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With your laboratory data you will find the parameters or wanted functions. You will take
care inthe report of your results the analysis of the uncertainties. This will allow you to
delimit thevalidity of your summations and suggestions. The final report is the entire product
of your workin each practice. You will take care that it reflects the quality and the quantity of
the realizedwork and that it shows the variety and wealth of your experiences associated to
the developmentof the practice.
When writing the final report you will put emphasis in the clarity, for which you should have
inmind, which are the objectives of the practice and the achievements of the same one are.
You will also stand out those aspects that you consider that could make original or different
therealization of your practice with regard to what could be the usual thing. for example if
you useda substance that you proposed, if you used some alternative method to measure some
variable orif you developed some interesting explanation for some observed behavior that
been able togoverness to check that it was important to obtain improvements in your results,
etc... This givesan idea of the creativity with which you have approached the task. You will
have present to thepotential readers of the report, so that when reading it they receive the
wanted impression, this isthat can appreciate the value of your work. For the time being this
is important so that yourevaluation is in agreement with the quality of the acquired
experience and in the future thisability will mean a lot for your professional development.
Another important facet is the realization of the teamwork. This is an important aspect in
yourvocational training. A very integrated team discusses each one of the activities, takes
agreementson the way of carrying out them and it carries out them communicating and
discussing thediverse experiences, so that the report is an integrated writing and not merely a
bale of smallsections without a conductive thread neither internal coherence. The teamwork
is a professionalactivity that can be stimulant when there is a good relationship among the
members of the team.
There are safe-deposit norms that should be completed strictly to avoid accidents in the
laboratory.This regulation is available for its consultation in the same laboratory and it is
necessary that you areto the current of its content, reason why, if you have not read it or you
don't remember it, it isconvenient that you request it and understand before beginning your
experimental work. By way of areminder, it has been mentioned some of the most important
points next.
1. The robe use in the laboratory is obligatory when are carried out experiments. To carry
out somemanipulations of chemical substances gloves, protective eyeglasses and masks
they should also beused. For the laboratory sessions, it is advisable to dress simple clothes
that protect most of the bodyand preferably of cotton, closed shoes, with thick soles and
without heels or platforms.
2. Not introduce neither to consume or drinks in the laboratory. Not smoke.
3. Only operate an instrument or apparatus when you know how to make it, otherwise to
request theinstructor's help, of the assistant or of the technician of the laboratory, to
acquire the necessarydexterity.

4. Once concluded the use of an apparatus or instrument, to follow the appropriate
procedure to turnoff it, to disconnect it, to keep it and to give it to the responsible for their
5. When concluding a practice, to lift all the instruments, teams and used accessories, to
verify thatall the takings of water, gas, air or others in the working place are very closed
and to leave clean andyou dry the working tables and the floor of the laboratory.
"It is never possible to introduce only quantities observables in a theory. It is the theory
whodecides what it should be observed."
Albert Einstein, 1926.

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