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We need to do local listings of the business.

If you got them worked perfectly will give you the pay asap,
because we need someone for the long term.

Don’t use the same details name, address and category from the pdf file we will provide you
our own details via freelancers Chat

How you can do Local listings here are the steps

1- Open this link

This tab will appear you need to create new business

2- Write Business name (We will give you on freelancers Chat) Like this
Click Create a business with the name that i will provide you
3- Now this tab appear select category “We will give you category on freelancers Chat Related to
Business Name”

Select Category and Next

4- Do you want to add location Click “Yes” (We will provide you location on freelancers chat)
Check “Yes” and click Next

5-Select country and add street address etc “we will provide you on Freelancers Chat”
After selecting country and adding street address click next

6- Do you deliver click “NO” and Next

Click “NO” and Next

7- Phone Number and Website Section Leave Empty and click on skip or Next
8-If this page appeared on your screen that means it worked for us. .
9- If recommendation screen appear click Yes and Next.Sometimes not appear

10-But if this page appeared on your screen it mean that is not verified and didn't worked for us.
11-But if you are verified screen like this will appear(customise profile) you have to skip all the next steps.And continue you
will be done then.

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