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SWOT ANALYSES FOR Sweet home decoration LGV

Strenghts Weaknesses
-one location in the country
-the location of the company is central, where -insufficient funding
there is market -limited product range
-correctly trained staff -weak brand equity
-quality products at good prices from the -no app that might make the buying process more
customer’s perspective friendlier and encourage consumerism
-quick services
-products made to order for the customer
-focused marketing strategies with clear goals
-attractive store design
-clearly differentiated products
-local market knowledge
Oportunities Threats
- strong existing competitors
- grow customer loyalty through good offers -decreasing purchasing power
-build marketing awarness through the marketing -increasing raw material costs for suppliers
strategies -transport blockages in the context of the
-improve the customer experience pandemic
-opening more stores throughout the country - the process of purchasing raw materials within
Europe to UK market became increasingly
difficult due to Brexit

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