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Test 2 answer key with extra explanations

Part 1
Questions 1–5

1 The correct answer is C: Richard says ‘My colleague Andy gave me a lift’, so he travelled
in Andy’s car. A is incorrect. The woman asks ‘Did you take the bus?’ Richard says Andy took
him. This means he didn’t go by bus. B is incorrect. The woman says ‘a taxi from the airport’s
so expensive’. This doesn’t mean Richard took a taxi.

2 The correct answer is C: The man says that Amanda’s ‘new building [is] beside (next to) the
river’. A is incorrect. Amanda says ‘it takes ten minutes to walk to the nearest shop’. So the
shop isn’t next to her flat. B is incorrect. Amanda says ‘My old one (flat) was next to a railway
station’. But the question is about her new flat, not her old one.

3 The correct answer is B: Paul says ‘Several cars were stolen in this area this week, so we’ve
had a lot of extra work to do. Fortunately, we found them’. It is a police officer’s job to find stolen
things. A is incorrect. Paul says ‘I’m going to spend all weekend at home playing the piano’,
but this is to ‘have a rest’. It isn’t his job. C is incorrect. Paul mentions a garage: ‘A garage is
checking them (the stolen cars)’. But he doesn’t say that he is doing this work.

4 The correct answer is B: The boy mentions a T-shirt with ‘stars on it’. At the end of the
conversation, Daisy says she will get ‘the one you (the boy) found’. In other words, the one with
stars. A is incorrect. The girl says ‘I love this one too – with a drum on it’, but she doesn’t say
she is going to buy it. C is incorrect. The girl says it is ‘very unusual’, but she doesn’t say that
she is going to buy it.

5 The correct answer is A: The woman finds the keys and says ‘Here they are. In this drawer
in the kitchen’. B is incorrect. The woman suggests that they might be on the bookcase: ‘Have
you looked on the bookcase?’ The man replies that ‘they aren’t there’. C is incorrect. The man
says ‘I left them on the kitchen table, but I can’t see them now’. This means they aren’t on the
table any more.

Part 2
Questions 6–10

6 The correct answer is ‘computer’: The man says ‘the best story will win a computer’.
‘Camera’ is incorrect. The man says that ‘three stories will win a camera’, but this isn’t the
first prize.

7 The correct answer is ‘750’: The man says the story ‘must be seven hundred and fifty words
exactly’. ‘800’ and ‘700’ are incorrect. The man says ‘Eight hundred is too many, and seven
hundred is too few’.

8 The correct answer is ‘snow’: The man says ‘there’s one word you have to use, and that’s
“snow”’. ‘Winter’ and ‘mountains’ are incorrect. He says ‘your story could take place in winter.
Or in the mountains perhaps’. But these are suggestions only. He doesn’t say that people have
to use the words ‘winter’ and ‘mountains’ in the story.

9 The correct answer is ‘19(th) June’ or ‘June 19(th)’: The man says ‘You must send your
story to us by the nineteenth of June’. ‘3(rd) June’ and ‘June 3(rd)’ are incorrect. That is the
date when the man is speaking: ‘It’s the third of June now’.

10 The correct answer is ‘CARROW’ or ‘carrow’: The man says ‘it’s I’ll spell
that for you: C-A-double R-O-W’. The word must be spelled correctly.

A2 Key 2, Test 2 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 2

Part 3
Questions 11–15

11 The correct answer is C: Lily says ‘The shops are open until nine (in the evening). Shall we
go about seven o’clock?’ A is incorrect. Lily suggests going after breakfast: ‘Are you free after
breakfast?’ But Ben says he is busy then: ‘I’ve got football practice’. B is incorrect. Lily is busy
in the afternoon. Ben says ‘you’ve got a swimming lesson at three o’clock’.

12 The correct answer is A: Ben asks if they can ‘look (for earrings) in the department store’,
and Lily agrees: ‘OK! There are some nice things there’. B is incorrect. Ben says ‘They sell
jewellery on the market too, but they’re old things’. He is suggesting that he would rather buy
something new, not something old. C is incorrect. Lily says ‘There’s a good jewellery shop in
town’. Ben replies ‘It’s expensive’. He is suggesting that he would rather buy something cheaper.

13 The correct answer is B: Ben suggests ‘Let’s go to a restaurant’ and Lily agrees: ‘OK’.
A is incorrect. Lily suggests ‘a barbecue in the park’, but Ben says ‘It might rain’. He is
suggesting that he doesn’t want to get wet if it rains and they are in the park. C is incorrect.
Ben mentions the party: ‘Are we going to have a party for Mum?’ But then he suggests ‘taking
her (Mum) out for lunch’.

14 The correct answer is C: Lily says ‘Mum’ll be excited (about the friend coming)’. A is incorrect.
Lily says ‘Mum’ll be excited’. This doesn’t mean that Lily will be excited. B is incorrect. Lily says
‘I think she (Mum’s friend) [will] come’. This mean she isn’t worried about this.

15 The correct answer is A: Ben says that he is making ‘banana and cream’. B is incorrect.
Lemon and orange is Ben’s ‘special drink’, but he says he is ‘making something better’ than
that. C is incorrect. Lily asks if Ben will make the melon and honey drink, but he replies ‘No,
banana and cream’.

A2 Key 2, Test 2 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 3

Part 4
Questions 16–20

16 The correct answer is A: The woman says ‘I only booked an inexpensive room. So, I was
really worried it wasn’t going to be very nice, but it was perfect’. B is incorrect. She says the
restaurant was ‘terrible’. C is incorrect. She says ‘the guide (on the walking tour) wasn’t great’.
This means she didn’t like the tour.

17 The correct answer is A: The woman says that the mechanic had some ‘disappointing
news’ about the engine, which is part of a car. B is incorrect. When she says ‘we don’t really
have the money’, she means that paying for the repair will be very expensive. She doesn’t mean
that she has lost money. C is incorrect. The man says ‘you can take my bike for a few days’
because her car is with the mechanic. Here ‘take’ means use. It doesn’t mean that someone
stole her bike.

18 The correct answer is B: The man says ‘we’re opening this Friday with two champions
playing table tennis for our customers’. Because the man’s shop is opening, it is a special day
for him. A is incorrect. He says that the shop has ‘the best prices in town’, but this isn’t really a
sale because he hasn’t reduced the prices. C is incorrect. He mentions a ‘wide range of sports
kit’, but he doesn’t give information about the equipment in the shop.

19 The correct answer is A: The boy says ‘don’t you think the painting’s a bit too large?’ This
means he thinks it is too big, so he doesn’t like the size. B is incorrect. His mother says ‘the
bright colours … are fantastic’. The boy replies ‘Thanks, Mum’, so he doesn’t say anything bad
about the colours. C is incorrect. The boy says ‘I spent hours planning the way I wanted them
(roses) to look’ and ‘At least I now know how to paint flowers’. He is suggesting that he tried
hard to paint the subject (roses) well. He doesn’t say that he dislikes it.

20 The correct answer is C: The girl says ‘I thanked her (the blogger) for including articles
(information) about famous snowboarders (sports stars). That’s why I read the blog whenever
I can’. A is incorrect. The blogger ‘asked her readers to post their opinions’, but this isn’t sports
advice. B is incorrect. The girl won a competition, but she doesn’t say whether she likes the
blog’s competitions.

A2 Key 2, Test 2 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 4

Part 5
Questions 21–25

21 The correct answer is A: The woman asks the boy to ‘put it on the shelf above the bath’.
The bath must be in the bathroom. F is incorrect. The boy asks ‘And does this bowl go in the
kitchen?’ But the woman asks him to ‘put it on the shelf above the bath’ instead.

22 The correct answer is D: The woman says ‘It’s for us to use outdoors. So put it next to the
apple tree’. The tree must be in the garden. B is incorrect. The boy asks ‘Can I have this new
lamp in my bedroom?’ But his mother says ‘sorry (no)’.

23 The correct answer is F: The woman says ‘Put the box on the table next to the cooker’.
The cooker must be in the kitchen. G and B are incorrect. The woman says ‘Some of them (the
books inside the box) will go in the living room and some in my bedroom’, but the question asks
about the box, not the things inside the box.

24 The correct answer is B: The woman says ‘I want it next to my wardrobe. I like to know what
time it is when I wake up’. She wakes up in her bedroom, so B is the answer. E is incorrect. The
boy says ‘This clock was in the hall in our old house, wasn’t it?’ The question is about their new
house, not their old one. And the woman says she wants the clock in a different place now.

25 The correct answer is E: The woman says ‘Leave it in the entrance by the front door’. This
must be in the hall. G is incorrect. The boy says ‘Shall I put it in the living room?’ But his mother
says she wants it ‘in the entrance (hall)’.

A2 Key 2, Test 2 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 5

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