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Ensino Médio Série: 1ª- Bimestre: 1º- Data: 07/02/2017

Disciplina: Prova: Código da Prova: Versão:
Texto para os testes 1 e 2. The correct sequence from the top to the bottom is:

Are you an eco-tourist? a) I, III, IV.

b) I, II, IV.
Tourism around the world is so popular that in c) III, IV, V.
certain places it affects and even causes damage to d) II, III, V.
the places that the tourists have come to see. e) II, IV, V.
It is important to think about the economic, cultural,
and environmental effects of being a tourist. So, before
you go on vacation, here are some suggestions on how 2. Select the correct alternative, according to the text.
to be an eco-tourist.
a) You should stay in small hotels because they always
01. Use public transport. If everyone uses their cars, offer typical food.
pollution and traffic congestion will become an b) Public transport creates pollution and traffic
enormous problem. congestion.
02. Stay in small hotels and eat local food. It’s c) Tourism is more popular in cultural places.
important that the money you spend on d) In some countries people ask you for money to take
accommodation and food remains within the local their photos.
area. e) The money tourists spend can help the local
03. Travel out of season. It’s the best time to avoid economy.
crowds, and it's often cheaper too.
04. Think of yoursetf as a guest, not as a tourist. As
a tourist, you're simply a source of money. Texto para os testes 3 e 4.
05. Learn the Iocal language. If you make an effort to
speak their language, you'll be able to talk to local March 2
people, and they are likely to be more hospitable.
06. Be careful about taking photos. In some places, Dear Mrs. Jones,
people are embarrassed when you take their
photo. Find out what the local custom is. Please excuse my daughter Jennifer for missing school
07. Find out about the places you're visiting. It's very yesterday. We forgot to take the Sunday paper off the
impolite to the local people if you're only there porch and when we found it on Monday we thought it
because of the weather and don't want to know was Sunday.
anything about where you are.
08. Use less water than at home. In certain places, Yours
water can be a problem, and the authorities need Laura Grey
to supply the big hotels with water.
09. Use local guides. This will create jobs and help 3. Jennifer:
the local economy.
10. Adopt the local lifestyle. If you don’t appreciate a) is going to miss school next Monday.
being in a foreign country, why leave home in the b) missed school on Monday.
first place? c) forgot to read the paper.
d) usually cleans the porch on Sundays.
1. According to the text, what are some of the things you e) is Mrs. Grey's student.
could do in order to be an eco-tourist?

I. Spend a lot of money on accommodation. 4. You can infer from the text that March 2 was a:
II. Help control pollution.
III. Try to speak the local language. a) Tuesday. b) Monday. c) Sunday.
IV.Take a lot of pictures. d) Holiday. e) Saturday.
V. Save water.


Texto para os testes de 5 a 9. 5. Assinale a altemativa que não está de acordo com o
Today 71.4 million households in the U.S. own at least
a) Mais de 60% da população dos Estados Unidos
one pet – that’s 62 percent of the U.S. population. This possui um animal de estimação.
"pet generation" has long known what science now
proves – pets are good for our health, especially when b) Mais de 71 mil residências nos Estados Unidos
possuem um animal de estimação.
it comes to stress reduction. When stress accumulates,
it increases a myriad of health problems. Stress can c) Há animais de estimação em mais de 70 milhões de
actually be physiologically measured because your residências nos Estados Unidos.
mood is affected by hormones and chemicals released
d) Foi provado cientificamente que possuir animais de
in response to stress. Here's how it works. Having a pet estimação faz bem à saúde.
is a stress buffer and the closer the bond, the greater
the relief. Within 15 to 30 minutes in the presence of a e) Mesmo sem comprovação científica, os proprie-
cat, dog or even swimming fish, your body responds. tários de animais sempre souberam dos benefícios
da convivência com animais de estimação.
Levels of the hormone cortisol drops and the "feel
good" chemical serotonin increases. Some doctors
now actually recommend patients get a pet – a furry 6. De acordo com o texto, quem possui um animal tem
como maior benefício para a saúde:
prescription! Pets also reduce blood pressure and they
won't have the side effects that come with some drugs. a) aumento da taxa de hormônios.
Children going through the stress of a divorce also b) redução do estresse.
benefit from the presence of a friendly dog – and so do c) redução do peso.
d) normalização da pressão arterial.
their moms. Researcher James Lynch believes that a
e) prevenção de derrames.
big advantage to pets as stress busters is they don't
talk. Friedman also looked at survivors of heart attacks,
and found that those who owned a dog were eight 7. Assinale a altemativa incorreta.
times more likely to survive one year after a heart
a) Filhos e mães se beneficiam durante o processo de
attack. In a similar study, although patients without pets divórcio se tiverem a presença de um cão.
represented less than half the sample, they accounted
for four times more deaths. Owning a cat also reduces b) Uma das vantagens dos animais de estimação é o
fato de eles não falarem.
your risk of a heart attack by as much as one-third. Cat
owners appear to have a lower risk of stroke, perhaps c) Somente gatos e cachorros são considerados bons
because felines have a more calming effect on cat para a prevenção de doenças.
lovers than other animals do. Worry about loss of work,
d) Os felinos possuem um efeito calmante maior do
disability, isolation and spiritual concerns cause stress. que o dos outros animais.
Medicine alone doesn't address pain, because there's
an ernotional response – suffering – that makes the e) A dor pode ser resultado do aumento do estresse.
perception of pain worse. Physical contact with a pet
can block the transmission of pain. PET scans have 8. De acordo com o texto, há várias causas para o
measured this effect, showing that the touch of a pet aumento do estresse. Qual das causas a seguir não foi
can shut down the pain-processing centers of the mencionada no texto?
a) Preocupação com a perda de emprego.
b) lsolamento.
(SHOJAI, Amy D. The Health Benefits of Pets. Disponível em: c) Aumento de peso.
< d) Preocupações espirituais.
lower-stressb867025.html>. Adaptado.) e) lnvalidez.


9. Assinale a altemativa correta, de acordo com o texto

a) Somente a ingestão de analgésicos pode bloquear

a dor.
b) O convívio com animais de estimação não interfere
com a pressão arterial.
c) O contato físico com os animais de estimação pode
bloquear a dor.
d) Os donos de animais de estimação têm 20 vezes
mais chance de sobreviver a um infarto.
e) Apesar de todos os benefícios que os animais de
estimação podem trazer, os médicos não
recomendam que todos os tenham por causa do

10. After breakfast, Charles followed his uncle into the

study. His uncle went straight to the point: "Now, young
man," his uncle began, "I've always taken a keen
interest in you and I want to help you in any way I can.
What sort of profession are you thinking of taking up?"

Choose the alternative that best answers the question.

a) "The best profession he could choose is that of a

musician, uncle."
b) "It'll take me at least fifteen minutes to help you with
that sort of work, uncle."
c) "I've always taken a keen interest in you too, uncle."
d) "I'm thinking of going straight to school after
breakfast tomorrow morning, uncle."
e) "I think I’d rather not make up my mind just yet,


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