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BIBLE STUDY RESOURCES __________________________________________

• A Bible dictionary gives definitions of __________________________________________

Bible words.
• A Bible concordance lists all the
important words of the Bible and where What it means:
they may be found. For instance, if you __________________________________________
want to study the subject of “angels”
look up the word “angel” in the __________________________________________
concordance and it will list every place
in the Bible where the word “angel” is __________________________________________
used. Some Bibles contain a small __________________________________________
concordance, but you may wish to buy a
more complete one. “Young’s” or __________________________________________ Lesson 3
“Strong’s” are two good ones. Both Bible
dictionaries and concordances are
available at Christian book stores. You
Questions I have; words I don’t
You’ve got to eat to grow
may even find them on the Internet.
• Children’s Bible story books, such as
Arthur S. Maxwell’s ten volume set The __________________________________________
Bible Story, make the Bible interesting __________________________________________
and informative to adults as well as
young people. __________________________________________
“I was really worried about our first baby,” a
young mother said. “He wouldn’t eat. Just slept
• Several MP3 Bibles are online. __________________________________________ all the time.”
Download the New Living Bible MP3
Bible from the “downloads” link on the Application to my life: web page. The “That sounds great!” the other mothers
Bible can also be purchased on CD and laughed.
DVD. __________________________________________
• One of the best ways to grow is to __________________________________________
“Yeah, I know, but babies need to eat. We’d
study the Bible in a group. For some wake him up, try to get him to eat but he’d go to
practical tips, visit __________________________________________ sleep again before he’d finished an ounce of milk! Then one day he woke up and started
IN YOUR OWN WORDS eating and then he wouldn’t quit!”
Here are some verses for you to We laughed at this mother’s concern about a
Psalm 119:11
2 Timothy 2:15 baby who didn’t seem to eat enough; but we
Text: John 3:1-17 also understand how she felt, because
In your own words, write what it everybody knows newborn babies must have
says: food to survive and grow. The must eat often
and regularly.

As a newborn Christian, you must eat often,

too, or you’ll starve!
What will be your diet? Matthew 4:4 Jesus knew this secret, and with HOW DO YOU STUDY THE c) Re-read the passage and write down
each temptation that Satan brought what you think it means.
__________________________________________ BIBLE?
to Him in the wilderness, he d) Questions may come to your mind
__________________________________________ answered: “It is written.” (Matthew Paul speaks of babes in Christ needing about the passage. Jot them down.
4:1-11) Christ overcame temptation milk before they can eat meat. 1 There may be words you don’t
Why do you need the Word of God? Corinthians 3:1,2
by using the Scriptures. You can do understand. Write them down, too,
1 Peter 2:2 (especially the last part) so you can look them up later.
the same. You don’t want to sin and Start with the easy-to-understand things
__________________________________________ disappoint your new friend, Jesus. of the Bible before you get into the more e) Think about and write down ways
difficult. the Bible passage could apply to your
__________________________________________ But what can you do to conquer sin?
Many newborn Christians enjoy the life.
Psalm 119:11
God’s Word is food for the Christian gospel of John. So you could begin with f) Probably not enough space has been
and if you don’t eat, you won’t grow. __________________________________________ it. You’ll find it easy to read, but full of provided in the lesson for your notes,
If earthly parents worry about God’s love. so have additional paper on hand.
babies who won’t eat, how much do You may discover the newer versions of
you think God feels about newborn What are some other ways the Bible Why is it important to apply the
the Bible such as The Message or New
Christians who won’t “eat” His will help you? 2 Timothy 3:16 Bible to daily living? James 1:22-25
Living Translation or the New
Word? International Version more enjoyable __________________________________________
__________________________________________ reading because they’re written in
Besides helping a baby grow modern English. __________________________________________
physically, feeding time is a time
that builds a relationship between The Bible claims to be inspired by Don’t try to stuff yourself with the Bible. What is another important way to
You’ll get indigestion like the baby that apply Scripture to your daily life?
parent and child. The same goes for God. How was it written? 2 Peter
gulps down too much food at one time. Joshua 1:8
the Christian. Time spent in God’s 1:20-21
Word will bond you close to God and “... there is but little benefit derived from __________________________________________
__________________________________________ a hasty reading of the Scriptures. One
build a strong relationship between
you and your heavenly parent. God __________________________________________ may read the whole Bible through and __________________________________________
yet fail to see its beauty or comprehend
desires to have this time with you. “Meditate” means to dwell in
God’s Spirit guided the writers of the its deep and hidden meaning. One
He knows that His Word is vital for thought on what you’ve read. The
Bible. Who will guide you in passage studied until its significance is
your survival. clear to the mind and its relation to the memory gems given you with each
studying His Word? John 16:13
In fact, the Bible compares the Word plan of salvation is evident, is of more of these lessons are a good way to
__________________________________________ value than the perusal of many chapters help you meditate on the Word of
of God to an offensive weapon used
with no definite purpose in view and no God. Take these texts, write them on
by a soldier. __________________________________________ positive instruction gained.” Steps to card or slips of paper, paste them on
What is God’s Word called? The best way to find out about the Christ, p 90
the mirror or in the kitchen, or carry
Ephesians 6:17 value and inspiration of the Bible is TO GET STARTED them in your pocket or purse. As you
to try it. Read it. Study it for yourself. have moments during the day, or
__________________________________________ Use the guideline in the “IN YOUR OWN
As you open the Bible to study, for even as you’re washing dishes or
__________________________________________ WORDS” section at the end of this lesson
what should you pray? Psalms shaving, you can be meditating on
and do the following things:
A soldier wouldn’t go to battle 119:18,27; James 1:5 God’s Word and storing His
a) Read the Scripture text. promises in your memory.
without a weapon; neither can you
step onto the battlefield of life and b) Using your own words, write what it
meet the enemy, Satan, without a __________________________________________ seems to be saying. You can pretend
weapon. that you are trying to phrase it in
words that a child could understand.

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