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1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

Entrepreneurial Intention Among

University Students
We are students from Business Economics with Faculty of Business and Management,
University Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam. We are conducting a survey for our Statistical
Methods course project paper. You are invited to participate in our survey. This survey is
regarding Factors influencing Entrepreneurship Intentions. It will take approximately 10–15
minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. Your survey responses will be
strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your
information will be coded and remain confidential.

Thank you very much for your time and participation.

* Indicates required question


By considering the following statements, please express your perceptions on a five-point

scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree)

1. EI1. I am ready to do anything to become an entrepreneur. / Saya bersedia *

melakukan apa sahaja untuk menjadi seorang usahawan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree 1/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

2. EI2. I will do my best to initiate and manage my own ventures / Saya akan *
melakukan yang terbaik untuk memulakan dan menguruskan usaha niaga saya

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

3. EI4. I have decided to initiate and start a business venture in the future / Saya telah *
memutuskan untuk memulakan dan memulakan usaha perniagaan pada masa

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

4. EI5. My professional accomplishment is to become an entrepreneur / Pencapaian *

profesional saya ialah menjadi seorang usahawan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree 2/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

5. EK1. I have adequate knowledge of the legal essential to start a venture. / Saya *
mempunyai pengetahuan yang mencukupi tentang keperluan undang-undang
untuk memulakan usaha.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

6. EK2. I understand how to looking for the resources need to set up a business (e.g., *
financial support). Saya faham cara mencari sumber yang diperlukan untuk
menubuhkan perniagaan (cth, sokongan kewangan).

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

7. EK3. I have adequate knowledge of how to organize a venture. / Saya mempunyai *

pengetahuan yang mencukupi tentang cara mengatur usaha niaga.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree 3/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

8. EK4. I have adequate knowledge of how to promote products and services. / Saya *
mempunyai pengetahuan yang mencukupi tentang cara mempromosikan produk
dan perkhidmatan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

9. EK5. I have adequate knowledge in presenting a business idea. / Saya mempunyai *

pengetahuan yang mencukupi dalam menyampaikan idea perniagaan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

10. EK6. I have adequate knowledge of how to manage a business. / Saya *

mempunyai pengetahuan yang mencukupi tentang cara menguruskan

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree 4/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

11. EM1. I have considered from both positive and negative consequences in *
engaging with the entrepreneurial activities. / Saya telah mempertimbangkan
kesan positif dan negatif dalam melibatkan diri dengan aktiviti keusahawanan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

12. EM2. I have considered whether I have the time to become engaged in *
entrepreneurial activities. / Saya telah mempertimbangkan sama ada saya
mempunyai masa untuk terlibat dalam aktiviti keusahawanan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

13. EM3. I have considered the financial opportunity to be involved in the *

entrepreneurial activities. / Saya telah mempertimbangkan peluang kewangan
untuk terlibat dalam aktiviti keusahawanan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree 5/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

14. EM4. I have considered for both negative and positive information related to *
entrepreneurial activities. / Saya telah mempertimbangkan untuk maklumat
negatif dan positif yang berkaitan dengan aktiviti keusahawanan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

15. EM5. I have considered about possible business ideas in the entrepreneurial *
activities. / Saya telah mempertimbangkan kemungkinan idea perniagaan dalam
aktiviti keusahawanan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

16. EM6. I have considered whether it is desirable for me to be involved in the *

entrepreneurial activities. / Saya telah mempertimbangkan sama ada wajar untuk
saya terlibat dalam aktiviti keusahawanan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree 6/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

17. EM7. When I consider engaging in entrepreneurial activity, it sometimes feels right *
and other times wrong. / Apabila saya mempertimbangkan untuk melibatkan diri
dalam aktiviti keusahawanan, kadangkala terasa betul dan kadangkala salah.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

18. ESE1. I am confident that I can successfully identify new business opportunities. / *
Saya yakin bahawa saya boleh berjaya mengenal pasti peluang perniagaan

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

19. ESE2. I am confident that I can successfully create new products I am confident *
that I can think creatively. / Saya yakin bahawa saya boleh berjaya mencipta
produk baru Saya yakin bahawa saya boleh berfikir secara kreatif.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree 7/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

20. ESE3. I am confident that I can think creatively. / Saya yakin saya boleh berfikir *
secara kreatif

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

21. ESE4. I am confident that I can successfully commercialize an idea or a new *

development. / Saya yakin bahawa saya boleh berjaya mengkomersialkan idea
atau perkembangan baharu.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

22. PES1. My university offers elective courses on entrepreneurship. / Universiti saya *

menawarkan kursus elektif mengenai keusahawanan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

23. PES2. My university offers project work focusing on entrepreneurship. / Universiti *

saya menawarkan kerja projek yang memfokuskan kepada keusahawanan

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree 8/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

24. PES3. My university offers internship focusing on entrepreneurship. / Universiti *

saya menawarkan latihan amali yang memberi tumpuan kepada keusahawanan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

25. PES4. My university arranges conferences/workshops on entrepreneurship. / *

Universiti saya menganjurkan persidangan/bengkel mengenai keusahawanan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

26. PES5. My university brings entrepreneurial students into contact with each other. / *
Universiti saya membawa pelajar keusahawanan berhubung antara satu sama

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree 9/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

27. PCDS1. My university creates awareness of entrepreneurship as a possible *

career. / Universiti saya mewujudkan kesedaran tentang keusahawanan sebagai
kerjaya yang mungkin.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

28. PCDS2. My university motivates students to start a new business choice. / *

Universiti saya memotivasikan pelajar untuk memulakan perniagaan baru pilihan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

29. PCDS2. My university motivates students to start a new business choice. / *

Universiti saya memotivasikan pelajar untuk memulakan perniagaan baru pilihan.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree 10/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

30. PCDS3. My university provides students with ideas to start a new business. / *
Universiti saya menyediakan pelajar dengan idea untuk memulakan perniagaan

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

31. PCDS4. My university provides students with the knowledge required to start a *
new business. / Universiti saya menyediakan pelajar dengan pengetahuan yang
diperlukan untuk memulakan perniagaan baharu.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

32. MV1. I prefer blue to other colors. / Saya lebih suka biru daripada warna lain. *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

33. MV2. I like the color blue. / Saya suka warna biru. *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree 11/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

34. MV3. I like blue clothes. / Saya suka baju biru. *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

35. MV4. I hope my next car is blue. / Saya harap kereta saya seterusnya berwarna *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

Section B: Demographic Profile

36. A1. Gender / Jantina *

Mark only one oval.

Male / Lelaki

Female / Perempuan 12/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

37. A2. Age / Umur *

Mark only one oval.

A2. Age / Umur

19 – 21 years old / tahun

22 – 24 years old / tahun

25 – 27 years old / tahun

28 – 30 years old / tahun

30 years old and above / 30 tahun ke atas

38. A3. Are you studying in ____________. / Anda belajar di ____________. *

Mark only one oval.

Public Higher Education Institution / Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA)

Private Higher Education Institution (IPTS) / Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta


39. A4. Program that you pursuing is ___________. / Program yang anda belajar *
ialah ___________.

Mark only one oval.

Foundation program / Program asasi


Bachelor degree / Ijazah sarjana muda

Mastre degree / Ijazah sarjana 13/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

40. A5. Ethnicity / Etnik *

Mark only one oval.

Malay / Melayu

Chinese / Cina


Others / Lain-lain

41. A6. Did you pursue any entrepreneurship courses offered by the university? *
/ Adakah anda pernah menyertai kursus keusahawanan yang ditawarkan oleh

Mark only one oval.

Yes / Ya

No / Tidak

42. A7. Are you interested to start your own business after graduating? / Adakah anda *
berminat untuk memulakan perniagaan sendiri selepas tamat pengajian?

Mark only one oval.

Yes / Ya

No / Tidak

43. A8. Do you plan to start your own business after graduating? / Adakah anda
merancang untuk memulakan perniagaan anda sendiri selepas tamat pengajian?

Mark only one oval.

Yes / Ya

No / Tidak 14/16
1/20/24, 12:41 AM Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students

Thank you very much for your time and participation.

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