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darling i trust you with all my heart,i need only your trust my love

i want to live with you forever thats why i sold my house and my prperty to come
over your country and invest and live with you all my life
their's no way i can send this money than to send it through packaging please my
love disapoint me darling because i so much trust you;

theirs no way i can carry this with me than to send it thruogh packaging and for to
recieve it

darling i have send the package to you now.i paid the delivering fee and the agent
told that the reciever, which is you will pay for package clearance fee but i tried
to pay here in london but the company said that the payment should be made in your
this is tax bill of clerification or financial negotiation between london and your
the company called it (taxation bill or clearance bill)

darling i have 700,000pouds in the package,it is a huge of ammount and that is my

life savings my love,it is you i trust with all my life.sending it thruogh bank
will cost a lot process and the british government dose not allow civilian to push
such huge of ammount money out of the country at once
so i decided to send it through packaging my love,i want you to recieve it and keep
it safe so that when i arrive at your country we are going to use it to start a new
life my love

congratulation, i'm back safely darling.
thank God for his protection and guidiance,and thank you for your payers and
good wishes that you wished me my love,thak you so much.
my mission is over now both scotland and london darling
on these mission honey my team discovered a huge of ammount of money in the
criminal compound,is about 30,000,000US it will be shared between the
military and the government
at this darling our share is 15,000,000US DOLLARS,so i devided it to the team
in military ranks
i'm the chief commandant of the team my share is 3,000,000 US DOLLARS and the rest
were shared to my team.
am so happy rightnow my love,i thank God for keeping me safe and making me richer
we were 50 soldiers in the team but 5 were killed and 7 were calsualties.
my mission is over both scotland and london i'm now free for one year darling
now darling i'm comming to your country to marry you and live with you but first
i will go back to my country united states for celebration for welcoming the team
these party will last for two days
before i will go back i want you to keep these money safe for me then after two
days i will come
to your country to live with you forever but i want to be sure if i could trust you
or not.
because i want to use these one year that the military gave me to find a wife,
that i will use it to come to your country and live with you my darling because i
love you and i want to be with you my love
can i trust you darling for recieving these money for our life?
my international bank account cannot hold the huge ammount they will charge me for
laundry if i do that.
so my love you have to help me to recieve it through packaging in your country
but i want to be sure darling if i can trust you with my life,because i so much
trust you and
and love you thats why am doing all these to be with you darling
you have to tell me yes or no,before i will take such risk my love
and give me your sure trustees okay,i love and i will always do that forever.

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