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TRABALHO DE RECUPERAGAO- INGLES Professor: Nathan Dhiego Moreira Data: __/__/ Aluno (8) Etapa de aprendizagem: ANUAL Turma: 6%ano Valor da avaliaga0, 40,0 PONTOS Pontos obtides: srugoee 1 Estatataho comm 20 questes. Lei, tetamene cada une dls antes do spond os. 2. Responda sues aesies senda caneta azul au peta Cao fag #epo pele uso do iis, ambre-se Ge que no a drat 8 resto da ‘uesle, PORTANTO, FAGA A CANETA TODAS AS QUESTOES. 3. No permis oso de son “Eve rasuras. Em ease cero, fa apenas un tao sels tebe a pat. _ ooo QUESTION 01) They doing her homework yesterday. QUESTION 02) She ‘studying for the geography test at the moment. A( dare B-( )were c( Jis D-( )was QUESTION 03) My brother. travelling to New York last weekend, A( were B( )is c( )was D-( are QUESTION 04) | studying for the Spanish oral test yesterday, AL( was B-( )were c( jis -( )are QUESTION 05) She doing some exercise right now. a( jis b( are © )was 4-( ) were running earlier this morning. QUESTION 06) They —__—— A-( was B-() were c( dis D-( dare QUESTION 07) The cat playing with the ball this morning, A( dis B-( ) was c( were D-( )are QUESTION 08) They playing basketball now. A( )are B-( was c-( )were D-( dis QUESTION 09) Paul going to Italy right now. A( dis B-( )are c( were D-( ) was QUESTION 10) Marion watching a movie last night Ae(.) wasn't B-( weren't c( isnt D- ( )aren't orseonpe ond ESTION 11) Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. Down {QUESTION 12) Complete the dialogs with did or ad a the earthquake in Lisbon dest oY the city? oe Yes, i. bea Dome) Fontano discover Rome? No, he ¢ Where_______Gistopher Columbus ve when he was a child? | don't know, but he live in Rome. 4 ovistopher otmbus read a ft about geography history and astronom Yes, he © ___the Persians enjoy snow, ice fru and honey? Yes. they QUESTION 13) Match the words wth the pictures. drop fall sit it OAH art a Mount Everest is the > Russiaiihe__ it mourn yong & Thisis the ©) country 4 e " in the world ae Rafael Nadal is the ( Aut!) beach in France "allan is the (9004) tennis Player inthe word 59) language tol arn. a castle lighthouse © pyramid rainforest erin f cave in or not enough nt QUESTION 16) Complete the sentences with fo0, enous time. fo__have a. I can't do my homework now. | tired to work now. b I'm have 32 | did _ | couldn't buy the shoes because | di Gg expensive. The shoes were —____— to drive a car? e Are you old money. QUESTION 17}Order the words to make affirmative or negative sentences in the simple past. Put the verbs in the correct form, ‘The Italians /ice cream / invent affirmative) pasta /The Greeks / eat (negative) /in the fst century potatoes / take (affirmative) / Sailors / rom Chile to Europe travel (negative) / Christopher Columbus / to Thailand map (affrmatve) / around Canada / David Thompson /travel routes QUESTION 18)Complete the sentences with movement verbs. a the button to start the machine > Soccer captains usually their team out onto the field. They go out fist. © Please What do you calla small device that stores data and it connects to the USB port on a computer? © What isthe flat surface you look at on a computer? 4 What do you calla smal fat device that stores data and can go inside a digital camera or a cell phone? ‘© What shows all the icons and windows on your computer screen?

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