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Objective: Contrast indigenous media to the more common sources of

information such as library, internet, etc.

Subject: MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1

Grade Level: Grade 11

Learning across curriculum:

1. Social Studies - Compare and contrast indigenous media practices with modern
media practices in different cultures.

2. Communication Arts - Analyze how indigenous media contribute to cultural

preservation and identity.

3. Information Technology - Investigate the impact of digital media on indigenous


Review Motivation:

1. Show a video clip of a traditional indigenous storytelling session and discuss its
significance in preserving cultural heritage.

2. Conduct a gallery walk showcasing different indigenous artworks and discuss how
they communicate messages.

3. Play traditional indigenous music and discuss its role in transmitting historical and
cultural knowledge.

Activity 1: Indigenous Media Exploration

Materials: Pictures or samples of indigenous media, internet access


1. Divide students into small groups.

2. Provide each group with pictures or samples of indigenous media.

3. Ask students to research and identify the purpose, characteristics, and

significance of the indigenous media they have been given.
4. Have each group present their findings to the class.


- Identification of purpose, characteristics, and significance: 10 points

- Presentation skills: 5 points

Assessment questions:

1. What is the purpose of the indigenous media you researched?

2. How does the indigenous media you studied differ from modern media sources?

Activity 2: Comparative Analysis

Materials: Internet access, graphic organizer


1. Assign each student or group to research a specific indigenous media practice

and a modern media source (e.g., library, internet, television).

2. Ask students to create a graphic organizer comparing and contrasting the two
sources in terms of accessibility, reliability, cultural relevance, and audience reach.

3. Have students present their graphic organizers to the class.


- Completeness and accuracy of comparison: 10 points

- Presentation skills: 5 points

Assessment questions:

1. How does the accessibility of indigenous media differ from modern media

2. In terms of cultural relevance, which source do you think is more significant?

Activity 3: Indigenous Media Creation

Materials: Art supplies, video recording equipment (optional)


1. In groups, ask students to create their own indigenous media product (e.g.,
artwork, song, dance, short film) that reflects a specific cultural aspect or message.

2. Provide necessary materials and guidance for their creative process.

3. Allow students to present and explain their creations to the class.


- Creativity and originality: 10 points

- Cultural relevance and message conveyance: 10 points

Assessment questions:

1. What cultural aspect or message does your indigenous media creation reflect?

2. How does your indigenous media creation differ from other modern media forms?


After completing the activities, discuss the similarities and differences between
indigenous media and modern media sources. Analyze the impact of indigenous
media in preserving cultural heritage and identity, as well as the challenges they face
in the digital age.


Summarize the key points learned about indigenous media and its significance in
contrast to more common sources of information.


Present students with a real-life problem, such as a community facing cultural

erosion due to globalization. Ask students to propose indigenous media strategies
that can help address this problem and preserve cultural identity.

1. Conduct a written reflection where students explain the importance of indigenous

media in cultural preservation. (Criteria: Clarity of points, depth of analysis - 10

2. Evaluate students' participation and engagement during class discussions and

activities. (Criteria: Active participation, contribution to group work - 10 points)


Write a short essay discussing the impact of digital media on indigenous

communities. Include examples of challenges and opportunities that arise from the
use of modern media in preserving indigenous cultures.

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