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Q1: Which command is used to create file archives in Linux??

a ps

b tar

c None

d zip

e None

f arc

Q2: Which of the following is used to declare a constant?

a None

b define

c const

d def

e None

f constant

Q3: How to remove unused data (all unused containers, networks, images (both dangling
and unreferenced), and optionally, volumes) in Docker.,?

a docker system prune sys

b docker system --prune

c None

d None

e docker system prune

f None

Q4: What is a Kubernetes volume??

a A directory for the data accessible to containers in a pod

b Code that enables two software programs to communicate

c The software within an OS that controls capacity allocation for nodes

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f Layering software that puts apps into compartments for easier deployment

Q5: What is the default priority of the swap partition?


b There are no priorities for swap

c -1


e 10

f 100

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