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A bad day in Kentucky

By Rops Deville 2023

It was a typical day at the Kentucky Fried Chicken in downtown Lexington, Kentucky. The smell of fried
chicken and biscuits filled the air, and the restaurant was packed with hungry customers. But little did
anyone know, something sinister was about to happen.

As the cashier was taking orders, a man in a hooded sweatshirt walked in and approached the counter. He
looked around nervously before pulling out a gun and pointing it at the cashier.

"Open the register and give me all the money," the man demanded.

The cashier complied, trembling with fear. The robber snatched the cash and bolted out the door,
disappearing into the busy city streets.

The police were called, and a detective named Jameson was assigned to the case. He arrived at the KFC and
began investigating the crime scene. As he was questioning the employees, he noticed something strange.
One of the workers, a young woman named Emily, seemed nervous and fidgety.

Jameson pulled her aside and asked her if she knew anything about the robbery. At first, she denied any
involvement, but after some pressing, she finally confessed.

Emily had been approached by a man a few days ago who offered her a large sum of money to leave the
back door of the restaurant unlocked on the night of the robbery. She had foolishly agreed, not realizing the
danger she was putting everyone in.

With this new information, Jameson and his team were able to track down the robber and bring him to
justice. But the incident left a lasting impact on the employees of the KFC. They were all grateful that no one
was hurt, but they couldn't help but feel uneasy knowing that someone had targeted their workplace.

From that day forward, they made sure to take extra precautions and stay vigilant. The KFC robbery may
have been solved, but the memory of that frightening day would always stay with them.

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