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Dr. G. Alagar Ramanujam PhD

Vice President, World Community Centre, New York, USA

Every living being is a combination of body Physics and Psychology mind. Mind is the
operating agency and body is a system that is being operated.

It is a matter of scientific fact that the operating agency is a wave complex and the
system that is being operated is physical. For example : A Radio Box is operated by
electro magnetic waves; a T.V.Box is operated by waves from T. V. Station: a Cell Phone
is operated by waves from another Cell Phone. Accordingly, Maharishi Vethathiri asserts
that the mind that operates the body has to be a wave complex, which it is called as the
bio magnetic waves.

Our thoughts and experience modulate the bio magnetic waves and the modulated
waves accordingly operate the body.

The methodology of modulating our mind waves (or bio magnetic waves) by proper
thoughts and experience is called software of the mind and knowing the cause to change
its frequency is called hardware part of the mind. The hardware part and software part of
the mind, put together form the physics of psychology.

We inherit the features of our body and the modulated mind waves from our parents.
The initial modulation of mind waves gives us the thoughts and experiences of our
parents and their ancestors and it is called Sanchitha Karma. After our birth, by our
experiences and thoughts, we continuously modulate our mind waves and this
modulation is called Praraptha Karma. The bio magnetic wave complex has both
modulated imprints through parents and modulation by acquired imprints. The nature of
action of a person depends upon the relative strength of sanchitha Imprints and
Praraptha Imprints.

Up to the animals stage, they are guided by Sanchitha imprints only; but in human
beings stage by Praraptha Karma, the effects of Sanchitha can be modified or in other
words, man is not bound by fate (Sanchitha) alone. This ability of man to change himself
is a great boon if he changes in the right way or it is a severe curse if he changes in the
wrong way.
Introspection of our own behavior and their consequences enlightens us the right way to
change and meditation gives the ability to missed to change the way we have to change.
Introspection and meditation are the main components of the mind.

Coming to the hardware part of the mind, let us see the effect of meditation on the
structure of the mind wave complex. The bio magnetic mind waves are a bundle of
frequencies ranging from 1 to 40. Any information which agitates our thoughts gets
imprinted in the wave complex, at low frequencies.

During the meditation as the brain generates lower and lower frequencies, peaceful
imprints in the wave complex get into action and thereby our personality increases. In
this case, our action produces peaceful reactions. With no meditation, the brain
generates relatively of higher frequencies, with such higher frequencies, agitative
thoughts come in to action, leading to bad reactions.

At low frequencies, since the mind becomes subtle, its creativity increases. Thus
meditation leads to magnanimity and creativity. Through Meditation Mind Psychology,
the healthy Physics body would result.
Dr. Alagar Ramanujam is a retired Principal of Arts & Science College in Tamilnadu with a PhD in Physics. Right
from his young age having deeply involved in Spirituality and Philosophy of all religions has acquired immense
knowledge in Vedanta, Siddanta, Jainism, Buddhism etc. A good orator both in Tamil and English and his
writings are published in Books & Magazines both in science and spiritualism. Also made many presentations in
National / International seminars about Vethathirian Gravity, Magnetism and Genetic Centre.

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