waters edge,” Shadow Man got up and walked towards the voice of the water. The
waterfall came into view as the forest seemed to just open up.
Gabriel walked toward the water and reached out to touch it as it shimmered in the
silent forest. The water flowing through his hands, the water produced a young woman
about looking to be eighteen. The woman had red hair and bright peach colored skin. “I
am of the lake and the streams; I flow through the falls. The ocean and forest are my
home, this is my domain Gabriel why have you come.” “I am here because I was sent to
save the forest spirits. There is a forest spirit who ran from deforestation, from the
lumber jacks.”
The woman in the lake asks, “Gabriel why are you a man?” Gabriel looks puzzled,
“Have I been here before?” The woman with the red hair smiled, “Mitzi, has Gabriel for
got the past?” Mitzi looks at the red-haired woman and nods. Gabriel only knows
himself as the man he is now, he forgot his life before. He is known as Dean and
Gabriel was his past. His past as an angel is forgotten as well. He only knows his
current past from when he came from his past life as a man. The woman is known as
his past was lost due to his life entering the Earth. God took away his knowledge in
hopes he will return to his duties without realizing his purpose. God has been testing
Gabriel. Gabriel is lost in his past, so I am helping him find his way back. The angels
around him are guiding him as well telling him his path, but he must find his own. We
only can do so much; he must find his own way to the light.”
“Dean? I have not heard that name in along time. Is that my name from before I
travelled to the desert?” Gabriel thought to himself, Mitzi nodded and replied reading his
thoughts, “Yes, was your name. You have had many that is only one.”
Gabriel thought to himself, “Who am I?”
“The journey you are on I will follow you as well the girl with the red hair came out of the
water slowly as her fish like tail turned into legs slowly as if by magic. I was once one of
your followers. You guided me and protected me once now it is my turn to return the
favor.” The girl with the red hair hugged Gabriel. “Do you remember my name?
Gabriel had a voice sound into his mind, “Her name is Irene.”
Gabriel hugged her and, in an embrace, told her in her ear, “Irene.”
Irene smiled and kissed his cheek softly, “So you are the one,” Irene laughed softly. I
knew you would never forget me. You are the one from before, just your appearance
has changed, but your mind and spirit are still the same.
Irene gave Shadow Man a little bottle with water. “This water has healing properties, as
you use this water you can bless the dark and heal those that are in pain. This water
also gives you strength when you need it the most and will always bring our thoughts
together as it is communication to your past. You use water for your energy. This water
is from the lake and will never empty.”
“Irene, are you joining our group?” Shadow looks at the woman from the lake. “Yes.”
She replied with a smile from ear to ear. I need to stretch my legs I been cooped up to
long in that water.”
Her voice seemed to be a song in which she spoke with a tune that was unearthly and
melodic. “Gabriel, have no fear you are a strong fearless warrior and a grand leader of
armies, God has sent you on this journey to save no only those in your path, but you as
well. There is a reason for all that you do there is no doubt in my mind. I will follow you
to the end.”
Gabriel just smiled and walked.
Walking through the forest now with the red-haired girl with blue tank top and red capris
and the brown-haired girl wearing a blue sweat shirt now with her hood up and a jean
skirt. The three continue on the path laid out by the trees. Mitzi seemed to be happier
now as the two girls were chatting about how the past was and how they were ready to
get back into the action. They laughed and giggled and told Gabriel of how they saved
many before. Gabriel had no idea or memory so he just nodded and sighed. The girls
kept telling him to be a girl again he had no idea of what they meant by that. They
continued on with each foot step in the gravel sounding through the forest floor. Gabriel
thought to himself, “I am neither man nor woman, I am just as I am now. They must
mean by the way I dress or act.” Memories came to him as they were walking memories
of the red-haired girl. The pink cloud formed and then suddenly he saw the vision. He
saved her from a demon that wanted the power of the lake for himself, she was turned
into a giant squid. He fought her underwater, Gabriel had a giant spear, but it was not
enough to take the giant beast down. Gabriel reached for the sheath from behind him
and it was his silver sword of light. It shined throughout the darkened depths of the lake.
The light pierced through all the lake turning the lake into a giant hot white light
explosion. The light came from the bottom and reaches the surface blasting into the sky.
The squid inked and transformed shrinking into a small girl about the age of 12. Though
the girl was much older than 12 she was more like 12 hundred. Young age was most
likely from the immense power of her powers from the water. The sword was no longer
needed so it returned back to its former state of silver. The girl sank to the depths of the
lake and Gabriel grabbed her dragging her to the surface. The girl opened her eyes and
saw Gabriel and smiled “Thank you, I won’t forget this.” The memory then faded and
turned into another memory of the girl with the red hair and the Inn at the desert. The
office was different somehow. There were people talking and drinking coffee and
sharing different thoughts of their travels in other realms. They explained the travels to
each person in their group. Gabriel thought this was odd because last time he was here
there was no one. He wondered was this how it used to be? Mitzi came from behind the
counter and was wearing a red dress and red glasses, with her red and gold book. The
book was her journal of her experiences to the alternate realms. “Gabriel,” she said
Gabriel looked at her as she opened the book. There were six in my group. I thought
there were only three. You only met 3 so far you have a lot of friends you are a leader
so I expect you to have many. They were all here their photos from when we were once
a team. I was the leader, then there was the brown haired girl Mitzi, the red-haired girl
Irene I saved at the lake, there was Sabrina, whom I had the pleasure of meeting first,
there was Ashlynn whom I have not met yet she had really long black hair that seems to
flow to her toes. There was the tree spirit we were searching for, she had bronze skin
and black hair and wore what looked to be animal skin for clothing, she had a bow
made from what appeared to be wood, probably from her own husk. There was another
woman in the picture with the tree spirit, the mother of the wood. There was another girl
in a picture I did not recognize yet it was probably another follower she seemed to just
smile she had brown dark skin and long hair to her waist seemed to be wearing a white
dress. The girl seemed younger than the rest. “Who is this?” Shadow asked.
Mitzi replied, “Watch out for her, she is a traitor. She only lives be her own rules and she
lives for herself. She is selfish. She is the pathway to darkness. Her father is deceit and
full of lies, she is wicked. Her name is forgotten so we do not return to the dark. There is
two that are dark the other one is not pictured for she has been missing from memory
she has erased herself from existence. Her power is of the mind, she controls dreams
and memories, but she likes to trick and make herself powerful she is a demon. Those
two are pure evil.” Mitzi looks back at Gabriel, “Don’t worry I am here to guide you. Now
wake up.”
The memory fades and the pink cloud disappears and darkness of the trees starring up
into the sky looms into view. Mitzi was asleep with Irene and there seemed to be a
presence of a fire and hot coals were on the ground spread out in a circle of rock. The
sword from his sheath began to burn. As if telling him to run to that direction right now.
Gabriel woke up the girls and told them to follow him. They agreed, and the three
followed the path once more.
They heard a voice calling, “Help!”, it was faint at first then grew louder. The girls split up
to look for the voice calling out to the tree spirit. Gabriel yelled out, “Hello, there was no
answer. Gabriel thought, “If I was tree spirit where would I hide.” There was a faint glow
in the dark I followed the light, the sword int the sheath began to vibrate. The sword
reacted to the energy. Gabriel pulled the sword from the sheath and it shone bright. The
sword projected a beam of light. The light was pure white and it was hot as if it was
emitted from the sun. The sword leads him to the girl. She was hiding in the trees sitting
Indian style in the middle of the trees sitting in a dress made of fur from wolves. Gabriel
asks her, “What are you doing here? She holds out her hand and gives a totem to
Gabriel. On totem it had a wolf as the top under it seemed to be a water symbol that
looked like a droplet of water. Gabriel asked, “What is this?” “My powers,” she replied.
“They are yours for your journey, this totem will transform into anything you can make of
wood. It can be a boat; it can be a bow or a staff. This staff it holds power to speak to all
animals. Just listen to the wind and the animals you can hear them.” Gabriel holds the
totem and it transforms into a staff and now he talks into the air. The air seems still and
then the voices are heard. The trees the water and bugs and the animals the forest
everything just seemed to come to life. The forest, everything has a spirit and is alive.
The Mother of the wood protects this forest but she has been missing. The spot I am
sitting is where her tree usually is, but she is gone. I will join you on your journey
My name is…”
“Irisa,” Gabriel smiled at her. She seemed ancient druid mixed with native American.
Her ears seemed to have a point to them almost elvish. The girl stood up and wiped the
grass from her legs and walked toward the other two girls. “Hi Mitzi, long time no see.”
The girls smiled at each other; the girls were now ready to leave. The girl with the red
hair said, “You need a pool of water to travel. Are you ready to go?” Gabriel and the
other two agreed. “Let’s go.” Irene placed water onto the ground and a portal appeared.

9. Power of Darkness
The portal returned them to what seemed to be the Inn back in the desert but there was
something odd. It was different now, it changed. There was a smell of sulfur and was
very pungent. The group walked out of the bedroom of Gabriel and now was in the
office of the Inn. The outside was bright it was no longer dark and there were trees in
the desert now as if it grew from out of nowhere. The grass grew, trees grew and a
stream now. Gabriel looked at the grass and trees and it seemed odd. Mitzi transformed
into a wolf and ran out into the grass and rolled and jumped for joy, and dove into the
water. As Mitzi dove into the water so did Irene. Flowing red hair behind her into the
wind as her tail appeared once more. Irisa just smiled. “It’s beautiful,” Gabriel looking at
the new surroundings. “Was it not like this before?”, asked Irisa curiously.
“This was all desert, this is amazing”, Gabriel looks around. Mitzi’s voice became
audible. “This is the power of the spirits you have brought back with you. This is why
you must bring them back together to become you. They are all apart of you. This Inn
represents you. We are all fragments of you. You split yourself into many and spread its
across the realms among the six dimensions. The six planes of existence each
represent a different level of being. Each level represents an emotion of being and each
represent you. Hate, Love, Anger, Sadness, Tired, and Jealousy, are the main ones. We
are your main ones, but there are others because you fragmented us as well because
we had too much power. We have been searching for the key, we are like a book to your
soul and you carry the key we need. That is why our powers are actually yours.
Gabriel sat on the ground and looked up into the sky laying down in the grassy sand.
Looking into the now blue sky. Then it all went dark.
Gabriel woke up. Not in the desert now, but an Inn in one of his travels from his life
before where he owned hotels and motels and did his routine visits. He recognized this
Inn he was in Salem, Oregon. Oregon, he thought, it’s been 6 years since that trip. He
vaguely remembered this was his first communication with his life from before. He
remembered Mitzi coming to save him, but he forgot why. He decided to not worry about
it, the memory will play out.
Gabriel at this time of his life went by Dean Ezra Okami. The name tag was still on his
chest from the introduction meeting he had held earlier that day. He was wearing a
black suit, white shirt and a black tie.
The roomed seemed quaint and old. The motel was due for a remodel, the meeting he
held earlier that day was to improve the hotel and update the décor and bring the rooms
up to code.
The room seemed to smell of sulfur. The thought of that smell reminded him of the smell
when he came back with the girls. That is where he smelled that smell before. The door
to the outside was bolted shut and he tried to open it but the bolt stayed locked into
place. “This is a memory I cannot leave this place until I remember happened.” The bed
seemed comfortable, and decided to lay down for a minute. Gabriel drifted off to sleep.
The dream Gabriel began to have was odd. There was an open desert wasteland
nothing for miles. Gabriel was riding a Harley Davidson the bike's engine roared as he
flew down the highway. The air felt hot from the sun it seemed to be in the hundreds.
The air was in his arms and he didn’t have his leather jacket on. This was before he
received his jacket with the pocket that provides. He was not Shadow Man yet. This
time he was still just Okami. He was wearing a blue gray tank top and black jeans.
There was a gas station just up ahead and was ready to pull off his gas gauge was low.
The gas station looked deserted and run down. He brought the bike up to a pump and
took the gas cap off. The gas station still had gas, the gas flowed into his tank after
sliding his card through the machine. He felt he was hungry and decided to walk into the
station. The gas station looked familiar to him almost the same station as in the Middle.
Gabriel walked in to the station, no one was inside.
“Hello,” Gabriel yelled.
No answer.
Gabriel heard a slow dripping sound coming from the backroom. “Drip” and then he
heard a faint moan. There was another drip as if dropping into a puddle. “Drip” “ Drop” .
Gabriel started toward the back. There it was the first time he heard Mitzi. The voice
was faint and it echoed through his mind as if the station became a cave. “ RUN, HE IS
Gabriel thought, “Who is coming?”
The audible sound of footsteps manifested in the pitch, black nothingness. Echoes of
the footsteps bouncing off the walls. The darkness seemed to taunt him making Gabriel
feel squeamish. His body became ridged and his legs were jello making him trip over
himself. The thoughts raced in his mind, “ What am I going to do when I find out who he
is? Should I listen to the voices or ignore and keep pressing the presence?”
At this current moment in time Gabriel knew nothing of the limbo and his powers or that
he even had guides. In the past he can not change what has already been written, but
watch as it unfolds. Gabriel wants to change what he is about to meet that he knew from
when it happened in the present. This memory though is bringing him closer to answers
that he seeks. The memory will show him where he is headed and how to change the
past if he dare so to try. This memory will also show where he is headed for the future
and will increase his chances for success.
Gabriel is now in the back where the footsteps were and the dripping sound.
“Hello”, he said. From the darkness in the back of the room it was faint but deep,
whispered in an angry tone,” Hello. I know this must frighten you, it frightened me when
I first experienced this for the first time. I am your future.” Gabriel just stood and stared
blankly at him. Bewildered by the thought of meeting himself, “ Who are you? What
proof do you have? All I hear is words. Why should I believe you? How do I know you
are not a deceiver.”
The shadows moved closer as if it were an dense fog following the man. The Shadow
spoke once more, this time with passion. The dark fog casted lightning and crashed
around him as if when he spoke the fog was a storm. The air felt dense, wet and cold
sending shivers down Gabriel’s spine.
“Dean, Later you will go by Gabriel. At my time you will go by Shado Wolf. The woman
you hear telling you to run is Mitzi, she fears for if you meet me, the darkness will
consume you. The life you had before you meet your guides was a simple one. You
were a hotel chain owner. Your travels on the life before took you great distances, other
countries. Japan was your home for many years until you discovered your true
existence. Your passion in life is to help others when they are in need of a hero. Though
you are consumed by power of darkness, listened to the wrong crowd and in turn will
become me.
I can not tell you the future I am only here to warn you. I can not tell you who not to
listen to either. I will be disrupting my own timeline. When our paths cross and you
become me you will see the truth. See what I see for now you must learn this on your
Gabriel fell silent and thought for a moment, “ I will never become you. Your aura is
dark. Your hatred is strong, I can feel it from here. I can feel your suffering. I feel though
what you are telling me is true. You are me from another time. I will learn from your
mistake and will never become so dark.”
“Strong words, from someone who has not yet experienced the power of the darkness.”
Shado Wolf sighed heavily,” You have not yet even begun your journey. Your time will
come to be as I am now for it is your destiny.” Shado Wolf grasped his fist tightly as if
readying himself for a fight.
“You maybe more powerful than me, but I got good on my side. I fight for what is just
and true I fight for the good in all humanity. I want to bring those whom have such
hatred together as friends. I save all even those who persecute me. Everyone has their
own thoughts, their own minds why must there be darkness. Why not bring light into the
dark world? All men and women have a voice so why not speak? The individual cultures
make us who we are as a person they shape us into our being. Welcome those who are
different don’t perceive them as wicked and veil but embrace the influences become a
better individual through each idea. Darkness is created by fear that we have in our
hearts, don’t be fearful but be fearless. The darkness that has taken a hold of you is
hatred and angst. That is and was your downfall. Embrace the change, be open and
mindful. There is more concerning problems we face rather than on outward
appearance, look at the personality from within yourself. That is what makes me
different from you.”
Shado Wolf looks at Gabriel, “ You are mindful of your emotions, you are mindful of your
intuitions. The version of me that is you is stronger than I was at your moment in time, I
believe you may in fact hold the key to make the difference. I am a dark shadow
compared to you. The dark shadow will infect the light as the light becomes dim.”
“ You will never make my light dim, my dark shadow will never over power my light. The
shadow realm is mine to control you are not darker than me.” Gabriel says strongly to
Shado Wolf. “My light guides my path even through darkness my light will shine.”
With a quick turn to the left and back into the shadows of the backroom the shadow was
gone. Gabriel stood standing in the darkness alone.
“ Good Job”, says the woman’s voice. “You stood up to your demons, though there will
be many others to face. You are your worst enemy. All your worries, hatred, jealousy,
rage, doubts, and fears. Your negative emotions and actions will cause you pain and
suffering, you will become that which you fear and hate the most. Do not give in.”
“I will not become Shado Wolf, I am stronger than him.” Gabriel assured himself.
Gabriel turns to the store shelves to see if there is any provisions for his journey. The
shelves are dusty and full of cob webs tangled in decay, they are bare nothing to be
seen. There on the shelf behind the register were a pack of Camel Crushes. “This
maybe a memory, but at least I can enjoy a smoke.” He grabbed three packs. They
seemed like they seen better days. The packs were dusty and were probably old. He
throws them into his front left pocket and walks out the door to smoke it.
The door swings open and back into the Oregon air. The smell of coastal forest is
aromatic, fresh smell, very soothing.
Gabriel pulls out a cigarette and tries to light it. The silver lighter in hand flicking the flint
to the oil wick. The wick burns and places the flame next to the cigarette to light it. Puts
his mouth to the butt of the cigarette. The cigarette turns to ash in his hands as he lights
the end.
“Really,” saying in an annoyed tone, “ That’s ok I have a whole pack”. Reaching into the
pack for another one the pack disintegrates into nothingness. The Gabriel reaches for
his pockets and pulls out pocket full of ash.
“ I told you no smoking”, a Deep voice from within his mind. “ Now continue the memory
or I will take back your powers.”
“ What do you mean I am powerless here, this is only a memory.” Confused by this
Gabriel then grabs a rain bucket of standing water, seemed to have life growing it,
mucky and full of bacteria and algae. Gabriel touches the water, it glows a soft blue and
the algae is gone almost clear as a mirror. The red haired girl says, “ I wondered where
you disappeared to your body just vanished.”
“ How did I get here, I thought this was a memory.” Looking at the girl puzzled. Mitzi
comes into view, “ Hello, father.”
“I heard your voice when I faced Shado Wolf. Was that not you?” Thinking to himself.
“How did I get to the past?”
Mitzi reading his mind, laughing with a giggle. “He pulled you, he wants you there.
There must be something there in that time period of your life you did not finish
“ I was in a memory then a dream, I’m dreaming now. What is going on here.” Gabriel
looks around him to see what else he could try still believing it was only a dream. “ So I
can go in dreams now?”
“You have always been able to, they are a doorway to the spirit realm. The doorway is a
back door like an escape hatch from your human vessel. You are like a submarine and
your spirit is the captain.” Explains Mitzi. “Your spirit is strong, the life journey you face is
for you to learn and to save those around you. This life there are those who look to
destroy you, you must over come them. Yourself is your biggest enemy. You are being
“ I know what the test was I failed it. I smoked.” Gabriel admitted.
“Technically, you passed. You didn’t He took them away before you could. Remember I
can see your memories too. Giggling. “ You will get over it soon. It was a human
addiction you are not human.”
The bucket turns back to algae and muck.
“ Don’t doubt me Gabriel, I speak truth.” The deep voice booms.
“ I have faith, I am just confused.” Gabriel stands.
Turning towards the bike the engine turns over and the bike roars to life. Hopping on the
bike the dream turns into blue, clouds.
Back in the motel room from before, looks into himself, but dark and ghostly.
Transparent, the ghost of himself is over him floating, wearing a dark grey robe with a
hood. “We met in the gas station. You are me. Don’t be frightened by my appearance,
this is how we look when we travel through time if not given permission by him like you
now. You are solid, I am not. This is to keep those in that time period safe from
influences from beyond. The word used by those who don’t understand this call us
demons. They lurk from the shadows and try to control those with a simple mind. The
demons can and will destroy you. I am your demon.”
“I cast you out demon.” Throwing a cup of water the spirit vanishes crying out in pain.
Gabriel gets up to go to the door. The door now opens and he is able to escape.
10 The Mansion and the Maze.
Fountains with gargoyles and a hedge maze that seemed to go for days, over taken
with ivy and moss from years of being uncared for. The Mansion itself grew into view as
Gabriel approached it. The winding path through the Oregon coastal forest was finally
coming to an end. The trail to the secluded mansion was long and endless. The path
had many forest animals along the way. Gabriel watched many squirrels running up the
trees. The birds in the trees sang a tune only they knew. The forest was alive and the
mansion was in the middle of it all. The trail to the mansion was right off the main
highway. If you did not know the mansion was not here you would have never knew it
existed. The mansion was Gabriel’s home before moving to San Diego.
Gabriel checked the pocket of his suit pants where his keys were usually. They were in
his left pocket. His cell phone rang from in his black messenger bag, Gabriel grabbed
the phone, “ Hello this is Dean Okami,” answering his phone in a professional manner.
The phone call could be business he thought. “ The voice on the other side was not
whom he expected though. The voice was deep and raspy, It was Shado Wolf, “ I told
you, you would hear from me again Dean. This was our house back when life was at its
finest. Remember all the parties we had here. She made us leave, you said you were
never gonna come back.” Shado sounded happier than before his voice sounded elated
as if Dean was gonna see him again. Reliving the old times in his mind, Dean smiled
knowing that Shado was right. Shado Wolf needed Dean to complete his circle to
continue on to become Shadow Man. Like Dean, Shado Wolf was on his way to
become Shadow Man. Shado Wolf is Dean in the future but also his ego vice a versa.
They were each others ego. The past was Shado Wolf’s fear and Dean’s fear is his
future. Shado Wolf wants to rid himself of his bad energy to do that they must work
together to solve what has been lost for many years.
Dean thought to himself, “This must be why I was brought here. To not save someone
else but face myself. I am my own worst enemy.”
God spoke to Dean confirming him of what he has discovered. “Bingo.”
Dean continued towards the gateway entrance. The gate seemed rusted and falling off
its hinges. Dean put his hand on the steel gate and pushed hard. Screeching, the gate
swings open. He looks at his locket bottle of water that was given to him by his mermaid
friend. Holding out his water he pours a drop into his hand. His hand is now glowing
blue. “ Mitzi, I know why I am here.” Mitzi now looking down at him from the lake back at
the inn. “Yes, I know, to save yourself. You don’t have to use the water to communicate
with me. I communicate with you telepathically. Plus you still have my fang remember.”
“Oh yeah, but I still would like to see you face to face.” Gabriel replied. “This is the only
way Irene and Irisa can communicate though.” Mitzi explained.
“ Do you want to go home,” Mitzi questioned. “ Whenever you need to return you can
use the water too. Just dab three fingers on a mirror and that’s it. You can walk through
the mirror, there is only one rule though. Until you finish your current mission you can’t
leave the Inn.”
“Is that why I could not leave the hotel room before I passed out,” Dean asked.
“Yes, it is so you will not stray from your mission. If you leave the mission you will end
up on the mission again. It is a loop in time.” Mitzi explained.“ Hey, I gotta run, if you
need me just use the fang. I have travelers, and the other two girls are busy at the
moment cleaning the rooms. Remember Gabriel, we need more help.” With that the
blue shimmer in his hand vanished.
Looking at the mansion, sighed heavily,” I can do this.”
Shado Wolf was waiting at the door in wolf form. He was a black wolf with purplish haze
and smoke coming off him. His eyes gleamed yellow.
“Are you ready?” Shado asked Gabriel.
“For what exactly,” Gabriel looked at Shado with a blank stare. This stare is usually
when Gabriel is trying to plan ahead. He gets lost in his own thoughts. The thoughts are
where he travels when he tries to comprehend his current situation. The past catches
up with him in the present.
“Demons from the darkest corners of your past. Those memories that haunt your sleep
at night, the death of those whom you once tried to save and those which you have not.
The death of the family and friends you once had this is Judgement. You will either
become dark as me or light.” Shado tormented Gabriel.
“I am balanced, I am neither light nor am I dark. The answer I seek and hold is within
me.” Gabriel explained reaching for the door handle to push it open. Gabriel looks at the
door as Shado spoke. The words seemed to be silent, Gabriel knew Shadow was
talking, but it was just more torment.
The door was extravagant it was gold and silver, encrusted with all different symbols
from different religions. The door was the gateway to the spirit realm, but this one
seems different then ones he has seen before in his journeys from his life before. This
gateway seemed to unlock the key to understanding human life through the existence of
darkness. It seems to hold the balance that will slay this demon of his own
consciousness. The door knocker was the emblem of Yin and Yang. The door jam in the
middle had the cross. On the left in the middle of the door was the symbol for the
wiccan protection from evil the pentagram with a circle pointed upwards. The right had
the symbol for demonic or Satanic symbol of the cross inverted with the pentagram
inverted as well.
The air felt cold, still. The trees were still no sounds of birds or any life surrounding the
mansion. The mansion seemed to be life and death. The vines covered the left side of
the mansion and bare on the right. The right seemed to be covered with dark ooze and
muck almost mud like consistency. This place is non existent and unseen to all, it only
appears to those who seek it. This is the doorway to unlock the mystery that has
loomed over all man kind since the beginning the untapped. This doorway appears to
you when you have least expect it. The dark is the key to finding the light.
Shado looks at Gabriel, Gabriel pushed the left side of the door and Shado pushed the
right side of the door. Instead of opening like a door into the main hall the floor opened
below them and the flew down the chute into darkness of the tunnels below.
They each were in their own tunnel, finding their own path back to find each other for
they must both make it out alive. If one dies they will both die. Gabriel is the light side
and Shado is the dark side.
11 Tunnels of Hope and Despair
Gabriel looked into his pocket of his messenger bag, finding his pen light. He clicked the
button to light up any lights around him, but instead of lighting up the walls with normal
lights a blue flash of smoke came from the pen as the pen became a torch all on its own
it was an electric blue. The pen glowed as if it was a glow stick. The walls had writing on
it, trying to decipher its meaning to no avail he continued onward, Gabriel figured that if
he continued on he might get a clue to some kind of bearing. He just followed the
course of the tunnel using his intuition to guide him. He heard her voice. “Just listen to
your heart no one can lead you out of this, but yourself. I can not help nor give you any
information from this point on, the mansion is your test for judgement.” Mitzi voice
calmed Gabriel from being overly agitated, the stress building, no cigarettes to calm
“This is only a test of my fears and limits of my own ego. I am not afraid.” The tunnel
now has become lit. The words on the walls now lit up the room as if by magic. “The
words must have triggered something.” Gabriel read the now lit words. Glowing bright
red and yellow. The words were now legible and could be read. “ The fear of the dark is
within, only then will light shine.”
Continuing down the hallway clipping the pen to his belt loop. “I think this must be the
first clue to getting out, and finding balance.
Meanwhile Shado is on the opposite side of the wall blinding light is shinning unable to
see as if a strobe light was strapped to his eyes. “ Its too bright”, he cried. Unable to
think he stood in one place feeling his darkness from within. The dark mass of black and
purple smoke grew until normal eyes could see no longer. The darkness of Shado is
strong, his power was immense hatred. His hatred for mankind grew as his shadow and
powers grow. He is the complete opposite of Gabriel. Gabriel was once for mankind but
he became neutral after living among them.
The tunnel was completely covered putting out the light. Shado continued on the trek.
There was no end in sight the tunnel for both seemed to go for miles. Shado used
telepathy to tell Gabriel.” Where are you at?” Gabriel replied in a sarcastic tone,” In a
tunnel duh.”
Shado fell silent at the joke. Shado smiled with a fang tooth grin. Still in his black dog
form. Shado smelled rotten flesh as his hunger grew. “ Do you smell that?” “Smell
what?”, Gabriel replied. Gabriel transformed into a pure white wolf. The wolf’s nose is
stronger than any humans and hearing stronger than any man.
“Smells like food”, Gabriel has not eaten in days his stomach is turning and growling.
Each time he uses his power its drains him further, he has not yet grasped the full
control of his powers until he becomes Shadow Man. Still very powerful with the Angelic
powers given to him from God and those from his guardians. Gabriel will need his
energy to complete his test. Shado is the final test. His powers are needed to become
whole once more. Down at the end of the corner of the first right of Gabriel’s maze there
is a door, “seems kind of out of place,” he thought. Turning the knob with his paws he
went in. Still in his wolf form, ready for any surprise at anytime. The room seemed to be
a conference room of some kind fireplace at one end giant circle table with a hole in the
middle with a smaller circle table in the middle. There was a plate of food left on the
table. Unsure of what the plate held was worth investigating. Gabriel unsure whether to
trust the plate or not. Walking to the plate of food that was laid on the table. Gabriel
sniffed it in hopes that it would satisfy him. The plate had some sort of meat and
potatoes. The smell was rotten like it was fresh off the bone and sitting for days un
cooked. Why was this plate left here who's was it or what was it. The voice came into
his head. “ The Hall of Demons, this is where the demons make plans and strategize to
take over the world and destroy good of humanity. God gave the wicked reign over the
world. This plate set before you is what is provided at each meeting to bring forth the
power to consume humanity and destroy life itself. The demons feast on the flesh of
humanity and the potato resembles the destruction to the world they so desire. You
must feast to bring together the balance within yourself.” The voice disappeared and
with its place came doubt and concern. “ Don’t do it Gabriel, you will become wicked.”
Grabbing the first bite, Gabriel gagged on the meat. The foul stench of decay and
feeling of guilt and shame. Maggots wiggling as if he was eating bits of spaghetti with
each bite. The stomach lurched as he gagged, “ I need water.” Looking around the room
there was a goblet in sight. He reached for the goblet and drank but instead of water it
was red and had an iron taste. Metal was in his mouth he thought, pouring it over his
meat he saw it was blood. “ This is the wine of the demons blood of humanity.” The
voice returned, “ blood from the carcass that you have been feasting upon.” Death and
rot itself, wicked and vile, the power of the demons surged through Gabriel. “ God why
are you making me do this?” Crying out, raising hands into the air. “This is the only way
to bring balance within yourself.”
Shado on the other end of the spectrum was in the Hall of Angels. The food set before
him was similar yet different. Instead of representation of death and wickedness, his
was of life and purity. The plate had a burger on it, but the burger was not meat of any
kind it was plant based. The taste left him full of joy and feeling of completeness. This
feeling has never been felt by Shado this felt odd to him. The side salad didn’t make him
feel any better. “ This is not food”, he growled, “I want meat and potatoes.” Growling in
anger and frustration he threw the plate into oblivion.
Gabriel’s patience let him take full control of his anger and hunger. He could no longer
eat the flesh. His stomach lurching, needing food of high vibration.
The plate disappeared into fire, scorching the table it was once on. Ash blew around the
room. The voice told him, “ Go that direction with the wind’s current.” The lights were
dead once more, it was pitch black. There were no signs of life. Gabriel pulled out the
pen light once more, using its bluish glow to see where he was headed this tunnel was
different from before. There were no words.
“There has to be an incantation of some kind to turn on the lights,” looking to the celling
to see if maybe he missed something. There was the sound of screaming in the
distance. Thinking his mind was now playing tricks on him, “Hello, anyone out there.”
Meanwhile, Shado is hearing singing in the distance of his blinding light tunnel. He can
not see a thing all he hears is, “ Lalala…”, with the sound of musical instruments violins
and flutes. Following a slow melody, Shado’s body vibrates to the music. Joy seeps into
his persona.
The screaming brings terror to Gabriel, the pain is felt coursing through his body. The
overwhelming sensation of mutilation. His extremities feel as those they are burning
from the inside. His heart racing in terror feeling as though he is being ripped to shreds
by an invisible force.
The power of the mind can control the sensation felt throughout the body. The sound is
vibrating at a frequency at which the mind perceives as either terror or joy. The music is
calming to the highest frequency to where the screaming has lowered the frequency of
the mind to death itself. The power of sound and vibration has power over the world and
those whom surround themselves. Music and rhythmic speech patterns can alter brain
frequencies and can kill or heal. That is why they are affected as they are. There must
be balance as to not destroy oneself. Life must be balanced between death and life.
The sound coming from Shado’s side has put Shado to sleep. His dark aura has
succumbed to the calming and soothing patterns. Shado has fallen to his paws and is
lying down in the center of the white hall way which has no boundaries, the hallway is
nothing but an illusion to his mind. In reality the world around him is a wide open area
with pillars marking each boundary. The real wall is in the mind itself. The two sides of
the force must become one. They must find the balance within each other to over come
the test that is before them. The sound of sweet melodies engulf Shado’s mind putting
him to a peaceful serene slumber. He must now find his way through the dream to get
out of his dimension.
Gabriel still in agony from the torment must face the torture head on to over power the
evil from within. Gabriel calls out, “ Hello, is anyone out there?” The screams now turn
into many. The sound becomes unbearable. Gabriel feels as though his head is about to
explode from the screams. The pain in his arms and legs intensifies, engulfing him. His
entire body feels as though it is on fire. “ Is this hell?” he questions. Then a deep man’s
voice enters his mind. “Stay calm, have no fear in death. The pain will subside.”
Gabriel thanks the voice and takes three deep breathes. The pain slowly vanishes. He
is now able to feel his arms and legs once more. The burning sensations are not as
strong as they were. Gabriel continues on down the dark corridor. Gabriel feels along
the walls to see if there is an opening or indication of a light source. His pen light is
dying from energy being drained. His spiritual energy is being used as its source. The
energy he needs to save for obstacles ahead. Unknown to him the obstacles will endure
him, strengthen him.
Still hoping within the back of his mind that he does not meet what ever terror that is
causing the screams of pain and agony. The corridor seems to go on for miles no end in
sight. The small voice within him tells him, “ There is no end, you will die.” The negative
voice within him grows. The inner voice now from a whisper begins to get louder, “ You
are useless, you can not save anyone. Everyone hates you. You are a terrible angel you
will never be of any use to God. You can’t even save yourself from the terror of your
own mind.” Gabriel yells out, “Devil, be gone with you. Return to hell from which you
came.” The negative voice stops. Then laughter strikes, obnoxious, maniacal and loud.
The laughter turns into a the sound of a hyena and then a hiss of a snake. The sounds
all together vanish. “ You are learning Gabriel.” The deep voice returns, ” You are strong
you will conquer, you are a good angel and a good servant. You know when and how.
You listen well and give thanks to me, and praise me through all walks of life. The Devil
is testing you the only way he knows. Though you are stronger than those tricks. You
know that I am watching.”
Gabriel gives thanks. “ God if you are with me, are you with Shado as well?” The voice
replies, “ No. He is lost to all that is good. Once you become whole then yes because
you are his good. The balance you seek is within yourself. You must find him to become
Shado walks in his dream state Mitzi finds him in his dream state. He is Gabriel for she
is his spirit guide as well. He may not be able to hear the Voice of the creator but he can
hear her. She appears to him as a grey wolf. They venture through a thicket of wood.
She asks Shado, “ Do you remember me?” Shado looks at her for a minute. The wolf
form is confusing him, but he looks at her markings. Shado turns away from her. She
growls with passion and fury. Mitzi transforms into her human form. Wearing a bright
blue long dress, with spaghetti straps. She gives him a box. The box is white and seems
very light. Shado transforms into a man tall dark, slender with a full beard. He is wearing
a full black suit and tie. Mitzi opens the box for Shado. The box contains her tooth, the
same one Gabriel has around his neck. The shadow version is dark black, sharp as
midnight. “Mitzi”, he grabs her and lifts her off her feet twirls her around with her in his
arms. “You never have left my side.” “You were just lost, trying to find your way. The
other half of you is in the darkness now. You must work together otherwise you will both
become lost. Don’t worry I am always with you.” She kisses his left cheek softly. The
feel of her silky, smooth lips on his makes his heart race with excitement. He knows he
is not alone and now has the courage now ever more than before.
Shado awakes. No longer in his wolf form he has transformed into a man. No longer
though is he wearing all black, but now a white suite with a black tie and black dress
shoes. Shado looks at himself curiously. “Not a bad look.” Next to a pillar steps out Mitzi
now wearing a bright red long dress with red heels. The dress appears to be made of
silk the way it shines in the light. She smiles at Shado, walks through the mist to the
other side.
“Gabriel”, Mitzi’s voice appears to him. The dark corridor still unable to see light of any
kind, he could never notice anything. This darkness is over whelming him making him
frustrated, angry. “ I know that I wasn’t supposed to interfere with this test, but I helped
Shado already. Which is still you. So I already interfered once already, might as well
help you too. What’s a guardian spirit if I don’t guard.” She begins to laugh. “Remember
my power is with you always when you need it. You are not alone. Use my tooth and
energy to guide you through the dark. That is why I gave it to you, also to communicate
with you.” Gabriel feels his power raise back to full energy. The tunnel becomes bright.
“Where is this light coming from?” The tooth is vibrating so much around his neck the
white of the tooth shines. He covers the tooth and the light goes away. The tunnel is
dark once more. “ Mitzi laughs with a giggle. “ Don’t cover your light let it shine.” The
glow is so bright he can see all the way to the outside. He sees trees and bushes up
ahead. Mitzi now appears before him wearing the same red dress as with Shado.
Gabriel looks at her, “ Could not stay away? Missed me that much.“ “ Don’t push it,” she
gives him a dim gleam, and smiles. “You are lucky I came to save your butt. If you would
just listen to me the first time none of this would have happened.” Gabriel looks at her
with an awkward stare, “ What do you mean?” “The split of consciousness made you
forget. It is understandable.” With that statement she kisses him lightly on the lips and
disappears running toward the outside. The red dress flying in the wake of her speed.
“What do you mean before the split?” his mind still pondering. “Thinking too much gets
you no where. Hurry and catch up, before I decide to go home.”
Trees behind her stood tall as he approached the door way to the outside. The wind
blew the trees softly. Gabriel asks Mitzi, “Where are we?” “This is the courtyard, The
opening to the Hedge maze ahead. We must wait for Shado. I will be joining you in this
leg of the journey.” She grabbed Gabriel’s hand. “This is a test for three, I am your third.
Like I said before your consciousness has been spilt into many parts. This test is to
bring you to whom you are meant to be.” She smiles at him, “ I am you, well apart of
you. You are the main piece to all of us, you must bring us all back together to make
yourself whole once more. Before you can continue saving others you must first save
Shado falls from the sky. Landing with a thud in front of Gabriel and Mitzi. ” So, what did
I miss.” Gabriel laughs. “ Nothing.”
12 The Maze
The Maze’s hedges grew wild uncared for, they were thick and full of thorns. “This maze
is unlike the tunnels from before. The challenges there were mental this is physical and
we must work as one. If we deviate from our path or we become lost we may never find
our way out. This maze it feeds on our spirit and our physical well being. We have to
believe not only in our self, but us as a team. There will be illusions in the maze that can
and will harm you. The spirits trapped in the maze are not all evil some will help you for
a cost. They will attach to your vibration and will hang on until they overtake you. Do not
let fear over take your spirit otherwise you will lose. Then you will become trapped as
well. We all must make it out together otherwise we are all trapped inside.”
“ Shado Wolf and I we are ready.” Gabriel announced pulling a silver sword from inside
his bag. “Shado what is your weapon of choice?”

“I need none,” Shado growled sharp white teeth glaring, eyes glowing red, fierce and
ready to fight. The black wolf’s shadow became thick. The thick cloud grew sweeping
ground around the three. Mitzi feeling like she was over dressed for the party,
transformed into her wolf form, she howled during her transformation.
“Well now, I am the odd one out”, said Gabriel. Transforming into a white wolf, Gabriel
howled as to take leadership of the small pack. Mitzi licked his left ear. “Now we are
ready.” Mitzi laughed, as Gabriel shook her off him playfully. “ Hey, don’t get mad at me.
Remember boys I came to save you.” “You were gonna come no matter what we told
you Mitzi.” Gabriel looked at her scornfully. His eyes showed her he was only teasing
her. She loves him and will do anything to protect him. She is his guardian after all.
Shado shrugged it off. “Playing it cool Shado.” Mitzi laughed as she stared at the big
black wolf. “ We both know how you truly feel, your just being modest.” She laughed
again. “You are a part of us.” Gabriel laughs, “ She reads minds you know.” “I don’t have
to read his mind its written all over his face,” Mitzi retorts,“ Such babies.” “ We are
warriors with passion.” Gabriel says, “ besides calling us babies just means you are one
“Then now that we are ready can we stop playing and finish this quest. I am getting
tiresome of you two, love birds.” Shado commanded. “Love birds,” Mitzi laughs well I do
love him, but not like that.” Shado laughs, “ Need to learn to take a joke.” “You guys are
both nuts,” Gabriel started toward the maze entrance. There was a sign that Gabriel
could not read. “ The mind is only the beginning, the body follows to where the mind can
only begin to comprehend. Three souls shall enter only one will conquer all.” Mitzi read
the sign. “This means only one of us will take the vessel at the end of this test. We all
three must work as one to become one soul. Gabriel you are the light to the Darkness of
Shado. I am your guiding light. So when we pass through I will no longer manifest as a
person with a body but only as a spirit through you. I use you to communicate. I can
manifest though as animals and other signs in your journey. Always keep my fang to
your heart. As I am with you always.”
“On to the next life?” Gabriel says to Mitzi. “Yes, your inner voice. When you think dark
thoughts that is Shado.” “What about the other parts of me when will they become one
with me?” questioned Gabriel. “Their turn will come further down the road. I will still be
with the others you bring home in the spirit world, back at the inn.” Mitzi looked at the
two wolves and smiled. “ Ready?”
“ Ready,” they replied in unison.
13 The maze through the eyes of Gabriel
Two gargoyles stood at the entrance as if acting as guards to the maze. The gargoyles
were monstrous looking, broad shouldered armed with chain mail armor and had wings
that looked like a mixed between a bat and an eagle. Their faces were stern and
straight edged not one smiled. There was a serious over tone about the statues that
made them feel unsettling. “ The gargoyles moved,” I said. Looking at them as I passed
by. Mitzi looks at me and laughs. “Scared? Don’t be I am here. ” She smiles and walks
by. “Three go in one comes out.” I keep repeating it over in my mind. Maybe she’s right I
am scared. Scared of what though? “You are only scared of the unknown,” Mitzi read
my mind again. You know I really hate that. “ I know.” She laughs, “ That’s why I do it.”
“Just so you know you don’t want to read Shado’s he is preoccupied with what is for
dinner. Him and that salad didn’t mix well.” I look at Shado laughing because the meat
and potatoes I had I did not really care for. “Wait how did you know what I had in there,”
asked Shado. “Guessed. Plus I am hungry too.” I looked to Mitzi, “Hey. Don’t look at me
I’m not food.” I Laughed, “Not what I had in mind. I mean you know if we ever get to eat
in this maze?” “You have to wait until the end of the Maze,” she explained as I sighed in
Mitzi looked as if she was ready to run the maze herself, I felt like I wanted to run the
other way. I was never scared of anything up until this point. I do not like being judged
that fear alone drives the mind insane. When you feel you are being criticized for
nothing but being you. You can not change who you are for anyone. If someone told you
to be what they want then you are not you but what they want. This maze is judgement.
It judges who I am. Question is: Whom or what am I? Through out life before the
judgement I judged others for their actions I owned hotels and inns across America. I
judged when to fire or hire someone. I understand how judging works. Judgements are
made during everyday life, looks, goals, attitude, religion, birth, race, sex, and lifestyle.
This in realty is a hard topic for most to agree upon. You can fight for equal rights all you
want in all these subject manners but nothing equals to those with ignorance and one
power. Their minds have already been corrupted by the influences ingrained into their
minds from yester years. Ancestral beliefs of slavery bigotry, sexism, other religions that
fight each other. These are all ingrained into the human mind to create conflict. News of
today the negative vibrations are felt from these people whom surround us. These
people they call us friends and family, but are they really family and friends. Should they
be in our life if they spread hatred to whom those that are different. Judgement is a
power held by God so why do humans judge. This man dresses in dresses or skirts, this
man or woman is a vegan or vegetarian, this man is on drugs because he acts or
dresses differently. Why is judgement ingrained in everyone? It is our perception or
belief. Why is it weird? The mankind mind is not use to seeing something that is not
normal or what they see as weird is normal to another culture so in turn the culture
wants to preserve its own way of thinking so it pushes all creativity out as evil or wicked.
Christianity is known for this and other cult religions. That is however the world. The
world itself is wicked and low vibration that is why the creative ones with the high
vibrations are silence or listed as insane.
Life among Christians is very demanding and very judgmental. Life is on thin ice,
everything you watch read say or see, they will act. This is due to what they believe, it
does not matter what you believe, but what the world around you believes. They hate
upon those that are different religions because they do not believe in the same God.
That causes a war.
Race or a master race. This has caused war for many centuries dating all the way back
to Egypt with Jews. Civil war, world war 2, the crusades. The racism and hatred is the
way of mankind. Racism will never stop for the same reason judgment of the pigment of
their skin. Get past the clothing we wear on the out side and look inwards. It is better to
be judged on the mind rather than whom we appear to be. The mind is a far greater
thing to lose than that of any article of clothing or any outward body part. I would rather
not reproduce than to lose my own mind. As angel I can not reproduce. As a human I
can not reproduce. I am here to finish my mission. My mission is to bring hope to those
whom feel lost. Those whom are afraid to be different. I am hero to those whom have a
rebellion spirit, those whom will not be afraid to speak their mind. That is why I go
through these trials and tribulations of hatred. I want to bring peace to those whom hate
the different. I seen so much death from everything suicide, car accidents to gang
relations. Those that do not want to hear about death there are those equal to that, that
do. Same with what I have said or written for my journey. This is my last testament
before I am judged for whom I am in this maze of unknown trials and tribulations set by
14 Shado, The Train and the Approaching Storm
After the Arcader Wars and before 2nd maze Shado became. The storm that followed
was the storm of storms that begun the journey before. This is the second round for
Shado for time is not linear, but looped, until corrections are made. The evil that made
Shado whom he is, is the path not taken by Gabriel a second time.
Train tracks slick from the pouring rain. A man and a woman sit by the window seat,
peering out into the passing by forest. Speeding the train blows.

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