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English Course Level B1 | Unit 2

UNIT 2. Do you know where I can purchase Topic: Future WILL

nicer sunglasses?
Name: Rosa Maria Javier Herrera


I. Rank the twelve events below according to how likely they will
happen in the future. Then compare choose 1 topic and write a
150 words paragraph minimum.

Ranking the events according to their likelihood in the future:

1. People will take vacations on the Moon.

2. Talking computers will translate English. You won't have to study English.
3. People will live for 200 years.

4. There will be no more wars.

English Course Level B1 | Unit 2

5. Robots will do all the housework.

6. All information will be stored in computers, not in books.
7. You will fly to work in your car.
8. People will control the weather.
9. All students will stay at home to study on the Internet.
10.Smoking will become illegal.
11.Scientists will find life on another planet.
12.Everyone will stop eating meat.
In the future, it is conceivable that people will take vacations on the Moon, marking a
significant leap in space tourism. Talking computers, eliminating the need to study
English, could revolutionize language learning. However, the idea of people living for
200 years seems less plausible due to current biological constraints. While the hope
for a world without wars persists, it remains uncertain. The concept of robots
handling all household chores is more realistic, given the advancements in artificial
intelligence. The transition from traditional books to computer-stored information is
already underway. Flying to work in cars and controlling the weather are intriguing
possibilities but face numerous challenges. With the rise of online education,
students studying exclusively on the Internet is likely. Smoking becoming illegal is
feasible for public health reasons. Discovering extraterrestrial life and universal
vegetarianism seem less probable in the near future.

II. Record a read aloud (audio or video) of your text.

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