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Republic of the Philippines


University Town, Northern Samar
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Rodrigo Castillo Jr.

Alyana Forteza
Alfie Gabing
Cristine Jean Catalan
Student Nurse-Uep

Heide Collamar
Subject Teacher

Business Name: NutriBite Delight

Tagline: "Nourishing the Future, One Bite at a Time"

Product: Veggie Nuggets (squash nugget)

Nature of the Business: Food Manufacturing

Location of the Business: UEP, Business Arcade. Catarman Northern Samar

Type of Business: Partnership

Nature of Operations: Manufacturing

In a world increasingly plagued by unhealthy food choices and nutritional

deficiencies, NutriBite Delight emerges as a beacon of hope. We are a student-led
enterprise fueled by a passion for health, innovation, and social impact. Our mission is
to empower individuals with delicious and convenient ways to nourish their bodies with
wholesome goodness, making healthy eating accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

NutriBite Delight is a student-led, health-conscious food enterprise revolutionizing

snacking with Veggie Nuggets, bite-sized nuggets crafted from the humble yet nutrient-
rich squash. We are a team of passionate nursing students dedicated to creating
delicious and nutritious food options that make healthy eating accessible and enjoyable
for everyone.

THE PROBLEM: Modern lifestyles often prioritize convenience over nutrition, leading to
unhealthy eating habits and their associated health consequences. Busy schedules and
limited access to nutritious options leave consumers, particularly children and young
adults, vulnerable to unhealthy snack choices.
THE SOLUTION: Veggie Nuggets offer a convenient, portable, and delicious solution.
Made with locally sourced squash varieties, our nuggets are packed with vitamins,
minerals, and fiber, all while delivering a satisfyingly crispy texture and naturally sweet
flavor. They are:

 Nutrient-rich: Rich in vitamins A, C, E, potassium, magnesium, and dietary fiber,

supporting immunity, digestion, and heart health.

 Convenient and portable: Ideal for on-the-go snacking, lunches, or even as a

healthy dessert.

 Delicious and satisfying: Naturally sweet and crispy, appealing to a wide range of

 Affordable and accessible: Utilizing locally sourced ingredients to keep costs low
and reach a broader audience.

TARGET MARKET: We cater to health-conscious individuals and families seeking

nutritious and convenient snack options. Our primary targets include:

1. Area Covered

Veggie Nugget (squash nugget) will be acquainted in University of Eastern

Philippines (UEP) Main business arcade as the first target. Our business covers to all
entire of the University of Eastern Philippines Main Catarman Northern Samar.
Afterwards it will be enlarged or expanded, and the distribution will reach outside the
University, then the citizens of UEP, Cawayan and Catarman will know and frequenter
our business and product.

2. Consumer/ Customer

Our expected consumer or customers of our Veggie Nugget product are all
students, faculty and people residing around University of Eastern Philippines Main.
After this, our product will be more familiar to other barangays and municipalities.
3. Characteristics

 Busy professionals and students seeking quick and healthy energy boosts.

 Parents looking for nutritious and fun snacks for their children.

 Individuals with dietary restrictions who require gluten-free and vegan options.

 Health-conscious consumers interested in natural and sustainable food choices.



Unique product: Nuggets, being the first squash-based nuggets, offer a niche product
with differentiated health benefits and taste profile.

Healthy focus: Targeting health-conscious consumers creates a clear value proposition

and aligns with growing snacking trends.

Locally sourced ingredients: Emphasizing sustainability and supporting local farmers

resonates with a growing segment of the market.

Social impact: Commitment to community programs fosters brand loyalty and positive
corporate image.

Student-led enterprise: Potential for attracting media attention and building a relatable
brand story.


Limited product line: Initially reliant on single product, potentially hindering market reach.
Brand awareness: As a new entrant, NutriBite Delight faces challenges in competing
against established brands.

Production capacity: Scaling up production to meet potential demand could pose initial

Distribution channels: Establishing robust distribution networks takes time and


Marketing budget: Limited budget compared to established competitors might restrict

marketing reach.


Growing healthy snack market: Increasing consumer demand for healthy and
convenient snack options creates a favorable market environment.

Innovation potential: Diversifying product line with new squash-based snack offerings
can expand market reach.

Partnerships: Collaborating with nutritionists, health organizations, or local retailers can

boost brand credibility and distribution.

Online marketing: Leveraging social media and digital platforms can effectively reach
target audience cost-effectively.

Community engagement: Partnering with local events or educational programs can

strengthen brand connection and social impact.


Established competition: Existing snack brands may adopt similar healthy ingredients or
launch copycat products.
Fluctuations in agricultural prices: Reliance on locally sourced ingredients might expose
NutriBite Delights to price volatility.

Rising production costs: Increasing costs of raw materials, packaging, or labor could
affect profit margins.

Shifting consumer preferences: Changes in snacking trends or health fads could impact
demand for Veggie Nuggets.

Competitor marketing campaigns: Aggressive marketing strategies from established

brands might overshadow NutriBite Delight.


Product Expansion: Develop new Veggie Nugget flavors and variations to cater to
diverse preferences.

Distribution Channels: Partner with retailers, schools, and offices to increase


Marketing & Branding: Utilize social media, influencer partnerships, and targeted
advertising to reach our target audience.

Community Impact: Partner with local farmers and nutrition education programs to
give back to the community.

FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS: We project strong sales growth in the first year, reaching
P36,000.00 monthly and achieving profitability within February 14 – March 14, 2024.
We have a comprehensive financial plan in place to secure funding and manage growth
MANAGEMENT TEAM: Our team of passionate nursing students brings expertise in
health, nutrition, and business development. We are committed to building a successful
and impactful enterprise that makes a positive difference in the world.

INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY: NutriBite Delight offers investors a unique opportunity

to be part of a high-growth, socially responsible business with a clear vision for the
future. We are seeking P6,000.00 to support production expansion, marketing initiatives,
and team development.

NutriBite Delight: Nourishing the Future, One Bite at a Time.

NutriBite Delight is a student-led, health-conscious food enterprise dedicated to

creating innovative and delicious snacks that pack a powerful nutritional punch. Born
from the passion of nursing students, our mission is to bridge the gap between taste
and health, making nutritious choices readily available and irresistible.

NutrBite Mission:

NutriBite Delight is more than just a business; it's a movement. We aim to:

Combat malnutrition: By providing affordable and accessible nutritious snacks, we want

to contribute to reducing malnutrition rates, particularly among children.

Promote healthy eating: We believe that healthy eating should be delicious and
enjoyable. Veggie Nuggets offer a fun and convenient way to make healthy choices
without sacrificing taste.

Empower local communities: We source our ingredients from local farmers, supporting
sustainable agricultural practices and contributing to the economic development of our

Inspire future generations: As nursing students, we are passionate about promoting

health and wellness. NutriBite Delight is a platform to inspire young people to make
healthy choices and pursue careers in healthcare.

NutriBite Vision:

We envision NutriBite Delight becoming a leading force in the healthy snack

market, not just in the Philippines but across the globe. We aim to expand our product
line with innovative and delicious offerings, all while remaining committed to using local
ingredients and sustainable practices.
NutriBite Delight offers a disruptive approach to snacking, combining
deliciousness with nutritional value. With our innovative product, dedicated team, and
strategic approach, we are poised to capture a significant share of the healthy snack
market and make a positive impact on the lives of our customers.

Furthermore, NutriBite Delight is a social enterprise. We believe in giving back to

the community that nourishes us. A portion of our proceeds will be dedicated to
supporting local farmers and promoting nutrition education programs in underserved
communities. We also employ eco-friendly practices throughout our production process,
reducing our environmental footprint or wastes.

Our journey began with a simple observation: many Filipinos, particularly children,
lack access to readily available and affordable sources of essential vitamins and
minerals. We recognized the potential of squash, a readily available and locally sourced
vegetable, to address this nutritional gap. With our nursing background and culinary
creativity, we embarked on a mission to transform this humble vegetable into a
delightful and convenient snack that packs a powerful nutritional punch.

Join us on this journey: We invite you to join us in making a positive impact on

the world, one delicious nugget at a time. Choose NutriBite Delight, and choose to
nourish your body, your community, and your future.



Introducing the Veggie Nuggets, the first

product from NutriBite Delight! Veggie Nuggets,
our flagship product, are bite-sized nuggets
made from nutrient-rich squash, offering a
delicious and convenient way to boost
vegetable intake. We utilize innovative processing techniques to retain the natural
sweetness and vibrant color of the squash while creating a satisfyingly crispy texture.
We carefully choose our ingredients, ensuring they are free from artificial flavors,
preservatives, and unhealthy fats. Veggie Nuggets are not only delicious and satisfying
but also offer a convenient and fun way to incorporate essential nutrients into your diet
as our nuggets are packed with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, making them a
guilt-free snacking option for health-conscious individuals of all ages.

Why squash? "Kalabasa," as what we call it locally, is a vibrant orange squash

cherished in Filipino cuisine, is a versatile culinary chameleon. Its smooth, firm flesh
transforms into creamy soups, savory stews, and even sweet desserts. We chose this
versatile vegetable for a reason. Squash is a readily available, affordable, and
sustainable crop in the Philippines, offering a wealth of nutritional benefits. It's rich in
vitamins A, C, and E, as well as potassium, magnesium, and dietary fiber. These
nutrients contribute to a range of health benefits, including boosting immunity,
promoting healthy digestion, and supporting heart health.

Beyond deliciousness Veggie Nuggets are more than just a tasty snack. They
are a healthy answer to the challenges of modern living. Our busy lives often leave us
scrambling for convenient food options that may not always prioritize nutrition. Veggie
Nuggets offer a solution: a quick, portable, and delicious snack that packs a powerful
nutritional power.

By harnessing the natural sweetness and versatility of squash, we've created a

snack that is:

Naturally nutritious: Packed with vitamins A, C, and K, along with dietary fiber and
essential minerals, the Veggie Nugget is a powerhouse of health benefits.

Low in calories and fat: A healthier alternative to traditional fried snacks, Veggie
Nuggets are ideal for weight management and mindful eating.

Vegan and gluten-free: Catering to diverse dietary needs, our nuggets are perfect for
everyone to enjoy, regardless of allergies or preferences.

Versatility redefined: Enjoy Veggie Nuggets on their own as a convenient snack, or get
creative! Add them to salads, soups, or stir-fries for a flavor and nutrition boost.
Deliciously different: We believe healthy shouldn't mean bland. We've carefully crafted
different flavors to tantalize your taste buds, from savory classics to surprising sweet

After analyzing the market and researching the demand for our Veggie Nuggets,
we have determined that this is the best time to penetrate the market because of
emerging trends and increasing consumer interest, as supported by our research.



Weekly Gateway Costumer 27% 158 000.00
Students 43% 250 000.00
Residents of Urban Area 30% 180 000.00
Total 100% 588 000.00

Target Market segments can be described as follows:

Gender Female/Male
Age 10-21 years old above
Income High/Low Income
Education Primary to Secondary Schooling
Marital Status Married or Unmarried and divorced
Social Status Higher/lower Social Status
Beliefs  Health Consciousness
 Environmental Sustainability
 Ethical Treatment of Animals
 Dietary Preferences
 Taste and texture satisfaction
 Cultural and religious Consideration
Interests  Vegetarian or Vegan Lifestyle
 Costumer focusing on healthy foods
 People often look that closely resemble the taste of a
traditional diet
 Taste and Convenience

Lifestyle Preferences  Customer seeking plant-based alternative for meat

products due to dietary choices.
 Seeking alternatives that offer lower fat content, fewer
calories, and potentially higher nutritional value
compared to traditional meat-based nuggets.
 Individual concern about environmental impact of meat
 Seek a tasty convenient alternative that mimic the
texture and flavor of traditional meat nuggets.
Province or state Northern Samar
City Catarman
Region Region VIII
Postal Code 6400

We determined there is enough demand for our Veggie Nugget (squash nugget)
or our business named Nutribite Delight, within this particular segment due to its good
location where specifically near at college campuses, the students are increasingly
adopting plant based diets, making college campuses promising location with a
younger health conscious demographic, and it is corporate events of office parks where
professionals and students seek convenient and healthy lunch options.
Currently, our biggest competitors are beyond Meat which offers a variety
products, including plant based nuggets, catering to a broad audience and those Foods
where initially recognized for its plant based burger, What separates us from the
competition are our unique features, such as we have a unique and high quality and
healthy ingredients to set our veggie nuggets apart which include the innovative plant-
based proteins, uncommon vegetables, or special seasoning blends that create s
distinct flavor profile and also as well it highlights the specific health benefits, such as
low saturated fat, high protein content or the inclusion of superfoods and we also offer
customization, allowing customer to choose from various coatings, dips, or spice levels.

In comparison to what's offered on the market, our prices are lower than those 2
competitors which we have an average price level which is a reduction compared to our


Est. Yearly 432,000 300,000 290,000
Price Level Average High High
No. Employees 10 30 40
Quality High Average Low

Our marketing strategy is utilized social media advertising to reach a broader

audience and engage with your community. Organize tasting events at local markets,
grocery stores, or community gatherings. Allowing people to sample your veggie
nuggets firsthand can create a positive and memorable experience. We also have an
eye-catching and informative packaging. This strategy will enable us to effectively target
segments due to its Good location and with a consumer seeks healthier and sustainable
options. Veggie nuggets align with these trends, offering a meat free, protein-rich option.
Capitalizing on increasing popularity of plant-based diets can position our business
strategically in a market that values health, environmental consciousness, and ethical

We plan to utilize E-Commerce Platforms Establish an online presence by selling

your veggie nuggets on popular e-commerce platforms. Optimize product listings with
appealing visuals, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews. Social Media Marketing;
Leverage social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to
showcase your veggie nuggets. Use visually appealing content, engage with your
audience, and run targeted advertising campaigns to reach potential customers,
Educational Content; Create informative content on your website or blog about the
benefits of veggie nuggets, plant-based diets, and sustainable living. This can attract
and engage an audience interested in these topics, Customer Reviews and
Testimonials; Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on your website or other
review platforms. Positive reviews build credibility and trust, influencing potential
customers to try your veggie nuggets.

Additionally, most of our new customers will find us by diversifying our marketing
channels and creating a cohesive strategy across online and offline platforms, can
effectively reach and attract customers to your veggie nuggets business. Regularly
analyze the performance of each channel and adjust your strategy based on customer
feedback and market trends.
Our key offerings include the Tasting Events and Sample which we’re going to
organize tasting events at local markets, grocery stores, or events to allow potential
customers to sample your veggie nuggets. This hands-on experience can lead to
increased interest and sales. Emphasizing the health benefits of your veggie nuggets,
highlighting attributes such as low saturated fat, high protein content, and the use of
wholesome, natural ingredients. We have a Customization Options which allows
customers to customize their veggie nuggets, choosing from different coatings,
seasonings, or dipping sauces. Providing a personalized experience can enhance
customer satisfaction. And by highlight the use of sustainably sourced and ethically
produced ingredients in your veggie nuggets. This appeals to environmentally
conscious consumers. Also, by Offering informational content on your website or
packaging about the nutritional benefits of veggie nuggets, plant-based diets, and the
positive environmental impact of choosing plant-based alternatives.

In addition, through a convenient packaging which is the design packaging that

is not only visually appealing but also convenient for customers. Consider eco-friendly
packaging options to align with sustainability goals. We can also Implement loyalty
programs that reward repeat customers with discounts, exclusive promotions, or early
access to new flavors. This encourages customer retention and brand loyalty. Our
offerings benefit our target customers more than what's currently on the market because
of our healthier and sustainable/ affordable products. The market is predicted to more
successful and anticipated to experience even more growth in the future.
The various methods we plan to use to communicate our offerings to our target
customers are a multi-channel communication strategy to reach your target customers
for the veggie nuggets business. The Social Media Marketing with the use of leverage
platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase your veggie nuggets
visually. Share recipe ideas, customer testimonials, and engage with your audience.
and also Conducting in-store tastings or demos to allow potential customers to
experience your product firsthand. This creates a direct connection and builds trus.
Additionally, we aim to promote our Veggie Nuggets through Social Media
Campaigns using targeted campaigns on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and
Twitter. Use engaging visuals, highlight health benefits, and encourage user-generated
content. In addition, by introducing the limited-time promotions or bundle deals to
incentivize purchases and attract price-sensitive customers or showcase the positive
reviews on your website and social media. Consider running campaigns that encourage
customers to share their experiences.

Our physical business location will be in the Business Arcade of the University
because we believe it is much easier to notice our product by the customer as it is the
place where lots of students stopped by to eat lunch or have relax time after school
hours. With that, we are planning to rent a booth installing new lighting, replacing
materials, and renovating the design. The project will begin in February 2024 and
complete one week before Valentines. The new booth will be ready for adoption and
open online one week before the event.

Figure 1. A Visual Representation of Booth



Rental of Booth 300

Plywood 300

Nails 50

Light bulb 100

Curtains 50

Gas 200

Small Table Care of Cristine

Paint Care of Alyana

Frying pan Care of Alfie


Ingredient Preparation:
 Gather and measure ingredients like squash and seasonings.
 Wash, chop, and process vegetables as needed.

 Combine vegetables and seasonings in proper proportions.
 Use mixing equipment to create a homogeneous mixture.

 Shape the mixture into nugget-sized portions using molds.
 Ensure uniformity in size and shape for consistent cooking.

 Apply a coating such as breadcrumbs, flour, and cornstarch for texture and flavor.
 Use a conveyor system or dipping process for even coverage.

Baking or Frying:
 Cook nuggets in a fryer according to specified time and temperature.
 Ensure thorough cooking to meet food safety standards.
 Allow the nuggets to cool to an appropriate temperature.
 This step helps in packaging and extends shelf life.

Quality Control:
 Conduct quality checks for texture, taste, and appearance.
 Remove any defective nuggets from the production line.

 Package the nuggets in suitable materials with proper labeling.
 Consider environmentally friendly packaging like paper bag.

Storage and Distribution:

 Store packaged nuggets in appropriate conditions to maintain freshness.
 Arrange for distribution to customers.

 Keep detailed records of ingredients, production steps, and quality control
 This documentation aids in traceability and quality assurance.

 Regularly clean and sanitize equipment and production areas.
 Ensure compliance with hygiene standards.

Continuous Improvement:
 Gather feedback from consumers and production staff.
 Use feedback to improve the recipe, process, or packaging.


 Age 18 and above
 Any gender
 Can assist in chopping and preparing ingredients.
 Efficiently pack veggie nuggets for distribution.
 Ensure kitchen cleanliness and hygiene


Vegetable nuggets will be the subject of several topics in employee training, such
as product knowledge, preparation techniques, and customer interaction. Participants
will learn about the nutritional advantages, preparation methods, and allergen
information associated with vegetarian nuggets. Promoting these plant-based
substitutes, raising customer satisfaction, and considering a range of dietary
preferences will all be highlighted in the training. Furthermore, staff members will
receive training on the value of communicating clearly regarding veggie nuggets in
order to guarantee a flawless dining experience for every patron.

The development of our offering will occur over the course of the month of
February and end on the second week of March. We will launch our marketing strategy
a week before Valentine’s Day for we believe it will give ample time to attract customer
before on the exact day of opening of our business which is on the 14th day of February.
We will utilize the social media marketing strategy and the taste test sample in order to
catch the palate of people, with this it will be a big help to know what is the type of food
that people wanted. We anticipate monthly costs and expenses to be 24,000 because
after thorough computation of ingredients used and packaging it will result to that value
of monthly expenses. On the other hand, we have anticipated monthly revenue of 36,

Organizational Structure

Castillo, Rodrigo Jr. H.


Gabing, Alfie.

Forteza, Alyana

Catalan, Cristine Jean Anonymous



STAFF. Anonymous
With the money sourced, we plan to invest in UEP Business Arcade over the
course of February-March. It is a one-month period as we must see to it if people will be
going to like it, in order for us to decide to extend it into year-round. With that, here is
our short-term and long-term goal in our business.

SHORT TERM GOAL (1-year goal)

 Establish partnerships with local markets or cafes to introduce the NutriBite

Delight to a wider audience in a community
 Conduct surveys or tastings to gather feedback on the current product,
identifying areas of improvement based on consumer preferences.
 Create eye-catching and informative packaging to enhance product visibility and
communicate the key benefits of the NutriBite Delight

LONG TERM GOAL (5-years goal)

 Invest in equipment and processes to scale up production, meeting increase

demand as the product gains popularity
 Extend distribution to other cities of Barangays, potentially collaborating with
larger retailers to reach broader consumer base
 Expand the product line by introducing a new flavors, sizes, or variations of
veggie nuggets to cater to a diverse range customer preference.
 Implement sustainable sourcing practices for ingredients, eco-friendly packaging,
and other measures to the environmental impact of production.

This section discusses the financial aspects of the business. To determine
whether the future industry will remain profitable through the existence of competitors
and unfavorable economic condition, the group decided to project a four-week financial

This section includes the source of funds, start-up cost report, sales forecasts,
projected income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet.

a. Source of funds

Source Amount

Personal Savings

Student 1 P1,500.00

Student 2 P1,500.00

Student 3 P1,500.00

Student 4 P1,500.00

Total Initial Financing P6,000.00

The table outlines the source of funds for the business venture, specifically
highlighting the contribution of personal savings from the business owners. Each
student is contributing P1,500.00, resulting in a total initial financing of P6,000.00. The
equal contribution from each student suggests a fair and balanced financial commitment
from all business owners.

b. Start-up cost report

Expense Amount

Kitchen Equipment P800.00

Initial Ingredients P1,720.00

Packaging P300.00

Marketing and Promotion P0.00

Renovation and Setup P1,000.00

Utility P200.00

Transportation Expense P200.00

Total Start-up Cost P4,220.00

The table above provides a detailed breakdown of the expenses associated with
launching and establishing the business. It offers insights into the planned allocation of
funds across various categories, emphasizing the financial considerations and priorities
as the business begins its operations.

c. Sales Forecasts
 Daily production: 300 pieces of veggie nuggets
 Selling price: P6.00 each
 Number of operating days: 5 days (During weekdays)

Week Sales

1 P9,000.00

2 P9,000.00
3 P9,000.00

4 P9,000.00

Total Sales P36,000.00

The sales forecasts table provides a structured estimate of expected sales,

reflecting a consistent projection throughout the four-week period. The consistent
weekly sales projection suggests a steady and predictable demand for the product.

Cost of Goods Sold:


Kitchen Equipment P800.00

Initial Ingredients P1,720.00

Packaging P300.00

Total Cost of Goods Sold P2,820.00

The Cost of Goods Sold represents the direct costs associated with producing
the goods or services that a business sells. In the table provided, the COGS is
calculated based on specific expense categories related to the production of veggie

d. Projected Income Statement

Sales for the week P9,000.00

Less: Cost of Goods Sold P2,820.00

Gross Income P6,180.00

Less: Operating Expenses

Marketing and Promotion P0.00

Renovation and Setup P1,000.00

Utility P200.00

Transportation Expense P200.00

Total Operating Expenses P1,400.00

Net Income P4,780.00

The projected income statement provides a comprehensive overview of the

business's financial performance for a specified week, considering sales, cost of goods
sold (COGS), and various operating expenses. With total sales of P9,000.00 and a cost
of goods sold amounting to P2,820.00, the gross income stands at P6,180.00. The net
income of P4,780.00, derived by deducting operating expenses of P1,400.00, indicates
a well profitability, suggesting effective cost management and potential financial
success in the initial stages of the four-week projection.

e. Cash Flow Statement

Cash flow from Operating Activities

Net Income P4,780.00

Cash flow from Investing Activities

Purchase of Kitchen Equipment P800.00

Purchase of Initial Ingredients P1,720.00

Purchase of Packaging P300.00

Net Cash Used in Investing Activities P2,820.00

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Initial Funding P6,000.00

Ending Cash Balance P7,960.00

The cash flow statement provides insights into the business's financial activities,
starting with a net income of P4,780.00 from operating activities. In the investing
activities section, cash outflows of P2,820.00 are incurred through the purchase of
kitchen equipment, initial ingredients, and packaging. The financing activities show an
initial funding of P6,000.00, resulting in a positive ending cash balance of P7,960.00.
This suggests that, despite investing in essential assets, the business remains
adequately funded, demonstrating a well financial position after the initial four-week

f. Balance Sheet

Cash P7,960.00

Initial Ingredients P1,720.00

Packaging P300.00

Kitchen Equipment P800.00

Total Assets P10,780.00

Liabilities 0


Student 1’s Contribution P1,500.00

Student 2’s Contribution P1,500.00

Student 3’s Contribution P1,500.00

Student 4’s Contribution P1,500.00

Net Income P4,780.00

Total Liabilities and Equity P10,780.00

This balance sheet provides a snapshot of the business's financial position at the
end of the specified period. It includes current assets (cash and inventory), fixed assets
(kitchen equipment), and owner's equity (initial funding and retained earnings). The
balance sheet reflects that the business is in a positive equity position, indicating that
the total assets are funded by the owner's equity without any liabilities. The balance
sheet's equality between assets and liabilities plus equity signifies a balanced financial
structure, indicating that the business is adequately funded through the students'
contributions and net income and is in a positive equity position after the initial four-
week period.

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